Chapter 19

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You'll figure out who's P.O.V. it's in soon enough for the chapter hint. :) This chapter is juicy! (Sorry if you get Rain and Rainwind confused...)

  -Stormfall gave him a glare, but he didn't mind. He was with the she-cat he loved. Truly loved.   

Rain's P.O.V. 

Rainwind bounded up to Rain and his now conscious friend. "He's going to be fine," Rainwind repeated. 

"Cloudsound, wake up!" Raincloud shook his friend. "Stop! You'll hurt him." Rainwind hissed. Rain stopped immediately, staring at his friend nervously. "Where's Sunflower?" Was Cloudsound's first words after he awoke. 

It wasn't something like, oh, thank you for making sure I didn't do something stupid, it was about Sunflower. Cloudsound's mate. Not friend, mate. He did care for her, and Rain had to make sure Sunflower knew Cloudsound loved him.

"She's here, just come on," Raincloud hissed. His friend stood up and started to shake his fur clean. "Let's go!" Raincloud muttered. Cloud and Rain both ran at the speed of lightning, Rainwind following slowly behind.

"What are we doing?" Cloud mewed. "To do something you should've done already," Raincloud growled back with courage. Cloudsound looked at him, shrugged, and continued on. He trusts me. Why? Has he a reason?

Rain ran through into the clearing. Stormfall was standing beside Duckpaw, ordering her to do something he couldn't hear. "Raincloud!" Storm ran forward and muzzled him with affection. Raincloud purred back in response.  

He noticed the rogues were huddling away from them, Flywing was trying to groom Swiftpaw, who was not taking it well, and Treepaw and Yowlstripe were talking with their father. With a jolt, Raincloud saw Sunflower glance at Cloudsound, furrow her eyebrows and frown, sitting amongst herself. 

"Sunflower," Raincloud beckoned her, flicking his tail. Every cat stared at the three cats with worry or nervousness. "Cloudsound has to speak with you." No cat took notice of him calling Cloudsound by his warrior name.
The rogues stared at the situation like it was a live fox.

Cloudsound's P.O.V.

The white tom walked over to the she-cat, and they both started walking away from the group. The rest of them began chattering, and Cloud could hear Raincloud giving out orders.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" Sunflower asked. He looked into her eyes, her soft, blue eyes. He stopped walking and sat down, sweeping his tail over his paws as he thought of exactly what to say to this cat, this cat he felt feelings so strongly for.

Cloudsound felt a bit overwhelmed, he had been freaking out a little while before, collapsing on the forest floor. He wiped away the pain of Daisyheart off of his mind. He had to be strong for Sunflower. 

Sunflower sat beside him, her fur brushing his. "I love you." He blurted.  

The she-cat's ears twitched. Cloudsound's heart skipped a beat and he realized she was smiling. Sunflower started purred happily, "I love you too, no matter what your past holds." Cloudsound purred. It's a good thing I have her. I don't think I can survive without her at my side...

Stormfall's P.O.V. 

After Cloud and Sunflower had arrived back from their discussion, the two never left each others' sides. Storm purred at the sight. "I have an announcement." Every cat turned to the tom that seemed to be in the lead of the rogues. Rain sat beside her with warming comfort and interest.

"We have discussed, as a group, that we will leave, but after we have our proper goodbyes with Blake." The tom murmured loudly, stumbling over his words a little at first. It didn't seem like a murmur, but it was, oddly enough, and Stormfall could hear it, and she assumed Raincloud could too. 

"Fair enough. Sunflower?" Raincloud still sat but turned his attention to the golden tabby she-cat. She sat right next to her, and Stormfall noticed Cloudsound and her fur were completely mingled with each other's in an affectionate way. 

Sunflower didn't flinch at the question. Although the question was never actually said out loud, every cat there understood the decision that the loner would have to make. Cloudsound turned his head to look at his mate, or, at least, what Stormfall thought would be mates. If they're not, I don't know what they are. 

"I love my brother, and Daisy," Sunflower turned her attention to the pregnant she-cat, "I hope your kits turn out to be wonderful, but I love Cloud, and he loves me back. I wish to stay with these Clan cats, and I hope they will keep me."

Sunflower turned to look at Raincloud. Stormfall could see Cloudsound was quite happy, purring and licking his chest fur in embarrassment.  She silently chuckled and turned back to her friend. Raincloud breathed in a quick breath before speaking, his warm fur still close to hers.

"You've shown us your loyalty numerous times, you've already committed to us once that you would come with, and I personally don't think I would have my way if I didn't let you come with us." Raincloud meowed with a bit of amusement, and Flywing, Birchbark, Cloudsound and Stormfall all let out a soft laugh. 
"Not a single bit," Birchbark meowed, twitching his whiskers. Sunflower smiled, then turned back to the rogues. "You may have his body, we need to leave anyway. I had time to grieve, and you all obviously know him better than me."

"Sunflower, that's not necessary, you deserve-" Cloudsound attempted to persuade his mate, but Storm could see the look in Sunflower's eyes. Cloudsound was more important to her. "No, Cloudsound." Sunflower dipped her head to her brother's former companions.

