His beautiful ❤️

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Happy Birthday writer ji Vm9627 🎂🍬🎊🎉

May God bless you with all the happiness and success you deserve ❤️
May the beautiful smile play on ur lips every second ❤️❤️

I was not knowing it's ur birthday today! Otherwise I would have planned something bigger than this!

I wrote whatever came into my mind in hurry as I want to post it today. Sorry, if it's not good🙈🙈


Sentences in double quotes are mind voices.


I'll kill all of you today! How dare you? Today your life is going to end in my hands!

Ragini shouted spraying mosquito repellent on the mosquitoes like she is some warrior!

I told you all to stop drinking my blood, but you didn't listen! See, now what happened! If you listened to me and would have biten swara and sharmishta maasi, you would have been alive now! I think you all are their team that's why, you didn't listen to me, now rest in peace!


Ragini rolled her eyes listening to sharmishta's fake sweet voice!

Ragu: Coming!
She checked herself in the mirror and left the room with her bag.

Sharmishta: Wow! My ragu is looking beautiful! Right! Shekhar ji!

Shekhar: Yes! After all it's you who selected her dress.

Ragini "Yes! She only selected the dress, which was used by swara almost 50 times!"

Sharmishta: Come, sit for breakfast.
Ragini sat on her place and looked at the plate, there is only one vegetable sandwich, while other plates were filled with dishes full of ghee!

Ragini "Eat! Eat more ghee, heartless people! I hope you all become toys one day, then I'll show who am I?"

Ragini: Papa! I want pocket money.
Swara: Why? Last month only you took 300 rupees!

Ragini "I took 300 rupees, not 1000! Look who is telling this to me. She takes pocket money twice a month!"

Shekhar: Ragini! You should not waste the money. Learn from swara.

Ragini "Hahahaha! What a joke?!"

Ragini: Ok, papa!

Bus stop

Ragini "Maa! Why did you leave me? Maasi and swara had made papa puppet. He is thinking that they are loving me, but the fact is completely opposite to that! You know maasi made my appearance in such a way that no boy will love me! Can you see me, see this magnifying glass type glasses, gunny bag dresses! Please maa send someone into my life, who would love me with all these and makes my life colorful!"

Suddenly Ragini closes her eyes as someone throws colors on her!

Ragini "Argh! Who threw colors? Maa, I said make my life colorful, not my dress, oops, swara's dress!"

Ragini dusts her dress and open her eyes only to find a handsome standing in front of her with the most charming smile and she starts drooling over him! But soon composes and starts yelling at him!

Ragini: Hey! Don't you have eyes? See what have you done?
Boy: I have eyes! That's why when my friends gave me a bet to throw colors on a beautiful girl, I chose you.

Ragini looked in all directions to check whether he was talking about her! When she was confirmed he was referring herself, she started laughing!

Ragini: Hahahahaha!

That boy looked mesmerized by her smile and after few seconds he too started laughing.

Boy: Hahahahaha!

Ragini: Why are you laughing? Did I crack any joke?
Boy: I was just giving company.

Ragini: Now enough of these! I know why you came here. You love swara and want me to help you. I already went through all these situations! If you want to impress swara, you should be rich in her view and crack piece in my view!

Boy: Why would I impress other girl, when I'm in front of the most beautiful girl!
He says pointing towards Ragini.

Ragini: You feel I'm beautiful! Me?! Did you see my appearance?

Boy: Love doesn't see appearance and all! You are beautiful in and out, that's why I love you!

Ragini: Beautiful inside! Oh hello! What do you know about me, you are saying I'm beautiful from inside!

Boy: You are so innocent! I said I love you, but you stucked at beautiful word, how cute?!

Ragini: When did you say I love you?

Boy: Just a while back, beautiful!

Ragini "Looks like maasi had mixed something in my sandwich, I'm dreaming the things which I never thought!"

Boy: You are not dreaming! I started loving you from the second I had seen you beautiful. Will you marry me?
He says while kneeling down.

