2 0 - Sanjay's Anger

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Chapter 20 😂😂😂

Chapter 20: Sanjay's Anger

"Ragini, what are you doing here?" Sanskaar asked while spotting Ragini on the site with Sanjay.

"Sir, I came because you. . ."

"Sir, I brought her because she was clueless on what she had to do. Since all of us were here, I thought she had to be here with us." Sanjay interrupted, speaking to Sanskaar, who then nods his head in positively.

"You came a little to early, I was going to ask you to bring a file. . . Who else is in the office?"


"He can't come, so I have to go." Sanskaar sighed and turned around to walk away.

"There's nothing I need to do here, so why did you bring me?" Ragini asked and Sanjay let out a worried sigh, holding her hand. "I just wanted to protect you Ragini. Leaving you all alone with Lakshya wasn't a safe option in my opinion."

She took her hand away from his hold, blinking at him. "But. . . He doesn't seem like a bad guy."

"How can you tell by just seeing him few times Ragini? If his own family members are saying negative stuff about him then they shouldn't be wrong because they know him more than we do." Sanjay whispered, putting Ragini into a thought.

"Yes I know you can't come to conclusions by just seeing the person, but I've spoken to him. Yes, he is rude, arrogant, cocky, stupid, argumentative, thinks he's right, talkative, careless, clumsy and a guy with attitude. He may be a drug addict or an alcoholic but he knows his limits, he doesn't even like coming close to me. So you don't need to worry Sanjay, he won't murder me, I can handle myself with him and I've did it before. So I don't see a problem in future."

"What are you saying Ragini? Are you gone mad? Despite knowing how he is you're still going to be around him!" Sanjay angrily asked, holding Ragini by the shoulders and she flapped her eyelids at him confusingly, not being able to understand his behaviour.

"That's my problem Sanjay, not yours." She answers back, releasing her shoulders from Sanjay's grip, not liking him being controlling towards her. "Okay, so now over Lakshya you're arguing with me?"

"You're starting it and it's not over Lakshya. . ."

"So I became bad and Lakshya became good?"

"What is wrong with you Sanjay, why are you behaving like this?"

"What is wrong with you Ragini? Why are you getting close to Lakshya? You don't like him right. . . So why are you defending him!" Sanjay possessively exclaimed, shocking Ragini by his tone.

"I'm not defending him Sanjay!" Ragini argues back.

"Then why can't you just listen to me. Stay AWAY FROM HIM!"

"NO!" Ragini swallowed her spit, "It's my life, my choice. I can talk to whoever I want!" She added, overcoming his aggressive tone.

Sanjay angrily clenched his fist, holding Ragini's arm tightly. "You like him don't you?"

"What? No."

"Or you're keeping him in your contact list because he's rich!"

Ragini had enough and pushed him away from her, slapping him across the face.

"I'm cutting you out!" She exclaimed angrily and started to storm away.

He inhaled a deep breath, watching her leave. "You made a mistake by slapping me for Lakshya Ragini. A major mistake!"

As Ragini headed outside the gates of the site, she felt a grip on her arm and turned around, only to see an angry Sanjay dragging her to the side.

"Sanjay, leave me!" She shouts and he stopped, looking at her.

"Why should I leave you? You're only mine!" He shouts back and she looked on. "I will make you mine, forever. . ." He trialed off and started to drag her again.

"Sanjay! Stop it!" She was feeling utterly disgusted and uncomfortable with his behaviour, trying to free her arm from his right grip.

"I did a lot to get you Ragini, a lot. If I knew you'd be attracted to Lakshya then I should've killed him." Sanjay utters in a dangerous tone, shocking Ragini.

"Are you mad Sanjay!"

"Yes I am! You made me mad Ragini." He replied and stopped, turning towards her while pulling her closer to him. "Your charm has made me mad. I want you Ragini and for that I will do anything."

She swallowed her spit, shivering while witnessing his obsessive side.

