Chapter 5

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------ time difference
~~~~Point of view change

Aftermath of ShadowClan Battle:
It was all my fault. I should've been there. I should've been dead. I should've been the cat under his claws!
Not her!

Present, During the Battle:

"ShadowClan, Attack!" Yowled a furious Marshscar.

Raincloud spotted Finchstar leap down from the Highrock, Stormfall close at his side.
"Raincloud, go check the battle!" Prickleface yowled.

Racing through the camp, he reached the battle.

Finchstar and Stormfall were attacking Marshscar with all their might.

Needlestep and Rollthump tussled.

Daisyheart was helping Leopardpaw defend the camp entrance from and unknown tom. "Flintpaw!" The tom called.

Duskhollow flew herself at Sleekfoot after pushing herself off of a tom cat he didn't recognize. The tom speed towards the camp entrance. "Coming, Briskclaw!"

Lionfang and Littlescar slashed at Ratfang with every bit if strength.

He finally spotted a black she cat with a white ringed tail laying in the midst of the battle. "Stripetail!" He called, no answer. He sprinted towards her. Picking her up the scruff, he dragged her into the camp. Flintpaw tried stopping him, but he simply flung him off with a hind leg.

Rainpaw looked in horror at Stripetail.
"She's not dead, just take care of her!" He hissed. The medicine cat needed directions? It was battle!

He headed out into the battle again to see Briskclaw's tail disappear into the camp. He dragged Rollthump next to the thorn barrier while Whitepelt defended the wounded warrior.

He clambered into the camp just in time to see Swiftkit slip through Yowlpaw and Cloudsound.

"Swiftkit! Come here!" Yowlpaw darted to grab her but Flintpaw stopped in front of him. The apprentice was much older and stronger than Yowlpaw by the looks of it.

Briskclaw snarled.

"Leave my clan alone! Fox dung ShadowClan!" Swiftkit hissed, pouncing on Briskclaw's foreleg.

Briskclaw snorted and shook Swiftkit off his leg. "Are you to weak to have your warriors fight now? So you put your kits on guard duty?" He snorted again.

"Leave her alone!" Needlestep had came into the camp, blocking Raincloud from Swiftkit and Briskclaw.

"Don't hurt her!" Rainpaw looked at the ShadowClan warriors with terror.

Briskclaw chuckled. "Oops!" Briskclaw flung his great unsheathed paw at Swiftkit for the death blow.

"No!" Raincloud leaped, but not soon enough. He heard a high pitched squeak from Swiftkit.


Cloudsound wished he could erase what just happened. He heard a screech come from Daisyheart outside the camp. He and Yowlpaw shared a look. Yowlpaw dipped his head in understanding.

He raced out of camp dragging Flintpaw with him. He tossed the apprentice where Whitepelt and Clawpaw tackled him. Briskclaw was driven out by Raincloud and Hazeleyes. He was now laying on the ground twitching beside a grieving Cedarpaw.

He raced towards Daisyheart who lay still but alive beneath Ratfang's muscular body.

He yowled, leaping onto Ratfang. Ratfang clawed at his belly. Raking his claws on Ratfang's muzzle he pinned Ratfang. Ratfang yowled in pain as Cloudsound let his full wait topple onto him. His belly was exposed, so he clawed at it.

Blood stained his fur, but it all wasn't his own. Ratfang screeched, being cut off by Cloudsound's blow to the flank. Ratfang screeched again.
Finally, a cat from Ratfang's clan actually came to help him. Cedarpaw flung himself onto Cloudsound with a battle cry.

He flung the large apprentice off easily while Ratfang and Brownscar dragged Briskclaw back to the border.
"Three warriors down." He muttered to himself. Cedarpaw leaped back into the fight with a flurry of claws at Littlescar.

He whipped his head around to find Leafnose standing over Daisyheart slashing at Sleekfoot. He knocked Sleekfoot to the ground. "Go to your rogues!" He yowled. Sleekfoot raced away. Four warriors gone.

He saw Marshscar leap onto the Highrock when he half dragged half held Daisyheart into the clearing.

"This is for Ripplestar!" Marshscar leaped at Finchstar, but Stormfall knocked them both out of the way. Marshscar lay unmoving flat on the ground. He continued to pull Daisyheart into the medicine den.

Where Stripetail and Rollthump already lay. All three she cats (Rollthump, Stripetail, and Daisyheart)
were alive, thankfully.

Raincloud and Rainpaw stood over Swiftkit in the back of the den.

The battle was not yet over.


Stormfall shoved Finchstar and herself out of the way of a flying Marshscar (mousebrain). He landed
On his belly. When Marshscar didn't stir, Flintpaw and Needlestep raced over to their dying leader.
"Tell," he gasped and coughed, "Yellowpool," he wheezed and gasped for air, "she's the," gasping for breath, he wheezed and coughed, "ShadowClan lead-" one last wheeze came from him, he coughed. Those were the last words Marshscar ever spoke. Flintpaw hissed.

"It's your fault he's dead!" Flintpaw flung himself at Stormfall. She pushed him off easily. Yellowpool made her way into the camp, pushing past Whitepelt and Lionfang.

Yellowpool sighed. "I had told him to be careful, but he wouldn't listen. He only ever said he would avenge Ripplestar. Yet he hasn't." The ShadowClan cats stopped fighting with ThunderClan.

"ShadowClan, retreat! Marshscar is dead! Help the wounded!" She ordered, her voice ringing around the clearing.


ShadowClan scent still raked the clearing with gags.

Stripetail and Rollthump were recovering quite quickly from their wounds. Daisyheart, wasn't healing as quickly. She was strong, but not strong enough.

