2 1 - Invading Her House

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Chapter 21: Invading Her House

She entered her room, feeling angry at herself for befriending Sanjay, even when her instincts were telling her he isn't a positive energy. Her tears had dried up, storing enough for later as they knew she wasted so much of them over one thing.

Her eyes fall on the note placed on the table next to her bed and she picks it up. 'Me and Daadi are gone out to by groceries, we will be back in an hour or two. Food is kept in the kitchen.'

She let out a small sigh, somewhat glad they weren't here to see her in this state. She wasn't even sure how to tell Swara and Parvati what had happened but them being absent had made it easier for her. She would simply not tell them anything at all.

"I will make you mine, forever. . ." His voice angered her and she frustratedly threw her stole on the bed. "How dare he! Who does he think he is, Swara was right. I hate him so much!" She exclaimed and walked towards her wardrobe, venting her anger. "Why was I so stupid to befriend and trust him?" She slid her plain, simple clothes out, closing the door afterwards. "I should've understood once he started behaving weird." She added, turning around and walking towards her bathroom, to have a shower and relax herself from this shocking and traumatic feeling.


Lakshya stepped out of the office, seeing Sanskaar and Adarsh talking at a distance. He walked a little closer, slowly walking towards them.

"Why did you fire Sanjay?" Adarsh asked and Sanskaar shook his head. "Tell me! Why all of a sudden? I sent Sanjay here to get the file and now I find out he's fired. . ." Adarsh demanded, clueless to why Sanskaar would make such a decision.

"He. . ." Sanskaar stopped, not sure if he should tell Adarsh about Ragini. "Sanjay wasn't fit for the job."

Adarsh sighed in irritation, "what do you mean? He was perfectly fine! He was helpful and hardworking. I hired him Sanskaar, I interviewed him! How can you fire him like that?"

"The file is here, I'm taking it there. We don't need Sanjay for this." Sanskaar replied with slight irritation and sternness in his tone.

"It's not about the file. It's about you firing Sanjay for no exact reason! It's about you not discussing this decision with us."

"I didn't fire him for no reason! I had a reason, he is a disgusting and a disgraceful person! He tried to misbehave with Ragini, forcing himself on her." Sanskaar lashed out in anger, shocking Adarsh and Lakshya. "I'm so annoyed that I couldn't send him to jail!" Sanskaar added, gripping onto the file tightly.


"Yes! He misbehaved with Ragini. If I didn't reach there on time then god knows what he would've done with her."

Adarsh covered his mouth, stunned by this news while Lakshya looked on.

"What do you mean by misbehave? Did he try to rape her?" Lakshya questioned while moving closer to them, standing in front of Sanskaar, causing them discomfort with his question.

"I wouldn't say rape but harass."

"He still touched Ragini without her consent." Lakshya uttered and Adarsh sighed, feeling tensed, upset and disheartened by this revelation.

"I hope she's okay. . . Oh god, I can't believe this happened in our company!" Adarsh exclaimed in stress utterly distressed.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Lakshy questioned Sanskaar and Sanskaar sighed, "She didn't let me, she said she doesn't want this matter to stretch. If it was in my hands then I would've dragged him to the police station."

Lakshya shook his head in disbelief, "How can she say that. I bet it's the fear of society stopping her. I can't believe her."

"We need to respect her decision." Adarsh spoke, looking at Lakshya and Lakshya scoffed "Of course, so that the company name doesn't drown right?"

"It's not that. . ."

"You can deny it as much as you want, but you'd prefer her to be quite and endure it, so that people don't blame you for hiring a rapist."

Adarsh grit his teeth in anger, as he made Lakshya face him. "That's not how low we are, we didn't know what type of person he was. People don't come here with 'rapist' written on their heads! If we knew what type of cheap and disgusting man he was, we would never hire him!"

"And it's not about the company name." Sanskaar spoke, deciding to answer Lakshya back too "It's about her and her choice. We need to respect it. How are we meant to report it if she won't give her statement? I don't blame her for staying quiet, despite me wanting to punish Sanjay, but this society isn't going to let her live in peace once they find out. They will ultimately blame her for being friendly with him!" Sanskaar added, pointing out the harsh reality of the society.

"Which will make it harder for her and her family. I won't be shocked if she does report it, reporting Sanjay will be the right thing to do, but if she doesn't want to, then how can we do it?" Adarsh spoke, adding his opinion to clarify Lakshya.

Lakshya gave it a thought, "I'll make her change her mind." He uttered and walked backwards, turning around and increasing his speed as he exited the main gate.

"Does he even know where she lives?" Adarsh asked and Sanskaar shrugged, "is he even allowed to be at a different place?"

The two look at each other and shake their heads in disbelief, fed up with Lakshya's judgement towards them.


Parvati and Swara were sat on the bench in the waiting area, impatiently waiting.

