part - 4

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Dedicated to Bravemerl Darshu2Dharani17shinchan0324astra07 ATHIRA451swati1603

Recap - raglak misunderstanding, laksh found out who is trying to create a rift between them. truth behind that unknown person is none other than kaveri. 

Laksh asks ragini to get ready. They drove in their car.  Laksh doesn't gave a damn to ragini. Whenever ragini trying to initiate the conversation,  he changes the song in the  music player.

Finally they reached baadi, ragini didn't see the direction before. She is now confused why they are here.  She saw laksh face do get some clue., But he doesn't show any reaction. 

Ragini hesitates to enter inside the house.,But laksh took her hands and take her with him inside the house. 

Laksh goes there and stand before shekar and janaki. 

Laksh - uncle, as i said i brought your daughter same like before. 

Ragini is shocked by his words. He didn't refer her as his wife or ragini. Her eyes started brimming up , he didn't meet her gaze. But he is busy in talking with her parents. 

Shekar comes to ragini took her hand and said beta I'm sorry.  I didn't think about your opinion  instead I saw my sister's health and happiness. Now only i got to know the truth of kaveri and sahil. Laksh and janaki showed their real face. He said with teary eyes.

Fb starts

Laksh brought the medical report of kaveri and it clearly shows that she doesn't have any major health issues. 

Shekar denied it by saying that laksh brought fake proof, to prove them as innocent. 

Janaki said whatever he said was true.,Open your eyes shekar and don't be blind in our ragini life. Wait i will show you one thing. 

Janaki brings the video of planning by kaveri and sahil. 

Laksh already asked janaki to visit kaveri's house and check if she had anything against her. 

Shekar broke down after knowing the truth, I'm the sole reason for my daughter's pain. I didn't heard janaki's words and doesn't think about ragini's happiness. 

Fb ends

Ragini hugs shekar and said papa no need for this sorry. You didn't do anything intentionally. Actually it was their trick, you are innocent in this matter.  

Shekar said kaveri didn't help me, once i had huge loss in my bussiness. She didn't help me in my worst time too. But i think about my sister but what she did. She is a betrayer. How can she try to do this to you? I will treat them a best lesson. 

Laksh - uncle you don't worry about that. I will manage this matter. 

Shekar - ragini, now you don't have to worry. I will change EVERYTHING. You and laksh choose your partner. This marriage is made by the circumstances but not by your wish. Laksh also accepted to my decision.

Ragini eyes met with laksh.,Laksh is looking like normal while ragini's eyes were filled with pain. 

Laksh - ok uncle I'm leaving. 

Ragini is ready to follow him.

Laksh - ragini this is your house like before. Then why are you following me.,He asked with attitude. 

Ragini with anger filled eyes - though am i not allowed to accompany you till the entrance? 

Laksh - why not.  

Janaki and shekar shared some thing with themselves.

Ragini - so you are punishing me for not trusting you?

Laksh - so you are accepting that you didn't trust me? He asked with stern look. 

Ragini - yes but it was a misunderstanding. I know your love for me is true. But i was confused with your handwriting. 

Laksh - so you know my handwriting,  you read all the pages in the diary. But don't you open your eyes and see whether the name of kavya and other letters are matching it or not., it's a plan of kaveri..,He said with a rage. 

Ragini got a clear vision about everything. But she had a doubt. 

Ragini with teary eyes- so you loved someone else.,i become a barrier for your love? 

Laksh anger reached the peak. He grasped ragini's shoulder tightly , he directly see in her eyes and says - my one only love is you ragini. Till now you are my first love. I mentioned about the girl in the diary is you.,it's all about you. I started  to love you long back since after our first meet . It was not love at first sight,  i felt some spark when you are around me.,Slowly slowly i have gone mad in love with you ragini. 

I think I'm the only man, who confessed the feeling in the wrong timing. Soon we gonna divorce na. He said the last line sarcastically.

