Part 26

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"Very soon bachha"

Laksh whispered and then took a seat near Ragini on her bed and pulled her into his embrace. Ragini sighed contently and closed her eyes hearing Laksh's heartbeat. Laksh slowly traced her left arm up and down lost in his own thoughts. He then suddenly said "Can you, Ragini?" Ragini frowned in confusion and looked at him from his embrace through her eyelashes. "I mean can you accept them, our family?" Ragini moved away from his embrace and looked at the window that was inside the hospital room.

"Laksh, to be honest, after that night, I was like 'Enough'. I gave up on my obsession and decided to move on leaving everything behind. But then many things happened." She sighed and remembered her conversation with her mother. "Yeah, I hurt them and they hurt me too. I...I don't know Laksh." She then looked at him with uncertain look and said "All I can say is 'Leaving all the grudges, pain and sadness behind, we should move forward'. I want to start a new relationship with you and our family. That's it!" She concluded and found him staring at her in amusement.

"Wow! My wife is so matured!" Laksh said in awe while letting out a wolf whistle. Ragini blushed and giggled at his reaction and said teasingly "What to do? When my so called husband is behaving like a 5 year old kid, I, being his lovely wife, should be more responsible and matured naa?" Laksh frowned and narrowed his eyes at her. But then he gave her a naughty smirk and said "Oh Ragini, you will change this sentence when you see the other side of me in our bedroom!" Ragini's cheek turned into red hearing his words. She immediately took a pillow and hit him with it. Laksh jumped off the bed and ran away knowing she is still weak and can't get up from the bed without anyone's support.

He pushed his tongue out to irritate her and put some mocking dance movements. Ragini huffed and took the water bottle from the nearby table and aimed Laksh's forehead. He was so busy in his mocking dance that he didn't see the water bottle flying towards him. It hit him on his forehead suddenly catching him off guard and made him fall on the floor with thud. He yelped in pain feeling small bump in his forehead and his numb hip.

Ragini grinned happily and pumped her hand in air in victory. But then she hissed when she felt pain in her shoulder reminding her that she is not completely well now. Hearing her hiss Laksh stood immediately making him regret when he felt a sudden pain in hip region. "Ouch!" He yelped in pain while closing his eyes. Ragini looked at him in concern and called his name slowly "Laksh..." But he didn't respond her. He stood still in that same position while muttering something under his breath. Not getting any response from him, Ragini tried to move from the bed to check on him.

Like he knew what she was trying to do next, Laksh pointed a hand in her direction still with closed eyes and whispered in hoarse voice "Stay right there! Don't move!" Ragini pouted and looked at him innocently along with guilt in her eyes. Laksh opened his eyes and first checked whether she was in bed. Then he slowly moved towards her trying to shoo the pain. He walked funnily making Ragini let out a muffled laughter seeing his condition. "You walk like a penguin!" She commented him but he ignored it and finally reached her bed.

Before she could say something, Laksh asked her with concern "Do you feel pain? Shall I call doctor? Or do you want painkillers?" Ragini looked at him amazed and felt his care and love through his words. She gave him a smile and shook her head in no. "Are you sure?" He asked again to which she smiled broadly and said "No, I don't want anything Laksh!" He nodded and sat on her bed and sighed while arching his back to get rid of his pain.

Seeing him like that Ragini felt sorry for him and guilty on her actions. "Sorry Laksh" She whispered and looked at her lap to avoid his eyes. Laksh looked at her and found her actions cute. He placed a small kiss on her cheek surprising her. He winked at her and said in a mischievous tone "I never thought that my wifey is feisty!" Ragini glared at him and looked around for some other objects but before that Laksh surrendered to her and said in a pleading tone "No Ragini, I won't comment like that. Please spare me this time. I still didn't recover from your last punishment. Please forgive this idiot!" Ragini looked at him with blank face but then burst out in laughter looking at his scared face. Seeing her laugh made him smile.

"Ok now, go to sleep." He said to her and made her lay on the bed and covered her with bed sheet. He sat on a stool near her bed and slowly ran his hand through her hair. His action made her remember her mother doing the same. She smiled and soon slipped into a deep slumber. Laksh looked at her calm face and remembered her opinion on accepting his family. He smiled and said "I am so lucky to have you Ragini. I love you!" He whispered and placed a small kiss on her forehead. He then thought 'Though you can accept our family whole heartedly, I can't let them near you. Relationships are like glass, once broken it can't be repaired. Though we can live leaving the past behind, I don't think it will work. So I decided to move out permanently. You might not like it but I will do anything in my power to make you accept it. I am sorry for lying Ragini. Just remember that I love you!" With that he took her uninjured hand in his and slept by placing his head on the bed.

