The letter (part 2)💌

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Hi friends! Here is the continuation of the OS THE LETTER. Few requested me to continue this and I really took long time, sorry! My studies are going and I'm hardly getting time! Poor this innocent teddy and coffee lover!😭😭

So this is dedicated to everyone and most importantly to crazy minty urf 12mintynair FAIRY_tejaholic teddy2624

Sorry for the late guys 🙈

Letter is presented in Italics!


The letter 💌(part 2)

For better understanding, please read the previous OS THE LETTER 💌

Laksh's POV

Hopeless! I felt so hopeless!

I couldn't stand up my business! I couldn't find a new contractor, my rivals failed my every attempt!

I have returned some of the investors money with the loan. But remaining are has to be paid still!

Our parents came to know everything!

My parents were upset with me as I didn't share anythin, and Ragini's parents were angry, for making their daughters life miserable!

Her father even raised hand to slap me and I can't blame him, when I was at fault!

Before he could slap me, Ragini stopped him saying, she can't see anyone misbehaving with her husband.

Ragini! I don't know what good I have done, she came into my life!

She even said, she can't come with them, when they asked her to leave me!

They started forcing her, but she stood on her promise of not leaving me and her parents left without any option!

My parents stopped talking with me. In all the mess, the only solace I had was my wife Ragini!

She has become my mother, father and a friend, along with wife!

She came with me and tried to give her best in settling issues. Even though we didn't get any good response, but I felt happy, knowing I have someone who always stands by my side!

My parents cold shoulder towards me continued and I felt sad. But she consoled me saying, no parents will be angry on their children, they were just upset.

Helping and taking care of me and trying our parents to understand my situation, these all were done by her. She was the amazing thing happened in my life.

I want to be with her lifelong, but destiny has some other problems.

Ragini asked me to file complaint against the contractor again, as the lawyer is Ragini's friend we got time to get proofs. Case was going on, meanwhile I and Ragini tried to gain remaining investors trust, but it didn't seem successful! After lots of struggling they decided to trust us, but on one condition, within a week I should get a well known new investor, who invests money even after knowing my current situation!

Why would anyone invest in a company which is under loss?! It won't happen!

Case was also not going good, most probably I will lose! Nothing was going right! I lost every chance!

I failed as a son, son-in-law and husband!

I shouldn't have married Ragini keeping her in the dark! Because of me she was also suffering!

But I won't let it happen anymore! Ragini deserves the best and I ain't her best!

I decided to free her from this miserable life, but she won't accept! That's why, I started to fake ignore her and even scolded! I was acting so that she would leave me, but she started taking extra care of me thinking I was in stress!

So I decided to put an end, that's why I shouted at her saying, it's because of her I'm in this situation! She is unlucky to me. After meeting her everything went wrong!

Even though I was acting, I hated myself for saying those words!

She looked at me with no expression on her face, when I said like that and later she left to her house with her belongings!

My heart pained seeing her leaving me, but I stood unaffected because it's for her well-being!

Next day, I was laying on the bed with tears in my eyes, that's when maa came and gave me a letter and asked me to read it.

Maa first time talked with me after so many days!

I took the letter and she left from there. I saw the letter cover and found Ragini's name. Immediately I opened it and started reading.

Ragini's letter

Oh! hello! Sacrificing serial heroine!

Sacrificing serial heroine?! Whom was she referring to? I thought being confused and started to read further.

Don't get confused! I have kept your name! Sacrificing serial heroine! Huh!

What do you think of yourself? You acted like hurting me and I wouldn't get to know?!

She knows I was acting! How?! I thought and started reading the letter.

Now tell me, what do you think of me?! Can't I find the reason behind your sudden change in behavior?! I got it the next second you ignored me! I'm great, right?!

I smiled at the last sentence.

No, you are dumb, this is right!

I pouted at that sentence! I ain't dumb!

Now don't say you are not a dumb person! Yes you are, for many reasons!

How could you think I'll misunderstand you and leave, even after knowing how much you love me?!

You have hidden many things to marry me, then how can you think of leaving me, stupid!

No, not stupid! Sacrificing serial heroine! What you thought, you'll sacrifice your love and leave me?!

Keep one thing in your mind, Mr.Laksh! Marrying me hiding many things might be your decision, but breaking our relation is not your decision, it needs me! Because it's our life and love! I'm not going to leave you!

I had tears in my eyes while reading it! I felt overwhelmed seeing her love towards me!

So keep this sacrificing and all aside and don't ever get such things in your mind again! I ain't requesting you, it was a warning! Do imagine me pointing a finger towards you, with red shot eyes!

