Chapter 18

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Wow, we've gotten so far.

Cloud's P.O.V.

Cloud turned around and ran. He looked at the stars that were appearing in the sky.
"Where are you?" He wailed. Feeling like a helpless kit again, he curled into a ball and yowled in a mourning tone.

He closed his eyes beneath a tree root, wishing he had been the one to die that day, not Daisyheart.

"Cloudsound! Cloudsound!" A wail sounding all to familiar made Cloud jump. "Daisyheart? Daisyheart!?" He called, searching for his mate.
No call or sound of aknowledging his cries made his way into his ears.
"Cloud! Get up, come on!" Cloud was being shaken, his body trembling and being jabbed by invisible paws.
Before awaking, a voice meowed gently. "Let yourself follow the rain that guides and protects the storm. Don't stop yourself from cherishing the sun's flower."

"Cloud! You're awake!" Rain exclaimed. "Rainwind! He's awake!"

A little while earlier....

Storm's P.O.V.

"Whose Daisyheart?" Sunflower asked the foreign words, about to go forward and chase after her close friend. "A, a, uh, close friend of his." Storm replied slowly. 

"Stay here, I'll get him," Rain pushed forward, his pelt brushing Storm's for a few split seconds. She badly wanted to follow him, tell him her feelings, chase after him and spend her entire life time with him, but fear of rejection crippled her inside. "But-" Sunflower tried to protest, but Rain narrowed his eyes and spoke. "This time you can't do anything to help him, Sunflower. He can't go through this again. Stay here, and don't get yourselves killed." Rain mewed sharply, glancing at both Storm and Sunflower.

Sunflower went over to Daisy and the other three rogues. The tom was gazing at the cats as if they were a band of foxes. Daisy was laying on the ground when Rainwind walked over to Yowlstripe and whispered into his ear, something Storm couldn't hear.

"Pfft! He thinks I can't take care of myself?" She grumbled softly. Then sudden hope charged at her like a fox. "He cares. Stormfall, he cares." Storm flicked her ears. Stormfall. She was Stormfall. That was her name, not Storm.

But that was the price she had paid to be with Rain. Not Rain, Raincloud. Storm's paws itched with excitement. She had to tell Rain! He needed to know how she felt, and she needed to know how he felt! He needed to know that they were warriors, not rogues, or loners or kittypets! They were warriors!

Sunflower shuffled her paws awkwardly, bringing Storm out of her daydream.

"I don't think that's the reason he said that." Flywing meowed, standing beside Stormfall. "What? Oh, yes, yes, I get it." Storm lied, just barely realizing what the black she cat said. 

Birch was standing next to his kits and Swiftpaw, showing them how to hook a bird and leap. Yowlstripe was nervously peering around, his gaze flooded with anxiety. "Go help Raincloud. He'll need it." Flywing meowed, her yellow eyes glistening with feeling. Storm slowly nodded. She walked forward and began to run at a great pace. 

Easily, Stormfall caught up, but not without a few short breathes. "What are you doing? I told you to stay behind. There could still-" Rain's tone was slightly upset, but worried as well.

Storm huffed. She stepped forward and glared into his warm, amber eyes. He furrowed his eyes, making him look more intimidating, but it only made Storm want to tell him more. 

To Rain's shock, which she could see through his eyes and reaction, Storm licked his ears by stretching her neck upwards. "Come on, furball. Let's go find Cloudsound." She waited for the tom to correct her, but he didn't. Together, they began walking, side by side, scenting the air.

"Wait up!" Both gray cats turned around. It was Rainwind, herbs making his mew a bit muffled. Storm and Rain separated by a hair when Rainwind came padding up through the undergrowth to stand with them. "I figured Cloud would still be covered in injuries when you found him." 

Storm saw Rain briefly nod before continuing. "Cloudsound!" Rain called. Storm swiveled her ears to try and hear any muffles or cries of hurt or even a yowl.  "I think I heard something," Rainwind said, flicking his tail to his right. Rain ran forward, "Cloudsound?"

Storm stopped. Through the dim moonlight, Storm saw white fur was bundled on the ground, tail laying raggedly and fur ungroomed.

"He's only asleep." Rainwind murmured, setting his herbs down. Storm's belly rumbled. "You should go hunt, we're all hungry." Raincloud meowed, staring at his limp friend. "Yes, Cloudsound will be hungry as well." Rainwind added. Storm nodded and set off.

Rain's P.O.V. 

"I'm going to go back and tell them he's okay. I, uh, have to check on my supplies and the others." Rainwind meowed. He turned to the other tom. "Will he be alright?" Rainwind was standing now, brushing his fur off. Cloud's white fur was smeared in herbs, which covered his scratches and bites.

"Yes. He'll fine, as long as he's well rested and fed." Rainwind picked up his herbs and Rain watched him go. He looked back at his friend. It felt like seasons that Rain had sat there all in his lonesome, watching Cloud's flank slowly rise and fall.

"Is he going to be okay?" Storm murmured, setting a mouse down beside him. He didn't answer. His best friend was only asleep. Only asleep. Rain worried for him, maybe more than he should. Sunflower couldn't know about this. It would kill them both from the inside, carefully breaking every loving nerve.

"How do you think Sunflower will take.... You know?" Storm sat, pushing the mouse closer to him. Rain was mostly relying on scent and hearing."I'm not hungry." The voice inside his head told him to eat, but he didn't move. He didn't want his friend's heart broken once more. He had to make Sunflower stay. "You eat it, I'm not hungry." 

"I already ate. I figured you'd want some," Rain suddenly felt guilty, but he couldn't force himself to eat. She's being nice, and you treat her like dung. Way to go, Raincloud.


"She doesn't need to know about her." He refused to make eye contact with her. Storm stood up and stretched her legs. "Then I'm going to go check up on the clan." Rain flinched.

Storm seemed to catch it, too. "Er, uh, the group." Without another word from her, she ran off into the woods the same way Rainwind had gone.

He sighed after Storm was out of earshot. "I came back because I thought there was some herbs here," Rainwind meowed, his fur sleeked. Rain shrugged. "I'm going to go back. They need me, I need to get things done," 

Rainwind nodded. "They look up to you, y'know. They all do." Rain shot up. "What?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Rainwind flicked his ears and carried on sniffing at a plant.

Rain frowned. If his medicine cat was going to ignore him, so be it. He needed to stay focused on his group.

Rain stood up and leaned in close to his friend. "I'll be back soon, friend. Sleep safely." The murmur was bearly audible. "Daisyheart!" A screech made Rain turn around before he could start walking. "Rainwind! He's awake!" Rain saw Cloud start quivering, head to tail.

Startled, Rain began prodding him awake. "What's going on?" Rainwind called, dropping his herbs as he sprinted over.

Hope you liked this chapter! Although, I do hope you like every chapter. It's setup was a little different than normal. I guess the "previously" thing was your teaser. XD 

I'm also very sorry for posting this two months late... I'm going to work on another chapter and publish it today or tomorrow. 

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