From the window, Janaki's soul was watching them and heard Laksh's thoughts. She smiled and felt happy that her daughter was now in safe hands.

Next morning,

Ragini opened her eyes and tried to get up. That's when she found her left hand held by Laksh who was still sleeping on the same stool that she had last seen him on, with his head balanced on her bed and their hands as pillow. 'He was sleeping like a baby!' She thought and admired his features and calm posture. I remembered the day when he came to Baadi and Dida mistook him as thief. He was sleeping like this on that following day morning too. She giggled remembering what all she had done to hide him and his expressions at that time.

"What's so funny?" She heard a hoarse voice. She looked at Laksh to find him already looking at her with half sleepy eyes. "I remembered the day when you came inside my room and Dida saw you and mistook you as thief." She said and once again giggled at the memory. But instead of chuckling like her, he was smirking at her, now fully awake. She raised her eyebrow in 'what' to which he said "I remembered your scarlet face when we both fell on the floor with me above you." She blushed remembering it. "You still blush like you did on that day!" He said looking at her blush with a huge smirk. "Laksh stop teasing me!" Ragini pouted making Laksh chuckle at her antics. "Cute" He murmured to himself which Ragini too heard making her blush more. He admired her cheeks coloring because of him.

She slowly removed her left hand from him and traced the bump on his forehead making him hiss. That was still paining a bit for him. She immediately took her hand away and said "I am so sorry Laksh!" Laksh smiled at her and said "No Ragini, you don't need to feel guilty. It's not paining now!" "But still I shouldn't have hit you like this!" Ragini said guiltily. Laksh suddenly smiled mischievously and asked her "You can get rid of that guiltiness." "How?" Ragini asked innocently without knowing his intentions. "Kiss me!" Laksh said simply making Ragini look at him like his head had suddenly replaced by a goat's head. "WHAT?" "K-I-S-S M-E" Laksh said slowly and leaned towards her with closed eyes. Ragini's eyes looked like it may fall down from her socket at any time. Laksh leaned in more with a pout in his lips to meet her lips soon. Before his lip could crush into hers', Ragini turned her head and kissed his cheeks.

Laksh's shoulder slumped down. His bubble of excitement to kiss her had been burst out brutally by that lips meets cheek moment of Ragini. He didn't even want call it as a kiss. He opened his eyes and looked at her with narrowed eyes to which Ragini looked at him innocently. "Am I forgiven now?" She asked in a baby voice. "NO!" Laksh said and cupped her face and looked at her lips. He wants his k-i-s-s NOW! He leaned in with his eyes settled on her lips making her lips go dry. Her now operated heart was beating rapidly that her heart rate monitor started to let out an alerting sound. Both Ragini and Laksh ignored it and got involved deeply in their k-i-s-s moment. Suddenly the door of the room burst open making Raglak to jump from their seats. They looked towards the door to find the doctor, who operated Ragini, along with some nurses standing there and looking at them like a crazy show.

Laksh immediately moved away creating some distance between him and Ragini while she bends her head down like trying to escape from the embarrassment. Laksh stood and looked at that doctor like nothing happened and said "Good morning doctor! How can I help you?" The doctor looked at him with narrowed eyes and said "You can help me by staying away from her heart!" "Excuse me?" Laksh asked bewildered. The nurses behind the doctors giggled at his reaction making Ragini wish that the ground swallows her. The doctor looked at the nurses and dismissed them. He then looked at Laksh who was still looking at like 'Has this old man gone crazy? Should I call another doctor for this doctor?' "I don't need any doctor Mr. Maheshwari!" The doctor said and moved towards Ragini. Laksh looked at him with wide eyes.

"I know what you had thought Mr. Maheshwari!" The doctor reasoned and switched off the alerting sound from heart rate monitor. He then turned towards Laksh and said "Look Mr. Maheshwari, I know she is your wife and you love her with all your heart and all. But you have to remember that she had been through a major operation. Her body needs more rest. So try to stay away from her, I mean don't try to make her heart beat abnormal by your bedroom skills. For a short period of time of course! So if you will excuse me, shall I check your wife?" The old doctor said sarcastically making Laksh nod his head stiffly and move out of the room.

The doctor then looked at Ragini, who was hiding under the sheets, and grinned at her antics. He knocked on her sheet and said "If you are done with that hide and seek game of yours, shall I check on you, daughter?" Ragini slowly peeked from her sheets to find the doctor still grinning at her. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. "You have got an awesome husband! Lucky you, daughter" The doctor said to which Ragini replied "No, he got an awesome wife. So lucky him" The doctor chuckled and checked on her health progression.

