Part 27

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Days passed by. Ragini was recovering soon. Swara, Sanskar, Uttara and Arjun never failed to visit her daily and create new dramas making Ragini laugh in seeing their madness. AP, DP, RP comes to visit her at time to 'patch up'. Shekhar and Dadi came to visit and showered her with their care and apology and at the end, they tried to convince her to come and stay with them. But Ragini stood strong in her decision and politely rejected their proposal hurting their ego. But Ragini didn't care about that. Also, she doesn't care who visits her and not. She was happy the way her life is going. She was not the same to worry about everyone's thoughts and worry about other's point about her. All she wants is a happy ending in her messed up story. When it was available for her through Laksh, why would she want to complicate things more than before? And Laksh never failed to make her feel special. He always surprises with cute gifts and stolen kisses. He even tells her his childhood stories making her laugh and go aww in his cuteness. She loved this side of Laksh. Though she loved every shades of Laksh, this one is her favourite. After all, this was what she expected from him right from the start.

For Laksh, he was very thankful to God each and every second for blessing his life with Ragini. Though he messed up first time, he got a second chance to rectify his mistakes. He was more than happy for that. He took this second chance very seriously and makes Ragini as his priority in his life. Her happiness is his now. Her pain is his now. Her world is his now. Or you can say she is his world now. Spending every moment of life with Ragini makes him feel that he can't live without her even for a second. Along with happiness, he wanted to show the world to her that she always wanted to explore. And of course he will be standing beside her in each and every step making sure she is not hurt. His love for her had grown to such a level that he can fight with anyone who tries to hurt his Ragini, even if it's his own family.

A month passed by. And finally, she was about to be discharged from the hospital which made Ragini fly in happiness who mutters now and then 'At last freedom!' making Laksh chuckled at her excitement and cuteness. He asked her to stay in her room while he goes to collect discharge summary from the doctor. He knocked before going inside the doctor cabin. The doctor looked up to find Laksh and asked him to sit down. The doctor gave him instructions and her diet list.

After the conversation, Laksh got the discharge summary and was about to go, the doctor said "One last advice Mr. Maheshwari." That made Laksh sits down and looked at the doctor listening intently to whatever he was going to say. "You know Mr. Maheshwari she had undergone a major surgery. She can now take rest at home rather than in hospital but it doesn't mean that she had recovered completely. So you have to take extra care of her. And it includes not giving her surprises or shock that shakes her completely. Also..." He dragged making Laksh raise his eyebrow. The doctor sighed and said "Also you have to avoid intercourses." Laksh's eyes widen in surprise, he was about to say something but the doctor interrupted him saying "For time being of course. Till your wife recovers completely, try not to make her heartbeat crazily." Laksh nodded and faked a smile and went away.

A nurse, who was inside the room during the whole conversation, looked at the doctor in disbelief and asked "Is it really necessary for them to stay away, doctor?" The doctor looked at her and said "For time being, yes! But I am not going to give permission to him even after that time comes." He said smiling mischievously making the nurse look at him in surprise. "It's the punishment for making my hospital into a market place!" The nurse couldn't help but chuckle at the doctor's childishness at the same time feel pity for Laksh.

On the other side, Laksh walks towards Ragini's room still thinking of the doctor's advice at last. Though his advice burst the romantic bubble of Laksh, he pacifies himself saying that Ragini's heath is more important than his own happiness or need. With that, he took his phone and called someone and later entered Ragini's room.

When he entered he saw his beautiful wife sitting criss-cross on the bed with her elbows balancing her chin and an adorable pout on her lips. Her cuteness made him admire her silently standing by the door. Ragini looked up to find Laksh standing by the door with dazed look while looking at her. Excitement and shyness bubbled inside her. Her cheeks heated up by his stare. She tried to hide her blush by rubbing her cheeks while looking down her lap. But her actions made him let out a breathy chuckle which made her bite her lips. In order to avoid being blushed more, she asked "So shall we leave now?" Laksh smiled at her and nodded in 'yes' making Ragini jump out of bed literally. They both then happily bid bye to the hospital and moved towards their new house.

On the other side, {Imagine the upcoming scene in cartoon form}

A balloon flies away from Arjun's mouth with a surprised look on his face towards Uttara. "They are on their way?" He asked in shock and nervousness to which Uttara nodded in 'yes' with mouth full of chocolates. "OMG," Arjun shrieked in nervousness and looked at his surroundings. On one corner Sanskar was scolding Swara to not eat the cupcakes while in kitchen Sharmistha and AP were trying to make a 'cake' but instead it came out as a brown lava and on another corner RP and Sujatha were trying to make a 'welcome' design but instead painting each other's face while DP was trying to decorate the wall with balloons. He puts his hand on his forehead and mumbled "This is so messed up!"

The whole family wanted to surprise Ragini with a welcome party in her own house. But it turns out like this.

At the same time, he heard the horn sound of a car. He looked up from the window to find Laksh helping Ragini to get out of the car safely. He immediately turned around and yelled "GUYS! THEY ARE HERE!" Arjun's new information made everyone to stop their work for a moment and immediately started to run here and there like giving final touches for their welcome party arrangement.

On the other side, Laksh was looking at their new house and then at Ragini who was blindfolded. He didn't know whether his family members had completed the decorations for Ragini's welcome party. He just hoped that everything is done like Uttara informed him while he called her from the hospital before discharging Ragini. With that, he opened the front door with his keys and looked at the sight in front of him and becomes frozen like a statue.

Ragini, who was blindfolded still, couldn't control her excitement anymore and started to take away her blindfold. Her eyes are welcomed by the sight of Arjun having balloons sticking on his hair which he was unaware of and Uttara with wide smile showing off her chocolaty teeth. She then looked at Swara who was trying to lick away the cupcakes from her lips and Sanskar trying to warn her to not do that. Her eyes then looked around to find a brown paste in the hands of AP and Sharmistha who were smiling nervously while DP was having tapes on his dress and fingers. At last, she looked at RP and Sujatha to find them colourful instead of the 'welcome' design. Her eyes then finally met Arjun who smile sheepishly and said "WELCOME HOME, RAGINI!"

Ragini took a few steps towards him and pulled an airless balloon from his hair and showed it to him. He looked at it shocked but covered it by his sheepish smile. That's when Ragini burst out into laughter. She just couldn't control it anymore. On the other hand, Laksh was looking at the scene like he wanted to be at anywhere but here. His cheeks burned embarrassment. He then heard Ragini saying "I LOVE THIS!" She was really touched by their thought of putting efforts to make her happy. Uttara grinned hearing Ragini and said to Arjun "See, I told you, she loves us with our flaws. So she won't mind us messing up like this." Laksh face palmed hearing it while Arjun knocked her forehead and asked "Is there any organ inside it? If so please use it!" Uttara frowned and pushed his hand away while Ragini said "Haan Uttara, I love you all with your flaws but it doesn't mean that you can mess up my home like this." Her voice then turned into commanding tone and said "I want it back to its original state. So clean it up now!" Everyone's posture straightened hearing her tone but Ragini laughed at it and said "Of course I will help you guys too!" Uttara grinned and said "Thank god!" But Arjun and Laksh glared at her and said in a stern tone "NO!" to Ragini.

Soon the messy house was cleaned while Lakshdiverted Ragini's thoughts by showing the house, their new home.

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