Chapter 10

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Livia slept beside Lilia, holding his hand, her side rising and falling. Creeper yawned and got to his paws, padding out of the tent, flicking his tail. He shifted into the black haired male with dragon like purple eyes. He looked around and stretched. "Man, playing a cub is hard"The man chuckles. "I've lived for 1500 years, but never before has such a child interested me"The male grinned grabbing a handful of blueberries. He walked down the path, a breeze blowing through his hair. "Lord Edric!" He perked up and turned, finding a young dragon standing there looking alarmed to see him. "Edson, hello little brother"Edric greets surprised. "Wh-Where have you been, the dragon spirits have been restless?!"Edson demands looking stunned. "Spending time with my future wife"Edric smiled. "F-FUTRE WIFE?!!"Edson gasped. Edric smiled and nodded, popping a blueberry into his mouth, looking pleased with himself.

"A four year old girl, possesses the power to control elemental spirits"Edric informs. "The Spirit Saintess, like in our prophecy?! The one who'll save the Valley of Thorns from the hidden evil, you're with her?!"Edson gasped. "Yes, and once she's older, I'll marry her but I have one problem though"Edric chuckled. "Problem?"Edson repeats. "A child named Sebek is also in love with her, cheeky little thing thinks he stands a chance compared to me, we all know who the child will choose in the end"Edric chuckles. He didn't like Sebek, but the brat held courage to get close to a child who had a dark fairy spirit with her, everyone knew that it was a sign of betrothal. "You're preying on a four year old and you have beef with a kid..."Edson sighed looking disappointed. "Hey, I'm not preying! I'm just being a cute cub until she's a little older so I can show her the true me and charm her"Edric retorts offended. "Yeah right, I'll tell the fairies you're still alive"Edson snorts turning away. Edric huffed, offended at Edson's thoughts about the situation, annoyed with his little brother now.

Livia carried a pot, carefully setting it over the growing fire with Barin's help. "Nice job!"Lilia smiled patting their heads. Livia perked up, Creeper smiling as he rubbed him side against her leg purring. "Hi Creeper!"Livia smiled picking the cougar cub up, holding him in her arms. Spotty barked, running into view with Golden and Silver, Maria trailing behind them with a basket of strawberries. "You kids stay here, I'm going hunting"Lilia smiled waving to them. He grabbed a bow and a few arrows, walking away into the woods. "Can I pet him?"Maria asks looking at Creeper. "Go ahead!"Livia nodded Spotty yawning as he laid down beside her. Maria giggled, petting Creeper, the cub flicking its ear looking annoyed. He yowled, startling everyone when he pressed closer to Livia. "It's okay Creeper"Livia promised. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, Creeper purring as he rubbed his cheek against hers. "Cute..."Silver comments looking amused by the cats clinginess.

Livia grabbed a few strawberries, eating her breakfast. She may be half jaguar but she was a fruit eater, she preferred eating fruit over meat unless it was served to her by someone, she wasn't a food waster. "I'm back!" Lilia walked over, carrying a turky, Livia staring in surprise. "So big!"Livia cried surprised. "Step away from the turkey, Lilia Vanrouge!" Thea walked over, Lilia laughing nervously as his wife walked into view with her bag. "Mom, you're joining us!"Shadow smiled. "Yep, I remembered that you kids would have to eat, so here I am"Thea chuckled hip bumping Lilia away from the turkey. "I can cook, I was told my cooking is great"Lilia protests offended. "Honey...who lied to your face like that, cause they did you wrong"Thea asks amused. Lilia gasped in offense and turned away, pouting as Thea got to work on breakfast. "Livia, did you already eat your fruit?"Thea asks. "Yes, but I don't mind having turkey!"Livia nodded Creeper mewing. "Alright"Thea smiled her expression softening.

Lilia looked over, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched his family laugh and talk around the fire. Elikai smiled shyly, talking with Shadow and Golden, Barin leaning against him half asleep. Livia stroked Spotty's ear, Creeper asleep curled up in her lap. "Maria hand me those herbs"Thea beckons. Maria held her hands out, smiling as she handed her mother cooking herbs. Silver yawned, trying to blink his sleepiness away, Thea wrapping her tail around the boy, bringing him close. Lilia looked down with narrowed eyes, feeling guilty. "Papa." Livia stared up at him, surprising the fae. "You startled me"Lilia chuckled. Livia reached up and hugged him, Lilia blinking in surprise. "You're doing great Papa..."Livia mutters. He hugged her tight, feeling silly for trying to hide anything from his daughter. Livia was the smartest child he's ever seen, she could tell the difference between things and sense others emotions.

The emotion sensing most likely came from her mother though, since Thea was a Light Fae Jaguar. "Come eat you two!"Thea smiled. Lilia carried Livia on his shoulder, laughing at the smile on her face. He set her down, sitting beside her, leaning against Thea's side. Thea passed plates with turkey meat and cut up strawberries to everyone, chuckling when Shadow was the first to dig in. "Moms food is the best!"Shadow announces happily, Thea smirking at Lilia looking smug. "Ugh, whatever"Lilia chuckled. "Hey guys!" Baul waved to them, Sebek trekking up behind him. "Baul"Lilia greets surprised. "Sebek wanted to come camping, I didn't know you all would be here"Baul greets. "Hey Sebek, wanna join us for breakfast!"Livia beams her head appearing between Lilia's legs, Lilia laughing in surprise. "We have plenty"Thea smiled walking over, a serene expression on her face. "Sounds nice"Baul nodded. Livia pulled Sebek after her, sitting down around the fire.

Creeper bristled and yowled at Sebek, hissing at the male. "Creeper, be nice, Sebek is a friend! We don't hiss at friends!"Livia scolds. Creeper growled, Livia holding the hostile cub in her arms. "Naughty Creeper!"Livia scolded. Creeper buried his face into her arm, twitching his ears. "He's not usually hostile, jumpy yes, but not hostile"Livia says apologetically. Sebek stared the cub down, already knowing what it was. He saw it back in Livia's 2nd life. Edric, also known as the Dragon Spirits lord, the one who speaks for his kind. That night, the night before Livia was taken to the Draconia Castle Dungeons, he saw the male kiss her and promise to come get her in a week, promising to take her back to his home. Edric became the main reason he couldn't be with Livia, because he charmed her. "Creeper seems clingy.."Sebek comments staring the cub down. Creeper hissed at him, bristling angrily. Livia passed Sebek a plate, Baul talking with Thea and Lilia, catching up on old times. Sebek and Creeper stared the other down, tension filling the air.

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