Ragini is standing like a Statue. In a single second how much shock she is bearing. 

Ragini(crying) - so you are leaving me?

Laksh - your father will see a good match for you. Whoever will suits perfect for you. He said and drove away. 

Ragini runs to her room and fell on her bed.,cry her heart out. She is happy for his love, sad for his decision, later crying for not trusting him. Finally she made up a decision to clear everything. 

After two days, ragini's parents asked her to meet a boy. She refused to meet,  but they compelled her. Without any other option left out she decided to meet him like a friend. 

At restaurant,  

Ragini recognized the boy and directly goes to him. The boy is scrolling something on his mobile. 

Ragini - hii.. I'm ragini..u r 

Man - hii ragini..I'm adharva

Ragini - hii adharva. Nice to meet you. 

Adharva - actually don't mistake me yaar.. This is the first time i came to meet a girl like this. So i don't know what to speak.

Ragini - haan maa said that your are an IPS officer. How is your work going ?

Adharva - yes I'm..yeah it goes well.

They were talking with some random stuffs. 

Suddenly they hear some giggling sound. Their nearby table is occupied by laksh with a cute girl. 

Ragini saw this,  she speaks with herself - he doesn't like to talk or spend a time with me.,But he is laughing with a girl. I will show you what i will do. 

Suddenly adharva stands and goes to their table - hey you are laksh na..??  

Laksh - hey.. you are adharva ??

Adharva - haan..she is bhabhi?? 

She point that girl and ask. 

Ragini is burning in jealousy.,She wants to splash the water on adharva face. 

Laksh - hey no no.. Actually she is a girl selected by my parents. We just came to meet each other. 

Other girl - hii i think i meet you before itself. 

Adharva - i feel the same. Hii I'm adharva.. He forward his hand for the handshake. 

Other girl - hii I'm Ilakkiya. 

She forward her hands, both felt some thing while shooking their hands. 

Laksh - so u came alone? 

Adharva - no. I came with a girl. She is also the match selected by my family. 

Ragini directly comes to their table. She saw laksh with anger filled eyes. He doesn't react anything, he didn't show whether they know each other. 

Ilakkiya - so we all can sit in the same table na?? 

Adharva - of course. I thought that same. 

Ragini and ilakkiya introduce themselves, soon  they are get into a good bond .

Laksh - how is your work going on?  

Adharva - yes it's going good. Sometimes honest people doesn't get the right place of what they deserves.

Ilakkiya- what are you doing?  

Adharva - I'm an ips officer.

Ilakhiya - is it.. I'm a Journalist. Woww it was you na.. who became more popular in public with your honest. 

In this mean time, ragini saw laksh but he didn't give his damn to look at her. 

Ragini being irked intentionally pushed the juice glass near to him. It fell on his dress. Ragini gives a teasing look to laksh. Laksh raises his eyebrows and gave a look like are you mad.?? He controls himself and moves to washroom. 

After 2mins, ragini excused herself and went to washroom. 

Laksh cleaned his shirt, after his work. He moved to the door,  he saw ragini in the door. Ragini didn't allow him to move away. He noticed that something is different in her face, but he don't know what is it. 

Laksh with a determined face - move away i want to go. 

Ragini - ohh you want to romance with that girl??  

Laksh - so it was my opinion,  who are you to question me?

Ragini - so you don't know who am i?  

Laksh - no.. Soon everything will be over between us. 

Ragini saw him with a attitude look and moved forward, laksh moves backward. It continues till laksh hits the wall.

Laksh - why are you being this much close.  He asked in a whisper being drenched in her eyes. 

Ragini - you will get to know. 

Laksh merged with wall and ragini. Ragini placed her hands both side of the wall. Now he can't escape from her.

Ragini came near to his face,  kiss his both cheeks, forhead, nose,  she kissed his all over the face. Ragini hold his shirt tightly in her palms and smashed her lips with his. Laksh gets lost in the kiss. Ragini after breaking the kiss get out of the washroom with blushed face. 

