Part 20

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"I kidnapped your wife."

Laksh froze on seeing that message. His mind was completely blank. He couldn't think anything clearly that's when his mobile rang dragging him to reality. It's from unknown number. He took it immediately and yelled "Is that you who kidnapped my wife?" "Oh! Direct to the point. I like it Mr. Maheshwari!" answered the person on the other end. "Just cut the crap and tell me where is my..." But Laksh was interrupted by Ragini's voice calling his name "LAKSH!" "RAGINI" He shouted hoping she could hear him. "Laksh... Laksh save me from him! I am scared Laksh. He..." But she was interrupted by her kidnapper "Oh come on Ragini! You are no fun. I am here naa. If you yourself explain everything to him, then what would I do? Let me do some threatening!" Laksh gritted his teeth in anger and punched a nearby wall and said in a dangerous tone "Tell me spineless creature, where is my wife?" But in turn he heard a mocking laughter from that kidnapper. "You didn't find me still Mr. Maheshwari? Ok then I will introduce myself. I am the one and only Prakash Malhotra. I am the one who kidnapped your wife." Laksh was shocked to hear it but immediately it turns into uncontrollable anger. "Also Mr. Maheshwari, come and see your wife for once, last time. Or else you will never be able to meet her!"

With that the call ended. Laksh shouted "Hello...hello Ragini! Ragini" But no response! 'Nothing will happen to you Ragini. I will be there for you.' He muttered to himself and immediately called his friend to trace the location of the caller and rushed out of his house. He tried to call Arjun but he didn't take his call making him furious. His phone vibrated with Prakash's address. He took his car and drove towards Prakash's penthouse.

While on the other side,

Prakash cuts the call and looked at Ragini who was looking at him with terrified look on her face. She has been tied on a chair. Her hands and legs are tied to its arms. She was literally shivering in fear seeing the man infront of her. She was trying hard to hide her fear from him but she couldn't. He smirked at her while Ragini remembered what happened a while ago.


Ragini got down of Prakash's car to find that they had reached his penthouse. She was confused and looked at him for explanation but he just smiled weirdly at her and asked her to go inside. He made her to sit on a chair and went inside. Ragini was squirming on her seat looking around the house like trying to find a way outside if she senses some danger. That's when Prakash came out with rope in his hand. Ragini frowned while he started to say "So Ragini! You are very confused at present naa. Don't worry; I will explain everything to you."

He smirked and came infront of her and started saying "Your best friend Arjun made a deal with me that if I helped him in uniting you with your husband i.e. the great Laksh Maheshwari, then he would sign a project with me. Accordingly I made you as the project manager and let you work with that husband of yours'. And according to Arjun's plan, I have to keep you in my place and threaten Laksh that I had kidnapped you. But you know what the twist is?" He wiggled his eyebrow at the astonished face of Ragini.

"I kidnapped you for real!" Ragini gasped and the anxiousness in her turned into fear. He came close to her and said "You know why? Because I have never saw a beauty with brain like you before. You just ignited a fire in me, a fire to claim you as mine. I would have taken you right away on our first meet but I didn't because I wanted to have you in all ways. So I waited till you divorce him so that I would make a proposal and make you as mine but that stupid husband of yours' destroyed everything. And that idiot friend of yours' helped me in kidnapping you. Poor guy didn't know my intentions!" He ended by chuckling evilly sending panic shivers to Ragini. He looked at the shivering Ragini and masked with fake pity face.

Ragini gulped and said "Please leave me. I... I don't like you. I feel scared being with you. Please let me go. I will never come infront of you again. I..." She was interrupted by his loud voice shouting "SHUT UP!" Ragini got scared and closed her eyes praying everything should end soon. He cupped her cheeks with his right hand tightly and made her face him but she didn't open her eyes. "Look at me!" He commanded but still she didn't open her eyes. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" He roared making her immediately look at him. His grip on her cheeks tightened making her wince in pain. "You will never go away from me. You are meant to be mine. You are not going anywhere! GOT IT" With that he pushed her a little and started to tie her. She tried to push him away but in turn she got a slap. After tying her to that chair, he pulled away and messaged Laksh with his private number.

Flashback ends...

