The letter💌

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After so many days hehe 😂

This OS is dedicated to Dharani17

Happy Birthday Dhara 🥳♥️

U r a amazing RAGLAK writer, who gives beautiful stories 😘😘😘😘

I myself is a big fan of ur works ❤️

And a true supporter, who gives support to the writers here 😍

And a good friend of mine 🤗

This OS is specially for you, from us three,me, mouni and lucky, the three waste fellows 💃💃💃

Sorry, if it's bad! I got to know that today is ur birthday, few days back only, literally veryyyyyyyyyyyyy few days back! So, I wrote whatever that came into my mind 😅

So, please adjust 🙏😅


Laksh's pov

I came to home, after a messy and tired day!

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked at the doorstep to see my wife, Ragini!

But I didn't find her there! Her face is the only thing which makes me relaxed, from the office tensions! But today, she is not at the doorstep waiting for me!

I went to my room and saw her folding some paper. She looked at me and gave me the paper, then left from there saying to read that if I have time!

I opened the letter as soon as she left the room.

Ragini's letter.....

You don't love me Laksh! I was a fool to believe, you loved me! I was a fool to believe, you care about me!

You don't love me at all! I came to know this in this one month of our marriage!

I always wanted a loving partner, who takes care of me and love me like I'm his life!

When your parents came with your proposal, I have fallen for you at that instant seeing your photo!

I don't know why, but I felt you are the one, whom I was waiting for! My soulmate!

You know what, when you came to our house to see me, I was excited to see you, talk with you.

My mom was making me ready, but I ran to balcony to get a glimpse of you, leaving everything, when I heard the car horn.

I saw you leaning against your car door and talking over your phone, looking dashing and handsome!

I was drooling when I saw you removing your shades and twirling them.

I kept hands on my cheeks and was looking at you only, until my mom came and hit me lightly on my head asking me to get ready!

I immediately ran to my room, sat in front of the mirror and started getting ready for you! I felt happy, when I was doing that for you!

I came to the hall, accompanied by my mom! She made me sit beside you. I pouted thinking, why they didn't make me sit in the chair in front of you. I would have stolen glances of you! There, I couldn't see your complete view, only side view I could!

Elders started to talk and you started listening to them! But, I was doing feats to see you!

Suddenly your phone started ringing and your hand brushed mine, while taking it! That's when we both looked into each other's eyes! Our first eye lock!

In the next second, you looked away! I, too looked away and blushed!

You excused everyone and went to attend the call and returned back after sometime.

Your parents liked me and my parents liked you.

They asked us our opinion. I wanted to shout and say I'm ready to marry you!

But you said, you'll say your decision the next day!

Everyone accepted it, as they don't want to rush in such important decision of the life.

Next day morning, your parents called us and asked my decision. My parents said yes from my side, as I already told them, that I'm fine with the proposal.

I felt very happy, when I came to know, it was fine from your side too!

I wanted to spend sometime with you, before the marriage, but dates were fixed within a month!

Everyone got busy with the preparations. I wanted your number to talk with you, but I didn't ask anyone, thinking they might tease me!

I thought, you'll get my number and will call! But you didn't!

It was only fifteen days for our marriage, but there was no message from you.

I finally gathered courage and asked my mom. She smiled and gave me your number!

I thought, I would have asked her earlier. I missed a chance to talk with you all those days.

I went to my room and drank water to control my heart which was pounding to talk with you.

I dialled your number, but you didn't attend.

I tried again, but no response!

I thought you must be busy. So I didn't disturb you.

After few hours, you did phone to me. I lifted it in the first call, but didn't talk!

You spoke and asked who was on the other side?

I slowly whispered your name, while blushing!

You didn't speak for few seconds and cut the call saying, you are in a meeting!

I felt bad, when you did like that! But consoled me thinking you might be busy!

I waited for hours, but you didn't call!

I waited the next day too, but got no response!

I was about to call you the next day, but you came to our house and your parents asked us, to come to shopping.

I happily went inside and got ready, as it was our first outing!

But throughout the shopping, you neither talked nor showed interest in selecting the dresses!

When your parents found me sad they said, you take time to adjust with anyone. I nodded my head and smiled at them, but deep inside my heart, I was hurt!

The same behavior of you continued on our engagement day!

I cried silently watching your behavior!

You didn't look at me while wearing the ring, you didn't have any smile on your face!

Even my parents got doubt with your behavior, but you said your health was not well, that's why you look tired!

I immediately touched your forehead, and asked whether you were fine or not?