While doctor was checking on Ragini, Laksh decided to go to canteen and have his breakfast. While walking towards canteen he found his mother and Uttara coming towards him. He stopped walking and looked at them in surprise. AP and Uttara smiled at him making him smile back at them.

"Maa, you here?" Laksh asked AP to which she smiled softly and nodded at him and started to say "I thought you should go to home and fresh up and then go to work. Don't worry; I am here to take care of Ragini. Also Ragini and I need some private time to patch up. So this helps us to bring us together." Laksh frowned and then said "Actually maa, I don't want to leave Ragini and go to work. I can even fresh up here! But for the patching up time, I will go home and freshen up there. I guess that time is enough for you both. Also I am not going to office till Ragini recovers completely." AP shook her head and said "But work is important beta..." Her sentence was interrupted by Laksh who said "But Ragini is my priority maa. Work can wait. I took a vow that 'I will be with her as a faithful partner in sickness and in health'. She needs me now, so I will be with her. Sorry if I offended you." AP smiled and shook her head in no saying "I am not offended. In fact I am happy to see that Ragini brought this side of my son. You changed for good Laksh. I am proud of you!" Laksh smiled happily.

Uttara sighed dramatically and said "Haan, I never thought that my stupid brother has a romantic side." Laksh smirked at her and said "Don't worry I will bring a romantic Romeo to you too!" Uttara's thought was immediately filled with Arjun. She immediately shook her to get rid of his thoughts and tried to change the topic by pouting at Laksh and said "Are you trying to get rid of me?" Laksh smirked at her wickedly and said "Isn't it obvious?" Uttara's jaw fell to the floor making Laksh to burst out in laughter while AP was trying to control her smile. Uttara glared at Laksh and looked at AP for help. So AP smacked lightly on Laksh's arm and said "Don't speak like this to a small girl. She still has much time for her marriage." Uttara grinned happily and hugged AP while pulling out her tongue to Laksh who just shrugged and rolled his eyes. Laksh then informed at Ragini was being checked by doctor and asked them to take care of her. Uttara smiled at his concern and said "I am here na bhaiya! I will take care of her!" Laksh made a troubled face and said "That's why I am really worried!" Before Uttara could do anything he ran away from there. AP cooled down her and took her towards Ragini's ward.

After the doctor had gone, AP went inside Ragini's room taking her in surprise, as she was expecting Laksh. "Maa..." She called in confusion. AP smiled at her and came near Ragini's bed. She lightly touched her uninjured shoulder and asked "How are you doing, Ragini?" Ragini smiled politely and said "I am fine maa. Please sit!" AP nodded and sat on the stool near the bed. Ragini looked towards the door thinking why Laksh was not coming till now. Seeing her eyes searching for someone AP said "I sent Laksh home. He needs to fresh up and have breakfast naa? So Uttara and I came. Also, I came here for another reason." She looked at Ragini to find her listening to her with full concentration.

AP sighed and said "Ragini, I chose you as my daughter-in-law because you are exact opposite to my son. I wanted his life partner to change his immature behavior and carefree nature. Seeing your responsible character along with your traditional behavior, I decided that you are the perfect match for my son. But fate decided to play games. Laksh chose Swara and wanted to marry her. Though I didn't like that, I accepted them just for my son's happiness. And in all this, I didn't notice your feelings and emotions or you can say that I refused to notice just for my son's happiness. But on that night I realized how blind I was to notice your feelings. I wanted to reconcile with you but then divorce came up. But now Laksh wants you back in his life, so I decided to reconnect with you. I know I am selfish, even now too. But I am a mother. As a mother I was worried and concerned about my son's happiness. I may have hurt in you because of the love I have on my son. I am sorry for that. Let's give our relation a good start leaving past behind."

Ragini wanted to rudely say no and ask her to get out. But she just sighed and nodded her head muttering a small 'okay'. She got this rebirth to live with Laksh, so she didn't want to mess it up by fighting for something that happened in past. But Laksh knows better. He could understand Ragini's emotions. She might not have expressed it completely to him, but still he can understand her. And that's why he took the decision to live separately forever.

After that conversation, AP once again asked about her health and doctor's advice to her. Ragini answered politely and that's when they heard a knock on the door. Ragini said 'come in' and found Sharmistha coming inside with a bag, followed by Uttara. Uttara waited outside to let them have some private talk. Since Sharmistha gone inside she followed her too. Sharmistha went towards Ragini and asked about her health condition. "Maa, papa and dadi are angry with me?" Ragini asked to which Sharmistha sighed and said "They are not. It's just they can't believe that you chose Laksh over them. But don't worry everything will be alright soon." Ragini just nodded and Sharmistha asked Laksh's whereabouts as she had brought breakfast for him. AP informed her that he had gone to MM.

