Dream that joined fates ❤️

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This book is started on a special occasion!!! And the first shot is dedicated to our lovable RAGLAK writer and supporter THR777 😘😘😘

Congratulations dear ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You have completed a year in wattpad

Thanks for giving us wonderful and lovely works on RAGLAK, that made us smile and go awwww everytime💖

The words in bold are THR777 book names. I have used few of them in this shot 🙈

Sentences in double quotes are mind voices.


Beautiful cover credit goes to varshni81 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Thank u so much dear, u made the cover and delivered it before 24 hours,  that's so sweet of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Ragini: I hate you Laksh! I hate you so much! You married me and I'm going to be mother of your child, still you didn't stop dreaming about her. I thought you are Only mine, but not!

Few days before
Laksh's POV

My mom is hell-bent on making me married! They don't understand that I can't marry anyone because The Soul of my life is my dreamgirl! I love her like anything and I can't destroy other girl's life when my heart only belongs to My angel! But I don't know where she lives or who is she? Is she single or not? I don't know anything!

I came out of the thoughts by the sudden break of the car and found driver asking the address with someone. We are going to the girls house whom my mom has chosen for me. I'm not going to accept her at all. I'll tell her about my love story, so that she'll reject me at that instant!


I came out of my thoughts when my mom called me and turned to her.

Author's pov

AP: Laksh, give me the visiting card of that girls house, we lost the route!

Laksh gave the visiting card and AP gave it to the girl with whom driver was talking. Her face is covered with a scarf.

Girl: This address is difficult to explain. If you people don't mind I'll come along with you as I'm also going on the same route.

AP: You can beta, it'll be helpful to us only.
Girl came and sat besides driver and AP and Laksh in backseat.

AP: Beta! Why are you wearing the scarf inside the car? You can remove it.

Girl: My mother says I look beautiful and anyone would fall for me. I don't want your son to fall for me when he is going to see another girl.

Laksh “What the hell? Why would I fall for her when I love my dreamgirl? Wait! She knows why we are here for! How?”

Laksh: How come you know the purpose for which we are here?

Girl: I and the girl you are going to see live in the same colony. That's why I'm helping you people and the girl only told me that an alliance is coming for her and showed your photo.

AP: Oh! Don't take me bad beta, but can you tell me about the girl?
Laksh: Mom!

Girl: Sure aunty! Her name is Ragini. Most beautiful girl but after me! Well-educated and well-mannered.
AP smiles listening to this, while Laksh looks uninterested!

Girl: You know how much she respects her parents? She never wakes until her mother gives her bed coffee! She says she'll treat her MIL like her mother!

Laksh “I think I should involve!”
Laksh: So that girl wants my mother to give her bed coffee?

Girl: Of course. She even says that she'll take care of her husband in such a way that he forgets his parents!

Laksh looks at AP and acts like shocking!
Laksh: Maa! I don't want to forget you both, please let's go back!

AP starts thinking, while Laksh feels happy!

Girl: We reached!
Laksh: Mom, let's take U turn!

AP: Ragini beta, thank you so much for the wonderful description about yourself.
Girl: Mention not! It's my pleasure aunty and... oops!

Ragini who is wearing the scarf immediately hits her forehead and leaves from there running! AP who see this starts laughing while Laksh was not able to process anything!

Laksh: Mom! Is she the same girl?
AP: Yes! I came to know by her voice. I can identify her after all she is my friend Janki's daughter.

Laksh “I heard a lot about Janki aunty and her daughter from mom, but I don't know she is the same girl I'm going to see!”

Laksh: Mom! You didn't tell me about the girl, why?
AP: I tried, but you were not interested as your full interest is on your dreamgirl!

Laksh: Mom, please. I don't want.....
AP: Laksh I gave you one year time to find her, but you failed. So you have to listen me now, that's it.
Saying this AP leaves from there.
Laksh “I have to do something now!”

Gadodia House

AP was seen twisting the ear of Ragini who came there with tea and snacks.
Ragini: Aunty! Sorry, leave me, please.
Janki: Don't leave her AP. I told her send someone to you people, as you don't know the address of our new house. But this girl came herself and tried to frighten you!