That was filmy right?! What to do when you became sacrificing serial heroine, I have to be filmy to pull you out, right!

I chuckled and wiped my tears.

Now you should get a question, why I left from there even after knowing you were acting, right?

Yeah! Why?

I thought you would stop me from going and put an end to your not so great sacrificing, but you didn't! Huh!

At least I thought you would come to me and ask me to come back, but you didn't! Huh!

How could you? I was not hurt when you acted like hating me! But now I'm hurt because you really think of leaving me! You didn't try to talk with me! I was waiting from the previous day, but there is no response from you!

So, you really decided to sacrifice your love and leave me, your wife, life and love!

Can you live without me? Without talking with me?! Without cuddling to me?! Without kissing me?! Without sharing your emotions?! Can you?!

I cried keeping the letter close to my heart! I can't baccha, I really can't!

I wiped my tears and started reading it again.

You can live without me for my happiness! But I can't! You have become an important part of my life and without you, I can't imagine even a second!

I'm happy to be with you even in a small house, rather than being in a bungalow without you! Stupid! Understand this and come to take me back!

Don't worry about my parents reaction, as I was already in the process understanding them your situation, they have loosened a bit! So come, I'm waiting! I'm crying too, because of your sacrificing heroine nature!

I always makes her cry!

I ain't crying because of you, but because of your thought of leaving me. So don't think like that! I have a surprise for you too, come fast!

One more thing, I love you!

End of Ragini's letter.

I closed the letter and immediately started to Ragini's house. Only I know how I was stopping myself to go to her, talk to her. But after reading this letter I can't stop myself anymore!

Letter is really a cupid for us!

Ragini's home

Laksh's POV(continuation)

When I reached her house, I saw my parents, she and her parents sitting and discussing something.

I wondered why my parents are here?

They looked at me and smiled. I too smiled a little and looked at Ragini, while she twisted her lips.

Ragini's parents came to me and apologized for their behavior. I shook my head and said it's not their anger, but the love for their daughter.

They invited me inside. As soon as I sat on the sofa, Ragini stood up and left to her room, but not before giving me a glare!

My wife was on complete angry mode!

I stood up to follow her, but her parents stopped me and said, they wanted to talk. I looked at Ragini's room and sat down with them.

They said they have a solution for my problems. I looked at them confused and they said a person is ready to invest in my company.

What?! Person is interested in investing  a company which is under loss! Who?!

I asked them about the person and they said she is the founder of the NGO, through which Ragini is associated. She has been in the business field from almost 25 years. When Ragini discussed our problem, she did proper research about our company and the projects I have handled before,l and got impressed. So she decided to overlook my current situation and help! Not only that, the contractor who cheated us had cheat her too for money. She said, she'll support me in the court case with the necessary proofs.

I smiled widely! Till the last second I was crying for my miseries and now I got hope to solve my problems and give a secured life to my people!

My parents came and hugged me and said, it was only possible because of Ragini.

True! My happiness is because of my Ragini! The angel in my life! My wife!

I went to meet Ragini after taking blessings of our parents. She was arranging some papers. I stood beside her and she passed me a killer look.

I gulped and was about to talk, but she stopped me saying, first professional work then personal Mr.Laksh!

Ragini I.... I started talking, but again stopped as she handled me some papers and said to come with her to meet NGO founder.

She walked passing me, I held her hand stopping her and she said leave me SSH.

SSH?! I asked her getting confused.

She turned and said, sacrificing serial heroine, huh!

I frowned and asked her not to call me like that.

I'll, she said and asked, no ordered me to follow her!

Oh no! How to cool down my angry bird?!

Ragini's POV

Volcano! That's the only word which perfectly describes my anger!

How could he? How could he think of leaving me? Is everything his wish? Don't I have feelings? Even though he thought it's for my well-being, but can't he find where my happiness exists?!

I was trying to make everything perfect, but he thought of leaving me!

After all these, he came and tried to convince me after knowing problems are getting solved!

If any problem comes, he wants me to leave him and go searching for my own happiness?

What does he think of himself? I'm angry! But I won't show it now, because now he needs my support!

That's why I said to solve professional issues first and then personal!

The next five months was really hectic with the court case, company issues. We won the case and the contractor and our rivals were put behind the bars. Not everyone but few investors who asked their money, invested in the company again and few new investors joined us. Finally, everything started to fall in its place.

One thing that continued was my angry mode. I'm still angry on him for thinking of leaving me! It's good I have a sharp brain and good heart, otherwise I would have believed his fake acting and left! Then what about our life? It would have been miserable, without each other's love!

