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With three days to go for the competition we were pretty nervous. But at least we knew our songs well. We were sitting in the music room waiting for Taehyung to come.

Kim Taehyung, the second youngest teacher in our school. He's a model and a singer. When he first came here along with Jeon Jungkook, our youngest teacher, things were awkward. They were both famous and people would crowd them, snicker in class, and want to take pictures all the time.

In our first year, we got to know both of them. Taehyung and I instantly clicked, we shared a similar taste in music, I was indifferent to the fact that he was famous, so we talked a lot. He's only a few years older than me but it never really mattered. Tae always said that he was intrigued by me. And when he met Jimin, he really melted even further. He loved Jimin from the moment they met.

It was the same with Jimin and Jungkook, his dance teacher. They were more like friends and Jimin and Hobi were his favorite. It was fun being close with them. They were warm people taking care of the three of us.

That's how we got close. We were also the only ones who knew that Jungkook and Taehyung were together. They only took this job so that they can work at the same place and at least get some rest from their hectic schedules.

Honestly, they both were so busy all the time, watching them spend time freely in front of us really felt nice.

Taehyung said he'd hear us in our free period.

"Yoongi?" Jimin's voice was low, I could tell something happened. I turned my head to face him.

"Dad called."

"What? Why?"

"He wants me over for dinner. At least I'll get to meet mom."

"Hmm. You don't want to go, do you?"

He shook his head, looking at his hands.

"Jimin, come here." I walked to him and held his small face in my hands.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"You don't have to be sorry for everything, Jimin."

"But you'll worry again."

"No, see, I'm fine. Did he sound sober?" I asked, because if he was, then it wouldn't be much of a problem. He's a jerk but when he's drunk he's ten times worse.

He nodded but he wasn't even looking at me. I kissed his forehead, holding him closer to me.

"I'll come home quickly." He said, finally looking at me.

"It's okay, Jiminie." I brushed his hair out of his tired eyes.

"Am I late?" Tae's voice startled us both.

"Only a little." Jimin laughed, finally, what a relief.

"Sorry, I was stuck, fixing the budget for the event. Can't believe they made us the event managers."

"They made you what?"

"You heard me Yoongi, they made Jungkook and me event managers."

Why can't anyone let them off the hook for just some time? This was so annoying.

"Why did you agree to it?" Jimin asked.

"Our managers agreed to it. Screw it, lemme hear you guys, I'm excited." Taehyung clasped his hands and sat on the table.

"Wait, you guys are always starting without me." Jungkook entered the music room, panting.

"Where were you?" Taehyung asked. We could tell that he was annoyed.

"I met the principal on our way, he was asking me about the fest."

"Why are they so interested in everything we do?"

"Tae, forget it."

"Do you need some time?" Jimin asked.

"No, we're just exhausted. We took this job so that we lay for a while and now look at us." Jungkook whined.

"I don't care anymore. Let's just listen to them." Tae said, folding his arms.

All of us laughed at how cute he looked.

"Wait, are those girl's clothes?" Jungkook asked, his round eyes looking happy.

"Yep, it was his idea." Jimin pointed towards me, he was smiling and I could feel my face getting hot.

"You guys are really something." Taehyung said, covering his face to laugh.

"Whatever, I'll play, Jimin, are you ready?" I asked


The first song, Lie, needed a lot of energy. I needed to play in a way so that it gets easier for Jimin to flow into the song.

So I did.

Jimin sang flawlessly, and they heard. I wasn't feeling pressured at all. I just poured my heart into it, as if I was playing on the stage.

It came to an end sooner than I had expected. Jungkook and Taehyung had small smiles on their faces.

"You both have come a long way." Taehyung said, wiping his palm on his pants.

"I'm proud of you." Jungkook said, patting Jimin's head.

"Yoongi's my favorite. But how does the student get to be better than the teacher?" he asked, it made us all laugh, but I could sense that something was off.

"Yoongi, come here for a second." Jimin called.

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged looks as I went to the corner with Jimin.

Jimin touched my face with his small hands.

"Yoon, are you okay?" he asked, I could tell he was about to cry.

"Why do you ask that?"

"No, just the way you were playing, it sounded painful. You know you can talk to me right? Are you okay?"

"Jimin, I didn't even realize it. I'm so sorry it made you feel this way." This was hurting. I never intended to make him cry.

"Please don't apologize, I understand you. And I know you. It's okay."

"I never wanted to hurt you Jimin."

"You can never hurt me, Yoon. I am just worried about you."

