2 4 - A New Day

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Sorry for any error, mistakes and inconveniences 🌹.

Chapter 24: A New Day

As the morning birds cuckooed around their house, Annapurna stepped out of her room, ready and dressed to begin her day. It was a habit for her to be up by 7 and ready by 7:30, so that she could prepare the breakfast and help out with the housework. It wasn't soon when she'd be joined by Sujata at 8 on dot. However, she prefers to be awake and down earlier than everyone else so that she could organise everything for everyone.

While heading down the stairs, her eyes fall on Lakshya who was heading towards the exit door. Confused and clueless to his early appearance once again, she slightly rushed down to find out.

"Lakshya. . ." He halted his steps while taking a bite from an apple, cocking his head to the side. "Where are you going so early?"

"Don't stop me. . ." He uttered while chewing on the apple bite, "Gosh! Don't you even know it's inauspicious to be stopped." He added after swallowing, sounding annoyed.

She flapped her eyes while stopping in front of him, "wh. . ."

"It's none of your business, let's end it at that." He rudely remarked and shrugged at her, now turning back towards the door and heading outside as fast as he could.

Annapurna felt hurt yet composed herself from allowing the pain to flow out from her eyes, it wasn't anything new either, she had been enduring his rude comments and his appalling behaviour towards her and everyone for a long time. Yet, a part of her heart wanted him to reconcile with her. She was clueless and still is, to where she had went wrong.

Brushing the thoughts to the side, she roared towards the hall and slowly moved forward. "I hope you stay out of trouble Lakshya." She wished under her breath and increased her pace afterwards.


"Shit!" He exclaimed as loud as he could, banging his hand on the steering wheel.

"What?" Lakshya questioned while taking a seat inside the car, buckling himself in.

"It's activated and it kills! This is the first time I'm stepping out with this thing on my leg." Lakshya closed the door and scoffed while facing Uday.

"Quickly get to the court or the police will pin you down and drag you to the station. We will miss our chance." Lakshya explained and Uday sighed, clenching his teeth while sucking his breath to endure the currents he was receiving on his legs.

"I can't. . ."

"Switch. Mine doesn't activate until 8ish." Lakshya uttered and Uday gave him a look, "Lucky!"

Lakshya smirked, "I know I am. It's in my name, Lucky."

Uday took his seatbelt off and so did Lakshya, both hurried to step out so that they could make it to the court in time and before the police find Uday and take him away.


Ragini's eyes open after she felt her body heat up, she tiredly blinked and took the blanket off from her chest, realising she was tucked in. While closing her eyes again, she turned to the side, noticing Parvati and Swara weren't with her anymore.

Her phone buzzed and she slid it out from under her pillow, watching her morning alarm go off. She turned it off and sighed, staring at the time, it was 8:30 in the morning and Ragini wanted to fall back asleep, yet, she realised she didn't tell the company she wanted few days off to take care of herself.
She unlocked her phone and tapped on the call log app, scrolling through her contact list to find the number.


C o u r t  -  8 : 5 6  a m

Lakshya, Uday and Nikhil step out of the courtroom, sullen and tired as they drop down onto the bench.

"That was. . ." Nikhil sounded drained as he inhaled, "tiring." He completed and licked his lips.

Lakshya rubbed his face with his palms, "I can't believe this."

"We. . ." Uday coughed and cleared his throat, "we're finally freeee!" He screeched and sat up, regaining his energy as a wide grin played over his lips.

"You were right, he was so lenient. He nearly teared up hearing our story." Lakshya uttered as he faced Nikhil, who curled a small smile over his lips. "That's why I love him." He replied and scoffed, "he's the best judge anyone could ever get."

"I can't believe I'll have this off my leg." Uday cried in happiness, wiping his invisible tears, "I feel. . . Free and already so light." He added to which Lakshya agreed with.

The officer stood in front of the three as they glance up at him, "come, I'll take it off." He uttered and their eyes shone at him as the grin on their lips widened.


Ragini walked around the house searching for Parvati and Swara. "Where did they go?" She wondered and sighed, entering Swara's room to look around.

She realised she was alone, with no one around her once again. Small chills hit against her spine as she recalled what happened yesterday. She swallowed, slowly starting to head out until her eyes fell on the paper that was laying on the floor near the door. She bent down and stood back up straight after holding the paper, turning it over in order to read what it says on it.

"Medical report?" She creased her forehead as she read Swara's name on top, continuing to scan to the 'diagnosis' as fast as she could. "Gin. . . Gingivitis?" She confusingly muttered, slightly clueless and instantly unlocked her phone to search on google.

Swara stood by the door with Parvati, staring at the paper in Ragini's hand as she remembered her meeting with the doctors yesterday.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for so long. So, how are you feeling?"

"Slightly better but, my gums feel sore."

"Ah, right. . . We. . . Actually have something to tell you which is why we called you in such a short notice." She hesitantly uttered as she glanced at Parvati and Swara nervously.