He tried many things to pacify me and I started giving away my anger, but didn't show to him and now I'm acting like angry with him. Poor he, devil me!

He was in the kitchen trying to prepare my favorite dish to get my forgiveness and I'm going through some files of NGO, that's when I found a letter inside it with name sacrificing serial heroine.

I chuckled and took it. This six-letter word LETTER is really upto something! First time we both conveyed our feelings through it and now the second time too.

Laksh's letter

Sorry, sorry, sorry.................. Infinite times sorry, baccha!

I would have filled this letter with only sorry, because I deserve! But if I do that, I have to take another paper for conveying other things. That's why, please accept my sorry and forgive this stupid husband of yours!

I know I'm such a stupid to think of leaving you and letting you go!

Stupid! How can he call himself stupid? Only I have that right!

I know, only you have right to call me stupid! But what's yours is mine too, so I can call myself like that, at least once!

I smiled reading it.

Ragini! You remember when did you call me stupid first time. It's on my birthday. I was really depressed and forgot that day. When you arranged a small party, I didn't enjoy it saying I'm not worth of anything, that's when you call me stupid. You said, I'm the best and these problems shouldn't destroy our little happiness! From then, when I do anything like that, you call me stupid by slapping my forehead.

Yes, nowadays I often started slapping him on his forehead and calls stupid! I thought and started reading further.

Please! Now too do the same and pack your anger and throw it into the sea!

Nowadays you neither scolding me, twisting your lips, cuddling to me. I'm missing all these!

We even didn't start our relationship by true means. I only have the permission for the cheek and forehead kiss, as you passed an ultimatum saying after problems solved, you'll ignore me like I did with you in the first month of marriage! In your way, tit-for-tat!

Now that two kisses were too cancelled! Poor me!

I laughed. I did cancel them, but he doesn't know after he sleeps, I give those two kisses to him. I'm smart.

I know you kiss me thinking I slept, but you didn't give me chance!

Oh no! He knows! I'm Innocent.

I'm missing our little moments. I want them again and want to cherish them throughout my life. Please baccha. Give me one chance, I won't repeat my mistake again! I promise!

From this second, I decided not to hide anything from you and be an open book. That's why I decided to share an important matter. When you will be reading this letter, I would be in the kitchen preparing your favorite dish on some special occasion.

Special occasion?! What? I thought and started reading further.

Today is the day I met you for the first time.

Today? But we met eight months back!

I know you must be thinking we met eight months back. That's not truth. Your proposal came to me exactly one year back and I fell for your beauty. Later I got to know you serve people through an NGO, then I fell for your nature. We even sent marriage bureau person to talk with you all, but you didn't accept as at that time your father health was not good.

My parents wants to see another girl for me, but I didn't accept and waited for you. After four months I got a call from the bureau saying your parents started searching a groom for you and you too was ready because your father's health was settled. In the next second I sent my profile to your house through the bureau.

Only I know how much tensed I was thinking will you like to meet me or not?! When your parents called us to come to your house I was beyond happy and when I saw you watching me at the balcony with a smile, I came to know you like me too and the rest you know I have said it all in our first letter.

I smiled and noticed the tears in my eyes, they were flowing unknowingly!

So, today is basically our first meeting anniversary to me! So, please forgive this sacrificing serial heroine and start a new life with me, on this special day!

End of Laksh's letter.

Ragini's POV(continuation)

I chuckled and kept the letter inside the file and went to the kitchen only to find him struggling in cooking.

I went and stood beside him. He looked at me and smiled. That's it, I threw the spoons, small utensils on him, making him shocked!

I didn't stop and this time I took a big pan!

His eyes went wide and he started running around the kitchen counter.

I too followed him and at one place he caught my hand and pulled me closer and kept the pan aside saying, peace!

I started crying and started beating him on his chest and said, I thought he hide about business and sacrifice, but he hide about this special day too!

He smiled and hugged me saying, he wanted me to surprise, but I gave him shock with utensils and spoons!

I chuckled and bite him saying, he is bad.

A stupid too, he said and I again hit him saying, only I should call him like that.

He hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek saying I love you.

I love you too! I said coming out of the hug and kissed his forehead.

He was about to apologize, but I stopped him saying there is no place for sorry and thanks between us.

He held my hands and kissed my palm.

I smiled and that's when I smelled something burnt and saw the dish on the stove which was in black color now!

We immediately off the stove and he felt sad. I held his hand and said, I'll prepare.

He smiled and intertwined his fingers with mine saying, we'll prepare. Because when you are with me, everything will be perfect!

I hugged him saying, we'll be together forever!


How was it friends?

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Always keep smiling and stay healthy ❤️

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