Chapter 13

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"SILVER!" Silver turned around, stopping his training. Livia hugged him tight, a wide smile on her face. "Hey sis..."Silver greets wrapping his arms around her. "Are you training?!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling, wanting to see her brother practice. "Yeah"Silver smiled placing a hand on her head. She smiled up at him, Silver chuckling. She loved to see her brother train, even though she declines wanting to learn at times, but it was fun watching him get better at certain moves. "I can teach you the basics.."Silver offers. "Okay.."Livia nodded. He handed her his wooden sword, and stood beside her, taking her hands, guiding her. She smiled, Silver letting go of her hands, watching her repeat the movements. "Good job"Silver praised patting her head. She giggled, passing the sword back to him, watching him get back to training. Silver swung his sword, lunging forward, narrowing his eyes.

He enjoyed time with his sister, she was the person in his family that he cared the most about. "Silver"Livia says curiously. He looked at her, lowering his sword. "Why don't we look the same? Dad has black hair and Mom has pink, so why is your hair like that? Besides we don't have the same features, why is that?"Livia asks. Silver blinked and smiled at her, sitting beside his sister. "It's because I'm human, not fae, you're a fae jaguar"Silver smiled. "Didn't father tell you he adopted me?"Silver questions tilting his head to the side. She stared at him wide eyed, her ears pinned back. She had that thought, but she chalked it up to be a possibility and not something that was actually true. Silver helped take care of her as she grew up, reading her books, teaching her how to crawl and even tending to her whenever she got hurt playing with the others. "We're still siblings, Livia"Silver comments. "IT'S NOT THE SAME!!"She stood up, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"You helped raise me! I thought only Elikai and Barin were adopted!"Livia cried her tears escaping, falling down her cheeks. "Why did nobody tell me?!!?" Silver took up, reaching for her but she ran away."Sis! Wait!"Silver yells looking alarmed. He grabbed his wooden sword, running after her, his eyes wide. "Livia!"Silver yells looking around frantically. He didn't just loose her! He didn't just loose his little sister. He knew Livia was fast but not that fast, but she was quick enough to vanish within a second of him following her. "Father!"Silver yells running back to the cottage. Lilia turned, tending to the garden, Thea beside him. "Silver? Did Talon or Malleus come pick Livia up, they said they'd come get her an hour after the moon rises"Lilia asks. "No, she's in the woods! She ran off!"Silver responds. "The woods?!"Cobra hissed alarmed. "Cobra, let's go!"Lilia beckons running off. Cobra darted out, chasing after him, his hair flying behind him.

Livia sat underneath a tree soaked, rubbing her eyes as she cried sniffling. She was cold and wet because she had fell into a river after running away from Silver, and now she was lost. She'd never been out to this part of the woods and didn't know what was out here with her, so it scared her. She flinched, a chipmunk scampering up to her and chittering. "I-I'm c-cold"Livia says shivering. She looked up, spotting the sun starting to go down, her eyes widening. The chipmunk skittered away, leaving the shivering girl alone. "Cub." She looked up, finding Ambert there, staring down at her. "You know...your father won't come for you, he's a cold-blooded killer, who eliminates anything that doesn't prove useful to him"Ambert comments his eyes glinting. "G-Go a-away"Livia orders. "LIVIA!!" She looked up, silver hair coming into view. Silver pushed the bushes aside, a look of relief appearing on his face. "Livia, everyone is worried sick, not even Spotty could track you..."Silver says.

She started to cry, reaching for him. "Big brother...I wanna go back.."Livia says. Silver picked her up, carrying her in his arms. She gripped his shirt, her clothes soaking her brothers outfit. "You're getting wet.."Livia mumbles. "You need to get home and all dried up"Silver says. Running feet reached their ears, Spotty leaping out, Lilia behind him. "There you two are! I was worried sick, we had to get Baul to help after Silver vanished!"LIlia gasped hurrying over. He hugged them both, Silver smiling slightly. "It's my fault, father, I went to go find her because I told her that we weren't blood related"Silver explains looking down. Lilia stared down at them both and chuckled, patting their heads. "Livia, Silver is still your brother, blood related or not, this family cherishes and loves each other...because blood never mattered"Lilia smiled. "I'm sorry"Livia mutters. She coughed, Lilia picking her up. "Someone caught a cold"Lilia chuckled holding Silvers hand as he walked back, Spotty following them.

Livia laid in bed, Lilian taking care of her, Malleus looking worried. "The water must've been really cold..."Lilian comments. "I'll take care of her." Silver walked in, carrying a basket. "Silver, it's late, how'd you get here"Malleus stared stunned. "Uncle Cobra brought me"Silver responds. Cobra peeked in and waved, flicking his ears before vanishing from view. Silver grabbed the bowl of soup, pushing up a chair to Livia's bed and climbing up. "Here Liv..."Silver says. Livia coughed, looking at him, her chest slowly rising  and falling. She opened her mouth, letting it close around the spoon. Silver pulled it out, and scooped up more of the soup, feeding it to her. "Should we leave him to it?"Lilian asks. "Stay with him, I heard he has a habit of falling asleep, I don't want anything to happen to either of them"Malleus answers. A slap filled the air, Silver slapping his cheeks with his hands, waking himself up when he started to nod off. "S-Silver, why? what?"Malleus demands startled.

"I gotta stay up to care for her..."Silver responds simply. He set the empty bowl down, and grabbed a jar of peaches out of the basket. "Mom said to eat something healthy"Silver informs unscrewing the jar. He grabbed a peach slice, silently feeding it to his sister. This was partially his fault, his sister wasn't ready to know or accept the truth, since they were closest out of all their family members, new and old. As her elder brother, it was his job to protect and care for her, since at the end of the day they only had each other. Livia fell asleep, Silver wringing out a towel and gently placing it on her forehead. "The cold isn't that bad, you can get some sleep"Lilian smiled placing a hand on his back. He raised his hands and slapped his cheeks, harder this time. waking himself up. "I'll be fine"Silver promised his cheeks turning red. He grabbed Livia's hand, sitting beside her as he watched her sleep, his legs crossed. "It'll be okay, little sister, I'm here."

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