Part 21

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Laksh opened the door to find his wife against a wall and Prakash leaning on her trying to kiss her. That sight made him feel his inner beast come outside. He took heavy steps towards them and pushed Prakash away from Ragini, making him fall on the ground with thud.

Laksh's rage filled eyes met Ragini's scared eyes. His body immediately calms down while Ragini felt relief fill in her chest. Her eyes welled up with tears. She wanted to say something but she couldn't say. Words got blocked on her throat. She expressed how she felt before he comes through her eyes, through her tears, through her sobs. Looking at the woman, who loves him so much than anyone in this world, her tears, her sobs, her pale face, makes him feel like he failed to protect her. Those tears were like dagger to his heart. It hurt him. He moved his hand to cup her chin and brush those harsh tears off her soft skin but before that he heard a chuckle behind him. He saw Ragini's eyes widen in fear.

Gone was his calm posture. His beast side took over him. He turned around to beat the shit out of him but got frozen feeling the cold metal on his forehead. Gun. Prakash smiled evilly and said "It's not a good way to come inside a house Mr. Maheshwari. And it's even more wrong when you enter invading the privacy of coupleswho are engaged in intimate work." His words sent disgust shiver to Ragini making her clutch Laksh's shirt in her fist. Those words and Ragini's reaction made Laksh growl at Prakash. But he didn't mind it and continued saying "You are always coming in between us. Whenever I tried to get close to her, you just come in between us out of nowhere." He then pushed the gun more and got close to Laksh with intimidating stare. He clenched his jaw and spoke through gritted teeth "How dare you to threaten me? The great Prakash Malhotra." Ragini got confused and looked at Prakash through Laksh's shoulder. Prakash glanced at her and gave her a maniac smile and said "Oh baby doll! You don't know that right? Well let me reveal it to you now. You remember that day when I introduced you to your husband as my project manager?"

Ragini looked on remembering that she got her first kiss on that day.


Prakash was looking towards the direction where Ragini had gone. She didn't return for a while and that got him suspicious. He then decided to check her if she is alright. He went towards the ladies restroom and suddenly stopped walking seeing Laksh coming out of it. Laksh noticed Prakash and went towards him with grim expression on his face. He stopped infront of her and said "I don't know if you know this or not but Ragini is my wife. So stay away from her." Prakash chuckled and asked playfully "Is that a warning Mr. Maheshwari?" Laksh smirked and said "Consider whatever you like... a warning or a threat." His tone became serious like his face. He continued saying "So stay away from my wife and keep your playboy charms with yourself. That will be good for you and your business." He looked directly in his eyes and corrected his blazer and walked away from there. That's when Ragini came out.

Flashback ends...

Ragini was amazed to hear it. Prakash was sending glares to Laksh while he was returning it back to him. Prakash gritted his teeth and said "Today once for all, I am gonna kill you and make Ragini as mine." With that he coldly looked at Laksh and suddenly chuckled evilly. He said "Where should I shoot first? The cunning brain, that was thinking of something to escape from me and punish me. Or the heart, that was beating for my Ragini. Where? Tell baby doll!" He looked up at Ragini who was having terrified look on her face and winked at her. Suddenly he aimed Laksh's forehead and said seriously "I am gonna shoot this brain first. Nothing should exist in this world that was thinking to go against me." With that he pulled the trigger...

Laksh closed his eyes waiting for the impact. But before the bullet could touch him, he was pushed to the ground. He heard three shot sounds followed by a loud gasp and horrified scream. But still he didn't feel anything. He frowned and looked up only to find Ragini collapsing on the ground infront of him while Prakash stood frozen on his place. Suddenly Laksh's world filled with silence. He couldn't grasp the situation. He didn't even realize that the receptionist along with some police had already arrested Prakash and some shouting to call ambulance. Laksh's eyes didn't move away from Ragini. He saw blood oozing out of her soft skin, from her forearm, from her chest, from her shoulder. She was gasping for air. Her eyes were trying to shut down but she fights it knowing that if she closes now then it will forever. She was happy that she saved her Laksh. Happy tears formed on her eyes. They slowly moved down her cheeks. Her eyes were desperately looking at Laksh who still didn't move from his paralyzed state. She slowly lifted her hand which was not injured and signed his to come near her. That was Laksh came out of his dazed state. "Ragini..." He whispered in a small voice.

