part - 3

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Dedicated to Follybraverl swati1603
Yuvanyuvani   Mona_Ammani  Dharani17

HariniPriya2095 all the best for your exam da vallu.. 😍

Sorry for the late update guyss..

Recap- raglak moments..ragini saw laksh's diary after that her face shown as shocked. 

Ragini kept the diary on the place as it like before. Laksh came out from washroom,  he saw ragini is sleeping on the bed. He smiles and lay on his side. 

Laksh couldn't get sleep, reminiscing what happened before few minutes. He is smiling for it. He got evident of love in her eyes.

The exact opposite trauma is happening to ragini. She is silently crying, her face is dig into pillow. She is controlling her sobs. 

Next morning, 

Laksh saw ragini place is empty, there is no sign for ragini in the room. Laksh thought may be she will be in kitchen.

Laksh got ready for office, he came downstairs. laksh can't see ragini in the dining area but she was working in the kitchen. Ap is serving food for him and dp. 

Laksh's pov

I'm dying to see her face,  but she is hiding in the kitchen, like her husband stays in the kitchen. This buddhu doesn't came yet, do some thing laksh.

Pov ends 

Laksh reaction is absorbed by ap and dp. They smile by themselves.

Laksh act like he had hiccups, there is no water in the table. Ap asked the servant to bring the water,  but ragini runs to him and gave the water.

Laksh drinks it and saw her face. Her face is dull, he wants to ask her right now.,But he can't ask before his parents. 

Laksh leaves to the office half- minded. He went to office after few minutes. 

Ragini is sitting in their room,  her tears are non stopingly gushing out. She tries to control,  but she can't. 

After sometime,  her phone gives beep sound to Indicate that she receives message. This sound is coming again and again. She takes her mobile and saw the message. 

Ragini's pov -

Why do he is reacting like this? He send the message like he is very caring and loving. What would happen If i try to face the reality.?But his words again takes me to those unknown world. May be he force himself to do like this. 

My heart is paining when i thought like this. 

pov ends

She is sobing continuously. she touch the place of where laksh sleeps usually. 

In office,  laksh felt like may be she is ok now and mom would take care of her.,That's why she didn't reply me. I will ask her when i reach home. 

In evening,  laksh casual wears are always placed by ragini., But today it went missing.  He didn't think that its a big deal. In night, ragini stays in the kitchen. Ragini avoids when he is near to her. Laksh thought it happen like casually. 

But this happened routinely for more than one week. Laksh can't take this hide and seek. The grief in his heart is not leaving him in peace. Ragini is not just his wife,  she is his one and only love. 

Now laksh is angry, because of her activities. He leaves her for few days, but he can't take this when it follows. 

When laksh ask something to her, she gives only in one word answer. 

One day, 

Laksh calls ragini to get some files regarding his work. Ragini is coming from the kitchen. When she enters the room,  laksh took her hand by force to stand in between him and wall. 

Ragini saw his eyes with shock which is filled with anger. The exact opposite by her side, her eyes filled with pain. He felt there is something bothering her. 

Laksh anger went away. He cradles ragini's face in his hands.

Laksh - what is bothering you ragini.??Tell me i will solve your problem. 

Ragini - it's nothing.,leave me. 

She says and tries to escape from his grip. But laksh didn't allow her to do. His grip got tightened more. 

Laksh - see my eyes and speak. 

Ragini - what is your problem laksh?  Allow me to go. 

Laksh -i want the answer. tell me the answer and go.  His face is shown with determined. 

Ragini - yes i have a problem. What will you do.??Her eyes shown some anger and pain. 

Laksh - i will solve your problem. I will go to any extend to solve it. 

Ragini - ok then give me "divorce". 

Laksh - sorry i didn't get you properly. Say once again. 

Ragini straightly faced him and says - i want divorce, give me as soon as possible. 

Laksh anger went to the peak, he can't take those words from her. Mainly at the time when  he thinks that she has feeling for him.

Laksh forcefully held her chin and says - are you speaking out of your mind? 

Ragini - I'm clear with my decision. Before ragini speaks further. 

Laksh capture her lips, he wants to show his all emotion into the single kiss. He shows how much anger he felt when he hear those words. Ragini try to resist the kiss, she is beating his shoulder to leave her. ,But his grip is tightened by each passing minute. Ragini finally gave up,  she doesn't know when she reciprocated too. He invented new feelings to her, in the world of love.  Laksh left her after few minutes. 

Ragini is closed her eyes while taking heavy breath. 

Laksh hold her face and says - i don't know ragini what is bothering you. But i will stay beside you, what ever the problem is. 

Before laksh speaks another word.  


Ragini slapped laksh. Laksh placed his hand on the face, with shocked reaction. 

Ragini hold the collar of laksh shirt and speaks - how dare you to kiss me? How did you take this step?  Are you proving your self as a great? 