Ragini: What are you doing? Get up! See, you can't love me, I mean, argh! Still, I can't believe that someone just proposed me!

Boy: No one didn't propose you till now, because I'm written in your fate, beautiful! Don't worry, take how much time you want and tell me your decision by tomorrow evening, ok!

He winks at her and gives his visiting card saying....
Boy: If you want, you can enquiry on me. Will be waiting for your answer beautiful, bye!

Ragini: Hey! Listen.
She saw the visiting card and mutters Laksh Maheswari with a smile!


Ragini was seen at the dining table and playing with sandwich thinking about Laksh.

Shekhar: RAGINI! Why are you not eating?
Sharmishta: How many times I told you  not to eat anything outside? See, now you are not able to eat this. Give it to me, I don't like to waste food!

Ragini "When did I eat outside? I don't have money also! I hope your stomach will get upset maasi!"

Shekhar: You are perfect housewife sharmishta. Ragini, go and sleep beta.

Ragini shooks her head and leaves from there with empty stomach.

Ragini was seen tossing on her bed because of hunger! Just then she hears sounds from the window. She opens them and gets shock finding Laksh holding the pipeline!

Laksh: Hi, beautiful!
Ragini: Go to hell with your beautiful! What are you doing here?

Laksh: I'm ready to go to both hell and heaven with you my beautiful!
Saying this he winks at her.

Ragini: I'll kill you, if you flirt at this time!
Laksh: There is no rule that we can't flirt in night times, right! First let me come inside, my hands are paining!

He enters inside the room and shows Ragini a knife!

Ragini: Knife! You will kill me if I don't accept your proposal?!

Laksh slightly hits her forehead and says...
Laksh: My innocent baccha! This is for you. You must be afraid of finding me in your room at night. So keep it with you, you'll feel safe.

Ragini's eyes pops out listening to it!

Laksh keeps the carriage which he bought for Ragini on the bed and starts opening it.
Laksh: Come and have dinner. You didn't eat anything.
Ragini: How come you know that?

Laksh: I was following you from morning and came to your house and was standing near the window near the main door!

Ragini: How dare.... Uhmmm... yummy!

Ragini stops scolding him as he stuffed a piece of parata into her mouth and she gets mesmerized by its taste! She sits on the bed and starts eating, while Laksh looks at her lovingly!

Ragini: I don't know when I ate such a delicious food last time!

Laksh: Marry me, you'll get chance to eat this type of food every day.

Ragini: You want me to marry you, for food!
She asked raising her eyebrows!

Laksh: No! Marry me to be happy. Marry me to be like the way you love. Marry me to have someone in your life who would love you above everything and marry me because you already love me.
Says Laksh with a smirk.

Ragini: What? I don't love you! You are mistaken! I'm not the one who wrote that letters to you!

Laksh: I didn't say anything about the letters, my junior.

Ragini tried to go, but Laksh held her hand pulling her closer and wrapped his hands around her waist.
Laksh: I love you! Now won't you tell your feelings that you are holding from long?

Ragini hugged him tightly as soon as Laksh said those words.

Ragini: Yes! I started loving you from the day you helped me from your friends ragging in the college. You are the handsome guy of the college. Almost every girl was in love with you, even I was! But you didn't give any type of attention to the most beautiful girls and you never looked at me at all after that day. I wanted to confess my feelings, but controlled thinking you might tease me by my nerd nature, that's why I used to write letters to you conveying my feelings! But stopped when you didn't give reply to any of the letter, thinking you were not liking those letters!

Laksh: I too started loving you from the time I met you, Ragini! I even saw you keeping letters in my bag and I gave replies too. I used to keep them in your bag! One day, I didn't find letter from you. I was waiting to confess my feelings, but you simply ignored me and leaves from there!

Ragini: I never ignored you! I thought you don't even remember me and I don't want to give pain to my heart, that's why I left the college also!

