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The lights seemed to drape us in its warmth. Everything felt nice. But then, I can't run away from it can I?

"Hey, there." Chim jumped in front of me and it genuinely scared me. Just a few seconds ago there was my sweet little silent Jimin, walking with me, admiring the surroundings, holding my hand and now there was this boy with an obnoxious smile plastered on his face.

I guess I had to accept it the way it is. He can't be that bad. Besides, I feel like talking to him would help the most.

"I will be hoping you missed me. Now let's go to the park."

"No. We are going back home. You catching a cold will only harm Jimin."

"Your love stinks. You guys are too cheesy."

"You have no right to say that."

"But I will, I am brutally honest, and I shall keep stating facts."

"See, I am not even rude to you. You are being mean on Christmas."

"Look, I don't really care if it's Christmas, I have been lonely, and you got your little Jimin all day, just be with me for now."

"You didn't even let this day end and you are onto your mischief already."

"Yes sir, you got me right, now catch me if you can."

He started running away from me at a weird speed and God, I was way too tired for this.

"You wait. Just don't run, I'll take you where you want to go." I was running faster than I ever had.

"I have a name you know?"

He could barely speak running that fast but he still did.

The cold air pierced through my skin like ice and my eyes were prickling with cold tears. I knew he was headed towards the park and he was not the one who would stop. He pushed through the crowd, almost throwing a little girl on the footpath. I stopped, apologizing on behalf of him.

"Chim, wait, please." at this rate it was impossible to breathe.

I had some sense knocked in me at the right time, I called out his name. Thank heavens for that because he stopped dead in his tracks.

When I reached him I sighed with relief. I took a moment to catch my breath.

"You called me by my name."

"Yes, I did. But next time you do that remember if you run into some goddamn car it will not only be over for me but also my Jimin and you okay? DO NOT RUN ON THE STREET."

"You realize you are screaming at me right?"

"You deserved it. Now come with me."

"You don't have to be that rude."

"You realize it's the end game if you both are gone right? Two months. I was there waiting for him to wake up, he was suffering for God knows how long with those nightmares and when he finally woke up, he didn't remember anything. He doesn't deserve any of this and yes neither do you. Do you have any idea how painful that is for us? I am trying to be patient with myself and I am trying to be patient with you. How do you possibly think that it will be a damned cake walk for me to accept it all at once, especially with your little surprise appearance just a few hours back?" I was pretty sure I was screaming because people were staring at us now. The tears that rolled down my cheeks were freezing, colder than ice.

"Are you done?" he asked, his voice was cold but I think he understood what I meant.

I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say. He started to walk away again but this time I held his hand.

"Hold my hand and I'll take you."

"I am not your kid." he looked very annoyed.

"I wish you all the best because I am not a very pleasant babysitter."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think I am two year old?"

"You behave like a two year old and your language. Please, I am not taking that shit."

"Are you a grandfather? Like you have the cleanest tongue. And I don't need you as my babysitter."

"The annoying kid who has an annoying babysitter. Listen to me, it'll only help you."

"You're so annoying. How does Jimin even like you?"

"I don't have to babysit Jimin. He is a baby but he isn't the annoying baby."

"Oh there you go again, acting all lovey-dovey."

"Aren't you someone who wants to protect Jimin? Why are you being like this with me?" That kind of stopped him from throwing his tantrums.

"Well, I do want to protect him. I have no problem with you either. Just be like a friend to me. I don't want you to be my babysitter."

"You are a ten year old and I will treat you like one. So, Chim, shall we go to the park now?"

"Oh Yoongi, I am not a ten year old, I just have been there for that long. I am basically the same age as Jimin. You are so annoying. You are giving me a headache. I need to sit in the park now."

"You made me run, you are behaving despicably, and you expect me to listen to you from the first day. Wow. You need to give me time, Chim, I need time."

"Yes, take all your sweet time, I am not going anywhere, anytime soon."

"I feel like I am going to end up pitying you."

"You might as well fall in love with me."

"You wish." he walked away into the snow covered park, kicking snow back with each step. He looked hilarious from the back and it kind of calmed me down.  Maybe he would make a good friend. Just that, never more than that and I know that.

He directly went and sat under the naked cherry blossom tree on the thick ice and started cupping ice in his hands.

"And you say you are not a kid." I shook my head looking at him.

"This is my first time playing with snow, let me."

"You don't sit on it to play with it dummy, you make balls and throw."

"Like this?" He threw a huge snowball and it hit me right on my face. I thought of Jimin and my little snowball fight. My heart couldn't help but grow heavy.

"I shouldn't have told you. But yes, that's how you do it." I say etching designs on the snow with my feet.

"I know I remind you of Jimin." he had a smirk on his face and really wanted to slap it away.

"You only take him away from me. Play with your snow before I stop you."

"And why would you stop me?"

"Because I don't want Jimin to fall sick."

"You really don't care about me."

"See, you and Jimin do not share the same mind but you do share the same body. So if he is sick, so are you. If he is tired, so are you. I thought you would know this better."

"Well, you have a point. I like the stars, I have never stargazed properly, the view wasn't clear from his window."

"You are so random."

"It happens when you don't really have a proper life."

"Then why don't you leave?"

"I wanted to meet you and I wanted to make his dad suffer."

"I am okay with the first one, but don't even think about the second one. Don't, Jimin might hate him a lot, but he loves him too. It's all obligatory, but he still does. He hates him, but he won't want to hurt him."

"Well, you're right again but I hate him."

"I'll help you deal with it. But I need you to promise me something."

"What is it?"

"You will not do something stupid. You ask me what to do. If you don't want to hurt me, don't hurt Jimin."

"I would never hurt Jimin or you. Okay, I promise. I'll take your leave now. I'll see you tomorrow, spend the rest of your Christmas with your little Jimin. Good night."

"You're going?" I didn't think he would leave that early. Well, maybe he isn't that bad. He is like a rebellious little kid who is trapped.

It didn't take long for the soft look to reappear on Jimin's face. He was rubbing his head with his hand.

"It's so cold, why am I on the ground?" he whispered.

I quickly walked over to him to pick him up from the snow.

"You okay?" I asked, rubbing his cheek warm.

"We walked here and then? I don't remember much. I thought you said no to snow."

"We ended up coming here." my voice was a lot softer.

"What's the time?" he asked.

"It is 10 pm."

"Oh, how is it that late already?"

"You're playing, I think you had enough for today. Do you want to wait here for a little while? I'll go get our car."


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