Part 24

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Prakash moved close to Uttara's ear and said "Oh darling! Don't cry. I can't stand woman's tears, especially beautiful women's." Uttara shivered in disgust while Arjun looked at them with red eyes. He continued saying "I will leave you, without any damage, if you listen to me and do what I say. You got that?" Uttara was shaking in fear while Prakash said "You have to call your brother and ask him to withdraw complaint against me. So that I can move on my own way and you can go on yours. So, what say?" Arjun shook his head in no at Uttara who was confused and scared at the same time. She looked here and there and finally closed her eyes and nods her head. Prakash smiled evilly and was about to say something, but Uttara threw the gun to Arjun and ran towards a corner without caring about Prakash's hold on her top. Prakash didn't expect that move from her, so he pulled her top forcefully to tear it completely for pissing off him. Arjun took the gun and immediately shot his hand which was still holding her dress. Prakash immediately released his hold and cried out in pain. Uttara took the chance and ran away and hide behinds a pillar.

That's when Laksh and Sanskar entered the scene. They found Arjun standing with a gun on his hand and rage in his eyes while Prakash screaming in pain holding his hand. On seeing Prakash, Laksh couldn't help but remember how he shot Ragini infront of his eyes. All the frustration and anger came back; he moved towards him like a beast and beat the shit out of him. While Arjun looked at the scene with hungry eyes, hunger to see Prakash's blood. Sanskar didn't interrupt Laksh as he knows that it was the right thing to do. But he nudged at Arjun and asked where Uttara was. That's when Arjun remembered about Uttara and immediately ran towards the pillar she went. Sanskar followed him with a frown. When he reached there, he found Arjun wrapping Uttara with his blazer that he was wearing a while before. He was confused at the same time thought of the possibilities. He immediately pulled Uttara inside his arms. Uttara broke down feeling her brother's arms. She couldn't control her tears. She was brave enough while escaping the devil's hold but now she felt like a victim. Her each drop of tear pinched the heart of Arjun. Sanskar understood what happened to her just by her tears. He wanted to kill the person who made his little sister cry like this. But he knows better that his sister needs him now. So he looked at Arjun and signed him to go, "Go and kill him". Arjun's eyes again fall on Uttara who was still crying vigorously trying to tell Sanskar what had happened. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Arjun.

Her eyes ignited the fire in his heart. With that fire, he reached Prakash who was already beaten up by Laksh and grabbed him by his collar. "How dare you to do that to Uttara?" He gave him a hard punch on his cheek making him spit out blood and again grabbed him by collar. "How dare you to keep that filthy hand of yours on my Uttara?" He again punched him repeatedly while Laksh stood there and looked at Arjun in confusion. He was about to ask what happened but his eyes falls on the shadow coming out from the pillar. His chest tightens and heart broken into million pieces seeing Uttara's condition. Her eyes settled on him. The pain and agony in her eyes and Arjun's words made him realize what might have happened to his little sister. His eyes shifted towards Prakash who was already looking like he was going to die at any minute. His body shook in rage. With the uncontrollable anger, he moved towards Prakash with the intentions of killing him with his own hands. But he was grabbed by the police who arrived at that moment. They also grabbed Arjun. Laksh and Arjun tried to free themselves but they didn't let them go.

"LEAVE ME! I WANT TO KILL THAT BASTARD" Laksh growled in anger. "He has to be killed." Arjun shouted along with Laksh. But the chief officer said "Please control your anger Mr. Maheshwari and Mr. Mehra!" "How can we? He tried to assault my sister. Can't you see her condition?" Laksh shouted at that officer who noticed Uttara's condition. "But for that you can't just kill a person, Mr. Maheshwari. We will take actions on him and also killing is against law." That officer said. "Law my foot! What justice have you given to those innocent girls who have been raped and killed mercilessly by the creatures like him?" Laksh asked in anger and looked at Prakash. "If you can't punish those criminals by your so called law then give them to us, we will give them a judgment that will make one's body shake in fear who even try to look at another woman with wrong intentions the next time." That officer lowered his head in shame and said "You are right on your point of view. But to us, it's wrong. I will try my best to charge sever cases on this rascal and make sure that he will stay behind the bars forever." Arjun rolled his eyes while Laksh was still glaring at Prakash.

Uttara moved out of Sanskar's arms and went towards Prakash. She gave him a tight slap and said "Don't underestimate the power of a woman. She can do anything to save her dignity and her family." With that she slapped him again. The police took Prakash from there while Laksh hugged Uttara tightly and said sorry to her repeatedly. Uttara broke the hug and said "I am fine now bhaiya! Don't worry." Laksh cleaned off her tears and kissed her forehead. He then looked at Sanskar and Arjun and said "Let's go." They nodded and Sanskar moved towards Uttara and took her in his arms and walked with her while Laksh followed them.

