2 3 - The Morning Call

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Chapter 23: The Morning Call

"Maa." His soft whisper left his mouth in aghast, as he continued looking at Parvati. Lakshya couldn't help but examine Durga Prasad's reaction. 'What's with him? Why does he look like he's seen a ghost?'

"Ragini, are you okay?" Parvati asked, caressing Ragini's face and Ragini shakes her head in response. "I'm okay Daadima."

Durga Prasad gapes at Ragini, amused on hearing 'Daadima' slip out of her mouth.

"Why are you here?" Swara's question interrupted Durga Prasad and his thoughts as he inhaled a breath, swallowing his spit to form normal expressions over his face.

"I, came to file a complaint."

"Why?" Parvati worriedly held Ragini's hand tight, glancing around to see Durga Prasad, Sanskaar and Lakshya. "Did they do something to you?"

Ragini exhaled a small breath and shook her head, rubbing Parvati's hand to console her "I'll tell you everything once we go home. Please don't fret."

"But. . ." Parvati's words were left incomplete after Swara decided to speak, "Okay. Let's go home."

Ragini nodded at Swara, showing she agreed to her statement and Parvati moved to stand besides Ragini, holding her hand.

"Come." Parvati was eager to know why Ragini was at the police station and wanted to waste no time, "let's go." She added, starting to drag Ragini with her in a fast speed. 

Swara followed out behind while Durga Prasad silently exhaled, watching Parvati's figure slowly fading away.

'Was it Ragini's grandmother that made him feel like that?' Lakshya wondered in his mind, continuing to observe Durga Prasad who was lost in his own thoughts.

"Bade-Papa, should we offer them a ride?"

Hearing no response after a few seconds, Sanskaar cleared his throat "Bade-Papa?"

"Yes. . What happened?" Durga Prasad replied as if he had missed out on something and Sanskaar narrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine. . ." Durga Prasad trailed off and glanced at the exit door, "should we leave now?"

"Sure." Thought satisfaction was far from hearing his response, Sanskaar wasn't sure if he should continue with his concern, allowing the thought to be brushed away before agreeing.

Durga Prasad led the way, followed by Sanskaar and slowly followed by Lakshya, who narrowed his eyes while thinking.


After reaching their home, Parvati and Swara made Ragini sit on the couch and coddled around her as they pushed her towards the middle while holding her hands.

"What happened?" Swara questioned concernedly and Ragini flapped her eyes while inhaling a breath.

"I. . . So. . ." Her heart slowly battered against her chest and she exhaled, lowering her faces while clenching her fists, "I was molested."

Parvati gasped and Swara's eyes widened.
"Haye Thakur Ji, what are you saying Laado?"

"Ragini. . ." Swara was speechless, she wasn't sure how react to such a big statement coming out from her sisters mouth, her heart clenched hearing the word 'molested' out of her sisters mouth.

Ragini decided to be brave and tell them everything, there was nothing to hide either as now, the news will become local after Sanjay's arrest and her complaint being filed.

"It started when. . ." She began talking, revealing everything from the start to Parvati and Swara.


While sat in the car and on the passenger seat, Durga Prasad was staring outside the window, lost in his own thoughts from the past. He had never imagined to catch a glimpse of a memory he never imagined reopening. It was much rather a shock for him, to see the woman in front of him after so long and felt helpless to stay quiet, his heart yearned for her to recognise him and cherish him once again, yet the happiness perished within. He swallowed his spit, closing his eyes while leaning against the head rest.

Sanskaar, who was silently driving cocked his head to the side for a moment to see Durga Prasad and brought it back to the middle, staring at the road. He had never seen Durga Prasad this quiet and lost before and he wondered what is going on in his head.

"Die! Die! Dieeeeeee. . . ." He smacked the phone on his hand frustratedly, "urghhh this shit game!" He exclaimed frustratedly and grit his teeth, holding his phone as if he was holding a shape of a rectangle and tapped his phone screen.

Realising the mood he displayed in this awkward silence, he lifted his gazes to meet Sanskaar's through the rare mirror and passed him a small fake smile. His eyes move towards Durga Prasad's, who was still in the same position with his eyes closed, not even showing a single reaction, which surprised Lakshya. Lakshya was expecting to hear a stern voice of Durga Prasad's telling him to keep quiet for the foul word and the tone he used.

'What's wrong with him?' He thought, remembering Durga Prasad's expressions at the police station and then leaned back against the seat, staring in space while thinking.


"This much happened and you are saying. . ."

"I'm seriously okay Daadima."

"How. . ." Swara was speechless yet angry, words were not able to form and come out of her mouth.

Parvati hugged Ragini tighter as tears slid down her eyes. "Thank god you're fine Laado."

Ragini curled a faint smile over her lips and hugged Parvati back.

"I just. . ." Swara trailed off and exhaled a breath of anger "wanna kill him. How dare he!"

Ragini broke the hug and faced Swara, "he's already behind the bars Swara. There's nothing to worry about now."

"But still, how can he stoop so low." She huffed, clenching her fists and Ragini held her hand. "I'm okay now. I admit, at first I was scared and frightened but after Lakshya came and consoled me, I feel slightly better."

