Weaving a yarn(story) part 2

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Here we go with the second part. Enjoy😄

Also i missed a paragraph in first part i have updated it now. Go check once its by Srija_Siya

By vampressXXX

While Luv was lost in his own world his brother kush was anxious and scared as he wasn't able to find luv because they both decided to meet up after an hour but now luv was no where to seen.. while searching for him he thought Luv might have gone home so he went there to check and rather than finding luv he found his 3 mothers (Urmilla, mandavi and shukriti)
Urmilla in a motherly voice " where were you son we have been waiting for so long, it has been months since you moved here so we thought that we could surprise you"
Tears started rolling down on kush's face "What happened why are you crying and where is Luv? " asked mandavi...kush couldn't utter a word, all the 3 mothers were scared because it was the time they were seeing kush in this terrible state, after comforting kush for a while he spoke up " Massi me and luv bhaiya were gone in search for food and decided to meet up in a hour but now luv bhaiya is nowhere to find.. I've searched the whole jungle! What.. what will I do massi? I.. I.. can't live a moment without him! "
Seeing such a vulnerable state of kush they became anxious and started to worried were Luv could have gone
"I'll immediately send a message to ayodhya through saenik and ram bhaiya and others will come to help find luv" said shukriti in a trembling voice.

By jimmyprotested29

Urmila, though maintained her calm demeanour, her worry was not going anywhere. That motherly worry cannot be hidden for too long, she thought to herself as she put back the small smile on her face as she looked at Kush lightly resting his little head on her lap.

"Maasi, Luv will be safe, nothing will happen to him, will it?" He slowly mumbled as Urmila smiled, patting him.
"Our Luv is very brave and will definately know how to protect himself, if something happens. Its best we dont worry and look at things calmly." She reassured him, maybe herself as well.
"I can't forgive myself if anything happens to him. We had promised to protect each other at all costs and now I would be failing it." Kush was vulnerable by now.

"You know what putra, Sita didi isn't here with us today but that doesn't mean her presence can't be felt. All the things in this universe are not necessarily materialistic is what Sita didi always told us.
All her energies and all her faith and love is still there for all of us. She won't let anything anyone harm her son. He's safe, we're safe and that's what is keeping her happy." Urmila explained slowing down the vigorous thump in his heart.

By _justloveharry_33

On the other hand, Luv saw his father fighting and pleading Sita to stay, "I won't let you go Sita.. " Ram turned his back towards Sita, "I won't let you suffer any more, what have you got afternoon marrying me - a 14 year exile, you deserved to live in the palace but where did you live in those huts, you deserved to walk on a silk carpet, but you walked barefoot on uneven grounds..and then u got abducted by that demon, then to prove ur sanctity ur gave 'AGNI PARIKSHA' and when the time came when u deserve the happiness of the whole world, the time when you need the utmost, the time when you need me the most, you are saying you'll go away.. with our unborn child with you..Why Site?? Why you have to sacrifice everytime... " he turned towards her and continued, " We'll find some way out of this you don't have to go anywhere!" He said while placing his tender palm on her cheek.

"Arya!! Right now you are thinking as a husband, as a lover... Think as a KING!! A king can't be selfish..!!" She picked up the crown which was kept on a table nearby and gently placed if over Ram's head, she continued, " You are the KING.. many people have faith in you, you have to provide them with justice!!! Just look at us ancestors arya! " she turned towards one of the statue, "Raja Harishchandra, gave up all his kingdom, just to keep a promise he made to a sage in his dream, faced many hardships and at last it turned out to be a test by gods to just see his honesty... Maybe..." she turned towards him, held his hand, " maybe it's our 'AGNI PARIKSHA' ram hugged her, a lone tear moved down his cheeks and submerged in the veil of Sita!! Luv stood there his eyes filled with tears, he was wrong.. It was their mutual decision..HIS FATHER LOVED HIS MOTHER!! He closed his eyes, all the memories of his mother, ashram, the time when his mother went back to her mother, became alive. He opened his eyes and was bolt from the blue to see where he was standing he was in the middle of the jungle, the lustrous golden walls which were surrounding him a moment ago wasn't there..Was it a dream? he thought

By sisimaanu

While Luv was thinking thinking. He was once again transported to the other world. In other world, luv stared at his parents with love and pain on his face. He saw his father breaking down in front of him again. First time he saw it when his mother went away leaving all them behind. But now he is watching his father broke down again. Tears started falling from his eyes as he looked at his mother who adorned a calm smile on her face. She touched her Arya cheek wiping the tears away "Arya, if you break down like this then who will take care of our sons" she asked him, Ram hicupped and looked down "They are in mithila now, they are happy there" he responded sadly.

"Are you sure Arya that they are happy there, they have lost a mother, wouldn't they need their father now" she said softly feeling the pain of her husband. Ram shook his head crying "They hate me Site, they hate me that's why they went to mithila" he said in broken voice. She smiled at her husband delusion. "They love you alot, they have been craving for a fatherly love for so long, now you cannot deprived them of it" she responded.

