Chapter 14

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Livia opened her eyes, finding Daniel standing beside her. "Silver went to go grab snacks from your mother, she insisted he bring you some get well tarts..."Daniel informs. Livia sat up, touching her head. "Can you do magic for me...?"Livia asks quietly, her eyes turning red. Daniel perked up, then rubbed the nape of his neck. "Ah, you're still sick, I'm not so sure I should"Daniel responds nervously. "It'll just be for a little harm in it"Livia says turning her head slowly to him. "Alright...just for a while.."Daniel agrees. She climbed down, and smiled, grabbing his hand, her eyes turning a darker red as she pulled him after her. "Shhh!"Daniel gasped. "It'll be alright.."Livia grinned looking back at him. She pushed the doors to the throne room open and beamed at Daniel. He perked up, staring at her eyes silently. He was sure they were a sparkling baby blue before instead of a scary blood red.

"Do the dream magic!"Livia beamed. He nodded, and clapped twice, Livia's temples glowing, pulling former dreams from them. He smiled, raising his hand, as the scenery around them changed to a beach. "Water!"Livia laughed splashing him. He laughed, changing it to a mountain, Livia beaming at the flowers growing in the cracks around them. He snapped his fingers together, mixing two of the dreams, creating a winter forest. "This is amazing!!"Livia cheered. She grinned, and grabbed his arm. "Daniel.....can you summon others my Fathers?"Livia asks. "I could try.."Daniel responds. He held his hands up, his eyes glowing, then froze, noticing the dreams were turning to nightmares. "L-Lady Livia!!"Daniel cried when she screamed and fell to the ground. Livia shakily stood up, black mist shooting from her back and out the window, her eyes returning to a baby blue color. "Daniel!! What's happening!"Livia yells gripping her head. "Y-You asked.."Daniel starts. He stopped, staring at her eyes stunned.

Something tricked him.

"My Lady!! Get back!"Daniel commands trying to fight the nightmares. "I-It hurts.."Livia says stumbling back. Daniel collected the dreams, gripping them in his palms. "RUN!!" She looked up, the nightmares flying from Daniel, one hitting her right in her temple, sending her tumbling backwards. "Livia..."Daniel stared his eyes widening in fear. Livia laid on her side, the underside of her hair turning purple fading down into a dark but light-ish blue. "LIVIA!" He ran over, looking stunned, his eyes wide as he touched her shoulder. Running feet came from outside the closed doors, the doors flying open. "Liv!" Silver pushed Daniel out the way, lifting his sisters head. "WHAT DID YOU DO??!"Silver demands Maleficia and Malleus running in, looking alarmed. "Livia!"Malleus gasped running over. He picked her up, staring at her hair stunned. "What have you done to her"Silver demands looking at Daniel. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident, I swear"Daniel responds.

Ambert laid on a branch, a dull look in his eyes as black mist surrounded his head, vanishing after a moment. "Where did you go.."Ambert demands quietly. Silence followed his question, before a gruff voice answered. "To scout the area." He narrowed his eyes and leaped down, staggering for a moment, the voice laughing at him no doubt amused by his struggling. "If you went near their child...I'll make sure you never find another host.."Ambert snarled. "And what are you gonna do to me if I harm little Livia?" Ambert snarled, flicking his tail, his body temperature starting to drop rapidly. "ALRIGHT!! ALRIGHT!" Ambert snorted, and flicked his tail, his body temperature rising. He perched himself at the top of a hill, orange eyes staring down at the cottage, regret coursing through him. "Lilia..Thea.."Ambert mutters narrowing his eyes. He turned and stalked away, his ears flattened back, knowing he could never go near them again.

Bronze sat across from Owen, looking nervous about being near the man. "Why have you come to my know I stand on the side of those who believe Livia is an innocent child"Duke Bronze demands. "That's because the queen refused to reveal the truth about Lilia's Monster to the public"Duke Owen retorts. "The day Livia was born she was a stillborn, while her twin was the one who came out wailing and crying"Duke Owen informs. "Livia...she was.."Duke Bronze mutters. "Yes, she was stillborn, and the queen was going to announce that only one twin survived the birth, her majesty returned to the castle to prepare to tell everyone that the retired generals only biological daughter didn't make it...yet a messenger raven arrived and said that Livia was alive and supposedly healthier than her twin, Kuro"Duke Owen went on. "So when Duke had his prophecy that day, we knew it was Livia, Lilia no doubt made a deal with a devil to bring his child least for Thea's sake"Duke Owen continues.