Laksh can't understand why she is reacting like this

Ragini - ohh are you trying to satisfy your needs?? I don't want any lusted relation. Her voice is raised. 

Laksh can't take this any more.

Laksh - stop it ragini. 

Laksh raised his hand to slap her,  but he controlled himself.

Laksh eyes turned red in rage, he couldn't control himself. He beats his hand in the wall while trying to control his anger. 

Ragini fear to see these side of him. 

Laksh - what did you say?  Haan.. Lusted.. How did you take those words from your mouth ? His voice is broken

Ragini avert her eyes from him. Some where she felt her heart is paining. 

Laksh take her face with force to meet his gaze. 

Ragini - don't act laksh.  I know everything .,you are pretending to show that you like me. I came to know the truth. 

Laksh - what truth are you talking about?  Can i know it?  He ask with attitude. 

Ragini released herself from his grip and goes to laksh cupboard and took the diary stuffing it in his hands. 

Ragini - i have mentioned about this diary. You wrote that you are in love with someone else then how did you thought to moved close with me? Yes i agreed we are married because of the circumstances.,But that doesn't means our relationship should be like this. Why are you forcing yourself in this relation? When there is  some girl in your heart..then your feeling for me is not love itss...

Laksh shouts in rage- enough is enough ragini.. If you take that word another time. I don't know what will i do.  

He is looking not less than beast. 

Ragini is scared to see him like this. Her hands were shivering. 

Laksh snatched that diary from her. He calm himself and asks are you blind?don't you want to see the truth? 

Ragini - which truth are you speaking about?  She tooks that diary from him and show certain page.. See wrote that your are in love with kavya and you mentioned that she is your schoolmate. 

Laksh saw the page with wide eyes. He can't believe his eyes what he is seeing. That diary belongs to him. He wrote by himself, but except that last sentence ... He got that there is some thing or someone behind all this. 

Laksh left a sad sigh breath- ok as you wish you believe this dairy. But you didn't trust me ragini? How could you believe this paper but not that person who stands infront of you. Can't you see the truth in my eyes ragini.??

Ragini looks on. 

I saw there is love in your eyes. That's why i moved close with you ragini but not in the intention of what you mentioned by that word. His voice is broken.

I will prove that my love for you. I dream to confess my love for you in different situation but i didn't think that my love would be confessed like this. 

I love you ragini. 

His eyes shows how much pain he is undergoing. He left the room with teary eyes. 

Ragini broke out and falls on the floor.

Ragini's pov

I love you too laksh.

I know you are saying these words to console me,  but why are you sacrificing your love for me. If you fail in your past love,  i have no problem with it. But you mention that your girl gonna accept you and your love is going to win.

I don't want to give this pain to you laksh. I want you to move on. 

At the same time,  i saw some thing in your eyes which tells me to accept your words. My heart says to accept your words and eyes. But my mind isn't allow me to do it. 

Pov ends

She is crying non stop. 

Laksh walks in the garden with anger and frustration. His mind revolve around what he reads in the diary. He understands that there is someone planning against them, but the one is who is close to them.

After few minutes,  he felt someone is watching him. He causally moves his eyes from nearby where he is. His gaze falls on the pillar,  there is someone is hiding behind it. He act like unnoticed. 

The unknown person moves to the hall, laksh stands before the person. 

The person's face is filled with sweat and hands were shivering. 

Laksh - ramu kaka i want tea.

Ramu kaka - ok sir. 

Ramu left to the kitchen,  laksh is sitting in the sofa. After 5 minutes,  he prepared tea and gave it to laksh. Laksh is pretending like he is talking on the mobile. 

Laksh - yes lawyer,  i want divorce. I want as soon as possible. I don't want the one who didn't trust me.

Laksh drank the tea and went to the upstairs. 

Ramu is talking on the phone. He repeats the news what laksh spoke few minutes back. He turn backs and saw laksh. 

Laksh took the phone from him and sees the caller list. 

The mobile display shows the name 


Laksh shows the death glare to him and shouts i didn't expect this from you ramu kaka. We consider you as a family member but you show your truthful to some gold digger. Leave from this house.

From this sound,  ap , dp and ragini came to the hall. 

Ap asked about why does he shout. 

Laksh explained everything expect their missunderstanding. 

Ap, dp consider him as their family member. They accept laksh decision.

He left from the house.

Ragini felt a sharp pain in her heart for not trusting him, but at the same time she knows the handwriting of laksh. 

Raglak eyes met they share painfull eyelock. 

Laksh moves out from the hall to their room. 

Ragini is confused and follows him to their room. 

Ragini tries to speak to him before that laksh lay on the couch, ragini's eyes become teary. Ragini slept on the bed. 

Next morning, 

Ragini wake up and saw laksh is no where in the room. 

Ragini is crying.

Laksh came in the evening and asks ragini to get ready,  she is happy finally that she is gonna open her heart up.

Precap - ????

Cover pic credits goes to Darshu2

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