Suddenly the door opened and Swara and Sanskar came inside. They exchanged pleasantries and Swara found the breakfast, Sharmistha brought for Laksh. She immediately demanded that she wants it as she misses her mother's food. Uttara rolled her eyes while Sanskar gave her a disbelief look and said "You just had breakfast at house. How come you are hungry for your mother's food now?" Swara narrowed her eyes at him and said "I have space for my mom's food always. Don't feel jealous of my appetite." With that she asked her mom to feed her while Ragini pouted that she can't eat. Sharmistha promised her that she will cook her favorite dishes and feed her when she was completely alright. Ragini smiled like a small girl and said that she will recover soon for her food. Everyone laughed at her enthusiasm. Seeing Swara eating Uttara too asked for food ignoring the shocked look from her brother. Swara gave hifi to Uttara and they both started to enjoy the food.

Sanskar started to tease Uttara and Swara along with Ragini. They were having great time whereas Laksh came to hospital as soon as he can. So he didn't have his breakfast. When he was about to go inside the hospital he heard someone calling him. He turned around to find Arjun. They smiled and talked while going towards Ragini's room. When they reached the room, their eyes widen in surprise. "I thought I going to hospital. But no, I was proved wrong! It's a freaking CANTEEN!" Arjun exclaimed in surprise.

Laksh nodded his head wordlessly and narrowed his eyes at Uttara and Swara. He immediately went towards them and pushed them away and asked Sharmistha to feed him as he didn't have breakfast. Swara and Uttara fought with him for their turn but Laksh didn't allow them to have the food. Arjun sat on a corner and looked the sight while munching on some chips that he had brought as though it was a TV show. Hearing the munching sound, Swara and Uttara snapped their head towards his direction. Arjun gulped seeing their lust for his chips. He immediately shook his head and tried to get out of the room but Sanskar blocked his way while shrugging his shoulders. Arjun gave his puppy dog face to let him go but Sanskar shook his head and signed him towards Swara who was having an evil grin. While Arjun was looking at Swara, Uttara jumped on him as though he was her prey and tried to snatch the chips. Arjun didn't allow her and shielded his chips from her evil eyes. Swara and Sanskar too joined and tried to help Uttara. Laksh was happily having his breakfast while watching them fighting like kids. Ragini whined that she too wanted to join them. But they four showed their tongue towards her simultaneously and continued to fight making Ragini pout. Seeing her pout Laksh chuckled and pressed the button near her bed and smirked at the four grown up kids who were still fighting.

At the end the chips packet was teared apart with chips scattering on the floor. That's when the door suddenly opened and the same doctor came inside. The sight infront of him made the doctor shout "What's happening here?" He then looked at the chips on the floor and then at Ragini "For god's sake, it's not your house! It's hospital! So behave properly or else I will ask the security to kick you all out of the hospital and make sure you are not allowed inside the premises forever." The doctor threatened them and then ordered someone to clean the mess they have created. But Arjun stopped him and said that they will clean it as he doesn't want to throw his chips. That doctor gave him a warning stare and said "You should not eat the food that had fallen on the floor". Before Arjun could whine, some people came and cleaned it. Arjun, Uttara, Swara and Sanskar looked at the sight like their favorite lollipop had fallen on the ground and there was no way to clean it and have it. Laksh looked at Ragini who was giggling at the four. He moved towards her and whispered "Happy?" Ragini grinned at him and whispered "Very!" Laksh chuckled and gave hifi to her.

The doctor then ordered everyone to go outside as Ragini should take rest. Everyone went outside where Laksh teased at the four who were still mourning for their loss. The doctor looked at Laksh and smiled mischievously as he made a plan to make Laksh suffer for turning a hospital into bedroom and canteen on the very first day.


Hey everyone!

How was today's part?

I have a good news! So when I was about to publish this part, I saw a notification that this story is eligible to enter wattys2019. I was excited at the same time nervous on seeing this. Then I decided to just give it a shot! Yeah, I entered this story on 'Fan fiction' category in Wattys2019! Yaaay! 🖤😸💕🔥

Also I have inform you all that, this story is going to end. I don't know exactly how many parts more, I can say that you can look forward for 'The end' soon.

Have a nice day!🤗

Take care!

Keep smiling!😊

Love you all!❤️

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