Ragini: I don't want to frighten them. I just want to know how eager AP aunty is to make me her bahu, that's it!

Laksh was looking at Ragini being shocked!
Laksh “When she tried to frighten us, I thought she also doesn't like the alliance, but here another movie is going on!”

Ragini who see Laksh requests AP that she wants to talk privately with him, then only she can take any decision! AP accepts and RAGLAK were sent to terrace.


Laksh: Ragini ji....
Ragini closes her eyes and shouts
Ragini: Ji! I'm not your dadi! So don't add 'ji' before my name. I also won't address you Laksh ji after our marriage.

Laksh: Marriage! No, listen to me Ragini ji....
Ragini: I'll leave if you call me ji again!

Laksh: No! Once listen to me Ragini, please! I can't marry you because I love someone else!
Ragini looks on and Laksh starts narrating his love story.


Two years back.....

Laksh: Why don't you show your face? I want to see!
Laksh starts requesting a girl who is facing other side!

Girl: Why you want to see my face, don't tell me you'll confess your feelings after learning I'm beautiful or not?

Laksh: How can you think like that? I love you by your nature but not by looks!
Girl: Aww! I love you too Laksh! You can see my face now.
Girl starts to turn his side, just then

Laksh comes out of his dream due to AP's scream!

Laksh: Mom! What have you done? I was about to see her face!
AP: Your dream girl's! Stop living in dreams and come to reality, Laksh! Last night you only told me to wake you up, as you want to go to the bookstore, now get ready.


Laksh is seen going through new books, when his eyes caught a letter with letters DREAMBOY! He took it and started reading. It's the same dream he is dreaming. How they met in dreamland, how love blossomed between them and how he fails to see her face! Only difference is the letter is in her pov and she was also not able to see his face like him!

Laksh "Oh my god! This is unbelievable!"

Laksh immediately asks store owner about the letter and he says, a girl came and gave me this letter requesting me to publish in a column as I know few of magazine owners and she'll come in an hour with money.

Laksh "Finally in an hour I can meet my dream girl!"

Laksh waits for an hour, hours turns to days, days to weeks. But she didn't come and he used to go to the book store every day to meet her! This made AP angry as he is trusting a dream and a letter wasting his life. She gave an year time to search her and after that she'll arrange his marriage with someone else!

Flashback ends

Ragini who was listening suddenly comes to Laksh and stands right in front of him, while Laksh looks shocked!
Ragini: I was just checking whether my height suits with you are not?

Laksh: Do I look like a joker to you?

Ragini: No, you are my would be!

Laksh was about to say something, just then Ragini stops him.

Ragini: Look Laksh! AP aunty had given me the promise that she'll make me her bahu six months back. She already told about your dream love story and I know how many tries you did for her! For a minute we trust she really exists, then why she didn't come? Laksh if she wanted to come she would had been there that day, but she didn't! So, forget her and marry me because I started loving you from the time your proposal came!

Laksh: No! I won't marry anyone other than her!
Saying this Laksh starts leaving, but stops listening Ragini.

Ragini: This is horrible Laksh! How can you just ignore your dream girl and leave like that?
Laksh turns around and looks with confusion!

Ragini: My confusion master! I'm only your dream girl!

She forwards him a dairy, in which she wrote every dream she dreamt of them. Laksh takes it and reads the few pages, it's the same handwriting like in the letter and whatever written in it was the dream sequences he used to get!

Ragini: Before you get a doubt whether it's my handwriting or not, I'll write something on it.
She takes the dairy and writes something on it for about ten minutes, after reading it Laksh was shocked like hell!

Handwriting is matching, no doubt in that, but what made him shock was the words that were written by her!

I know you are my dreamboy and I'm your dreamgirl but I don't remember anything because of my memory loss!

While I was coming to the store that day I met with an accident and lost memory. I have only memories of past one year. Even I don't remember my parents, they showed me proofs of being my parents!

AP aunty came to our house seven months back and my mom told her everything, including my dreamboy, as I didn't hide anything from them! Then only she came to know everything. She befriended me for some days and on one fine day she disclosed me everything and my mom showed me my diary, then only I got to know everything!