Few seconds later laksh came back to the world, he goes to their table. He saw everyone looking at him weirdly and laughing at him. 

Finally laksh reached their table and get into the seat near adharva. 

Adharva and ilakkiya saw him with shocked face. 

Laksh with a cold tone - why are you guys seeing me like i am some alien?

Adharva and ilakhiya saw him again and laughs.

Seeing his angry face, ilakkiya showed him a camera on her mobile. He frown his eye brows and get it. He saw his face, it was filled with lipstick mark of kissing symbol. 💋

Laksh now got to know the difference in ragini's face. She applied more lipstick before she enter the wash room.

Then ilakkiya notice laksh's shirt where sticks a bindhi. They again laughs. Laksh meet ragini's eyes she smirked at him. laksh cleaned his face with the tissue.

Ilakkiya noticed ragini's face, she didn't have a bindhi now and how she disappeared after laksh went to washroom.

She saw ragini and ask - so you guys are in love?  

Raglak - yes / no 

Adharva and ilakkiya smiles by their behaviour and left that table and moves to another table.

After they left, silence is filled in the table. 

Ragini - sry laksh. I must have trusted you on that day. But being a dumbhead i didn't think about your love. I just saw that diary and ask you that stupid question, hurted you by my words. She said with a chocked voice. 

Laksh - no ragini. I have done the same mistake. You don't know anything about my love for you and i should have explained to you before or atleast on our first romantic encounter.

Ragini - still do you love me? 

Laksh -what question is this?? always i will. i do love you.

Ragini - laksh may be it was bound by the law of marriage and circumstances. But it was designed by the destiny. I love you laksh. 

Laksh - You are my love since 2 years ragini. According to you it was an arranged marriage, but for me it was a love marriage. I love you ragini. 

They drenched in the feel of love and eternity.

Ahem.. Ahem.. 

Raglak looked down being embarrassed.

Adharva and ilakkiya comes towards them with a smiling face. 

So finally you both get to know about each other. Whether you are in love or not, ilakhiya asked.

Before laksh could speak,  adharva said don't worry about us. We know the truth of you,Your family wants to make you together. So they asked for this meeting.

But we didn't expected that move of ragini.,Ilakhiya said with a teasing smile. 

Ragini hide her face in laksh arms. 

They were ready to leave the place. Before that ragini said i think you both are meant to be together,  you look like a perfect couple

Ilakkiya said with a shy face, actually we both think the same, and we are planning to tell the decision to our family. 

Adil (adharva and ilakhiya) drove away in their car. ( as per your wish😂)

Raglak was left alone, they get into their car. 

Laksh said with a serious tone, ragini can i start where did you stopped few minutes ago. 

Ragini didn't get it first,  then she noticed the smirk on his face. 

She blushed hardly, and said you become so naughty. 

Laksh - Finally i got my love of my life. 

Ragini asked how did you get that,  i have feelings for you? 

Laksh said i love your eyes ragini,  which shared your unspoken feelings for me.

Your eyes are so transparent which showed the emotions what you have within you. That's the reason i moved close to you, but not for the word what you have meant. He said last line with a sad face. 

Ragini doesn't waste a moment, she hold laksh's shirt and dragged him near to her. She smashed her lips on his.  It become as an more passionate kiss. They both got into the world of love.  Laksh caressed ragini's waist while ragini ruffled his hair. 

Ragini left him after few minutes. She placed her head on his shoulder. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings laksh. On that day,  I was devastated after reading that diary.  Laksh felt something wet on his shirt. 

He hold ragini's face in his palm and said,  i understand your feelings ragini. I love the ragini who is bubbly, mischievous like what she did with me before some time ago. But now you are crying i don't like this side. He said with a mischievous look. 

Ragini hit his chest,  laksh laughed his heart out. 

The screen ends with raglak smile in each others embrace.

***********THE END**********

Thanks for the support guyss.

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