Part 23

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"Arjun Mehra, speaking" Arjun said while answering the call that was supposed to be Sanskar's but he passed it to him. On the other side it was police officer informing him that "Prakash Malhotra had escaped, sir!" Arjun's anger reached its peak immediately and shouted "WHAT THE HELL?" While that officer replied "Please calm down, sir. Hear me out. He had escaped while we were taking him to the station. He escaped by killing 2 officers and injured others with a gun. We tried to call Mr. Laksh immediately to inform him about this but we couldn't reach him. So we called Mr. Sanskar's. Please be careful. He, maybe, will try to reach you people. So we are sending protection..." Before he could finish, Arjun cuts the call fuming in anger. More than anger he felt guilty, guilty of giving the hands of an angel to a devil. But he knows better, it's not the time to grieve. He should do something to protect everyone from that psychic monster especially Ragini.

That's when he remembered doctor coming out of room while the call came. So he immediately went inside and found just Maheshwaris sitting with a grief look on their face. His heart forgot to beat for a second. He badly wanted to know what had happened. He found Uttara standing in a corner and crying her heart out. He rushed towards her and grabbed her by shoulders. She looked at him with tears rushing out from her puffy eyes. His heart broke at that sight. "Uttara!" he called her by her name and asked "What happened? What did the doctor say? Why are you crying like this? Is... is Ragini alright? S-she made it, right? I know she is a fighter. She may look like a weak one but inside she is the strongest. I know she will be back. She deserves happiness. She loves Laksh. Her love brings her back, I know. She..." His blabbering was stopped by a sudden slap of Uttara. "Stop" She muttered in a broken tone. That tone made his already panic heart to beat abnormally. "Uttara, just say what happened?" He literally begged her. Words failed to come out of throat. "Bhabhi... she...she..." She managed to say and then shook her head indicating that she is no more.

Arjun took a step back in shock. He suddenly laughed and said "You are kidding, right?" He expected to see her face break into a mischievous grin. But instead he saw her let out a sob and cry badly hugging him. At that moment he felt like he failed in everything. He just felt like the worst human on the world. He just wanted to punish himself for not being with her when she needed him. His heart begins to feel heavy because of the overload pain. His eyes filled with unshed tears. Her smiling face, her sweet voice calling him "Ajju", her cute pout, her irritated face, her angry face, her tears and everything came infront of him. Finally that tear fell down. He hugged back Uttara and cried on her shoulder while shaking his head in no and saying "That's not true. My Ragu is very much alive. She just can't leave me..." Prakash's vicious face came infront of his eyes. He growled internally and broke the hug. "This all happened because of him. I going to kill him.* He said through his gritted teeth. He immediately turned around and started to walk away.

But he was stopped by a soft hand grabbing his arm. "No Arjun. You can't go. I am not going to send you, not at this condition. Please calm down Arjun. You are still in shock." Uttara said in a desperate voice. But to her dismay, he pushed her hand away and turned to look at her. "Don't stop me." He said coldly and again walked away. Uttara didn't know what to do. So she immediately did what her heart said. 'Go after him'. She followed him and just in time, she took the passenger seat of his car. He noticed her but didn't say anything. He started to drive while saying "I know where that monster will be!"

Surprisingly the Maheshwaris were so busy in grieving, that they didn't notice them go away.


A deep breath!

A beep sound of a machine!

Gasps and sharp intake of breath!


Were the only sounds heard when Ragini's heart started to beat again which was indicated by the heart monitor. That sight astonishes doctor who whispered "Miracle!!" But soon he recovered from it and started to give commands to the nurses who were still in shock. When they were snapped out of it, they started to shoo away Gaddodias. Yes, they also came inside the room along with Laksh. Maheshwaris just sat outside trying to progress the news that doctor had said to them before. After sending Gaddodias, Laksh was the remaining person inside the room.