Suddenly Laksh stopped when he heard Arjun saying "It's my fault." Everyone turned around and saw Arjun standing with guilty expression. "I am the reason for Ragini's..." His words stopped at his throat forming a lump. He couldn't say anything, so Laksh stepped towards him and said "Ragini is alright now!" Arjun and Uttara looked at Laksh in shock and surprise. "Her surgery is over and she may get consciousness tomorrow!" Laksh continued saying. Arjun moved forward and held Laksh by his shoulders and asked "Really?" His eyes shine with happy tears while Uttara was looking at Laksh hopefully. Laksh nodded his head making Arjun let out a breath in happiness. Uttara smiled happily and hugged Sanskar. "But you are right! It's your fault!" Laksh said in accusing tone to Arjun. Arjun nodded and said "I know! And I am sorry! I know my sorry won't make this situation normal but still..." He was interrupted by Laksh who hugged him suddenly. Arjun was surprised by his hug. He broke the hug and looked at Laksh confused. "Thank you! Thank you for saving my sister. Yeah, I had very much anger on you on seeing Ragini's condition. But then if these things haven't happened, I wouldn't have realized my love for her. So let's forget this and be friends like before!" Laksh said and smiled at Arjun who smiled back at him and hugged him tightly. "If your hugging session is over, can we get out of this factory? It's actually creeping me out." Sanskar said making everyone laugh.

Sanskar drove Laksh's car and dropped Uttara at MM as they don't want the elders to get worry on seeing Uttara's condition. Laksh drove Arjun's car with him towards hospital. Ragini was still unconscious. Arjun asked everyone to go their house and take rest. But they refused to go. So Laksh said "I am here to take care of Ragini. You guys don't need to suffer yourself for the sudden care you got on her. Just leave from here!" He said in a dismissive tone. Everyone sighed and went to their house while Laksh asked Arjun to go to his house as he was already tired of fighting with Prakash. So now Laksh was with Ragini.

He sat on a stool beside her bed and took her hand softly. He sighed and looked at her face. He remembered their moments and smiled at them. He slowly placed a butterfly kiss on her fingers. He then rubbed her hand softly with his thumb. "I still can't believe that I got a second chance with you!" He whispered and looked at her face. "I will cherish you with my love that you wanted always. But for that Ragini, I am not going to force you to stay with me. It's your life, a new life, and I don't want to make you do what I want like others did in your past. You have always lived your life for others... but not this time. I am going to let you have your life. I will help you in leading it in your own way and for that I can fight with anyone. It's now your wish to stay with me or not." He paused and let out a breath while looking somewhere. His eyes had a pain look but still he covered them and looked at Ragini again. His eyes brimmed with tears unknowingly. "You have loved me when I didn't even notice you. But now I love you and I didn't know you still love me or not." A lone tear falls down from his left eye. He sniffed and continued saying "I know I will be hurt if you decide to stay away from me, but still I will support you and your decisions." More tears falls down from his eyes while he continued "But Ragini, don't expect me to completely stay away. Because I will always be there in your eyesight and do something crazily to get your attention." He grinned at her with still tears falling from his eyes. "I will show you what one side love is... And what it feels like to have a handsome admirer." He said and chuckled softly. He then looked at her face and became sad. His tears came back in his eyes. "I don't know what to say anymore Ragini." He said shrugged his shoulders. He then looked at her like a kid looking at his sick mother and said "Just get well soon princess. I want to see that sparkling intense eyes with the mesmerizing smile in your face." He once again kissed her fingers and said "I love you so much my wifey!" With that he too fell asleep.

At MM,

Uttara was sitting in a corner of her room while thinking about the incident that happened to her. Sanskar had came and fed her dinner. She tried to be normal but still that incident affected her mentally and emotionally. She changed her clothes, burnt that torn clothes, scrubbed her skin roughly to erase the devil's marks off her. But still they didn't help her in making her to feel normal. Her eyes filled with tears again and again whenever she remembered that incident. She said some courageous and strong words to herself but still her mind didn't divert from that incident. She was sitting in a corner and looked at something deadly while letting out some tears from her already puffy eyes. That's when someone suddenly entered her room through window.

