Part 22

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Ragini's POV,

I felt like flying. Soft wind brushed past me. Aroma of sweet scented flowers entered my nostrils. I frowned not knowing where I was. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a place that I have never seen before. It was full of flowers with different colors and varieties. It was also bit cloudy making me feel like I am standing on a cloud. I smiled seeing the place but I have no idea why I am here. Before I could remember what I was doing before I came here, I saw someone standing at some distance. Their back was facing me. That person wore a angelic white dress and had a waist length hair. So I guess it's a female. I moved towards her because I felt something inside my heart. My eyes never move away from her. It was like she had put some magical spells to my heart and mind. And when I finally reached her, I felt my heart beat vigorously like this person is so much close to it. I placed my hand on her shoulder and shivered feeling them cold. She slowly turned towards me.


My mind was completely shut down. I couldn't think anything. How can I? I am standing infront of the woman for whom I longed for seeing just once in my lifetime. And now she is here, I didn't know how to react. I wanted to say so many things. But all I did was gulp them and kept staring at her without even blinking, afraid that she would disappear once I close my eyes. Her cold fingers ran on my cheek, that's when I realized I was crying. But when I realized it, more tears rushed down my eyes. She immediately took me in her embrace. 'So this is how it feels to be in mother's arms?' I thought to myself and tightened my hold on her.

"Maa..." I whispered. "Meri Beti!" Her soft voice filled with love hit my ears. I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lips to hold back my sob. I hid my face on her neck and cried my heart out. That's when I remembered Laksh, then my marriage, then the divorce, and then the gun shot. I shivered remembering the painful look of Laksh when he saw me in the pool of blood. I pulled back and looked at my mother, my Janaki ma and then the place. My face paled and I asked "Am I dead, maa?" To my surprise, she just chuckled while looking at my face and shook her head. 'What does that mean?' I thought and was about to ask the same, but she just turned around and started walk away. In fear of losing her again, I placed my hand on her hand and interlocked our fingers. She looked at our hands and then at me. She smiled softly and said "Come Ragu beta!" I just followed her and looked at the surroundings. 'Is this heaven? I thought for all I did to Swara and my family, I would be rotting in hell!' I thought and then shrugged.

She took me to a place where there was a big rock covered with dried leaves making a natural cushion and a huge tree just behind the rock hiding the sun from burning the creatures. I was in awe looking at that place. It was so beautiful that I wish to stay here permanently. My mom placed her hand on my shoulder and guided me to that rock and made me sit on it. She then sat beside me. I smiled at her and immediately placed my head on her lap and cuddled myself on that soft rock. She smiled and ran her fingers on my hair. It feels so good. That's when I realized how unlucky I am to not feel these feelings when I was alive. I guess I am really dead, that's why so much good things happening to me now. When I was alive, all I experienced was trouble and hatred. Of course, some loved me for what I am, but still they didn't give me the feeling that I am feeling now. More than 20 years later, I am meeting my mom. But she looks the same like in the photos at my parent's house. Parents... I guess my father will be happy now and I wish that he will be a good father for Swara atleast. My family...everyone will be happy. I felt my heart drop to my stomach when I remembered a certain person. Laksh. I remembered the last look of his face when I finally closed my eyes. He deserves better. Then I remembered my half sister, Swara. All I did to her was bad things, but still she forgave me and tries to give me happiness. Then I remembered Arjun. My Ajju... he will definitely kill me when he comes to heaven for leaving him there. I chuckled softly. I wish he would also move on. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my mother's soft voice.