"So now we have informed your husband that you are with me, what we are going to do next?" Prakash asked while pretending to think. Ragini was searching for her escape through her eyes. Suddenly he came closer to her making her lean back trying to create distance as much as possible. "We are going to fly from this country and go far away from this place where your so called husband can't reach us." Ragini was shocked to hear that. She shook her head in 'no'. She couldn't even speak because of the continuous shock she received from morning. He kept his hands on his knees and bend down to her level to keep an eye contact with her.

Ragini gulped and closed her eyes while praying for someone to come and save her from the monster infront of her. Laksh's image appeared in her mind. 'Laksh, save me' she thought to herself. While on the other side, Laksh was driving the car like crazy while muttering to himself 'Please hold on for a while Ragini, I will be there for you soon'
Ragini sighed and opened her eyes to find Prakash too close to her comfort. She turned her head away while clenching her teeth and fisting her hand to feel stronger and hide her fear. He raised his hand and traced her jaw making her snap her rage filled eyes at him. He just smirked at her clearly unaffected by her glare and said "Till your husband reaches here, let's have some fun. And after killing him, we can go away from these people and this country. Okay?" Her eyes go wide and her heart started to beat abnormally making her breath rapidly due to fear and anxiety. She closed her eyes and shouted at the top of her voice "STOP!" He paused and raised his eyebrow at her. His eyes were darkened. She opened her eyes and let the tears out. Tears of frustration on him and her life; tears on fear of losing Laksh rushed down her cheeks.

"Don't you dare take advantage on an abducted lady, you scoundrel!" She yelled at him then looked dangerously calm and said "If you are a man, then untie me and then try to do whatever you want." Prakash laughed hysterically and then smirked at her saying "Feisty, you dare enough to challenge me! Hmm I like that! I accept your challenge." He then gave her a wicked evil grin and said "It's going be more fun in this way." Ragini just looked straight without any emotions on her face.

He then started to remove her rope while Ragini sat calmly till he freed her completely. He quickly placed his hands on the arm of the chair to lock her in his arms before she could do anything. But to his surprise she just sat simply. He smiled and was about to touch her face but Ragini snapped her eyes at him and punched his nose with her tight fist. He groaned in pain while his head was thrown back due to the force. She quickly stood up and connected her palm with his forehead harshly making him stumble backward. His eyes blurred a little in dizziness and before he could defend himself, Ragini used his weak state by throwing her leg on his chest making him fall on the ground with a thud. He groaned in pain and opened his eyes in rage only to find no one infront of him. He stood up swiftly and touched his nose to find it bleeding. He clenched his jaw and looked towards the door. It can be opened only by his fingerprint. He chuckled evilly and looked here and there knowing that she can't go away from his penthouse without his permission. He smirked and said loudly so that she could hear his words from wherever she was hiding, "Oh feisty, I love this game so freaking much!" He gritted his teeth feeling pain on his nose and said "I promise you Ragini that once you are back in my arms, I will make sure to give you back that you gave me."

With that he started to search for Ragini every nook and corner. Ragini was hiding in a room, behind the door. She heard his words and shivered in fear. She then took deep breath and composed herself. She took her mobile which she was hiding from Prakash's predator eyes. She quickly called Laksh. Laksh who was driving madly heard the ringtone he had set for Ragini. He immediately took the call and breathed her name "Ragini" Hearing his voice calmed Ragini. She whispered his name "Laksh" He closed eyes for a moment thinking about the vulnerable position she was in. "I am coming for you Ragini. Don't worry. I will there soon. Very soon!" He said making her eyes welled up with tears. "I am scared Laksh." She said in a low voice fearing Prakash might hear her. "Please come and get me soon." She whispered like a kid calling its mother because of the fear of darkness. Laksh clutched the steering wheel tightly making his knuckle turn pale. He cursed himself for letting his wife in such a situation. "Don't be scared bachha. Nothing will happen to you until I breathe. I will shoo away everything that makes you feel worry, that makes you feel scared, that makes you feel depressed, that makes you feel bothered. I am there for you, my Ragini. I won't let anything happen to you." He said in a comforting tone to assure her also promised himself that he would be true to his words. Ragini couldn't say anything. She just nodded and merged her back to the wall hoping everything will end soon. That's when the door opened making Ragini alert. Prakash entered the room and searched for Ragini like a beast. Ragini held her breath and slowly moved towards him. Prakash sensed the footsteps nearing him but acted like he didn't hear anything. Ragini took the baseball bat that she was holding from the moment she entered the room and swing it aiming his head. But before she could hit him, he turned and grabbed it while shooting glare towards her with his dark cold eyes.