"Stop this craziness and just leave me." She said after mustering courage and he squeezed her arm tighter. "Craziness? You call my love craziness for you?"

"And that Lakshya's craziness, you find love?"

"I don't like Lakshya!" She remarked, making it clear but Sanjay wasn't willing to listen. "Then why did you slap me for him?"

Ragini let out a discomfort sigh, staring at Sanjay in disbelief. "I slapped you for your behaviour."

He pulled Ragini closer while she protested against him with her body force.

"No, Sanjay please stop. Please. . . Just stop!" She screamed, struggling to free herself.

Tears seeped down her eyes instantly and she continued to struggle while he blew on her neck. Her heartbeats battered against her chest due to fear and her tears weren't stopping at all.

"Sanjay, no. Stop!"

He pulls her more closer to him.

"This is the difference between you and Lakshya, he would never do this no matter how angry he was." She sniffed, angering Sanjay even more and Sanjay held her arm, twisting it.


"How dare you compare me with that Lakshya!"

She fought against her pain, staring at Sanjay. "He is much better than you! When he was angry, he didn't even touch me and you. . ." She stopped, squinting her eyes while he twisted her arm even further.

"Don't you dare." Sanjay whispered, hating to see how Lakshya travelled to Ragini's good-list while he, himself drowned to the bad-list.

"You're hurting me." She let out a sniff and he loosened his grip, realising he was hurting his love.

She opened her eyes, instantly sliding her arm out of his hand and holding it. Wasting no more time, she turned to rush but Sanjay grabbed on her stole, pulling it.

But she ignored that, not wanting to stop at all and while running, she stopped, seeing Sanskaar standing in front of her.


Parvati walked down the stairs after offering her prayers to her god. Her main prayer was the welfare of her granddaughters, especially Swara who was fighting with Cancer.

Annapurna and Sujata waited underneath the heat, sighing.

"Jiji, where is the driver?" Sujata asked and Annapurna glanced at her. "He should be here."

"He's 15 minutes late!" Sujata complained and swayed her pallu around her face.

As Parvati reached the bottom of the stairs, her platter falls on to the floor, shocking her. Annapurna and Sujata, who were waiting on the side turn their heads straight after hearing the sound.

"Oh God, is this a sign from you? Will everything be good in our lives?" Parvati worried as she talked to herself, touching her chest. "Please God, take my life before my granddaughters and protect them from harm." She added whilst mumbling to herself and bent down, feeling pain in her joints.

"Maa Ji . . ." Annapurna uttered, walking towards Parvati along with Sujata.

"It's okay, we will help." Sujata says and she bent down, helping Parvati collect her items that dropped on the floor.

"It's okay, I can do it myself. . ." Parvati politely says, yet surprised to see that goodness still exists.

"No Maa Ji, don't trouble yourself, we will help. . . Come, get up." Annapurna interrupted her and forwarded her hand, which Parvati grabbed.

Sujata had finished collecting the scattered items of Parvati, and stands up whereas Annapurna helps Parvati stand.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate your help and I will pray to God to grant you two whatever you wish." Parvati says and Sujata forwards the platter with a small smile and Annapurna curled a smile.

As Parvati holds the platter, her knees begin to ache and she hissed in discomfort, confusing Sujata and Annapurna.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Sujata asked and Parvati nodded positively. "Yes, I'm alright, I just have these small knee pains, they will go away shortly."

"Maa Ji, are you here alone?" Annapurna questioned and Parvati nodded, "Yes, but my house is just around the corner."

"If you don't mind, we can give you a lift."

Parvati shook her head negatively as she blinked at Sujata, "Thank you for offering. But I'll manage."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She responds to Annapurna, who wasn't convinced yet allowed Parvati to walk away.


"Why didn't you let me call the police? He doesn't deserve to be free after the heinous deed he did." Sanskaar angrily asked while she was sat in the car, holding onto her dupatta tightly.