She gasped in shock and was about to shout in fear. But a strong hand closed her mouth from behind while the other hand encircled her waist. By the physic she concluded that it's a male. She wriggled and tried to come out of his arms. But then she saw his image in mirror; at the same time he also moved close to her ear and whispered "I am not your Mr. Romeo!" She stopped wriggling and looked at him through mirror. She stopped wriggling and looked at him through mirror. Her eyes looked at the familiar pair of eyes that always hypnotized her. His eyes locked with her too making a magical spell on her. He again whispered in her ear while locking her eyes with him "I will take my hand now, don't shout at me ok?" She just nodded still looking his eyes. He removed his hand slowly and she took it as a chance to turn towards him and narrowed her eyes at him. "Can't you be a normal man and come through the door? You always have to be a monkey!" She exclaimed in a low voice. He gave her a sweet smile and said "I thought I am a camel, but now I became a monkey too?" Uttara looked at him for a moment and giggled lightly. "You are a camel-monkey man!" She said laughed at his horror look.

Arjun looked at her laughing and gave a hifi to himself internally. He had successfully made her laugh. When he reached his home and freshened up, he couldn't help but think about Uttara. He wanted to talk with her and make her forget the dark incident. So he without thinking twice came to MM. Like the first time, he climbed to her room and saw her sitting in a dark room at a corner with blank face. His heart immediately clutched at the sight. He wanted to make her smile or atleast distract her from her thoughts. And he was half successful. But still her puffy eyes bothered him, so he thought he would stay there till it gets normal.

After her laugh subsided, she looked at Arjun and asked in whisper "Not to be rude but why are you here?" Arjun looked at her tongue tied not knowing what to say. So he nervously drummed his finger and looked here and there. Finally he looked at her questioning eyes and said "I never knew that you are a brave woman." Uttara frowned in confusion and suddenly realized what he was saying. She averted her eyes, the little smile on her face vanished on remembering the incident again. But still she didn't interrupt him. Arjun looked at her now cold face and continued saying "I thought you are spoiled princess and always like to whine and argue." Uttara snapped her head at him and narrowed her eyes. Arjun smiled inwardly on seeing her glare and said "I am sorry for judging you like that but still... I never expected that move from you Uttara. I was amazed by your smartness and bravery." He said with amused smile on his face.

Uttara sighed and said quietly "I just did what my mind thought at that second. I didn't think twice if my decision is right or wrong. So it's just... on the heat of the moment!" She said and shrugged her shoulders. Her mind replayed how she ran away while throwing gun at Arjun and her dress getting tear. She immediately jerked like she was been thrown into cold water. Arjun, who was noticing her each and every action, came near to her immediately and pulled her to his arms "No Uttara! I immediately shot him when you passed the gun to me. And when I shot he was just screaming in pain. So he might have not seen... you know!" Arjun said calmly and rubbed her arms to console her. Uttara looked up at him still being inside his hug and asked "Are you sure?" Her eyes were filled with hope and belief. He smiled softly at her and nodded confidently. She closed her eyes and sighed in relief. "You are strong, Uttara! Not only you but every woman is strong. They just have to use their strength along with their brain to tackle the problems!" He said and placed a small kiss on her forehead. Uttara opened her eyes and looked at him with strange emotions in her eyes. Her eyes made him feel like he is the only one for her. He immediately pulled away like her touch burnt him and looked somewhere awkwardly.

Uttara folds her hand on her chest and raised her eyebrow at him. Arjun looked at her and raised his eyebrow too. She got close to him which made him a bit nervous. She suddenly smiled mischievously and asked him "Suddenly you are calling me Uttara? I am not that fatty anymore?" Her question made him sigh in relief at the same time feel warmth spread inside his heart. "No! You are not fatty anymore!" He said making Uttara look at him surprised. "That's because you are extra fatty now!" He said and started to laugh at her. Uttara huffed in anger and took a thing that was near to her and started to throw it on him. Arjun laughed even more and ran away to escape from her attack. But Uttara was not in mood to leave him, so she chased him.

After the Tom and Jerry fight, Arjun surrendered to her. Uttara grinned at him evilly and tied him to a chair with a shawl before even he could fight with her. She then took her makeup kit and smiled sweetly at him. Arjun looked at her and then at the makeup kit horrified. He shook his head in no while crying dramatically "Oh no! Please no! Don't do that to me fatty. Please! I beg you! Please don't do what your evil brain is asking you to do. Please no! Ok fine, I won't call you fatty, fatty! Please take that thing away!!!" Uttara grinned looking at his horrified face and laughed like a witch and said "You can't escape from me today!" She said and took a brush with some rose powder on it. She went towards him in a slow motion. Arjun's eyes looked like it will fall down from his socket. He shook his head in no hurriedly while trying to pull away from the chair with his full strength. When Uttara came so close to him, he managed to loosen the shawl then escaped from her by jumping from the window. Uttara was shocked to see his dramatic jump and immediately ran towards the window with concern and worry in her eyes. When she peeked down, she saw him standing from the ground with hands on his hips and back while groaning in pain.