"I can't believe this happened. . ." Parvati trialled off as tears continued seeping down her eyes. Ragini faced Parvati and looked on, "Daadima. . ." She felt bad to watch the tears in her grandmothers eyes, and held her hand this time with glassy eyes.

"Please don't cry." She requested in her soft tone, allowing the tears she held back to slide down. "Otherwise I'll be upset." She added and sniffed as Parvati wiped her tears, soon joining her.

Seeing the two starting to cry, Swara's anger faded and her eyes watered. "Why are you two crying?" She asked, sounding emotional and after a second she joined them, starting to sniff as she side hugged Ragini.

"Why are you two crying?" Ragini questioned through her sniffs, covering her face with her palm after uncontrollably crying.

Parvati gushed out her tears, causing a series of pain for both Swara and Ragini, who felt bad hearing their grandmother crying.

The moment was awkward yet filled with their cries, guilt and slight anger towards what happened today.


It was a while and Durga Prasad was sat inside the study room, lost in his own thoughts and Ram walked inside.

"Bhaisa, where is the file of Malhotra groups?"

Noticing his brother is lost deep inside his own thoughts, Ram waved his hand in front of him "bhaisa?"

Durga Prasad slowly raised his gazes to meet Rams. "What?"

"Where are you lost Bhaisa? I've been calling you for over 10 minutes now. . ." He exaggerated as he spoke, "are you okay?"

Durga Prasad flapped his eyes few times while making a decision in his mind, "I. . ." He trailed off, deciding to tell Ram, "saw Maa today."

"Maa?" Ram creased his forehead as he queried, "whose Maa?"

"Our Maa. . ." Ram was confused at his brothers response but after staring into his eyes for few seconds, it clicked him and he widened his gazes.

"Parvati Maa?" Durga Prasad slowly nodded and Ram exhaled a gasp, "You saw Parvati Maa. Where? When? How? She's here, in Kolkata?" Durga Prasad nodded again and Ram covered his hand with his mouth.

"I. . . I can't believe this. . . Parvati Maa?" He sounded much rather emotional yet happy while being reminded about Parvati.

Durga Prasad lowered his gazes and swallowed, not seeming to share the same excitement that Ram had developed.

"She's Ragini's Daadima." Durga Prasad further revealed and Ram froze, his expressions were merely numb and he gaped at Durga Prasad shockingly.

It was as if the moment of happiness died for Ram after finding out Ragini, the employee that was harassed by another employee from their company is the granddaughter of the woman who he calls 'Maa'.

Adarsh and Sanskaar, who were stood outside the study room door look at each other in surprise, creasing their foreheads at the same time, unable to understand the whole 'Maa' secret they've been kept away from.

"Does this mean Ragini is our cousin or sister?" Adarsh whispered and Sanskaar shrugged cluelessly.

It wasn't as clear, to why Parvati was the mother of Durga Prasad and Ram and what the whole mystery behind this was, Adarsh and Sanskaar couldn't help but to conclude possible responses in their minds, thinking of various of ideas, such as Parvati being their grandmother and Ragini being their cousin sister.


Lakshya was fast asleep on his bed and Annapurna was stood outside the door, watching him sleep. She would do this every night just before going to sleep, because this was the only time she can peacefully see him from afar and without him creating a fuss.

"How and why did we grow so far Lakshya?" She mumbled to herself with teary eyes, extremely upset and sad as a pang of pain hit her heart deep, making her say this.

She had never expected to fall apart from her son like this, she doesn't even remember when and how she upset him to this extent that now he even dislikes a glimpse of her. It hurt her, no mother would ever want their child to hate her no matter what.

She wiped her tears and slowly walked away, heading towards another room which was located few rooms away from Lakshya's, she slightly opened the door to see and creased her forehead.

"Maa?" She turned around after hearing a soft whisper and sighed a relief after seeing her eldest son, Adarsh standing behind her.

"Is everything okay?" She nodded at his question with a small smile hanging from her lips, but he wasn't convinced. "I just came to check up on you."

"On me?"

Annapurna wiped her water eyes as she genuinely smiled while responding, "I do this every night before going to sleep. Checking on Lakshya and you."

"Oh. . ." Adarsh trailed off while creasing his forehead, "why?" He further asked and she blinked at him with her faint smile, "to make sure both of you are at peace, before I fall asleep."

Adarsh felt slightly emotional after hearing her words and exhaled as he pulled her into a hug. "Maa, thank you for being so considerate and kind."

She hugged him back, "there should be no thank you in this. It's my duty and my worry as a mother, making sure you and Lakshya are asleep and not in any danger is what I need to check on every night before falling asleep myself, no matter how old you two get and if I live, I'll do this."

"Maa, don't say that." He felt upset after hearing the last few words that came out from her mouth, "you'll live a very long and healthy life." He broke the hug while staring at her, "and you'll live to see your great-grandkids getting married."

She scoffed at his words, "you go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

He nodded and she slowly walked away.