"We, kind of had a switch of reports." She uttered, confusing Swara and Parvati.

"What do you mean?" Parvati asked and the doctor swallowed. "Our receptionist made a mistake. It was a busy day and she was too stressed and unable to cope up with too many patients yelling at her for the delays so she made an error. She gave your reports to someone else and gave someone else's to you."

"Hmm?" Swara confusingly hummed and the doctor cleared her throat. "You, don't have lung cancer. We tested the patient that did yesterday after her symptoms worsened, that's when we realised the mistake we made. We would like to do your test again, if that's okay with you."

"So. . . She doesn't have lung cancer?" Parvati spoke with high hopes in her tone. "No, she doesn't." The Doctor replied, slightly afraid she would be yelled at however Parvati smiled and faced Swara, who was happy yet in disbelief.

"Thakur Ji, thank you so much!" Parvati prayed with happiness and touched Swara's hand. "You don't have cancer." She spoke with tears of happiness starting to beam from her eyes.

Swara face Parvati and shook her head, "I. . . I don't. . . Have cancer." She stuttered as a smile formed over her lips, relief was glimpsing from both of their faces.

"Please forgive us for the blunder we made and give us a chance to retest you and give you an accurate diagnosis this time." The doctor sincerely apologised and the two nodded at her, giving their time to her, unaware of what was going to happen with Ragini this day.

"Gum inflammation caused by bacteria or film of plaque that accumulates on the teeth." Ragini read and sighed a relief after spotting 'non-destructive' in the definition.

"This is what will happen if she always eats street-food every single day." Parvati spoke, slapping Swara's back lightly while grabbing Ragini's attention.

"Ouch." Swara moaned a complain and frowned as Parvati continued to be mean, "whenever we used to see, she brought pani-puri one day, then samosa-chat the second day, chhole bhature the third day, pizza and all that. If bacteria doesn't enter then what does? It's bad for her body too but she doesn't listen."

"But, it's so tasty that it's hard to give it up. I didn't know me eating every single day would lead to this." She frowned as she cursed herself under her breath, feeling the soreness on her gums clench.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ragini questioned and walked a little forward.

"It's nothing too serious, I've got medications and now hopefully it will go away in two weeks." Swara replied, holding Ragini's hand to assure her.

"And you have to take them, I don't want to see any missed doses otherwise. . ."

"I will hit her." Parvati completed for Ragini. The three chuckle after few seconds.

"Where did you two go this early in the morning?" Ragini asked and Parvati sighed, "to buy this. . ." Ragini's eyes fall on the bag in Parvati's hand.

"It's a doorbell, the camera one that we can connect with our phones. It's easier and more reliable. We won't have to open the door to see who's outside, we can use the app and see. . ." Swara explained and Ragini creased her forehead, "why so sudden?"

"Everyone use this and we thought to try it. Besides, what if a thief comes in when we go to open the door to see? It's better to see beforehand." Parvati explained and Ragini smiled, knowing they brought it after the incident yesterday however found it cute that they're making excuses.

"Let's go set it up." Swara grabber Ragini's hand, pulling it towards a direction and Parvati handed her the bag.

"And I'll go make breakfast." She uttered while walking towards the kitchen.


"Are you sure you want to come. . . Here?" Uday asked as he looked at the office.

Lakshya unbuckled his seatbelt, "yes. I'll call you later on."

Uday made a face as Lakshya closed the door, "weird, when did this become his first stop?" He wondered and started driving, leaving Lakshya to walk inside the building.

While heading towards the entrance, his eyes fall on the security guard who was yawning while facing his head to the side.

"Did. . . Ragini come in today?" He asked and the security guard flapped his eyes, turning his head towards Lakshya. "I haven't seen her enter office today."

Lakshya nodded while thinking, "so she isn't in?"

The security guard shook his head, "no." He replied and Lakshya nodded. 'Why isn't she in?'

"Lakshya. . ." Ram walked toward them after spotting Lakshya near the entrance. "What are you doing here?" He asked, stopping next to him. "Aren't you coming in?"

"I. . . I have some work to do, I'll catch you later on. . ." Lakshya hurriedly trialled off, taking his step backwards.

"But. . ."

"Bye!" He exclaimed and started running from their, avoiding Ram who closed his mouth.

"Why is he running like that?" Ram asked himself and creased his forehead, "is the machine on his leg not working?"

Lakshya stopped running after successfully distancing himself far away from the office and slowly walked down the pathway, thinking and recalling.

"Is she still affected by what happened yesterday?" He whispered to himself and gave it a thought.


"Yes, I saw him run." Ram revealed while taking a seat on the chair in front of Durga Prasad.

Durga Prasad sighed, placing his hand over his forehead frustratedly. "This boy, first he disappeared in early in the morning and now he ran away from here. . ." Durga Prasad slid his phone out from his pocket and unlocked it, "how are the police not doing anything?" He confusingly muttered and placed the phone over his ears.

