0 6 - Locked

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Sorry for any error, mistakes and inconveniences 🌹.

Chapter 6: Locked

Lakshya and Ragini were continuing to search for the file, Lakshya was tired and sighs tiredly while Ragini was determined to find the file under any cost.

Lakshya touches his chest, feeling temptations and restlessness. He's having an urge to try something, it took him time to figure out why he felt a burn of temptation within himself. He was about to tell Ragini where he was going but stopped himself, making himself understand that she's no one to him to know what he does and where he's going.

Ragini sighs irritatedly, not being able to find the file. She stares at Lakshya with upset expressions and then changes her expressions seeing him searching himself.

"Did you find the file?" She asks, in a taunting tone and he lifts his gazes, meeting her eyes.

"I'm not a machine that would continuously search. I need a break and I'll be back to find it. I swear I'll label you as Andhini if you still haven't found the file by the time I'm back." Lakshya responds, encouraging her to roll her eyes and look away, showing less interest in his nonsense.

(Andhi (Blind) + Ragini = Andhini 😬)

Lakshya turns around and heads towards the door. "He only knows how to talk. He's full of laziness and now has the audacity to call me blind!" Ragini mummers to herself in irritation, angering herself further.

Lakshya pulls on the handle, he was confused as the door wasn't moving back and was in the same position. He tries pulling on it again and narrows his eyebrows, examining the door. As he examines, he pulls on it and then looks down.

"Hoooooly shit!" He screams and jerks back instantly, feeling his heartbeats.

Ragini cocks her head to the side, staring at Lakshya confusingly. Lakshya gulps and turns around, facing Ragini. Ragini creases her forehead as she sees Lakshya timidly moving towards her. He gulps and stares down at his hands which started to shiver. Remembering what he saw, he increases his speed and looks at Ragini.

"What happened? Why. . . Why are you gone pale?" Ragini asks, standing in front of him, staring at him with confusion.

"P. . . Pale?" He touched his face while looking at Ragini.

Ragini nods. "And why did you scream?" She queries, remembering him scream 'Holy Shit.'

"N. . . Nothing." He stutters, gulping and trying to calm himself down.

Ragini was totally baffled, not understanding a thing. A thought inserted in her mind, making her wonder if he was mad or had some mood disorder.

"Are. . . You scared?" Ragini questions and her question made him stop and stare at her for a while.

"What? No. . . You're mad." He falsely scoffs. "Why. . . Would I be scared?" Seeing him gulp and hearing him take gaps raised Ragini's suspicion.

Ragini was hesitant and rolls her eyes, allowing her hand to travel towards Lakshya's chest. He was confused by her sudden move and made a face. "What are you doing?" He instantly asks, gluing his eyes at her hand which was closer to his chest.

"Just checking." She replied and looks at his face, he moves his gazes towards her face. "I'm not interested at all, I don't know why I'm getting my hands dirty. . ." She trialed off, successfully placing her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Her expressions form the shock expression and Lakshya narrows his eyes as he stares at her, jerking her hand away from his chest.

"I needed to check if you're lying or not and you are. What did you see? Why has it made your heartbeats increase in fright?" She continued, placing her hand on top of her other hand, now wondering why Lakshya is scared.

"Listen. . ." Before he could continue, his heart skipped a beat, stopping him from talking.

"Please tell me, you're scaring me now." Ragini utters, now tensed by Lakshya.

Lakshya turns his head around, staring at the floor. He sees something again and turns back around towards Ragini instantly.

"The door is locked! I want to get out. Now! Do something, open the door or else we're gunna die!"

Ragini blinks at him. "We're. . . Going to die?" She innocently asks, now confused as well as intimidated.

He doesn't respond. He just stands there looking at her and not being able to figure out what to say to her.

"How? Why?" She asks, now really wanting some answers. She gasped for a moment as a thought occupied her mind, "Is there a serial killer in here?" She whispers while looking at Lakshya and then timidly glancing around the cabin file room.

"More dangerous than a serial killer." He whispers back, frightening her as he gulps, gazing around.

Ragini holds Lakshya's hand and he turns gazes down at their hands and then at her.

"I don't want to die young." She whispers. "Please do something. I haven't even graduated." She panics and gazes down. "I didn't get the chance to live life yet. We can't die. Do something." She panics a request and looks back up at Lakshya.

Lakshya slides his hand away from Ragini's grip. "I can't do anything. If you don't want to die then open the door." He straightforwardly tells.

"But wouldn't the killer stab me if I approach the door? What if he's waiting there for me to come. No! I'm not going, if someone has to die then you're dying first. After he kills you, I'll die happily." Ragini retorts, shocking Lakshya.

"Excuse me! Why should I die first? It's you who's been ruining lives and entering your big fat nose into other people's business so it should be you who should die first. In fact, your nose should be bitten off first."

Ragini's mouth slightly drops. "I've been ruining lives? You've been leaving your tongue everywhere so the killer should chop your tongue off first! And for your information, I didn't know they love each other okay! If I did then I wouldn't have got involved! Plus what did you expect me to do if I see your friend dragging her out when she was struggling to release herself from his hold? You act like you know everything about me but you know nothing! Mr killer, if you're hearing then please chop his tongue off first, without knowing anything, he starts to use his tongue to judge."