Ragini was staring at the ceiling while laying on her bed, incident that happened flashed in her mind and she merely exhaled a sigh. It happened and there's nothing she could do about it, so her guilt was invalid right now. Despite knowing it wasn't her fault in anyways, she still felt as if she instigated it and still carries a guilt in her heart, not knowing why.

However, she did not feel alone, unsafe or insecure anymore after having two of her support systems by her side. Her Daadima and her sister Swara, who showed her they were with her till their last breath and actually proved it by sleeping by one of her sides. She tilted her head left and right, watching her sister and grandma protectively sleep besides her while holding her hands. Feeling blessed to have such caring people in her life, she curled a small smile with emotions slightly seeping down her eyes.

She could never feel a tinge fright if these two were here with her, like this. Not thinking much about it, she relaxed her body and closed her eyes, cuddling herself between the two to have a really good, night sleep.


Lakshya's phone started buzzing as much as it could and non-stop, waking him up from his peaceful sleep. His eyes slowly open and he reached out for his phone, tapping the screen and staring at the time first.

He gasped and put his phone down, closing his eyes again, "6:26 in the morning, is this person mad?"

His phone buzzed again and he irritatedly clenched it, answering it without opening his eyes.

"Hello?" He cleared his throat afterwards to pass out a clearer tone, "hello!"

"Hey Lucky, guess what!" Lakshya sighed, "what!" He sounded sleepy realising who it was and turned to his side, "it better be worth you disturbing my sleep Nick."

"Wait. . ." He trailed off and soon another line connected along with their conversation.

"What!" They hear a third person irritatedly scream after answering, "why are you calling me this early! Are you drunk!" He continued and yawned afterwards.

Lakshya scoffed, "moood." He stretched the o, to hint he felt the same as the third caller, his friend Uday.

"Guys listen." Nikhil spoke after clearing his tone, "what!" Both Lakshya and Uday replied in the same tone.

"I have a court-hearing today. . ."

"So? Should we dance for you outside the court."

Lakshya scoffed at Uday's words, finding it funny.

"Come to the court at 8."

"Why?" Lakshya asked, turning on his back again while opening his sleepy eyes.

"I think I can do this. I'll get this stupid machine off our legs. We can prove our parents used their authority to get this machine on both of your legs and in directly threatened the police, cause hello. . . My Dad's a minister."

"Nick, if this is a joke then. . ." Uday sounded serious, not willing to believe Nikhil.

"I swear on Dilruba that I'm not lying." This was enough for Lakshya and Uday to put their trust blindly on him.

Lakshya sat up while stretching his eyes open, "Nick. . ." He trailed off and inhaled, "if this court meeting can get this shit off our legs then I'd be. . . Be so grateful."

"Who's the judge?" Uday questioned from the other side, and Lakshya creased his forehead a little, realising this confidence of Nikhil may have came from the judge.

"Uhhh, Awasthi Narayan."

"No friking wayyyy!"

"Oh my god!"

Both Lakshya and Uday shockingly exclaimed through the phone, now fully awake as a smile curled over his lips.

"Which means this machine is truly off our legs." Lakshya added and sighed a relief while leaning against the bed-board.

"You get so lucky with judges honestly, you always get such a lenient judge who lets you off." Uday expresses, sounding clearly jealous.

"I can't wait Nick. I would give you anything you ask for if you get this off our legs, it's been killing me since yesterday, I got arrested and pinned down aggressively just for being out of my location."

"What were you doing out of your location?"

"I. . ." He stopped, becoming quiet after Uday's question, not willing to tell him. "Just went to check something."

"Guys, be in the court at 8 on dot! And look presentable, I don't want you guys coming in looking trash."

"Saying it to the wrong person. I'm the king of fashion." Lakshya scoffed a response and heard a sarcastic laugh of Uday's.

"King? If you're the king then I am the fashion." Uday replied and Lakshya closed his mouth, feeling defeated.

"No, don't look flashy either. Look simple and mindful. If you wear your Gucci and Armani then they'd see you as spoilt brats. Look decent yet classy."

"Is that how you impress Narayan?" Lakshya asked and Nikhil hesitated, "uh, yeah, he feels bad for people who get treated unfairly for being kind. So, just act kind and look upset and timid. That's how I win all my cases with him, he should sense the oppression from your fathers."

"You're a mad one." Uday uttered and Nikhil chuckled. "Bye now, remember, 8 on dot and I want a gift in return."

Before Uday and Lakshya could respond, Nikhil ended the call.

"Gift, hah. He'd get food from me."

"Same." Lakshya replied and the two disconnected the call.

He relaxed peacefully with a wide grin over his face. "Yess. Finally! Now I can peacefully be where I want."

He was already planning his locations after the court-hearing in his mind, now not being fearful or considerate. He was going to be free, again and this was so far the best thing happening to him.

"Maybe I should go to the office to brag about it in front of Ragini. . ." He trailed off as he thought, shaking his head positively.

Thought it was really early, he stood out of bed to get ready for the court hearing at 8am.

To Be Continued. . .

Up Next - Ragini & Lakshya to meet again, and clear the misunderstandings, taking a step forward to friendship. . .  (RagLak Day)


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