Weaving a yarn Part 3 (story)

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The last part is finally here. Many of you have already completed reading it i know.  But show appreciation towards my peps.


By nerd_positive

The imposter had information of Luv's relationship with Ram, he knew that Ram's and Luv's relationship is quite thorny. Trying to muster all his hate he replied angrily," You don't need to care about me pitashree, you left us for almost all our lives don't start caring..." Before he could complete his sentence Ram took out his dagger and pressed it against the imposter's neck.
" Who are you and where is my son?!!" Ram glared icily at the imposter.
"Bhratashree what are i saying this is Luv!" Exclaimed Bharat.
" No bhrata Bharat Shree Ram's sons are definitely angry with him but they do not hate him. He is an imposter not our Luv" Lakshman pacified Bharata who was shocked with the whole event.

By sisimaanu

Bharat was shocked at Lakshman statement, he looked closely at impostor who was smirking in their direction. He knew his secret is out, this is lord Rama after all, "Where is our nephew?" Bharat asked gritting his teeth together in frustration, Finally they were here to get them back and now this happened. Impostor smirked widened and he gave a low chuckle "Wouldn't you want to know" he said, looking at Bharat in his eyes then his eyes went towards Ram who was glaring at him. Impostor's heart filled with fear as Ram stared at him more with penetrating gaze. "I am asking one more time before I free your from your life, WHERE IS MY SON?" he asked one more time, his voice cold like an ice. Lord Ram never use this voice on any one not even when he was fighting with Ravan, but Sita departure made him like that, only thing that can keep him sane and warm is his sons and one of them is missing right now. Just then a voice shouted from the forest.
"I am here, Father" the voice yelled.

By RadheyPanchaali

 Relief flooded Shree Ram's system as he ran towards the forest, his eyes blurring with tears as fear mixed with relief, adrenaline kicked in as he ran harder wanting to erase the distance between him and his son as soon as possible. Memories flooded his mind as he rushed to him, he wanted his son in his arms once again, the dark void that was created in his chest wanted to be filled, tears glazed in his eyes, his throat tightening, for years now he had been away from his son, he didn't see him grow up, didn't see him take his first steps, fate was cruel enough to snatch all the basic joys that every father experienced, the joys of seeing their child walk, smile and speak the first word, to the world he had been a great king but the price that he had to pay for it had broken him from with in. Leaving him with nothing but an ache in his chest, his entire life had become a living hell, going on without sita was torture at it's best, his sons were his only solace, the two little boys, exact copies of his sita, their smiles, their voice, and this imposter had endangered them, he was nearly on the brink of insanity at the thought of losing one of his two boys, he would surely die. He wouldn't be able to go on. Tears tracked down his cheeks as his heart burned with agony and need to see his son, he broke through the tree line, relief and joy flooded him as his eyes fell on his son, his Luv. One of the two pieces of his heart.

By ArpitaMohanty8

Tears fall from his eye.When his eye fell on his son his piece of heart.Looking after the condition of Luv he was unable to control his tear. His son's bright face was looking dull and was filled with injuries on his entire body. Then Luv called him "Pitashree" after hearing his call Ram said,"I am sry son,because of me u and kush are suffering a lot. At first u are the princes sons of a king but u have to live in a palace rather u born in forest,u deserve all the luxuries but u get all the pain and struggles of the forest.Because of me u loss ur mother,U are right son i am not a good father i am not good husband. I know u'll forgive me as u are sons of site but i can't forgive me." Luv replied,"No pitashree its not ur mistake u are doing ur duties as a king.We are wrong we have not accept u while u are suffering from us,This is our fate we can't change it but we can do one thing that is believe in goodness."Then shree Ram and luv share a hug.Tears comes from Bharat, Lakshman and shatrughan who were behind Ram.Then Ram and luv realise their presence and break there hug.When luv was about to aporoched toward his chachus there was attack from imposter.As they were not ready for this they all get trapped.Then imposter came started laughing when he was about to utter something he fell down on the ground.He shouted,"Who is that bloody person to attack him.Then he turned back to find the person who was non other than Kush.Hearing his word Kush replied,"I am kush son of Lord Ram and Mata Sita."