You looked at me for few seconds and removed my hand, saying you are fine looking everywhere, but not me!

I felt happy, knowing you are fine!

Finally, our marriage day arrived. I was happy and excited to become your wife!

We both sat on the mandap and priest started performing the rituals. You were asked to tie mangalsutra around my neck. My eyes shined listening to it!

You took mangalsutra and I saw your eyes which have tears. I was shocked!

Before, I could process anything, you tied mangalsutra around me making me as yours!

I was totally confused! I don't know whether you are interested in the marriage or not!

Rituals were done and I cried hugging my parents! I was sad that I'm going to leave them and I was afraid with your behavior!

I was waiting for you in our room, going through mixed feelings. I wanted to ask you whether you like me or not?

You came, changed your dress and left from there without saying anything, leaving your wife on the first day of the marriage! Do you know how I felt at that moment?

I came to the hall and get to know, that you got an important call from the office, that's why you left! But you would have told me right! But you didn't!

It had been a month that were married! But there is no change in your behavior! You wake up before me and leaves to office without talking to me! You come home late and comes to our room after I sleep! If we were asked to participate in any rituals, you would participate without any interest!

I was fed up with everything! I wanted to ask many questions, but you don't have time to me!

That's why I'm writing this letter, with a hope you'll read it and understand my love for you!

I don't know do you have time to read this letter or not? But if you do then I want to say three words, I wanted to say from the time I had seen you! I love you, Laksh!

Continuation of Laksh's pov

I closed the letter and sat on the bed crying!

I know I have hurted you! But I didn't think, you feel I don't love you, Ragini!

It's time that you should know everything!

Ragini's pov

I didn't went to my room all the night and the next day too I didn't go infront of him! I was hurt and also afraid thinking what will be his reaction after reading the letter?!

I went to the room after he left to the office and found the letter with the name Ragini on the side table! I opened that and started reading!

Laksh's letter....

Ragini! I wanted to talk to you, but you didn't come to meet me and avoided me all the night! That's why, I'm writing this letter to convey my feelings!

I know you are hurt by my ignorant behavior! I'm sorry for that! I really feel guilty for hurting you!

But, I didn't want to ignore you at all! It's my fear that made me stop to talk with you!

But it's enough, if my fear will be the reason which makes you far from me! Then I'll keep that aside and tell you, why did I act like ignoring you.

Infact, I'll tell you from the time I had seen you!

When my parents showed your photo, I was glued with your beauty!

When I got to know about you being a part of the NGO and serving people, I started feeling for you!

You are beautiful inside and out! That made me to fell in love with you!

I was excited to meet you and make you mine!

Somewhere I was nervous thinking what if you reject me? I don't want that to happen! Because, I have started imagining my life with you.

I came to your house and saw you, standing in your home balcony, trying to watch me! You didn't find me watching you, but I did.

The way you tried to see me, made me feel, you also like me!

When I saw you descending the stairs, my heart beats were not under my control! I was lost in you completely!

You were made to sit beside me! Like you were trying to see me, I was also doing the same!

I remember our first touch when I was taking my phone! A shiver ran down my spine feeling your soft hands on mine.

World stopped for me when our eyes got locked! I got drowned in your beautiful eyes which has so much of innocence!

I just wanted to hug you at that time!

But I looked away trying to control my feelings!

My phone was still ringing and I went to attend the call! It was from my PA, he wanted to say something important! But I cut the call saying I was busy!

I came again and saw you sitting there blushing! I smiled looking at you. That's when our parents said they were ready for our marriage! I too wanted to shout and say, I was ready! But I controlled myself and asked them a day time!

Trust me, Ragini! I asked time for you, but not for me! It's going to be a new life for you and I wanted you to take decision after thinking properly! That's why I said like that!

The next day your parents said, you are ready for the marriage! I was beyond happy!

The next second I got a call from my PA. When I lifted the call, I came to know that the contractor working for our project, cheated us and backed off from the project we were handling!

It's my dream project, Ragini! I have kept all my assets in it! Our company and the workers will experience a huge loss if the project didn't start again!

I went to him and asked the reason! He said our rivals paid him more money, that's why he stopped the project!

I tried to take the help of police, but failed as I didn't have proofs against them.

I tried to hire another one, but our rivals failed my every attempt! The ones who invested money in the project started asking me their money back!

Otherwise they'll file a complaint against me!

Without any option, I bought a loan keeping our house papers! I didn't disclose anything to my parents too. I just said I needed money for my business expansion! It's not that I'm afraid of them! I know they'll surely stand beside me!