He immediately goes to her and pulled her softly but firmly into his arms. "Ragini..." He chanted her name, this time his tone is full of hurt and pain. "Ragini!" He once again called her as he couldn't say anything other than her name. Ragini smiled softly. She was happy that she could stay in his embrace as his wife while she was counting her last minutes. She slowly lifted her uninjured hand and rubbed away his tear. Feeling her soft hand touching his cheek made him realize that he was crying. And the moment he realized it, his tears rushed down more along with sobs. He couldn't think straight. He was now like a kid who lost his favorite toy which he had for years. He was crying badly which made Ragini feel pain. "Laksh..." She whispered his name. He immediately looked at her and nodded that he was listening, unable to speak at that moment. "Don't cry. Your time of crying and pain had ended now, along with me. So please don't be sad. Be happy! You deserve it." Her words were like dagger to his already bleeding heart. She was taken by the people while Laksh looked on by sitting at the same place. Their eyes were locked until Ragini whispered "I Love You" and closed her eyes. When she was out of his sight, Laksh cried and shouted "RAGINIIII!" He cried vigorously. His hands were in tight fist, his chest feeling heavy, his heart beating painfully, his puffy eyes released tears continuously, his mouth shivered. He couldn't help but remember a saying that 'We don't realize the value of a person until they are... GONE!' Laksh's eyes widen in realization, fear and also happiness. "I love Ragini" He whispered under his breath. Then he looked up and said breathlessly yet clearly "I love Ragini!" A smile formed on his lips while saying "I love Ragini. I love my wife!" But soon his smile disappeared remembering her present state. "RAGINI!" He shouted from the bottom of his lungs.

Few hours later,

Ragini was in Operation theater fighting for her life, while Laksh was sitting on the waiting area with tears in his eyes. He was sniffing and crying. He couldn't help but remember every second he spent with her. Her face, her smile, her twinkling eyes, her tears and everything comes infront of his eyes. "I love you Ragini. I realized it. Please come back to me. Please. I promise that I won't leave you like a cool once again. Please come to me Ragini." He mumbled and let out more tears.

He heard some footsteps approaching his direction. He looked up to find Gaddodias, Maheshwaris and Arjun rushing towards him. Suddenly anger raised inside him seeing Shekhar. He was running first and was about to open the operation theater. But Laksh stopped him by grabbing his shoulders and asked coldly "Where do you think you are going, Mr. Gaddodia?" His tone made everyone flinch but Laksh cared least and looked at Shekhar for answer. "What question you are asking? I am going to see my daughter!" Shekhar shouted and tried to move past Laksh but his shoulders were grabbed tightly by Laksh. "Daughter?" Laksh asked in mocking tone and pushed Shekhar away. "Which daughter are you talking about Mr. Gaddodia?" He pointed towards Swara and said "There is your only daughter. Now get lost!" Everyone fumed in anger and disappointment seeing Laksh disrespecting Shekhar. Swara came forward and said "Laksh, don't talk stupidly and let us see Ragini. And yeah, papa is also father for Ragini." Laksh looked at Swara blankly and then looked at Shekhar. His cold stare can make anyone shiver and with that cold stare, he asked Shekhar

"Do you know what is meant by father, Mr. Gaddodia?" He didn't wait for his answer and started to speak. "Heck, have you ever been a father to my Ragini?" Shekhar bends his head while Laksh fumes in anger. "The answer is big NO! A mother brings the child to the world while the father would show him what's the world is. You have neither showed her the world nor stood with her as a father when she was facing the society. Have you ever asked her about her likes, dislikes? Atleast have you ever asked her opinion? No. You never did that. You just pushed her with your decisions. Being the innocent soul, she accepted everything wholeheartedly just because she wanted to see the love, the love a father has for his daughter. But you never showed it. How can you? That too when your whole life is messed and you can't find a way to come out of it? You have lost all your time just by mourning for the things you have lost, that you have failed to be a father for your daughter." Laksh closed his eyes tightly and fisted his hands while remembering the night when Ragini asked him to be his mom for a while. Tears filled his eyes again. He didn't try to hide them. He looked up at Shekhar who looked like he had come to reality just now after living his whole life in a dream land. "If you have really moved on with Janaki ma, then why you didn't act like a father for Ragini as you are now acting for Swara?" Laksh gave him a pointed stare and it turned to sad when he started to speak again. "You have just lost your wife uncle. But for Ragini, she had lost her mother. No child could take it. Being her father, you should have been both mother and father in her life. But you didn't. You know how she feels? Even I don't know about it until that night." He closed his painfully letting out the tears while the image of Ragini from that night appeared infront of him. "You remember that night, when we all, INCLUDING ME, sent her out of our life like a trash? She came to me that night asking me to her mother for a while. You heard that? She came to ME. Out of all people including her own father, she came to me! You know why? Because she loves me so damn much." Sobs left his mouth along with tears. "She loves me so much that she was being herself infront of me! She cried that whole night saying how much she missed her mother. And only after that I started to know who real Ragini is. I am glad that I get to know about my wife atleast now."