Laksh: After you left the college, you know how much I tried to reach you? I got your address one month back and started following you. I saw how your family is treating you and how you are tolerating them! I had enough of seeing their fake love and also wants to fill your life with colors, that's why I started the conversation morning! But you acted like you were seeing me for the first time!
Laksh says with a pout.

Ragini: What should I do then? I was having mixed feelings when I saw you after two months. I was shocked when you called me beautiful and proposed me. In order to hide my excitement I acted like that! Who will think a boy like you will love a girl like me?

Laksh: I'll slap you, if you say like that once again!
Laksh says with anger, while Ragini bends her head.

He slowly lifts her head holding the chin and says looking into her eyes....
Laksh: You are the beautiful girl I have seen after my mom! You have a good heart and you look absolutely stunning! Your maasi and your so-called sister swara were the one who made you to think like this!

He takes her to the mirror and stands besides her.
Laksh: Just look at yourself, beautiful eyes, rosy lips, strawberry cheeks. You are perfect baccha!

Ragini: Yes! Perfect with you!
Says Ragini hugging him.

Ragini: I love you.
Laksh: I love you too.

Ragini: But, where did the letters gone, when you kept them inside my bag?

Laksh: It's the work of your maasi and swara! I was following you from a month but today only I came to your house, and I heard your maasi and sister planning how should they show hell to you? They even talked about how swara had thrown my letters without your notice!

Ragini: What?! How dare they?

Laksh: Not only that, they send some boys to you telling them to say that they love swara and wants your help, in that way they can make you feel inferior! They even said how much relief they will get once they remember how they are torturing you!

Ragini: I hate them! I don't want to live here at all!

Laksh: Then come with me, we'll go to you sasural!

Ragini: What?

Laksh takes her out holding her hand saying yes!

He reaches to hall and calls shekhar, sharmishta and swara. They come and gets shocked to find Ragini standing close to a boy holding his hand!

Sharmishta: Ragini! Where did your manners go? You are standing with a boy in night dress. Learn something from swara!

Laksh: Ha! Learn how to steal from swara!

Shekhar: Who are you? How dare you to say something like that to my daughter?

Laksh: You have another daughter too, you remember? How can you, when you always roam behind your second wife and daughter.

Shekhar: Mind your words! We all love Ragini and care for her!

Laksh: I'll show how much you all care for her!
Laksh plays the vedio of sharmishta and swara which he shot while they were talking.

Shekhar closes his mouth in shock and was ready to scold them, but Laksh stops him by saying....
Laksh: I'm the one whom Ragini loves and who loves Ragini! You don't have right to scold them! You failed to take care of Ragini trusting your wife blindly.

Shekhar bends his head while Laksh continues...
Laksh: I love Ragini and I'm taking her with me. She'll live in our house with me and my parents! Don't dare to stop us, she is major and she can take decision by her own! Don't worry you'll get a chance to see our marriage! Let's go Ragini!

Ragini: One minute Laksh.
Ragini goes to her room and brings mosquito repellent and gives it to Swara and Sharmishta....

Ragini: A small gift from me, and take this magnifying glasses too.
Saying this she makes them wear it to swara!

Ragini: If I want I can teach you both a good lesson for trying to spoil my life. But I don't want to waste even a second for the useless and selfish people.

Saying this Raglak leaves from there in laksh's bike.

During the journey Laksh stops in front of his friends boutique.

Ragini: What happened?
Laksh: Do you want to meet your in laws in night dress?
Ragini realizes what she is wearing and hits her forehead.

Laksh: My beautiful girl, let's buy some dresses for you.
Ragini smiles and holds his hand and they go inside the boutique hand in hand dreaming a beautiful life.


Hehe! Hope it was good!

Once again happy birthday writer ji ❤️
Here also the name suspense! I don't know what is VM, so I'll call writer ji only 😅😅

A small gift to one of the wonderful person I know ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for everything ❤️


If u all liked this update please shower your love through votes and comments 😊

Sorry for the mistakes.
Thanks for reading 😘
Keep supporting❤️

Keep smiling and stay healthy ❤️

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