"I. . . Don't want this matter to spread." She choked while telling and closed her eyes, inhaling a deep breath to avoid crying.

Sanskaar merely released a sigh, respecting Ragini's decision, but he wasn't really happy with the decision she took. He begins to drive while remembering what had happened earlier.

"What's happening?" Sanskaar asked and Ragini sobbed, walking closer to him.

"Sir, I. . . He. . ."

"Sir, we were just talking. . ."  Sanjay lied and Sanskaar walks towards him, punching him in the face, pulling Ragini's dupatta out of his hand.

"Talking? I saw everything. How dare you misbehave with her?" Sanskaar yells, angrily glaring at Sanjay.

"I. . ." Sanjay stuttered and Sanskaar interrupted, "I have no place for you in our company! I'm going to call the police!"

"No Sir, please don't. I, I don't want to drag this matter." Ragini utters and Sanskaar turns, facing Ragini.

Taking an advantage of this, Sanjay begins running away and Sanskaar hears the footsteps, turning to find him sprinting away.

"He can't run like this! Ragini, I'm going to call the police." Sanskaar instantly says and Ragini walks towards him. "Sir please, don't." She pleaded with her hands folded, surprising him.

He stops the car outside her house and she opens the door, stepping out.

"Thank you sir. . ." She trailed off and hid her painful sorrow behind a small fake smile that hung on her lips.

"Ragini, take a day off tomorrow." He softly utters, understanding she might need time alone after what had happened today and she nodded, closing the door afterwards.

As she turned away from Sanskaar, her smile faded and her expressions change. While heading towards her house, she remembers Sanjay misbehaving with her clenched her fists timidly. She felt stupid, for befriending a person who merely lusted her, she felt blind for not seeing Sanjay's intentions. Her heart sank each time his words played in her mind and she headed towards the other side of the house, leaning against the wall. Water began to slide out of her eyes and she began to sob, clenching onto her dupatta tightly. This incident has left her innocent heart broken, that now she knows trusting will become an issue for her.


Lakshya was sat in the office, feeling bored and agitated. Being the only one in the office had started to creep him out. If he wasn't under house-arrest, he would've been hanging around with his people and his crowd, that give him comfort vibes.

He released a long sigh, standing up and walking around. "Hmmmm, hmhmhmmm. . ."

He stopped humming after seeing Sanskaar walk inside the office and heads towards him. "I'm bored."

"Wait, let me go get a file and I'll be back." Sanskaar uttered and walked past him, Lakshya, even though he wasn't close to Sanskaar could tell he was tensed.

"What happened? Why you tensed for?" Lakshya asked, following Sanskaar towards the cabin. "I'm not." Sanskaar lied, opening the door and entering. "Then why do you look lost?" Sanskaar grabbed the file and turned towards Lakshya, who walked inside. "This file, it was the important part of the site that I forgot to take with me."

"Aww so Mr Maheshwari shouted at you?" Lakshya taunted and Sanskaar nods, not interested in Lakshya at the moment as the incident with Ragini was troubling him.

"You can go home, we will return late from the site."



Lakshya shook his head with a wide smile and instantly turned, walking towards the exit and Sanskaar followed.

"Oi, call the cops and tell them I need to leave." He uttered and stopped, turning towards Sanskaar.

"You can do it yourself."

"They won't believe me."

"They have a tracking device, they should know where you'll be going." Sanskaar says, not in a mood to talk.

"Why are you getting annoyed for?"

"I'm not!" Sanskaar remarked as he heads outside, disturbed by the fact that Sanjay isn't behind the bars for what he tried to do.

"There's something that's troubling him." Lakshya says to himself, knowing Sanskaar would never talk to him like he's not interested, now keen to know what was bothering him.

To Be Continued . . .

Up Next - Lakshya to hear Sanskaar tell Adarsh why he fired Sanjay. . . Ragini all alone in the house. . .

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I love you all ♥️😘

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