"Ajju" She called him. He immediately turned to look at her with big eyes like he was scared that she might follow him to continue what she was trying to do in her room. "Are you okay?" She asked in concern. He narrowed his eyes at her and said "You also jump from there. Then you will know whether it's paining or entertaining!" Uttara grinned at him and said "Ok wait! Let me pick put my makeup kit!" Arjun gasped in horror and ran away making Uttara to ROFL!

Next morning,

Laksh was still with Ragini waiting for her to get back her consciousness. Gaddodias, Swasan, Uttara and Arjun came to visit Ragini. Sanskar asked Laksh to go to the house and freshen up. After a lot of bickering, Laksh accepted and went to his house to freshen up. When he reached MM, he saw AP, DP, RP and Sujatha sitting in living room and discussing about Ragini. His hand made into fist. When they looked at him, they started to shoot him with questions about Ragini's condition. But he didn't reply them. He just looked at them with observing eyes.

"From when have you all started to have so much concern on Ragini?" Laksh asked in disbelief. They just sighed and was about to say something but Laksh interrupted them by saying "To remind you all, she is the one who tried to kill her half sister. She is the one who married me by manipulating us. She is the one who caused so many dramas in our house. She is the one who accused Sanskar bhai for some cheap things. She is the one who made us believe that she is innocent and Swara is the wrong one while the truth is exact opposite. You guys were betrayed by her. You were ready to break mine and her marriage and throw her out of our lives. But now, what happened that made you all to have so much concern on her?" He asked with innocent face and looked everyone's face.

"Shall I tell the reason?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. They just looked at each other and then at Laksh. They listened silently while Laksh started to say "This sudden concern on a woman you wanted to throw out of our lives is because she saved me. Isn't it?" They looked down while Laksh just nodded to himself like confirming something. "What you guys would have done if I was the one who took the bullets and Ragini was the one saved?" AP immediately shook her head in no with scared look on her face. She came towards Laksh and closed his mouth saying "Please don't say things like this beta. I can't even imagine you in that condition!" Laksh looked at his mother and slowly removed her hand and said "But what would you have done to Ragini mom?" AP looked at him not knowing what to say. Laksh understanding her struggle to answer the question, he said "I know what you would have done." He closed his eyes and turned his head away feeling his chest tightening, thinking of the possibilities his family members would have done to his Ragini.

He then looked at them and said "I am not trying to portray you as bad one. I am just trying to say that you just judge everyone so easily!" He then looked at DP and said "You all have first loved Ragini as your own daughter but then when you found the truth you were so hurt that you didn't even want to see her face. But have you tried to listen to her why she did those things?" He looked at everyone's face and shook his head while saying "The answer is a big NO! You guys just accused her for the betrayal and threw her out of our lives." He sighed and shook his head to clear his mind. He then said "Ok let's leave this past. Let's come to the present. Now that you all care for Ragini and worry for her. So now my question is, will your heart be able to accept her as your daughter in law again?"

Everyone looked at him in shock. They didn't expect this from Laksh while he looked at them for an answer this time. AP looked at him confusedly and asked "But you were about to be divorced!" Laksh immediately shook his head in no and said "No! I want her back as my wife. I don't want this divorce!" He said strongly making them gasp in shock. "But you said..." AP's sentence was interrupted by Laksh who said "It's because I love her." His eyes had that longing look with love twinkling making them realize that his words are true. "I need her. Of course, I was also thinking like you guys. But then when I get close to her and know who actual Ragini is and I realized how much I will miss her if I divorce her. I realized that I love her and I can't live without her. When she took the bullets for me, I felt more pain than her. It was like... I don't know how to describe but that pain I felt is something I have never felt in my life. And that's when I realized the love I have for her." He completed saying still having a distant look in his eyes. AP's eyes filled with tears feeling her son's love. She wanted this to happen but never expected in this way. Laksh looked at them and said something that was muted.

After a while,

Laksh was ready to go to hospital when he got a call from Sanskar that Ragini got back her consciousness. Laksh forgot to breathe for a second. His eyes welled up unknowingly. A huge smile formed on his lips. He immediately said that he will be there soon and went towards his car. That's when AP, DP, RP and Sujatha came to him and said that they will also accompany him. He looked at them and just nodded.