Sita responded trying to make her husband understand that right now, their children need him the most, even if they are showing that they hate him now. "Arya, their home is with you, their dharm is to do their duty as your son, they are ayodhya heir, get them back Arya because they need you" she said in loving voice. Ram slowly nodded his head crying, she wiped his tears away "Now it's time for you to go and do what is right" she said one last time and gave a glance at Luv who was staring at the scene crying his heart out at the conversation between his parents. She gave a motherly smile to him and suddenly everything became bright and luv was back in the forest. He could still heard his mother voice in his ears "I love you and kush".

By Golden_Cloak

Back in Ayodhya, maryada purushottam Ram, the giver of happiness, is staring at the golden statue of his love, his heart, in melancholy. He was mulling over everything that has happened since he, his Site and his Laksh returned from Vanavas. After a moment, a lone tear originates from his eye and travels down his previously ever smiling cheek.
"Site!" He cries out. "What mistake have I done? Why did you leave me? Our children hate me... "
"Raghunandan!" He heard the voice he craved the most. He wasn't sure if it was real or if he was dreaming. "Arya! It is me". He turned around slowly.. scared that this might not be true..

Conversation and scene which Luv saw.

The talk with his Site soothed his heart. He still wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not but he didn't care. He had to get their children home. He started from his kaksh to inform his Lakhan laal about this decision.

"Bhaiya! Bhaiya!" He was met with Lakhan shouting for him. "Laksh. I was coming to meet you. What happened? " He asked. "Bhaiya! Just now, a message arrived from Shrutkirti Bhabhi. Luv is missing"...

By shasha0224

Ram's Pov

hearing Luv is missing my world crumbled down "no no this can't happen!!" where would Luv be right now!? Would he be okay!? Hearing my Site I just got the courage to win back my childrens heart and now this! "why!! Why now!!, oh God please keep him safe"

Oh much wrong will be done by me? Only if I had the courage to stop the wrong done to Site, only if I made my ppl understand, only if I had more courage to talk to my children and tell them how much they are dear to me! Only if I made these steps everything would be different now!! Oh why, why only realize my mistakes so late, if I only Site was alive and with me here we 4 would have been a happy family, why are these regretful mistakes are done by me, why don't I try to point out my view if only I would have spoken to my ppl once this wouldn't have happened. A hand on my shoulder brought me back to present, it was Lakhan he said "Bhai this is not the time to be sad, we have to search for Luv" hearing him I nodded realising I was just wasting time here, I looked at him and said "you are right Bhaiya, let's find Luv and bring Luv and Kush back here to their home again!, I will win their hearts this time" and I went to find Luv with a new desire in my heart.

By nayrastrikesback

Luv's Pov

Meanwhile Luv’s PoV-
after being whisked back to the real world Luv couldn’t bring himself to register anything in his surroundings but rather mull over what he just saw. The chasm in his heart on loss his mother hadn’t been filled and he realized nothing could fill it for him either. His Ma would want him to move on, make her proud, ensure no other person, male or female, is subjected to what Ayodhya subjected her to and help his father heal as well. The first step for honouring his mother’s wishes was to reconcile with his dad at the earliest. Unconsciously, he got up to move but fell. Snapping back into focus he realized he was back in the ruins however for some reason he was tied. His training helped him not to panic but rather assess the situation helping him notice a boy, his size and built, adorned with similar attire, fastening a quiver and bow to his back which looked awfully. Sudden realization made him check, and his fears were correct, someone had stripped him off of his clothes and weapons. He tried to growl at the boy in front of him but the gag in his mouth only allowed mumbles to get across. The faint grunting was enough to catch the stranger’s attention who dramatically turned to reveal a scene Luv couldn’t comprehend how was possible but immediately understood the implications, making him sick to the atomic with anxiety. The stranger looked exactly like him! The imposter smirked at Luv’s shell-shocked face and started explaining the situation, knowing full well that the prince had already figured out. He was a spy of the Vajrmehalla kingdom, centuries old enemies of Ayodhya, who had been seasoned to infiltrate the royal palace as Luv. With the tensions running high in Ayodhya post Sita’s death, they had decided to strike when the iron was hot. He was going to pretend to be Luv, gather intel and in the time of a fortnight find a passage for the royal army of Vajrmehlla to sneak in unannounced to allow a sneak attack on Ayodhya.

Imposter’s PoV- The imposter left with another word knowing well that he had rendered the prince incapable mentally as well and made his way to the palace to bring the siege plan into action, leaving Luv securely tied, gaping at an impossible situation to deal.

By Golden_Cloak

 A few moments after the imposter left Luv and embarked his journey to the palace, he was met by the chariots of Dashrath nandans. The anxious and worry filled faces of Ram and Lakshman shocked him. He always heard praises of the calm and composed nature of Ram but the scene infront of him was different.

Once Ram and Lakshman noticed the imposter, relief washed over their features. "Putr" called Lakshman. "Where were you? We received a message from Shrutkirti Bhabhi that you were missing. You had us all worried."

Modifying his voice to match that of Luv's, the imposter says, "Sorry kakashree. I went in search of food and seemed to have lost my way." If Ram was confused about how the imposter lost his way in a forest he knows, he didn't show it on his face. The feeling of seeing his son after everything overpowered all his other feelings.

He went towards *LUV* and lovingly whispered, "Luv, my son". " Will you please forgive me and come back to your home? Ayodhya is empty without you son."


Whose part was your favourite????

I am just loving these twists.

Vote, Comment and review people.

Third part will be out after a few hours. Are you excited??

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