Prickleface hadn't told Cloudsound or Leafnose yet, but he didn't think Daisyheart would make it through the night. Even though Prickleface hadn't told Cloudsound, the whole clan knew it.

"Stormfall, can you help me check for wounds?" Rainpaw and Prickleface had started scanning the clearing.

"Sure, but I need to go hunt soon. I'm not severely injured, and the clan needs to be fed." Prickleface nodded, checking for major wounds on Lionfang.

She stalked over to where Flywing lay with her kits. Flywing and both her kits were plenty alive, though they had scars to prove they were in the battle.
"Treekit, can you come here?"
Treekit bounced over, limping on one paw. "Can you hurry? DuckClan has attacked my great clan, TreeClan." She nodded, having him lay down.

"Does anything hurt?" Flywing's head perked up as Stormfall asked her kit. "Is he hurt?" Flywing asked with worry filling her voice.

"He's got a limp, but he'll recover." She turned to Treekit. "Go sit in the Medicine Cats' Den." He nodded and scampered off, favoring a forepaw.

She finished checking Thrushwing's wounds before Prickleface dismissed her.

She padded over to Raincloud. "Want to go hunting? The clan is starving." He nodded, saying goodbye to Birchbark. "Let's bring Cloudsound with, we need to talk." Raincloud mewed. She nodded in agreement.

"Cloudsound! Want to come hunting with us?" She gazed at him. He nodded too, leaving his injured friend behind to look envious. The three padded through the ravine silently.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She was pretty sure she already knew the answer. The stopped near a bush, far enough not to be heard or seen.

"We need to leave soon. This would be a perfect chance. Think about it. The Clan is weak, they hate us more, they need to seem strong." Raincloud persuaded.

"You sound as if you want to attack the clan!" Cloudsound whispered, his fur pricking.

"Of course not!" Raincloud hissed under his breath.

"I think he's right. Finchstar will blame us for Daisyheart's dea-" Stormfall stopped mid sentence.

"She's not dead! And if she does die, I will have nothing left in ThunderClan. At least let me have that." Cloudsound sighed. "I'm sorry, it must be the shock. I think it's a great idea, Raincloud." Raincloud and Stormfall nodded.

"When should we leave?" Stormfall asked.
Where my chapter deleted.
"Before the gathering tomorrow night." We agreed.

"We should probably hunt, its getting late." Cloudsound chided.

"Yes, I agree, Cloudsound." Came a new voice. All heads turned to a tom in the bushes. 

"What? Rainpaw? Is that you?" Cloudsound asked as a gray tom padded out from behind a bush. "Not at all. I'm just a random cat that knows your name, total stranger." Rainpaw chuckled.

Raincloud sighed.

"Cloudsound, tell the rogues when we're leaving, I'll tell Finchstar, Stormfall speak with Lionfang and Prickleface." We all nodded.

"So what are you doing here? Telling Finchstar our plans to leave so he can kill us?" Raincloud hissed.

"Stormfall, meet me in the Dirtplace Tunnel before moonhigh. I'll need to teach you herbs for your journey." Stormfall nodded, "Why would I try to kill Stormfall?" Rainpaw looked at Raincloud with wise intimidating eyes. 

Raincloud hissed again, unsheathing his claws as Rainpaw padded away.

When they arrived back to camp, the only thing caught was a thrush.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" The clan gathered, the rogues sitting aside.

"Thrushwing wishes to join the elders den. Is that so?" Thrushwing nodded beside Raincloud. "I've raised two great kits," he looked at Weedheart and Bushthorn. "I've served many dawn patrols, as well as mentored one fine apprentice." Thrushwing finished giving a look of pride towards Raincloud.

"Thrushwing! Thrushwing!"
"Let's get you a nest after the meeting's over." He heard Whiskertail whisper.
"Daisyheart is no longer capable of being ThunderClan's deputy. ThunderClan's new deputy will be-" a screech sounded from the medicine den. "Daisyheart! Don't take her, StarClan!" Prickleface yowled.


Cloudsound and Leafnose sprang to their paws and dashed into the medicine den. He pushed through to see a horrible sight. Daisyheart's body lay limp, eyes glazed.
"She's gone." Rainpaw stopped him. He rejoined the clan, tail and head drooping. Would they let him sit vigil?

All he could think about was Daisyheart now.
It was all my fault. I should've been there. I should've been dead. I should've been the cat under his claws!
Not her!

"Lionfang will be the new deputy of ThunderClan. Raincloud has spoken to me, and the rogues are leaving before the gathering tomorrow night." After Finchstar spoke, a few cats, including Bushthorn, Mousefang, Mapleshade, and Smallclaw, all gave small victorious yowls.


Rainpaw shared a worried glance with Stormfall. "What are you two doing? you seem to be sneaking out." Flywing had just got done making dirt.

"Rainpaw was going to show me some herbs for the rogues." She answered.
"Can I come?" Flywing asked with her beautiful sparkly eyes.

"Why not? I could use some help."

The three cats had reached the clearing.
Turns out, these cats knew nothing of a medicine cat.
He sighed, how would they cope?
Rainpaw padded through the dirt place tunnel with Flywing at his side.

Stormfall had suggested they entered at different times to avoid suspicion.
He padded into his den. Prickleface lay awake facing the wall.
"StarClan. Do you have what you want? Why are you punishing him? He knows what will happen to them. Let him go with them, forever watch over him." Prickleface mewed.

"Prickleface. I can't be your apprentice anymore." The words almost weren't spoken.

Hey guys, half my chapter deleted! Can you believe that! Ya, it just deleted! I was at 3005 words then I go out of it, come back, boom 1256 words! I probably didn't save right.... It was just so Purrfect, Meowlarious, Clawtastic, Pawsome, and Fangarific!
        • ——— •

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