Before he could do anything, she connected her fist with his face hardly making him loose his balance. But this time he was immediate to recover, before Ragini could get out of the room, he grabbed her arm and connected the baseball bat with her forehead making her gasp in pain and take few steps back in dizziness. She touched the place where she got hurt and found that blood was already oozing out of it. "Ragini..." she heard Laksh's voice. She looked down to find they didn't end the call and Laksh heard her getting hurt. Laksh punched his steering wheel hearing Ragini's scream. He badly wanted to be with her, hold her in his arms and protect her from everything and when he couldn't do that at present, he felt like he was buried under the ground alive. He pressed his accelerator till it reached its bottom without caring about his life. He wanted to save Ragini, that's what is running in his mind. Prakash noticed the phone in her hand. His anger reached its peak. He took heavy steps towards her but before he could make it, Ragini pushed him forcefully making him fall on the ground and rushed out of the room not before closing the door. She brought the phone to her ear and breathed "Hello" hoping Laksh was still in line. Hearing her voice, he immediately responded loudly saying "Ragini" Ragini sighed in relief while Laksh started to ask "Ragini, tell me what happened!" Ragini gulped and said "He found that I was having my mobile and was in call with you. He tried to get my phone but before that I pushed him and came to the living room. Laksh... I tried to open the main door but it didn't open. It is asking for password. I don't know what to do Laksh. Please help me." She blabbered in fear. Laksh nested the destination by the time. He said "Ragini, first calm down...I..." *beep* *beep* Laksh frowned and looked at his mobile to find the call been ended. He tried to call her again but it said switched off. He gulped in fear thinking Prakash might have reached her.

Ragini was shocked to see her mobile on the ground shattered into pieces. She looked at the person who was making her heart beat abnormally, not in a good way though. She was now facing a beast disguised as a human being. She knows that he could anything to her. He can even kill her. But she also knows that she should fight. Fight for herself. Fight for her dignity. Fight for her love. She took deep breaths to calm her heart and faced the person who is very stronger than her physically but mentally weaker than a normal person. Prakash was in rage seeing the woman, he has strong feelings for, is trying to move away from him also she was speaking to another man to help her escape from him. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist thinking 'never'. He let out a cold chuckle and said "Now, I caught you. You are going to see what all I am going to do to you." With that he stepped forward and gripped her arm tightly to make sure she doesn't escape this time. Ragini felt disgusted feeling his hand on her. His breath was fanning over her face. She wished she could die instead of being in this situation. But... she knows better. She took her leg and kicked on his guts with all her strength. He growled in pain and moved back. Ragini fisted his jaw making sure it would be hurt him whenever he tried to open his mouth. She again kicked him making him move far away from her. She again moved towards the door. All her nervousness, anxiousness rushed back inside her. She looked here and there to find a way out. But at that time, she felt a movement behind her. Before she could do anything, she felt her hair being clutched tightly making her scream in pain. Prakash placed his chin on her neck and smelled her making her shiver in disgust. She tried to stomp on his feet but he quickly moved away and merged her back with a wall forcefully and gripped her hands above her neck while locking her with his whole body. Ragini screamed in disgust, fear, pain. But nothing helped her. She couldn't even move her body. Tears rushed down her eyes. Seeing her helplessness, made Prakash smirk in pleasure.

Laksh finally reached the place and was about to go towards the penthouse but stopped knowing that he can't open it. So he moved towards the reception and asked for the penthouse's keys. But the receptionist denied. He groaned and ran his hand through his hair and took his mobile and showed the message Prakash sent him and recorded phone conversation. "Please help me. My wife is in danger. Just give those damn keys or else I will sue you." He growled making the receptionist gulp in fear and immediately gave the keys. He without wasting the time, made his way towards the penthouse to save his wife from a beast. At last he reached and opened the door loudly. His eyes searched hungrily for a glimpse of his wife but at the end they went wide seeing the scene in front of him.

Hey, how are you all?

Forgive me if you find mistakes, I typed with my mobile as my laptop was gone for repair :'( I miss it. is the part?

What do you think about...

Finally got to know about Prakash's intention...

And our hero reached the place...

But... what did he saw?

Ragini's braveness... she fought till last...

Now where this Arjun had gone....

What will happen next..?

Will get to know on next till then bye everyone!

Love you all! ❣️❤️

And thank you so much for the support and your love!💖

Keep smiling and take care...💕

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