When they reached the hospital, Laksh ran towards Ragini's ward. He stopped right at the door and took deep breaths to control his abnormal heartbeat. His hand forwarded to open the door. He could literally hear his own heartbeat. He pushed open the door a bit and found Gaddodias, Swasan and Ajjuttu surrounding Ragini blocking her view from him. When they heard the opening of door sound, they looked towards the door and found Laksh. Swasan and Ajjuttu immediately took their steps back to let him go near Ragini. Laksh smiled at them gratefully and looked towards the bed. There Ragini was lying with tired face. Her eyes were on him. They lit up on seeing him. Laksh's eyes met hers'. He stood paralyzed and kept on looking her eyes. His chest falls up and down like he was on a marathon. Ragini slowly lift her one hand and signed him to come near her. Her action snapped his body and immediately went to her. He took her hand that was in the air and whispered "Ragini..." Hearing her name from his mouth made her smile automatically. "Laksh..." She said in a hoarse voice due to dry throat. That's it!

A tear falls down his eyes. He was trying so hard to control it from the moment he heard that she was awake. But when he heard her name from her mouth, he lost the control and let out his tears. He closed his eyes immediately when his tear fell down and bite his lips to hold back them from shivering. He felt soft yet cold hands trying to rub away his tear. He immediately knows the touch and opened his eyes only to lock with his favorite pair of dark orbs. Ragini called his name again making him just nod his head still looking at her eyes. "A-are you alright?" Laksh looked at her confusedly. She softly said "Y-you didn't get any injuries naa, when I pushed you..." She was interrupted by Laksh who said "I am fine Ragini and no, I didn't get any injuries." That answer made her to sigh in relief like it was what she wanted to hear. Laksh looked at her amusingly and asked in disbelief "I don't know how you can think about me even when you are the one who is admitted in hospital." 'That's because you are my world!' She wanted to say it loudly but still she just shrugged. They kept on looking at each other.

Swara looked at them with a smile and said "At last she opened her mouth!" Uttara giggled and said to Swara "I told you naa bhabhi that she will speak to Laksh bhaiya first!" She then looked at Arjun and said "See, I won the bet. And yeah, it looks like she had forgotten the whole world including her best friend 'Ajju'!" She said and laughed at his pouted face.

Uttara's last sentence irked Shekhar and dadi who were the one trying to make Ragini the most. They just let it go and dadi came near Ragini and asked her "How do you feel now, Ragu?" Ragini gave her a soft smile and said "Fine dadi ma!" Shekhar came towards them and said "I am really sorry beta! Please forgive me! I didn't even realize that I was not a good father to you until I heard it from your mouth beta. But now, I wanted to rectify my mistakes. I wanted to be a father you always wanted. I will try my best to be a best father to my both daughters. When you get discharge, I will take you to our home and take care of you like a baby. Please give me a chance beta!" Shekhar literally begged Ragini. Ragini shook her head with tears in her eyes. "Please don't speak like this papa. Whatever I told you are just... just come out that was in my mind at that time. And I am not upset or angry on you papa, so please don't forgiveness!" She said softly then looked at Laksh. Her eyes searched in his eyes for something.

She still looked at Laksh and asked "What do you think about me staying in my parents' house, Laksh?" Laksh gulped and fisted his free hand. His hand tightened the grip that was on her hand. His chest tightened on knowing that Ragini chose her family over him. Hurt visible on his face. He tried hard to hide it. He finally managed to give her a forced smile and said "Your wish! Whatever you decide, I accept Ragini!" Ragini caught the hurt look in his eyes and his answer struck her heart. She then remembered the things she heard last night. Her mind recorded everything that Laksh had said last night; she just couldn't move her body due to weakness and drug effect. But still her mind was awake and aware of her surroundings. She smiled inwardly and said looking at Laksh to Shekhar "Papa, I want to be with Laksh!" Laksh's head snapped towards her face in shock and surprise. She gave him a beautiful smile and whispered "Forever!"

Shekhar's hope shattered while Laksh's jaw falls on the ground hearing Ragini's decision. He can't believe his own eyes and ear. He just wanted to lift her in his arms and run away from there to somewhere where no one could approach them. He wanted to jump up and down while shouting in happiness. He can't express how much her words made him happy. He finally got what he was yearning for so long. And he didn't know what he should do now!

Ajjuttu smiled in happiness on hearing Ragini's words. They gave hifi to each other while Swasan hugged each other in happiness. Their happiness came to an end when they heard Laksh saying "But I have one condition!"

What will happen now?

What do you think about,

*Arjun and Uttara's chemistry?

*Laksh's question time with his family?

What will be that muted conversation?

*And the condition in last part?

Finally Ragini is back!

Do you think Prakash's chapter is over?

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