"I know, Jimin." I rested my head on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him a little.

The bell rang, making us jump.

"I have class, see you later." Jimin kissed my cheek and left waving them a good bye.

"You okay, Yoongi?" Tae asked as he left.


"You know Yoongi, there are some things that we hate but we have to accept them at the end of the day. And I know how you are, I know you understand everything, and I know that you are hurting too sometimes. But you know, things do end. It has to, nothing can go on forever right?" Jungkook's voice was soothing.

"I'm just scared." I managed to say, letting my tears fall.

"You're only so young Yoongi, it's okay to be scared. Trust me when I say this, you and Jimin give us the strength to go on. The way you both handle everything, it's a lot different and that's your strength. That you're always together, no matter what. So if you're hurting, tell him. Because he can't see you being hurt. Don't let anything affect you both." Taehyung put his arm around my shoulder and let me cry.

"We're here for you, we're always rooting for you." They both were comforting me in every way.

"I'm proud of you kiddo, and you're doing very well." Jungkook said.

"Now off you go to class and don't worry."

At least, I'm relieved I have them. It's true, it shouldn't matter as long as we are together. 


I had my history class, and as usual the teacher was late. But this wasn't concerning me, Yoongi was. He won't tell me even if he's hurting. But all I could do was be there with him.

Sometimes I'm so mad at everything but again, Yoongi's patience just makes me forget everything.

Hobi was sitting next to me, writing something in his notebook.

"You wanna tell us something Jimin?" some guys from the back asked. I understood that they were pointing towards my clothes.

"No?" I said.

"Are you sure? I mean, we are very supportive and all, no taboo." he really was getting on my nerves but I stayed quiet.

"Why, do you like it?" Hobi asked, a playful smile on his face but they ignored what he

"Also, I heard you're taking part in the music fest. What happened to the dance fest? Jungkook doesn't like you anymore?" they smiled in an obnoxious way.

"Admit it that you're jealous of us." Hobi said, crossing his arms.

"Jealous? And why would we be jealous?" he asked, there was no longer a smile on his face.

"Because we're friends with them, and they don't give two shits about you oiling them all the time and because we are good and we're not failing unlike you."

"Mind your tongue, Hoseok."

"Or maybe you can keep your nose with yourself instead of poking it in our business." I said before Hobi could get angry.

"Ooh, the lady speaks."

"I can only hear dogs here in this room." Hobi said, looking back at his papers.

"What did you say?" He was coming to Hobi but I stopped him.

"You lay a finger on him, I'm gonna make you walk naked in the campus." I said and Hobi laughed which only annoyed them even more.

"What's going on there?" Thankfully, our history teacher was here.

"Go back to your seats, everyone. Why is it that you're always making a scene?" she asked, pointing towards him.

"They're jealous." Hobi said, earning giggles from everyone.

"Enough. Open up your books now."

Hobi and I almost slept through class. History was so boring, we're only taking this class because it's a graduation requirement.

After class we walked together to our locker.

"You are something else Jimin. No one would know how you actually are unless they get to know you." Hoseok says as I close my locker, waiting for Yoongi.

"Yoongi says that too."

"He says that all the time. By the way, did you know Sea had a crush on you in freshman year?" He snorted.

"Really? That's hilarious." I never knew that.


"Whatever, I'm just glad you're dating. You really needed this."

Hobi deserves as much love as he gives. We were always worried about how selfless he is but thankfully, Sea's there for him.

"Hey." I hear as I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"We were just talking about you." Hoseok sings as he greets Yoongi .

Yoongi smiled at Hoseok, intertwining his hands with mine. I grasp his hand, in need of his touch.

Sea waved at us from behind Hobi before scaring him. Hobi got so scared, it made us all laugh until our stomach hurt.

"You should really think about my heart." Hobi said, clutching his chest.

"What are you? An 80 year old grandpa?" she said, curling an arm around his waist.

Watching them being this happy makes me happy. Sea looks so small next to Hobi, it's endearing.

After talking for a while, we finally left.

"Did something happen in class?" he asked. Yoongi must have noticed the discomfort on my face. Even though I am used to it all, I don't get why all of that continued.

"Same as usual, those idiots won't change."

"The professors see all of it, but they'll never do anything about it."

"Forget it. Who even cares?"

"Yeah, so you have a shift at the cafe today, right?"

"Oh, I had forgotten about that."

"And you have dinner." Yoongi pouted.

"I'll be back soon, Yoon."

"Okay, I love you." he hugged me before getting in the car.

"I love you too." 

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