Chapter 11

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"I'LL KILL YOU! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Edric stomped his foot, the ground shaking as it started to split apart. Cynthia screamed, almost falling over, Malleus catching her, his eyes wide. "YOU KILLED HER!! I WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE NOW!!"Edric snapped. He ran off, dragon like creatures rising from the split ground, roaring erupting from them as screaming filled the air. "Livia!" Edric leaped up onto the platform, his eyes glowing as he removed the noose, floating her down. He carried her as he walked down the stairs, scowling as he left without looking back. Cynthia chuckled, Malleus almost falling to his knees looking at the destruction around him. She turned to him, Malleus staring at her stunned. "Why"Malleus asks. "I wanted to, you honestly thought I was the valleys savior, it's Saintess and most powerful thorn controller!"Cynthia laughed. "I thought-"Malleus started.

"You hung the real one! Remember, because I was oh so 'scared' of her"Cynthia grinned. Malleus stared, his eyes wide in disbelief, falling to his knees stunned. Cynthia lifted his head, her eyes glowing. "And guess what? She was the rebirth of your lost love, Lady Alya"Cynthia smiled. "Alya's reborn self.."Malleus mumbles. "You killed her all over again, how funny!"Cynthia laughed. Malleus looked down, his hands trembling. "Isn't this fun! I knew he would come for her, I knew the valley would be destroyed"Cynthia smiled. She leaned forward, grinning at him. "You should be thankful it wasn't Layla, if you hadn't noticed, she's the Valley's darkness, not it's precious light"Cynthia went on. Footsteps came from behind them, Edric walking over, veins popping into view as he got closer. "Mister Ed-"Cynthia starts. Edric grabbed her face, and tossed her down. "It's him I want.."Edric snarled. He raised his hand, sending it flying down to Malleus's heart.

Malleus sat up, his eyes wide as he gripped his chest, looking startled. "What was that.."Malleus mutters stunned. "Prince Malleus?"Talon says peeking in, looking curious. "Just a nightmare, it's alright"Malleus sighed touching his head as a headache arrived. He rubbed his temples and got to his feet. Talon handing him a set of clothes. "Thank you"Malleus sighed. That dream felt real, it felt way too real for it just to be a dream. Who was Edric. Why was he so angry when Livia died. Why was Livia dead. Why was that Cynthia child beside him when it should've been Livia. What was going on, why'd he feel so guilty. "Talon, is there anyway to turn back time?"Malleus asks curiously. "Not without a powerful magical item, and not many people are able to get their hands on items like that you know.."Talon answers respectfully. Malleus nodded and got to his feet, deciding to do some research to prepare for the day that dream really did come true.

Livia walked beside her father, a wide smile on her face, Creeper bounding after her. "Papa, strawberries over there, look!"Livia beamed. "Let's go pick some then"Lilia smiled. She ran over to the strawberries, grabbing a few of them. Lilia crouched down beside her, setting the basket down as he helped her. "Can we join?" Baul grinned at them, carrying a few fish, Sebek and Kuro trailing after them. Kuro beamed and hugged Livia tight, startling his twin making him laugh. "Sorry Sis!"Kuro beamed. Creeper growled, batting his paws at one of the fish Baul held. Baul kneeled down, handing the cub one of the smaller fish, watching him eat. "There we go"Baul chuckled patting the cubs head. Sebek picked strawberries beside Livia, only for Creeper to chomp down on his wrist. "CREEPER??!"Livia cried Baul and Lilia prying the cub's jaw open. Lilia passed Creeper to Livia, checking Sebek's bite mark. "it...bit me.."Sebek mutters staring stunned at his wrist.

"IT BIT ME!!"Sebek yelled. He had ENOUGH of Edric, he knew exactly what the dragon spirit was planning and he didn't like it one bit. He was not letting Edric take Livia back to the land of dragon spirits. "Sebek, calm down!"Baul commands Sebek stiffening. "He didn't mean it...he really didn't, Creeper isn't used to most people"Livia says apologetically. "Livia..are you sure it's even a cat, doesn't it act too human like for you...?"Sebek retorts pointing to the cat, Livia wincing at the sight of the bite mark. Creeper hissed at him, bristling angrily in her arms. Livia looked down at him, staring at Creeper. Creeper mewed, flicking his tail as he stared up at her. "Sebek, are you jealous of Creeper?"Livia asks looking at him. "JEALOUS?! OF THAT THING, ARE YOU STUPID?!"Sebek demands looking furious. His fists trembled, Livia staring at him with wide eyes. "Sebek!"Lilia says scoldingly. Sebek turned and stormed away. "I've never met someone who can't be more cautious of things around her!"Sebek huffed Livia flinching.

Thea smiled, stirring the stew in the pot. She turned and perked up, Livia running past her into the tent. "Honey, what happened?"Thea asks as Baul vanished into his and Sebek's tent. Lilia held his hand up, Thea nodding to him, watching as he vanished into the tent. Livia sniffed, tears falling down her cheeks, hugging Creeper tight. Creeper looked at Lilia and mewed. "Livia, Sebek didn't mean it"Lilia sighed sitting beside her, placing his hand on her back. "I already know Creeper is a dark spirit fairy...I know the spirit took the shape of a cougar cub, Sebek doesn't know anything!"Livia says Creeper flicking his tail. Her father rubbed her back, his legs crossed. "I'll leave you alone for a moment..."Lilia says. Livia nodded, her father sighing. He turned and left the tent, leaving her alone. Sebek sat beside Kuro, his eyes narrowed, glaring at the crow beastman boy as he got yelled at. "You have no right to yell at my twin!!"Kuro shouts angrily at him. Lilia stared at Sebek, feeling something off about him.

Livia laid on her side fast asleep, Creeper staring down at her. Creeper shifted human, Edric staring at the sleeping girl. "I think it's time I take a temporary leave...I didn't think I'd end up causing you to cry..that was far from what I wanted"Edric mutters. He just wanted to see her laugh and smile, just like back at the castle. The past few months he's been with her, he's enjoyed seeing the big happy smile on her face, and watching her run around with her friend Florina. "I'll go...and I'll come back when you're ten years old"Edric promised. He took his bracelet off, placing it around Livia's wrist, shrinking it down to her size. "You'll no doubt look different when you're older, I'm sure you'll go from adorable to beautiful in no time"Edric smiled.  He patted her head, his hand glowing, Livia smiling in her sleep. His eyes glowed, fading away, leaving behind wisteria flowers. "See you in seven years, little Spirit Saintess."

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