That's a deal.

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Rajveer was roaming behind his dad for allowing him to spend next few hours in order to complete what he'd started. His parents were unaware of his that passion. His passionw as painting girls.....recently nude adjective had added up. So basically he wasnt going to reveal his so called passion to his parents.

He was totally astonished by her reaction on that painting. She had admired it untill he opened his mouth for uttering some sexy words. He was happy...very much happy. Naina didnt mind it. So he again started working on something more sexy and erotic. This time he wanted to convey his message more boldly. He just wanted to have sex. If he gets that, he'll behave around her. Naina wasnt getting his point. As far as he knows, naina cant be a woman without sex urges. The way she was staring at that painting told him that she'd be imagining about next step.. was she?

Rajveer's father was in very very bad mood. It had been almost one month and he was roaming idly in whole city as well as in his house. Naina was busy whole day in looking after advertise department of their company while he was doing nothing. This was so shameful and Mr Shekhawat wasnt going to leave him.

Rajveer reluctantly put his first step in the office. Never ever in his whole life he came her to work. And now he'd come here as an employee. This was.....just like jumping into a deep well and die. This time if someone gave Rajveer authority, he was going to throw Naina out of this company office. Yes...Naina had asked his father for him to assist her. It was soo bad...very bad.

Rajveer entered into Naina's cabin. She was working on computer. A pen was stuck in her hairs but still some tendrills were roaming on her face. She was engrossed in her work. When he saw this.....he got an urgue to throw that pen outside and clutch those black hair to ravish her mouth. Making out in office was soooo

His trance broke when somebody knocked at the door. He was totally aroused and that was not good for Naina to see. He was still afraid of her fragile nature. She was phobic to proximity. Since their marriage they're lying on seperate beds which he had to manage after her threats of disclosing his real intention behind that famous tailor shop.... he at once rushed into bathroom.

When he came out, Naina was not there. Some other she wasnt a lady..she was a sex goddess. Her persona was enough to make anyone go wild.Her whole attire was enough to make his condition again worse. He diverted his eyes with so much difficulty and coughed.

'Ohh sorry sir. I didnt see you. Where were you while I came into this office?'

Her voice was dripped with oral sex. She was verbally seducing him. After hearing her voice, anyone can come in his pants. He was having a hard time to control himself. Though he wanted to lose his virginity so badly....but he wanted his first to be Naina. It was because her persistence had forced him to think of many ways in which he could handle her. First one was sex.. obviously. If she was phobic to intimacy, she'd have been given little dose to remove that fear. Slowly slowly she'll adjust. It was Raj's theory. And above of all...mostly girls've had a fling with him in past. All of them were aware of his high-profile marriage. It was easy to get a girl but at the same time it was difficult to manage outcomes of that one night stand or sex...whatever he was going to do. Naina was the safest option because she was his legally wedded wife and it was their main intention behind this marriage. But Naina's phobia and nightnares were enough to keep him at bay. What was he going to do?

He stopped his thought train when an intense perfuse messed with his nostrils. Smell was enough to make him puke....

'Sirrr....You forgot me? You forgot that steamy make out in store-room of this office. I can never forget-'

'Stopp! Stay at an arm's length. God..who appointed you?'

This made her blood boil. This was same man who was trailling behind her just ten months ago. She was the one who was declining him and now he has got attitude! He was a reputed philander and such people rarely change their way. He was still woman-whore. And she wasnt going to let him insult her.

'Mr. Shekhawat. You can't insult your wife's secretary. Mrs. Shekhawat has gone to meet board members. I am here to inform you about that meeting. Go and attend.' She turned and stormed off.. she was muttering under her breath... which he assumed were a nice composition of different swears ranging from his character to his body..

When Nandini Mehra left, Rajveer took a sigh of relief.  Yes he was a certified woman-whore.. he could use his hands and tongue on anyone's body...only girls. But at the same time, he was Naina's husband. He wasnt going to waste his first time on anyone else. First let Naina have the pleasure...afterwards raj is available for every girl.... Well, What about informing this to Naina?

Board meeting went well.....Naina had informed everyone so. He disappeared after witnessing Nandini in her office. He had locked himself in store room with an excuse of searching some files..

Rajveer whole day didnt face Naina. He was afraid of his desires. Naina was looking hell sexy in office and Raj had little control over himaelf.


He was making his coffee when he saw Naina approaching their bedroom. These days...he had no respect in his house. He was having his food, water, drinks all by his own hands. His parents had instructed strictly services not to listen his orders..

He was afraid. He made two cup of cold coffee and prepared his guards to face NAINA.


'Mr. Shekhawat, you're in office whole day or I'm having pleasure of not witnessing you?'

She is referring him by his surname. This was a warning. She was in bad mood. Did she catch him staring at her openly or she witnessed his so called arousal? But when? He didnt remeber.

'Sorry... Naina. Actually..'

'Yes.. I am listening. Make a story. Create a false base. Use some lame lines. Go.. I am easy to fool..ha!'

'No. Naina..Actually in office.. I was...umm...not in condition to face you..'

'Why you'll be able to face me when I am well aware of your fling with Nandini Mehra? Wow.. I never expected you to be this much jerk. You cant improve.. I was an idiot who was thinking of giving you a chance to make this marriage work. Wow.. I am really happy.'

How she knew this? Was she a normal human being or some wizard or mind-reader?

'I...I am sorry but I had a fling way back. Even we didnt meet that time. This is an ancient thing. Nothing to worry about.'

'Really? She works with me in my office. And you my husband is a well known sex- hungry. Is it nothing to worry about?'

'Naina..I didnt even touch anyone in that way after our marriage. I ..'

'Stop you...just stop. I cant take this. If I hadnt left the phone on, how I was gonna know your make-out in store room? And for your information, Mr. Sahgal had seen you going towards Store room again with a false excuse.'

Really...was this happening? How he could explain her real reason behind his disappearance.

'I wasnt with Nandini. I am speaking truth. You want to believe it or not...Its your problem. Well, here is cold coffee. Take it before its temperature varies.'

She sparred a glance at him. He was speaking truth and she had to believe him. He heard her sighing.

'Look.. I cant leave you. Same goes for you. So please help me making this marriage work. If we arent meant to be together, we'll break this alliance. But till we're together, be a gentleman. I want to give this marriage a chance.'

Her whole dialogue didnt effect his ears. But last line make him all ears. Was she willing to give him a chance to make love? He didnt want to scare her by using sex word again. But she seemed to be interested. Wow.. Rajveer felt happy.

'I am behaving. Naina. But My past poppes up in my present.. what can I do?'

'I've a deal.' He looked up. 'You are going to take all the responsibilities of a married man and I'll behave as an ideal wife.' His eyes glittered. 'I am not talking about duties on bed. I am telling you about my time which I am gonna take to give you what you want.' Last line.. she muttered it. But he heard it. He was all ears...... then.

'Ok. Thats a deal you just write down my duties and I'll try to perform them.'

She face palmed.

He was confused. His whole life had been spent doing nothing except some study,painting and flings. He was unaware of any responsibilties.. How he could perform those duties which he didnt know!

He pushed coffee cup towards her. She took it. He examined her. She had picked the cup with a tiny smile...

She likes cold coffee.. he'll make it everyday..who knows one day she'll offer her services in the end!

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