I requested them not to tell anything to you, as it was not easy for me to accept such a big thing! From then, I was following you and saw your efforts in  finding me, your love changed me and I accepted to our proposal and now you are here!

Laksh immediately hugs her, he wanted to meet her, but he didn't expect this type of situation! Ragini too hugs him back. They both stays like that for some time.

Laksh immediately comes out of the hug.
Laksh: Then why you played prank on me a while back?
Ragini: It's our first meeting, right! I want it to be memorable, that's why!

Laksh smiles and again hugs her.
Ragini: Laksh! But I don't remember anything. I may not remember for lifetime too. I only know basic things that a person can do. I don't remember my education too. You know I was struggling with writing too first, slowly I learned!

Laksh: It doesn't matter to me at all. You are safe and I got my dreamgirl as my life partner, that's enough for me! I love you my dreamgirl!
Ragini: I love you my dreamboy!
Laksh smiles and kisses her forehead lovingly.

Finally RAGLAK got married after few days and Laksh acted like angry infront of AP for hiding about Ragini. She had done many things to pacify him. Finally he stopped his acting when she gave him the honeymoon tickets to switzerland!

After two years

Ragini: You don't love me anymore, Laksh! You only love your dreamgirl! That's why you were dreaming about her!
Ragini cries holding her cute baby bump! While Laksh was looking at her bewildered!

Laksh: Baccha! You were being jealous of yourself! I understand after all it's the effect of mood swings!

Ragini: No! It's not mood swings. I told you right, until I remember everything you should not get dreams of my dreamgirl version!

Laksh: But how can I control a dream?

Ragini: I don't know anything! Will you stop dreaming or not?

Laksh: Ok! Now stop shouting. It's not good for you and our baccha, ok!
Ragini: Ok!
Laksh pats her head and she slowly goes into sleep.

After 10 years

Ragini: You don't love me anymore, Laksh! You stopped dreaming about me, that too when I remembered everything few months back! You are not My prince charming!

Laksh: Baccha, I'm your prince charming! You only told me to stop dreaming!

Ragini: Yeah! But only until I remember everything! Now I'm dreaming and you stopped! You have to dream tonight or else stop coming near me!

Laksh: What?!
Ragini: Didn't you hear, stop coming to me for the kiss!
Laksh: Why?!
Ragini: Because I want you to dream!
Laksh: Until when this punishment continues?
Ragini: Until you get my dreams!

Maa, papa

Raglak turns and finds their son Ishaan who is coming with his pillow. He comes and sits between them!

Laksh: Here comes Family ka laadla!
Ragini: What happened baccha?
Ishaan: Dadi is not letting me sleep with her question!
Laksh: Question?!

Ishaan: Yeah! You know right, she started reading stories on wattpad. She read a story and asking me to decode a title of a book!

Laksh: Which title?
Ishaan: LSA-RSK!!!!!!!!!!

Ragini: Even I'm reading the story, but was not able to decode!
Laksh: Then we all should wait until the writer discloses. Now sleep, I should dream!

Ragini: Maybe I should ask writer once!
Ishaan: Yes! Even I'm curious to know!
Ragini: Ok, baccha! Laksh you sleep and start dreaming!

Ishaan: Maa! I have a doubt!
Ragini: What is that?
Ishaan: You and papa got the same dream, right? But how it happened?
Laksh: It happened because God wants! Now let me sleep. I have to continue my Journey of Love. I mean I have to dream!

Ragini giggles and lays down on the bed with Ishaan in the middle.

Laksh "Bhagawan ji, please I should get the same dream! I can't see my baccha sad, please! By the way what is LSA-RSK?"


I tried and I just wish it was good enough to bring a smile on your face dear ☺️☺️😘😘

This is just a small gift from my side to that person who had made everyone's birthday special by gifting OS to them... Thanks dear THR777


So, friends I started this book to show gratitude to every person by writing an Os, who are being a strong support to me and everyone ❤️
Thanks to each and every person, love you all 💖💖

And a special thanks to the people who requested me to write OS. I know I'm late, but I have already started working on them, will post them soon ☺️☺️


If u liked this update please shower your love through votes and comments 😊

Sorry for the mistakes
Thanks for reading
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Keep smiling and stay healthy ❤️

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