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to those who find the ugliest words
to whisper to others that
i am bleeding,
my body is a temple
i won't be letting athiests
tell me that i am anything
less than a miracle,
that there doesn't exist life in its entirety
inside me and that i am not powerful
to hold and mould stories
inside my womb.

to those who push me away,
trample over me for i am bleeding,
i am the child of the earth.
i will breathe in your
and bury it in my stomach
and let flowers and poetry
blossom out from my skin.

to those who would rather use me
as a pawn to spit out their lusts
than tell everyone that i am bleeding,
i do not need approval from people
who are still adjusting their eyes to my light.
i am my own acceptance, appreciation
and approval.

i am a woman and i bleed to pass on humanity
and there could not be anything
more beautiful than that.

• • • •

Author's note:
I think the fact that I was hesitating to post this piece, which speaks about something so normal and magical, shows how the society has been suppressing such a beautiful and terrific phenomenon. Menstruation is not disgusting. It's what keeps the human race going on. Don't apologize for bleeding.

Be proud of yourself, be it a woman or a man. Be your authentic and honest self. 🌸

This is my first time writing about such kind of topic. It wasn't easy to put these words out for the world to read, but I realised, as a poet, my purpose isn't just to make people feel but also to make them fight. I'm proud of myself. 💕

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