He just stared at Ragini with millions of emotions in his heart. He finally got it. His second chance, a chance to mend her broken heart with his love, a chance to shower his love to her, a chance to give her a life she always wanted. He felt like he was the luckiest and happiest man in this world. Words couldn't describe his emotions. He wanted to shout and jump saying a continuous "Yes!" He wanted to hug her tightly and let his happiness out with tears; he wanted to kiss her senselessly and make her forget her pain. He just wanted to do many things, he wanted to say many things, but nothing came out... except... "I love you" With that he pressed a tender kiss on her forehead and went out. He just sat on a chair and closed his eyes while thanking every angel that helped him to get his Ragini back.

While Gaddodias said what happened inside to Maheshwaris and everyone seems to be surprised and happy to hear it. That's when Sanskar remembered the call. He looked around, but couldn't find Arjun. He also noticed that Uttara was also missing. "Where did this Arjun go?" Sanskar muttered I'm a low voice but everyone heard him. "Maybe he had gone to look for another pit to push Ragini into it in the name of best friend." Laksh said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. He was still angry on him for letting Prakash near Ragini. Sanskar sighed and took Swara's mobile and started to call Arjun and Uttara but their calls were not reachable. He felt something fishy. 'Where are they? What was that call? Where this Uttara had gone now? Or maybe she is with Arjun? Have they gone anywhere together?' These were the thoughts running inside his mind. He tried calling them again but couldn't reach them. So he asked the nurses in the hospital whether they had seen them by showing their pictures. Finally one nurse said that she saw them getting inside a car hurriedly and went speedily. Sanskar went back inside with worried face which Swara noticed and asked him what happened. He said nothing while Laksh looked at them with a doubt face but didn't say anything.

On the other side, Arjun reached an old factory which looks abandoned for years. He was about to get down from the car but then looked at Uttara. "Stay here!" He said more like a command and went inside that factory. Uttara looked at the surroundings and felt fear rising inside her. While Arjun went inside and shouted Prakash's name and searched for him like a beast. After searching him for a while, he found Prakash standing behind an old desk with a smirk on his face. Arjun fumed in anger and marched towards him while Prakash gave him a maniac smile and said "Ah, finally you found me sweetheart!" Arjun ignored his comment and grabbed his collars. His hand rise up to beat the shit out of him but Prakash grabbed his hand and smirked at him. "Looks like your beloved best friend... is dead, isn't it?" That got on Arjun's nerves which made him to pull his hand away from his grip. "How dare you? How dare you to do this to my Ragu?" He said while punching him on his cheek making him spit out blood. But still Prakash smiled and said "Oh please! My intentions were pure. Kill Laksh, take Ragini! Simple! But that duffer husband of hers' had to come and spoil my plan. So I aimed at him. But your beloved friend came in between." His body stiffened and face hardened. "That got on my nerves. So I aimed at her heart and shoot her." He again smiled and said "My aim never goes wrong!" He started to laugh manically and said "And now she must be dead or maybe counting her last seconds." Arjun made a fist and gave him a cold look. But Prakash ignored it and continued saying "Even now, my intentions are pure. I wanted to escape to abroad and start everything fresh. But then you came." He glared at Arjun and said "And now, I am going to end this shit once for all." With that he took the gun that he stole from the police.

On the other side, doctor came outside of Ragini's room and patted on Laksh's shoulder while saying "Surgery is over. We have removed the bullets and she is completely alright now. But she is still weak.She needs to be taken care like a new born baby. Of course, she is a new born. You know, rebirth! I have never seen like this in my lifetime. Your love and her will made her to come back. Take care of her Mr. Maheshwari. You can meet her once we switch her to normal ward." Laksh smiled gratefully at the doctor and joined his hands infront of him saying "Thank you! I... I have no words to say. What have you done today is the best thing that happened in my life. Thank you!" The doctor just smiled and patted his shoulder once again saying "Take care!" and went away. Laksh moved towards the door and looked at Ragini's face through the glass door. He slowly traced his fingers on it like caressing Ragini and whispered "Whatever happened today will remain a mark inside my heart that this rebirth of yours is to shower you with my love and this promise is made by me, your Laksh. I love you, bachha" Everyone was happy to heart he news of Ragini's survival. They hugged each other in happiness. But Laksh didn't mingle with them. He just stood near the door and kept looking at Ragini like 'when can I hold you, love?' That's when his phone rang bringing him out of his thoughts. He checked it to find Uttara calling him...