"If you didn't know anything then why the hell did you poke your nose in between? Did you ask what the matter was before judging and coming to the conclusion? And look who spoke! Ha ha ha! The judging gossipy aunty herself is accusing me of judging? Hypocritical isn't it?"

"Indeed is hypocritical. Because you're saying not to judge when you're judging yourself!"

Before Lakshya could answer back, the two hear a sound and immediately stop, allowing the silence to take over.

"What. . . Was that sound?" Ragini's tone had lowered and her voice managed to squeak.

Lakshya gulps, staring around. Ragini moves a little back and was unaware of the box behind her, she falls back but before she could fall, she clutches onto Lakshya's shirt and drags him down too. Before Lakshya could realise what just had happened, he looks down and finds himself on top of Ragini. Ragini's head hit a box and a file falls down, which hits Lakshya's head and falls to the side.

Ragini looks at Lakshya shockingly, still clutching onto his shirt unknowingly and Lakshya looks at Ragini with slight anger.

Lakshya's eyes travel to box and his eyes widen, Ragini, who sees his expressions change looks on, fearing it might be the end of their lives.


Durga Prasad walks out from the boardroom, in which Ragini and Lakshya were meant to be working.

"Where could the two go?" He asks himself, not figuring out if they're together or separate.

He sees his brother Ram walking with a file. "Ram. . ." He trails off and Ram, stops, walking closer to Durga Prasad and standing in front of him to listen. "Have you seen Lakshya?"

Ram puts pressure onto his mind and flicks his eyes around, trying to remember. "The last time I saw him was in this room, doing work." Ram replies, looking at Durga Prasad with normal expressions.


"Why, what happened Bhaisa?"

"He's nowhere to be seen and neither is that girl."

"Bhaisa, he must be here somewhere. He wouldn't dare leaving and wouldn't be able to either as the machine on his leg would alert everyone. If he's out then the police would've called you by now. . ." Ram explains and Durga Prasad shakes his head, understanding what Ram is saying. "Have you checked the washroom? He might be there." Ram adds, immediately earning a serious stare from his elder brother.

Ram curves a faint nervous smile and utters "I need to work on this file, I'll hopefully catch you later Bhaisa."

Durga Prasad blinks and Ram hurriedly walks away, not wanting to make Durga Prasad angry with his words.

'Maybe Ram is right. Lakshya is still in the premises and is maybe in the washroom.' Durga Prasad explains his mind and agrees to his thought, eventually walking away.


"How dare you!" Ragini angrily shouts while glaring at Lakshya with moist eyes.

He was stood on top of the box, staring at the floor timidly. "Shoo! Shoo!" He screamed, on the verge of having a heart attack.

"You said it was a killer! You nearly gave me a heart attack. You could've told me it was a mouse that scared the hell out of you!" Ragini yells, totally angry with Lakshya for not saying he saw a mouse by the door, due to which he started fearing.

"J. . . Just shut up okay!" He answers back, slightly stuttering due to the intimidation caused by the mouses on the floor.

Even when they had fell onto the floor, he had seen a mouse behind Ragini and moved away, without wasting anytime. As soon as he had got up, he started stepping on the box and seeing him timid again, Ragini had quickly stared to the floor and found a mouse chewing on a paper. She was absolutely annoyed, disappointed, angry, irritated, shocked, agitated, frustrated, vexed and irked.

"You're such a jerk! You're scared of mouses, you could've told me you saw one but no! You made it seem like we were about to die when we weren't! You scared me!" Ragini continues yelling angrily, not believing Lakshya as he had lied it was a killer who was present in the room, which scared Ragini, not that she isn't scared of mouses but for her this moment, Lakshya playing with her feelings was the biggest wrongdoing right now.

Lakshya had nothing to respond with, for him, getting rid of the mouses and escaping from this room was the most important thing right now.

Ragini feels something on her foot and frustratedly gazes down. Upon seeing a mouse on her foot, her eyes widen and heart beats started to increase.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed, jerking her foot and rushing towards Lakshya, climbing on top of the box and standing with him while staring at the ground.

She could feel her heartbeats thumping due to fear and she inhales and exhales deep breath's, trying to calm herself down. As she places her hand on her chest, she closes her eyes and gulps, forming an intimidated expression.

"What the hell. Go find a different place to stand on."

Ragini gazes up at him with a glare, not happy with him at all.

He glanced away, not seeming interested to hear her 'nonsense' and his eyes soon land on the file which fell on the floor.

"The file." Ragini looks down in the direction and sees the file they had been hunting for since ages.

Both were simply staring at the file, no one was ready to grab it as a mouse was sat on top of it.

"Get. . . It then."

"Me? You should." Ragini retorts, shifting her gazes back at Lakshya.

"I'm not going anywhere near that."

"And you expect me to go?"

"Yes because this file matters more to you than it matters to me!" Lakshya answers back, turning towards her and facing her.

"I can't believe you." Ragini sighs in disbelief and stables her balance so that she could not fall down from the box.

Her foot bends to the side and she looses her balance, just before she could fall back, Lakshya grabs onto her hand, preventing her back from touching the floor full of dirt and mouses.

Ragini looks at Lakshya with her shocked expressions while he stares at her with no expressions.

To Be Continued . . .

Up Next - File: in which new entry would be introduced.


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