"Don't you want to talk to your mother, Ragini?" I immediately sat up and looked at her with bewilderment. "No! No, I mean I wanted to tell you so much things but I didn't know from where to start!" I said and looked at my lap. She lifted my face and cupped my cheeks. She placed a small kiss on my forehead. Peace and happiness settled in my heart. She then softly said "Just tell me what's running in your mind." I sighed and thought 'It's now or never'. So I asked the question that came to my mind at that moment. "Maa, I did so much wrong things. I disgraced you and our family. I made my father bend down his head infront of everyone because of my wrong deeds. And so everyone started to ignore me, hate me." I took a deep breath and asked her with a shaky tone "Will you too hate me, maa?" I was scared to hear her answer but still I want to know. I kept looking at her for my answer. She just traced my face with her soft yet cold fingers and smiled at me. That smile made my heart feel happiness. "To err is human, Ragini. But once when you realize your mistakes and ask for forgiveness, you are a pure soul, beti."  "But..." I was interrupted by her. "All you wanted was happiness, Ragini. Every human does want that. But the thing is you chose a wrong way to find it. But still you realized it and started to work on the ways to bring yourself back to the right path. I am proud of you, Ragu. And I can never hate my daughter!" "Maa...What if you were..." Once again she interrupted me and answered my question. "Even if I was alive, I wouldn't have hated you." That one sentence made me to feel like I finally received my forgiveness. I no longer feel the little guilt that was still inside me even after talking to Laksh. I smiled genuinely. I now feel like a little girl who doesn't care about the world and thinks about her happiness only. I hugged my mom and giggled softly. I just couldn't wipe off the smile from my happiness. "Thank you maa!" I said happily.

She then asked a question that made my heart skip a beat. "Do you hate me Ragini?" I broke the hug and looked at her shockingly. Her eyes were filled with vulnerability. Before I could say anything she started to talk. "I know, I have left you when you were just an infant. I heard your cries; calling me to come to you, take you with me. At those times I feel like a worst mother. I wished someone was near you at those times. But all they saw was your plastic smile, they never tried to look into your eyes and find the pain in your heart. I regretted for not being with you. Until... I saw the day my son in law comforting you while you were crying for me. At that moment, I know that you were in safe hands. His care, his soft words, his actions, his protectiveness, and everything of his' showed me how much he cared for you, how much important you were in his life, how much he loves you."  Words got caught on my throat. My heart skips a beat and butterflies were on my stomach. Laksh loves me? I was about to deny her but she didn't let me.  "Deep down you knows very well that he loves you. But you kept on denying it, because of the guiltiness in your heart. You just assumed that he will be better when you are away from him. But you are wrong, Ragini. You were, are, will be the only one in his heart! He will be shattered into pieces if you leave him Ragini." She rubbed away my tears which were rushing once again without even me realizing it. I don't know what to say. Suddenly she took my hand in hers and asked me to close my eyes. I looked at her confused but her words made to close them. "Trust me, beti!" 

"Ragini... open your eyes and look at me! Scold me, punish me, even kill me... but please open your eyes Ragini. I can't...I can't see you like this. Please show some mercy on me. I am begging you Ragini, come back to me. I love you. I love you so damn much Ragini."

"Doctor, just do something to bring her back. She is not dead. I know. I know. She is not dead. If so she was then I would also have died that very second. I very much alive which means she is too. Please help her doctor. She might be in some weird unconscious state and was struggling to wake up. Please help her to wake up. Please doctor do something..."

"Mr. Maheshwari, please accept the fact that she is no more and..."

"NO!" "I telling naa she is alive!" "Ragini just breathe once and prove those stupid people that they are wrong. Please... I will do anything you ask for, even if it was me going away from you. But please come back bachha!"

"Only for you we will try to give electric shock to her heart. But if she doesn't respond you have to accept the fact. Is that ok for you?"

"Ok...ok! I know my Ragini is strong. She will definitely respond." "I love you bachha!"

I opened my eyes immediately. My heart was beating crazily. My hands were so chill and I was shivering badly while remembering the conversation. It's Laksh's voice. The pain, vulnerability, hopes in his voice makes my heart burden with pain. I looked at my mom with teary eyed. She just kept looking at me. I looked around to find that the whole place was full of dark. I can only see my mother. Other than her, everything is pitch dark. She still holds my hand and started saying "Your life is in your hands Ragini. You are the decision maker here. If you want, you can stay here with me for the rest of your lifetime. Or you can go back and live on the mother Earth while facing the whole world for your love. Choose Ragini! You want to be a coward and stay here or be a brave one staying with your love for the rest of your life. I will be always with you for whatever decision you are taking. Choice is yours. This is the time to take decision. The time to change! I love you so much Ragini!"

So... How was the part today??

Ragini finally got a chance to speak with her mom!

Finally she was relieved from the guilt and burden of pain.

Now what she will choose? Laksh or her mom?

It's time to change!!

Have a nice day!!❤️

Love you all ❣️

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