By Golden_Cloak

All this while, back at the Luv-Kush's home, Kush calmed down after listening to his maasi Urmila's words. Just then, Shrutkirti arrives and says, "Urmila didi, Mandavi didi, I have sent a message about the situation to Ayodhya. I'm sure help will be arriving soon."

Kush gets up with determination and gathers his weapons. "Where are you going son?" asks Mandavi. "To find Luv Bhaiya. I can't sit here and wait when my Bhaiya is possibly in danger" says Kush. The determination on his face reminds the sisters of Lakshman when he thought his Ram Bhaiya needs him.

"But son, what if anything happens to you? Where will we look for you both? What answer will we give to your father and uncles?" asks Shrutkirti fearing for the safety of her younger nephew whom she considers as her son. "Maasi, I understand your fear but I can't sit idle knowing my brother needs me. Do not worry about me. I will be fine. When help arrives from Ayodhya, please direct them to that direction" he says pointing them to the direction Luv went.

After a while of walking in the direction that Luv must have gone through, he hears commotion. He stealthily walks towards the commotion. He is shocked to see Luv and his look-alike and the four brothers of Ayodhya. He sees tears streaming down the faces of his father and a smile on his brothers face. But he has no time to wonder about it as the look-alike trapped his family in the meanwhile. He immediately shoots an arrow at the look-alike and retorts, "I am Kush. The son of Lord Ram and Mata Sita"

By vampressXXX

everyone was shocked to see kush but was pleased also as he just saved them in time
Kush immediately tied the imposter and set free his family
Tears were rolling down on luv's face at the sight of his brother and he immediately ran towards him and hugged him
"Where were you luv????!!!! we knew that we would meet up in an hour after searching for food but where the hell you were! I've searched the whole damn forest!!! " said kush in an angry voice
Luv than told him the whole story where he was what did he saw.. After listening this there was a change of heart and kush with love in his eyes ran straight towards his father and said
"pitashree I'm so sorry we both were so angry with you when it was not even your fault it was the situation and time which made things like this"
At the same time all 3 massies came running towards them and was shocked to see the scene
Urmilla in a worried voice " what happened and who's this child? it looks alot like luv"
Lakshman then explained the whole incident....
"All the 3 massies hugged luv and kush and were happy that in the end everything was settled
Everyone decided to depart for ayodhya and took the imposter with them
After reaching ayodhya there was the grand welcome for maithilinanadas, all the ayodhya nagri welcomed them with shower of roses and gave them blessings
Once everything was settled the relationship between ram and his sons was at a good state they decided to deal with that imposter
He(imposter) was sent back to vajrmehalla kingdom and a warning was given for such a sinful act, half of the vajrmehalla kingdom was given to ayodhya because the army of vajrmehalla was not that strong to compete against ayodhya and in future there was no chance of war with them because now they have nothing to fight with...
The whole ayodhya nagri was now in peace because each and every person was secured and they believed nothing could happened to them until they are under the protection of King Ram and his sons
"Site you are watching everything na? Today is your sons birthday they are so excited and you know they are my only happiness after you they are my solace they are my comfort I'm alive only because of them" "Pitashree!!!!!!!!! Where are you? we are waiting for you since ages " said kush in an impatient voice ,thus breaking ram from his thoughts
"Coming kush"
There was a huge celebration in the ayodhaya for them and everyone was on cloud nine seeing how things can turn out so well after seeing the struggles of whole Dashrath family

Meanwhile in vaikunth

Mata Sita was glad seeing the happiness of her family
She herself thought that the relationship of this father and son might not come back on good terms
But destiny has thought something else
All wells that ends well


Here ends our first ever waeving a yarn. I personally loved it.
Tell your reviews peps. How did you find it?

Should i organise it ever again in future or not? ?????

This Weaving a yarn would not have been a success without my special peps

nayrastrikesback (my brother from another mother. Your twists made the story epic!! Love you bro)

My Mahabharata family
You guys are the best❤

vampressXXX(thank you for giving such a beautiful end)
My wattpad Peps(most important) 💕💕


Love you all peps💕💕

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