Uttara was sitting in the car shivering in anxiousness. Arjun didn't return till now. She was more than worried now. So she decided to call someone and inform them about their arrival to this old factory. First she tried Sanskar's mobile but found it inside the car. She was confused and tried to Laksh. But she couldn't call because network was weak for her. She got down from the car and tried to call Laksh again. But she couldn't. Finally after so many attempts her call got connected with Laksh's. "Hello Uttara?" His voice was filled with confusions. "Hello... hello bhaiya! Can you hear me?" Uttara asked desperately trying to convey her message before the network gets disconnected. "Haan, I can. But where are you?" Uttara immediately said "I... I don't know bhaiya. It's like some old building. Arjun suddenly drove us here saying 'he knows where that monster will be'. Now he had gone inside and I am waiting outside for him. I tried to call you but couldn't. Just now I got the network. Bhaiya, please come and get us. I am scared." "Uttara calm down first! What are you saying? Why have you both gone there? And what's that old building? Is there anything that could say where exactly you were? And who did that duffer had gone to meet? Why have you gone with him?" Laksh asked continuously. "Bhaiya, I don't know! I don't know anything. He..." Suddenly the line got cut. Uttara found that the call was ended due to weak network. She once again tried to call Laksh but she couldn't make it.

On the other side, Laksh was desperately trying to reach Uttara's line but he couldn't make it too. He has no idea what she was saying. Sanskar asked him about the call. And Laksh said what Uttara had said. That's when Sanskar said to him what the nurse told him. They both were completely confused and clueless now. They decided to trace Uttara's number. So they contacted the same officer who was dealing with Prakash's case. That's when they got to know that Prakash had escaped killing 2 police officers. They connected the dots and found that Ajjuttu had gone to confront Prakash. Sanlak asked the officer to trace Arjun, Uttara and Sanskar's mobile. They also decided to not to inform about Uttara's missing to the family.

On the other side, Prakash was aiming the gun at Arjun who didn't feel any fear seeing the pistol. All he wanted to do was kill the devil infront of him for what he did to his Ragu. He moved forward and was about to attack him but Prakash shot the gun upward. That stopped the movement of Arjun. Uttara, who was still trying to call Laksh, heard the bullet shot sound. Her heart started to beat abnormally; she just dropped the mobile and ran inside shouting Arjun's name. But this time, the call got connected and Laksh was saying "Hello" repeatedly but didn't hear Uttara's voice. But still he didn't disconnect the call because this call helped him to trace the location of Ajjuttu. Uttara ran inside and found Arjun at the gunpoint and Prakash standing with a maniac smile on his face. She immediately stood infront of Arjun shocking him and surprising Prakash. "Uttara, what are you doing here? I asked you to stay inside the car." Arjun said to Uttara who just ignored him and pleaded Prakash to not to shoot Arjun. "Uttara... move aside!" Arjun commanded but Uttara just shook her head. Prakash looked on at them "Aww another couple I see. So... should I shoot you too to make him realize his love for you?" He said and started to laugh. "I am so lucky to do this two times on the same day." He continued saying and laughed at them.

Arjun growled at him but before he could move, Uttara moved forward and kicked Prakash on his abdomen who didn't notice her, falls backward. This time Arjun acted immediately and kicked him once again where Uttara hit him, much forcefully. Meanwhile, Uttara tried to snatch the gun from Prakash. Arjun tried to hit him again but Prakash regains his posture and grabbed Arjun's hand. On the other hand, he pushed Uttara a little, who took the chance to get the gun and hit Arjun. Arjun stumbled backward and he composed himself and tried to attack Prakash. But he found Uttara standing still on her place while Prakash was behind her with an evil smirk. Though the gun was still in Uttara's hand, she didn't try to do anything. Her already puffy eyes become teary. Arjun was confused on seeing her like that. He tried to move towards her but Prakash's voice stopped him. "A step forward, then your girlfriend will be exposed!" He said and it was followed by a sound of something tearing. Uttara let out a loud sob and shook her head at Arjun. That's when he understood that Prakash has a tight hold of Uttara's top. Arjun's hand formed a tight fist while Prakash just smirked at him evilly.

What will happen next?

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