She believed him.

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Naina was standing in balcony. Raj was snoring in the room. Today she again got that feeling which she had left way behind.. Rajveer was acting weird. He hadnt mentioned sex since last two days...and it was a relief and pain at the same time. A hungry lion can never stop imagining about freah meat. He was no exception. But recently his action made her to think of him as a man who had some feelings, respect for others... She believed him on Nandini's matter. She believed that he was alone in store-room. She wanted to give him a chance. Why?

Rajveer was something whom she cant bear. He was the type of person whom Naina despise... but still Naina was giving him chance....

She wanted to leave her past behind this time. May be Raj can be what she desires.... May be she can get little happiness... May be...

Not giving chance to them who deserved it, was her past mistake. This time.....she was trying to improve it.


Whole day Rajveer was behind her.. sometimes with cold coffee and sometimes with files.... once he offered her two sandwiches which she had with difficulty.. Nandini was glaring Raj whole time...and he was dodging her glares.. Naina smiled once seeing him turning in his path after spotting Nandini in alley. This Raj was someone unknown to her....she wasnt familiar with this responsible Raj.

Not to mention again, last night Naina had given a list of his duties...
:-Respect your wife's emotion and wishes.
:-Take care of her.
:-Make her respect you and believe you.
:-Earn for your living.
:-Listen your parents.
:-Dont try to tangle your legs with unknown girls. Stay away from them.
:-learn to compromise.
:- Make a bond with your wife.
:-Dont do such deeds as your parents'll get hurt.

Rajveer was staring on the list as he had seen a ghost! Later he asked about her likes and dislikes.

They were slowly slowly moving towards friendship. Naina was well aware. In her heart, she badly wanted to leave everything and run away...but again she was changing her limits and heart. She was now a little comfortable with Raj. How come this happened?

Why Rajver was trying to make her feel special? What were his intentions? Naina wanted to give these questions a thought but she dismissed it. When she had promised to give this marriage and him a chance, she was definitely going to do this.

Behind office hours, Naina was sulking. Rajveer and his lame tantics were not able to cheer her up. She was missing her parents. Naveen was meeting her and calling her usually but still it was not enough. Her condition was beyond Raj's underatanding. He was happy-go-lucky person. He never took anything seriously before. So it was pretty understanding why he was not bothered. He was happily doing those so-called duties by making her cold coffee and giving her her space. He never tried to ask what was in her mind. What had covered her thoughts? He wasnt asking her. Naina was ok with it. She didnt want him getting involved more in her life. She didnt want things to go fast. Slow pace of intervenning was ok.

Today morning, She had got a project for advertisement of Their garments company. She was working on it but Her all designs and graphic were not satisfactory. This made her go crazy in anger. She never let anything come between her and her work. But today she was not doing well. Why? What was nagging her? Her biggest problem Raj was behaving. Then what was her sole tension?

The way Raj was behaving was twisting her nerves. How can he do these things easily? None of His action made her squirm and leash out her anger. He was bothering her...but only for his payment. He was demanding money for his one week work in office.. Well, all he did in office was helping Naina in viewing some designs and taking care of her food. Was this payable? Naina was smiling......and this was her biggest problem. Though the person who was hated by her... was making her smile. She was the same Naina whose first boyfriend had complained about her poker face. Really? She'd borne her poker face almost half of her life...and this horny jerk had removed that mask just in few days....It had been two months to their marriage....

Raj was odd... And Naina was even.. there was no chance for any success in their relation.


Naina's interest in gilleto died at the instant when she had to make it. She wasnt a fan of cooking. Moreover her lowest level of patience was enough to make her go insane on the amount taken in cooking. This time unwantedlly she remembered her husband...Raj. that jerk was awesome in cooking. May be for himself he had learnt cooking or he was interested, but he was excellent. And nobody can deny it after tasting his creations in kitchen. Naina was cursing and crying at the same time. This time she found out that everyhing is necesaary in this life. God! Helps were on leave and her in-laws had gone out of city...

'Naina...Naina..naina. naina. Nainu.'

'Stop ranting my name. It isnt going to save you from getting delievered into hell. You're definitelly going to hell.' Hearing Raj's these calls her mood had changed. Why was he calling her like this? Did he have something wrong in dinner?

'I know you're gonna accompany me in hell as well. But for now tell me which colour do you like- light blue or pale pink?'

His query was out of no where. What was he going to do with these colours? Since when he started care which colour she liked or not. Something fishy! Yeah...something was going on his mind.

'I like colour of water.'

'You're..... Okk. Just close your eyes.'

She turned back. He was wasting her time and she wanted to make that so-called gilletto very badly. She started to search for vanilla beans.

Suddenly she felt something soft behind her back. Something so that lewd kissing her? This much soft? Were they his lips? He is dead.

'You-' rest words died in her mouth.

He was holding two couple in light blue and pale pink. Both were identical. A little one was hugging other one and their faces were showing soo much innocence. Naina just stared at them. She as a graphic designer was interested in art and creation only but she never did something for kids. When she was young, she remembered very well about all those toys which she'd hated and broken. She'd liked colours and brushes since her kindergarten. If ahe was given a toy, she never took time in opening it in and out. She always broke sewing of sticthed toys. She was angry kid, after all..

But looking at these pair, she didnt seem to be angry. Her anger wasnt near her this time. All she felt was taking them in her arms and cuddle them. She so badly wanted them kiss and hug.

'What is this? Do I look like a kid so you bought teddies for me?'

Raj laughed. Really, what was so funny?

'Come on Naina. These arent meant for kids only. Look, these are silent listeners. If you feel like something to tell someone, tell them. We'rent going to share anything. So use these. And one more thing- they're too good to cuddle. You can use them in bed as a boundary between us.' Last line was surely a nonsense joke. She was well aware of her limits. But out of everything Raj bought teddy bears for her. From where he got money? As she knew, dad had cut all his sources. He was only having free food and tranport.

'Did you steal them? You dont have money as far as I know.'

'I got my paycheck from office today morning. You never budged on my request. But some people in office listened me. So here is your tension buster.'

'I dont need a tension buster.'

'Yes. You do. You're all worked up since last two days. Why are you working this much hard? Take some rest and then start.'

'Raj..please. dont act like you care. I am ok with your nonchalant behaviour. But I despise fakers.'

'Nainaaaa...' he literally sang her name. 'See..I am just trying to do my duties. Ok. Now tell. These life sized teddies pleased you or not?'

She so badly wanted to tell lie but something stopped her.

'These're lovely. In fact I am thinking about naming them. I....Well... See...I mean..I'd..Ohh god.'

'No need to thank. I just wanted to payback for being an idiot and you just beared with me.'

'Look...You're changed ..totally changed. Dont change so fast. I am unable to cope up with you. Its feels so strange.'

He smiled and went away. In her mind, she was cursing him again despite receiving those cuties.

He didnt even bother to ask about gilletto while he was very well aware of her troubles in kitchen....swine!

(These are the teddies. Well, that girl isnt part of gift.)

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