He then looked at Sujata and asked "Why are here Chachi ji? To know if Ragini... no no no... Naagin ji is alive or not? Guess what Chachi, the one whom you hate so much, is the reason for me standing infront you without any damage. Can you believe that? Maybe you are happy now." He said in a mocking tone making Sujata bend her head in shame. Laksh said in a broken tone "But I am not happy Chachi. She is my happiness. She is my life. I love her. I love her so much that I am scared that I will be left in darkness if she didn't come back to me."

He turned towards the door behind which Ragini was admitted and whispered with hurt "I am a fool. I am fool to not notice her love for me. I like a fool hurt her emotionally. I didn't even try to know her. I am a fool." He then thought 'Please come to me Ragini. I wanted to show how much I love you now. Just come back once, then I will never leave you. Come back to me Ragini.' He thought and let out more tears. Suddenly his collar was grabbed by Arjun. He was glaring at Laksh with rage filled eyes. He yelled at him "Yes you are a fool Laksh. You are a fool to not knowing how precious Ragini is. You are a fool to not realizing what your feelings are. If at all you have realized it soon, she wouldn't have been at this state. You are the reason why Ragini is here." His words hurt Laksh but instead of getting upset he became furious and grabbed his collar too. "How dare you? How dare you to put Ragini in this state and standing infront of me and claiming that I am the wrong one? You are the fool here. Who asked you to push Ragini to that bloody killer? Why the hell you did that?" Arjun didn't back off. Instead he pulled Laksh closer and said "I am her best friend! I couldn't see her suffering in her life. As her Ajju, I wanted my Ragu to be happy. I found that her happiness lies in you and so I did it to bring you both together. But you fool, if you have used your some sense and realized your feelings soon, she wouldn't have at this state!" He once again accused Laksh. "Damn best friend. I am her husband, idiot. It's our personal matter. We didn't ask for your help to mend our life. Now see what your stupid plan resulted in. Can you bring back my Ragini to me? Tell me damn it." Laksh yelled at the top of his voice. They both were sending furious glares to each other. Suddenly a nurse came and asked everyone to keep quiet or else they would send them out. Laksh pushed away Arjun in force and said sharply "Out of my sight everyone. She doesn't need anyone except me. Now you all get lost. Now!" Everyone didn't want to fight more. So they waited a little far away from Laksh.

Hours passed, but there was no information from Ragini. Every second without seeing Ragini, Laksh felt like an eternity of pain. He now understood that he not only want her but also need her. Without her he feels like a living corpse. He just wants Ragini back to normal. If at all she comes to him, then he promised himself that he would give her everything that she lacked for her whole life, love. He would cherish her with his love. He would pamper her with his care. He would make her feel like a princess. He would spend every seconds of his life with her if that makes her happy. Her happiness is his happiness. Her pain is his pain. Her care and love is for him. His care, love, attention, thoughts will be only for Ragini. He is hers' and she is his'. He wants to show and prove it to everyone. All he wants is a chance and he was ready to anything for it

Suddenly the door opened from operation theatre. A doctor came out and stopped infront of Laksh. The family members rushed towards him. At that Sanskar's phone rang but he gave it to Arjun and asked him to answer and rushed towards doctor. Arjun went out to attend the call. Here Laksh was attacking doctor with bunch of questions. He found that the doctor sigh sadly. His heart forgets to beat at that reaction. He asked the doctor to speak up in a broken tone.

"We are sorry sir... she is no more!"

I know...I know what's going on in your mind. But before I could say anything... I just want to give you guys a chance to choose the end of this story. So I have two options...

1. Ragini comes alive like a miracle and happy ending. Honey filled lie. The usual ending.

2. A rare ending. Sad yet sensible. Bitter truth. Here Ragini will be dead for real.

Just think deeply and comment on which type of ending you want and why. Yes I want to know your opinion and it's reason.

So! How is today's part?

Finally finally finally finally.....the confused soul hero of ours got to know what he feels for Ragini!!!

The threat of Laksh....

Raglak's painful eye lock...

Laksh's snap for Shekhar and Sujata... {I read a comment wanting Ragini to stand against Shekhar and rub it on his face what he had done as her father. So for that good soul....I made Laksh stand for happy?}

Arjun and Laksh's fight...

If you guys find any mistakes just point it to me, as I have typed it using mobile. I will edit once I get back my lappy 💔

So do comment your opinions please please.... Because I will decide the end according to your guys opinions. As you all motivated me to write this story... You have the right to say how you want the end...!

Don't worry that if this story ends as a sad one. There will be more stories in future with happy endings... because I believe in it. So that's it!

Keep smiling.... Take care.... Stay happy ❤️

Love you all ❣️

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