Raincloud left Stormfall's side and whispered a few things to Rainwind and said some things to the rogues. Storm watched the rogues leave, Blake's body on the two unimpregnated cats' shoulders. 

"I have one more thing to say," Rain announced, sitting in front of them. Storm narrowed her eyes before realizing what it was about. She watched the handsome tom's muscles stretch as he walked to stand in front of all of them, quite a few scratches dancing across his fur. 
"We have all been a little different, and our names have even changed since we've left the Clans, but I have had experience now to know and understand that we still carry the traits of our Clanship. I don't want to be called Rain anymore, but Raincloud. I realize that I am not a rogue, but instead a proud Clan cat. I hope you all agree and change your names back." Storm noticed Rain glance at her when he said 'experience.' Her fur felt warm, and she knew why for the second time in her lifetime.

"I'm not Storm, I'm Stormfall." She meowed with a bit of cockiness in her tone, walking to stand beside Raincloud. He purred and licked her ear affectionately, making her feel butterflies.

"Birchbark has a much better ring to it," The big brown tom rumbled, Flywing rolling her eyes and tapping her paw on his chest playfully. Stormfall watched him give her a small lick on the ears, making her realize her own fault. She turned back to Raincloud. Her eyes were wide, and his eyes were blinking gently with warmth.

She sighed and buried her head into his chest happily. 

"Yowlstripe, once again." The golden black striped tom purred, but Stormfall and Raincloud didn't hear or rather didn't pay any means to it.

Later that evening, while Stormfall and Raincloud were hunting before leaving to the unknown, they stopped to talk. "What is it?" She asked, still feeling a little burst of excitement inside of her.

"I want you to know this," Raincloud meowed, sitting down beside her, then licking her ears slowly. Stormfall listened intently, the feeling on her ears making her feel as if she could fly. 

Stormfall blinked when he stopped and started to talk bravely. "I love you, Stormfall. I really do. I think I always have, and I don't know what I would do without you. It seems as if I can't bare to be without you when I'm just hunting, or even checking the fresh-kill-pile's stock. I wish I was with you at every moment of the day, there for every breath you take, and I don't know what to do if I don't do something about us. I need you, Stormfall." Stormfall sat in silence, trying to take in everything he had just said.

Raincloud's amber eyes boiled into hers with uncertainty and hope. Stormfall purred loudly after a moment. "I love you too, Raincloud. I need you too," She shoved herself into his fur, and for one of the first times in a while, she felt like she was needed somewhere, needed in some cat's life to make a better one.

Raincloud's P.O.V. 

Raincloud thought that the moments he waited for his mate's response would kill him. "I'm so glad you're my mate," She breathed into his fur quietly. Mate. Mate. Mate. She used the word mate. I'm her mate! She's my mate! The tthoughtsthat were coming into his head wouldn't stop.

"You love me?" He asked. Stormfall stepped away from him, making Raincloud take in a small gasp of cold air. "Of course, furball!" She meowed, cuffing a paw over his ear. He didn't wince. Instead, he growled playfully, stalking towards Stormfall. She backed away, a smile that made himself smile spread across her gray face. He pounced lightly on top of her, licking her nose.

Stormfall gave him a glare, but he didn't mind. He was with the she-cat he loved. Truly loved. 

"We have to get back to the group," She purred. Raincloud took in the information, finally facing reality. "Fine, let's go." He murmured, getting off of his mate.
"Gosh, Raincloud! You're full of scratches," Stormfall meowed, walking with him to the group's temporary camp. 
"They're old, nothing to worry about." 
"Nothing to worry about? Aren't these from the foxes?" She continued to sniff his pelt anxiously.

Raincloud's facial expression froze. He didn't want to remember his stupid mistake of convincing himself that if he had survived StarClan would give him a sign that she loved him back. He hadn't even thought about it since the badgers.
"Uh, no, er-"
"Why did you do that, anyways, Raincloud?" Raincloud stared forward, but, unluckily for him, Stormfall stopped walking. "Raincloud?"

The gray tom didn't want to ignore her, but couldn't admit to her he had done something so stupid.

He stopped in his steps in defeat, clearly not getting away from the topic.
"I did it because I wanted to know if you loved me."
A silence was filling his ears with dread. She would probably never talk to him again, calling him mouse dung because he was so stupid and mouse-brained. 
"I do love you, daft furball." Raincloud sighed in relief.

I did survive. Maybe StarClan did send me a sign... Stormfall is my reason to live. My friends.

They continued walking at a moderate pace together. "Don't ever do something so stupid again, Raincloud. I prefer to grow old with you at my side, not in the stars." 

How's that for a juicy chapter? Hope you enjoyed it, and if you didn't- avada kedavra. Just kidding, that's against Wattpad rules and regulations...... :)

Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was on a hiatus for two weeks, and now I plan to get at least another chapter in before January 10th or so. :D

~Lovely Lion

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