"Hello, this is Durga Prasad Maheshwari. . ." Durga Prasad trialled off and Ran straightened his posture while staring at Durga Prasad. "Oh, really?" Durga Prasad surprisingly asked over the phone and glanced at Ram. "How?" He asked again and creased his forehead, "okay, thank you officer."

After the call disconnected, Durga Prasad placed the phone on the table and exhaled. "He managed to get the machine off."

"What, how?"

"He managed to get a court order, but how?" Durga Prasad uttered and slammed his fist on the table, "this is absurd, he cannot have. . . He doesn't have the money to pay the lawyer and. . . I would've gotten a phone call if he did meet up with one. All of a sudden, it's absolutely impossible for him to get the orders signed from a judge." Durga Prasad explained his confusion to his brother Ram who gave it a thought.

"You're right Bhaisa, it was yesterday evening when the police tracked him down and arrested him, it would be impossible to meet up with lawyers and arrange a court hearing in such a short span of time, especially when the court is off premises at 5 or 6pm."

"Exactly, so how?"

Both Ram and Durga Prasad strained their minds to figure out how Lakshya managed to get the machine off his leg, unable to get a clue.


After a while, Lakshya was stood outside Ragini's house, staring at it from a distance.

"Should I go, or not?" He asked himself and placed his finger on his chin while thinking about it. "Why am I here anyways?" He sighed and turned around, heading the other way.

Yet, he stopped, hesitating to leave and turned back around. "Should I just go and see if she's okay?" He was confused, wanting to go yet wanting to walk away, he wasn't even sure why he was in front of her house in the first place. He slowly took his steps towards the house.

"It's okay to go and ask her if she's alright. . . There's nothing wrong with that, right? I mean, after what happened yesterday, it's understandable why I'm here. . ." He trailed off, assuring himself as he headed towards the door, feeling confident in approaching her.

Before knocking on the door, his eyes fall on the doorbell and he pressed on the bell. Feeling his heartbeat fastening, he placed his hand on his chest. "Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden?"

He blew, exhaling his nervousness out and waited patiently, despite wanting to turn around and run away.


Inside, Ragini walked into the hall and Swara flashed her phone screen at her, "he's here. . ."

Ragini's eyes fall on the screen as she watched Lakshya standing outside his door through the camera, looking on.

"Lakshya. . ." She trailed his name off and headed towards the door.

"Who's here?" Parvati asked while stepping out from the kitchen, wiping her hands with towel while staring at Swara.

"Ragini's. . . Colleague. The boy who helped her yesterday." Swara replied and walked closer to Parvati, showing her the phone screen.

"Him? Why is he here?" Parvati surprisingly asked, making a face as she viewed him.

Ragini opened the door and his hand dropped from his chest as he composed himself, curving a nervous smile over his lips.

"You didn't come in today. . . So I thought to come and check up on you." He uttered instantly, even before she asked and she nodded at him. "How. . . Are you?"

"I'm. . . Fine." She replied and formed a small smile over her lips, "thank you for what you did yesterday." She added, and he nodded at her.

"Are you off for couple of days?" He asked and she nodded, "I. . . I took a week off."

"A week?" He scrunched his eyebrows, "why a week?"

"I. . ." Ragini stopped, unable to find the correct words to say, "I. . . Need time." She replied and lowered her gazes, she then decided to change the topic. "Why are you not in?"

"I. . . I had stuff to do." He replied, sounding awkward and she nodded. "I, am finally free." He added and she narrowed her eyes at him, "Hmm?"

He stared at her face for a while, "Do. . . You want to hangout?"


"Come, I'll take you out."

She confusingly blinked at him, "why?"

"You look. . . Like you need a break."

Ragini confusingly shook her head, "what do you mean?"

"You're literally staying at home for a whole week, I know what happened yesterday must be slightly frightening for you. . . But the more you keep it in, the more it'll haunt you. You need to let it go and in order to let it go, you need distraction."

Ragini was silent yet so confused to hear Lakshya speak, not knowing how to respond to that.

"I. . ."

"Come, just let it out and don't worry. . . I'll be waiting outside." He interrupted and started walking backwards.

"But. . ."

"Don't make me stand there. . . I'll be waiting." He interrupted again and this time turned as he walked away.

Ragini flapped her eyes and turned around, facing Parvati and Swara who look on.

To Be Continued. . .

Up Next - Ragini & Lakshya to meet again, and clear the misunderstandings, taking a step forward to friendship. . . (RagLak Day)


Please kindly leave your votes and drop down your comments, if you liked this chapter ♥️✨🌸.

I love you all ♥️😘

I'm extremely sorry for the delay. Please forgive me. I just had stuff going on however I promise to update frequently! Thank you for being so patient and for enduring my lazy behaviour 🥺❤️

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