"Lady Thea, what does she have anything to do with this.."Duke Bronze demands agitated. "Lilia was always smitten with Duke and Cobra's younger sister, ever since her debutante ball...Thea had no escort and Lilia offered, everyone saw it that was love at first sight for him and he tended to seek her out using excuses that one would believe if it came from that idiot...Cobra gave his blessing but Duke teasingly refused to let Lilia be with his baby sister"Duke Owen continues on looking over at Bronze. "For good reason too...Thea's ancestors have a history of having unfaithful partners...Thea's father Mandrake had three partners, Honey gave birth to Duke and Thea, Night gave birth to Cobra and an unnamed woman gave birth to River and Springlily..."Duke Owen informs picking up his tea cup, Bronze glaring at him wondering why he was putting others business out there in the open. "So far Thea is the only known hybrid of her family to get married...and Lilia..well I won't say anything about him"Duke Owen grinned.

A sword flew through the air, a dark red haired boy with magenta eyes training in the yard of his home. "Crimson!" A Pale red haired woman bounded over, smiling down at him. "You're only three, you shouldn't be doing this"His mother chuckled looking amused. "Dad isn't here to be the man of the house, so I have to be"Crimson retorts. He narrowed his eyes, imagining his unknown father in front of him, anger flooding through the child. "Crimson, I'm not mad." He looked up, his mother smiling down at him, a serene expression on her face. "Your father has a woman and child he loves more than anything...I don't blame him for taking off when I told him"His mother smiled. She hugged him and walked away, Crimson scowling as he looked down. The half demon child tossed his sword, hitting the target right at the center. "Whoever he is, I might just kill him when I find him.."Crimson snarled.

A white haired child held her nannies hand, magenta eyes sparkling with excitement. "I get to meet Lady Livia tomorrow!"The girl beamed. "Yes, Princess Arianna, Queen Maleficia suggested you two become friends, so we're heading there"Her nanny smiled. Arianna beamed, excited to meet the girl. She usually stayed hidden away in the palace back home after her mother passed giving birth to her, and her grandparents wanted to hide the fact that she existed. So this being her first time going out into the world and getting to make a new friend made her excited. "Nanny, my aunt said my father is a fae.."Arianna says looking curious now. "You know speaking of fae is taboo little one"Her nanny scolds curling her tail around her. Arianna pouted and looked down, getting annoyed with how everyone avoided telling her about who her father was and why he vanished on her mother. "Alright, I won't ask anymore"Arianna sighed flicking her tail.

Three nocturnal fae children wrestled on the ground, rolling around growling at each other. "Lady Missy! Your triplets are fighting again!"A maid calls. Missy hurried out and gasped, adorned from head to toe in pearl decorated jewelry. "Kids, this not how ladies and a gentleman act!"Missy scolds separating the triplets. "Ozzie, Izzie, Cap, your father was a former general, and even he didn't roughhouse with his soldiers!"Missy scolds. Missy perked up, then narrowed her eyes, a bitter look on her face. "First time hearing Mum talk about Dad.."Izzie whispers Ozzie giggling in response, Cap giving them both a small glare of warning. "Izzie, time for your courtesy lessons, Ozzie practice your piano and Cap do show your mother your new wood carvings, they're absolutely adorable"Missy smiled. "Yes Mum!" The three split apart, heading to practice their hobbies their mother found for them, smiles on their faces.

The sound of roaring filled the hair, three clouded leopard beastman cubs practicing their fighting skills, wrestling with one another. "Ah, Deltia, your cubs!" Deltia popped her head out of the hut, smiling at her three cubs, looking amused as she walked over to her cubs. "Tiki, Juniper, Turtle"Deltia smiled looking amused. "Hey Mama!"Tiki smiled letting go of her bothers ear. Juniper huffed, grinning as he pushed her off. Turtle laughed, a wide smile on her face. Deltia nuzzled Juniper's cheek, smiling at her son. "You'll become a great hunter one day, little one, and I'll be there cheering you on the most"Deltia chuckled. "We'll all be great hunters"Turtle beamed. "Yes, you will"Deltia smiled. She walked away, her cubs following behind her. She chuckled, Tiki catching her tail. "Let's go walk in the forest"Deltia smiled. "Yes!" She laughed, flicking her ear, heading down the forest path with her cubs smiling softly.

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