Chapter 16

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Chapter Hint!

  "Stop right there!" A cat slithered out into the open, teeth bared.  

Storm's P.O.V.

Storm was relaxed, the sun shining on her pelt from above, brushing pelts with the cat she loved most. "Looks like we might get rain soon." Rainwind murmured with a bit of excitement from behind. Storm could see the darker clouds coming from beyond, threatening the brilliant sun.                                               "Good. I'm so thirsty I could drink a river." Yowl muttered.

Rain and Storm glanced at each other. They both knew how much the cats needed water. That stream didn't always have much water, and when they did get a quick sip, there wasn't much to spare. They had given most of it to the younger cats like Yowl, Rainwind, Swiftpaw, Treepaw, and Duckpaw.

"We won't be thirsty much longer," Rain looked up at the sun. Storm rested her head near his. "Maybe we'll find a lake. I remember Whiskertail telling me about great groups and tangles of rivers called lakes..." Treepaw trailed off.

"Do you think we will ever find a home?" Rain whispered. Storm glanced at him warmly before muzzling her head on his shoulder, thinking about her future, making sure Rain would be in it. "Of course." 

Rain gazed out. Storm purred while walking. "How are you so sure?" He asked, pulling away gently. She smiled. "Just because." She murmured, deciding to leave out the tiny detail about Thunderstar visiting her in her dreams. He nodded, staring straight ahead. Does he know about it? The deal Smallclaw tried to make? She looked back at Rain. 

No. He doesn't need to know. It's in the past now, and it won't ever matter. A/N: Hakuna Matata reference....

"Stop." Cloud hissed. Every cat stopped as told in their tracks. "What?" Rain whispered quickly. "Badger dens." He announced. Every cat froze. Instinctively, Flywing went to stand in front of Treepaw, Duckpaw, and Swiftpaw. Cloud pointed his tail to a small area filled with dips in the ground, leading into small holes.

Now that Storm knew of the badger dens, the stench seemed to enclose her, making her feel trapped. She stepped closer to Rain. "Let's go around." Rain murmured, and every cat seemed to hear the order. They slowly backed up and gently turned. Snap! 

Storm flinched. Rain seemed unfazed. Duckpaw had stepped on a twig. She didn't dare turn around to scorn her apprentice. If she even is my apprentice still. She flicked her ears at Rainwind. Duckpaw's apprenticeship had caused a wide gap between her and the new medicine cat. Before they had been friends, talking often when they weren't busy. 

She had only ever felt sympathy for him. Rain was the tom she wished to be with, no other cat. 

"Stop right there!" A cat slithered out into the open, teeth bared. "Who do you think you are, prancing around on my territory?" The tom hissed, flicking his tail to reveal three more cats to come out. Storm guessed two of the cats were she cats, and the last one a tom. 

"We're just passing through." Rain meowed calmly. Treepaw was guarding Duckpaw and Swiftpaw, and his mother. Storm could just make out his mutter; "Come closer and I'll shred you." 

Birch stood in the back, making sure none of the rogues tried biting off a tail. Cloud pressed against Sunflower, herding her into the group. The lead tom growled. "We saw you hunting. Don't lie." Sunflower took no notice to the other cats, just stared at the lead tom with confusion.

Storm could feel Rain pressing his pelt closer to hers. "We only hunted a few times, it-" Birch began, stepping forward, forming a defense line. 

"Blake? Is that you?" Sunflower nudged past her and Birch. "Wha- What?" The golden tom squinted his eyes. "Sunny?" Blake muzzled Sunflower. "I've missed you so much," He purred. As that was said, Storm felt rain drops start to dance on her pelt. In heartbeats they were all wet. 

Cloud stepped forward and growled. Storm held back a purr at her friend's unfriendliness protection. "Sunflower?" Cloud meowed with gritted teeth, staring at the tom with challenge in his gaze. Storm relaxed. Maybe this cat was a friend of Sunflower's. 

Sunflower pulled away from Blake. The other rogues just stood where they had first appeared, blank expressions. "How's mother?" She asked nervously. The tom snarled and Cloud stepped in front of Sunflower. Rain did the same to her. Storm tried to ignore it. 

He must be her brother, she thought. When she looked closely, she could see a faint resemblance. They both had the same light green-blue eyes, and tabby ginger pelts. "Mother's dead! She got killed by some stupid clan cat while hunting!" The tom snarled, shoving his nose in Sunflower's face. 

Storm hissed and stepped forward. The tom seemed to realize it was a warning and backed away. "Get out of here!" For a split second, Storm remembered the badger dens. "Shh!" Flywing hissed, obviously being able to react before Storm. "What?" Blake snapped his head to the black she cat. 

Cloud softened suddenly. "The badger dens..." He whispered. Rain stiffened as he turned around. She looked at what he was staring towards, and saw something she hadn't seen since the day she had learned she would be exiled and banished by her clan. 

Treepaw, Swiftpaw, and Duckpaw were all huddled together behind Birch. "Back. Away. Slowly." Rain ordered. Another smaller badger clambered out of one of the dens. 

It slowly approached, as if it was almost afraid.
Before Storm could take another breath, 4 more badgers were outside crawling and snarling.

"Now!" Rain hissed and the cats spun around to flea. "Ah!" The water on their pelts seemed to make it slippery to even move, the ground was used to be dry and cracked, and now it was completely wet and muddy.

Cliffhanger anyone? Bone appetite!
I spelled that wrong, didn't I?

Hey! Check out my other books;
Sunstar's Rise (Formerly Lionstar's Story)
The Great Wolf Trade
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