I hide everything, because I became selfish!

Yes, I became selfish! In your love! I was afraid, if I disclose everything, my parents will stop our marriage! Or your parents will stop saying, they don't want to give their daughter to a person who was stucked with many problems.

I don't know when will I be able to sort out my problems?! I don't know when will my project resume again?!

If nothing goes well, I'll lose everything and no parents will be fine with this! I was afraid, what if your parents makes you marry to another person! I don't want that to happen! I love you and I need you! That's why I have hide everything!

This was the reason why I acted like ignoring you! Whenever I look into your eyes which shows pure love and immense trust on me, I used to feel guilty! Guilty, that I hide many things from you! Guilty that I cannot fulfill any of your wish, if the project didn't start! Guilty of keeping everyone in the dark!

That's why I didn't attend any of your calls! I didn't call you! I didn't reply to any of your message! I didn't show interest in any of the marriage rituals! All these are because, I'm guilty!

I cried at our marriage, because of my guilt! Guilt of taking my wife to the house, which is under loan!

You only know I used to leave to the office before you gets up and come home late! But you don't know the first and last things, I do!

The first thing I do after waking from the sleep is kissing your forehead!

The last thing I do before going to the bed is kissing your cheeks and cuddling to you!

I love you, Ragini. To that extent, where I can do anything to make you live with me!

I know, I'm wrong in keeping you all dark! I deserve punishment too!

I'm ready for anything! But don't leave me and please don't think, I don't love you!

I would have kept silent, but after reading your letter I came to know, you are thinking I don't have feelings for you! That made me afraid, you might leave me! That's why I disclosed everything!

I said everything with a hope that you will understand and never leave my side!

Trust me, Ragini! I'm doing every possible way to come out of this mess! Once if any other contractor accepts to work for our project, everything will be back to normal! Please don't leave me! You are my strength, which is giving me support to fight! You are my hope, for the bright future! Most importantly, you are my love, I love you, Ragini!

I'm going to office. I hope you'll understand me after reading this letter and never leave me! I'll return to home evening with a hope, you'll be waiting for me at the doorstep like every day!

Ragini's pov continuation..

I closed the letter and cried keeping the letter close to my heart!

I know he is wrong in hiding this matter from us!

I can understand him and his fear! He was right, thinking my parents will stop our marriage! Because every parent wants their children to lead a happy and secured life.

But he could have understood, eventhough it was love at first sight to me. I started loving him with my whole heart as the time passed. If he would have told this to me earlier, I would have definitely supported him and wait for him!

I'm angry on him, but this is not the right time to show it! He is stressed and this time, I want to be his strength not weakness!

Once everything gets settled, we both will say everything to our families!

Then I'll be angry with him for hurting me! I'll maintain distance from him for a month for avoiding me! Tit-for-tat!

I was waiting for him at the doorstep like he wanted! He came and a smile crept on his lips as soon as he saw me! I wanted to smile, but maintained a stern face and left from there to kitchen, twisting my lips!

I started working in the kitchen, just then he came and stood at the entrance! He might be thinking, whether I read the letter or not!

I said I read the letter sensing his doubt! That's it, he marched towards me and hugged me from the back making me surprised!

I'm sorry, he said!

My shoulder became wet as he was crying!

I immediately turned towards him and hugged him tightly, conveying I'm with him no matter what will be the situation!

He smiled and kissed my shoulder making me blush!

I have seen him smiling for the first time, after we met and I'm happy, the reason is me!

I was in the room reading his letter! I heard his footsteps and immediately kept it in the drawer and pretended like sleeping.

He came, laid beside me and kissed my cheek!

I smiled closing my eyes.

I know you are awake, he said making me open my eyes in surprise!

He then turned me and cuddled!

I too cuddled to him!

What's the progress in the project? I asked.

Don't know, but I'm trying to come out of the mess! He said.

I smiled and said, we both will say everything to our family once everything gets sorted out!

He looked at me for few seconds and asked, will I be with him to support?!

I nodded my head and kissed his forehead!

After sometime he slept and I saw his face which has no worries!

I smiled stroking his hair and held his hand! What made me surprised was, he too held my hand even in the sleep!

I too don't know, whether he can be able to sort this mess or not? But whatever the situation is, I'll not leave his side and always support him.


How was it friends?

If you liked this update, please shower your love through votes and comments 😊


Sorry for the mistakes.
Thanks for reading 😘
Keep supporting please ❤️


And Dhara, do share your views 😅😂🙈

Once again happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳

Always keep smiling and stay healthy ❤️

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