"How long will the doctor take?"

"She should be here any minute now." Swara replied and Parvati nodded.

"Sears Gadodia?" Hearing her name being called out, Swara stood up instantly and glanced at her doctor, who waved at her with a small smile.

"Come Daadi." Swara uttered and Parvati stood up as the two walk towards the doctor.

Swara and Parvati had lied to Ragini about being out for grocery shopping, when in reality they were absent for Swara's appointment with the doctors.


Ragini stepped out of the kitchen after filling her plate with food, chewing on the rice slowly. Before she could head back to her room, the door bell made her halt her steps.

"They're back already?" Ragini muttered, referring to Swara and Parvati, changing her directions and heading towards the door.

She opened the door, glancing up at the figure, who barged inside. Ragini gasped as her eyes widened, seeing Sanjay close the door and took her steps backwards.

"Wha. . . What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make you mine." He replied, turning towards her and she swallowed.

"What. . . Are you saying? Get out!" She exclaimed, continuing to take her steps back, while he started taking steps closer.

He ran his hand down his pocket, pulling out something. "Look what I have. . ." He trailed off and raised his hand in mid-air, letting the Mangalsutra dangle from his hand to show Ragini. "I'm going to make you wear this and after that you'll be mine forever!" He added and Ragini's eyes move towards the Mangalsutra.

"Are you in your senses? Please leave." She requested, feeling a shiver pass down her spine, scared and startled with Sanjay being in her house when she's all alone.

"You come to your senses Ragini. You're made for me and I'm made for you, why can't you see that? Why can't you see the bond we share?" He asked, sounding serious as he increased his pace and she shook her head. "We're not Sanjay."

He grit his teeth, and she turned to run but he leaned forward and held onto her arm really aggressively, turning her towards him.

"Ahhh!" She exclaimed in pain, as the plate she was holding squashed into her chest with Sanjay pressuring it with his chest. Being hurt with the plate, Sanjay smacked it out of her hands and pulled her closer after it fell onto the floor.

Ragini was stunned and shocked, feeling Sanjay's chest collide with hers. "Leave me!" She screamed as loud as she could and struggled to free herself. He sensually touched her cheek, and she felt uncomfortable, jerking his hand away.

"Help! Help!"

"Shhhhh." Sanjay hushed, leaning closer and she panicked, kneeing Sanjay on his lower part of the body.

"Ah!" He let her loose and she pushed him, running towards the kitchen. "Chilli powder. . ." She mumbled, searching for it and held the jar, trying to open it. A small yelp left her mouth as she struggled to open it. "Please open, please please please. . ." She worried and at last managed to open it, putting her hand inside to grab a handful of chilli powder.

Sanjay entered the kitchen in anger, and sensing him, she turned, throwing the chilli powder on his face. His eyes began stinging and he moved back, rubbing his eyes in pain.

"Ahhhhh! Ragini!"

Ragini ran while muttering a prayer, Sanjay moved forward, feeling the sink and opened the water, instantly washing his face multiple of times.

Ragini entered her room and locked the door. "God, please save me. What should I do? What. . ." She picked her phone up but stopped, realising it's not on charge and throws it back on her bed.

"Oh god!" She complained, with glassy eyes. "The house phone is in the main hall. What should I do. How do I get rid of him?" A small cry escaped her mouth and she ran her hands through her hair.

"Ragini!" Sanjay's voice made her jump and she stared at her door. "Come our while I'm being nice or you're going to regret it!"

Outside the room, Sanjay was wiping his eyes while opening every single room, at last he reached Ragini's room and pulled the handle, unable to open it and realised it's her room. With his fluttering, semi-opened eyes, he knocked on the door.

"Open the door now!" He yelled and knew Ragini wasn't going to open it. So he starts to kick it.

Ragini was frightened, she glanced around to find a solution, but before she could, the already loose lock falls onto the ground and the door opens. Ragini's heart skipped a beat after seeing Sanjay standing in front of her.

"I'm done being nice!" He exclaimed in anger and charged towards her, pushing her down onto the bed.

Before Ragini could sit back up, he moved down and holds her arms, bringing them down and puts his knees on her hands, locking them.  Tears slide down Ragini's eyes, "please leave me!" She pleaded as she struggled to free her hands, which were in immense pain.

Sanjay opened the Mangalsutra and leaned forward, ready to tie it around her neck and finally make her his. He lifted her head, sliding the end around her neck and pulling it to one side. "Stay still!" He shouted, while hurrying to tie Mangalsutra around her neck.

"No, please." Ragini cried and pleaded, shaking her head to delay the process. "No one can stop you from becoming mine." He uttered and Ragini cried.

To Be Continued. . .

Up Next - Will Sanjay successfully tie the Mangalsutra around Ragini's neck?


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I love you all ♥️😘

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