Chapter 25

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Lilia stared down at Livia, a breeze blowing through his daughters hair. Livia stepped back, gripping her muddied dress looking startled to see him. "Hey-"Lilia started reaching for her. "STAY AWAY!! I'M NOT GOING BACK!"Livia cried moving away from him. She shrieked in alarm, tripping over herself, the dried mud clinging to her dress, some of it flaking off. She sat up, her body trembling as she looked at him. "I'm no-"Lilia starts again. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!"Livia yells shielding her head. He stared at her, then reached up and took his mask of, letting it fall to the ground. "The monsters gone...he's on the run." Livia lowered her hands, her eyes landing on him. He dropped down to one knee, his magenta eyes meeting her blue ones. "And your daddy's here"Lilia smiled holding his hands out. "Papa.."Livia stared. She shot up, running over to him and threw her arms around his neck. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, my beautiful girl.."Lilia smiled hugging her tight.

He patted her back while she cried, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm glad you're alright..."Lilia mutters. "I was scared Papa!"Livia cried. "I know, I'm's gonna be okay now though, we're gonna go home"Lilia mutters. Running feet made him look up, an axe swinging down towards his face. He threw his arms around Livia shielding the child, his eyes wide in alarm. The blade of a sword appeared, knocking the axe back. "Livia!" A white haired boy stared in alarm, a dark blue haired boy beside him. Spencer glared at the maroon red haired male, gripping the hilt of his sword. "Give her back!"The dark blue haired boy snapped starting forward. "You brats better learn some respect!"Baul scowled Benjamin carrying a purple haired girl. "STOP IT!" Livia stepped forward, looking at them all. "Mister Ogre, these people are part of my family"Livia says a surprised look now on the mans face. "Papa, this is Mister Ogre, Arzen and Lucien"Livia says pointing to each one.

"The retired general..."Ogre stared as Lilia lowered his hood. "You know me?"Lilia frowned. "No, I heard about you, rumors spread fast across this valley..."Ogre answers honestly. "Then this girl, she's..."Ogre went on. Lilia nodded, picking Livia up. "She is my blood daughter"Lilia says. Ogre nodded, looking at Livia noticing how similar she looked to the retired general. He eyed Baul, Benjamin and Spencer, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the three men. "Godfather Baul"Livia says reaching for him. "You had us worried sick munchkin, I almost blew a fuse when we found out you were in these woods..."Baul scolds holding her with one arm. "Sorry"Livia apologized. "Well, you're safe now so I won't get too into scolding you"Baul sighed patting her side. She looked at Spencer and Benjamin, feeling bad for doubting their loyalty to family. "It's alright Livia, no hard feelings!"Benjamin grinned. She stared at him silently, looking confused. "Like your mother, I have feint mind reading"Benjamin laughed.

"That's how we found out about Lilia finding Livia and rushed here.."Spencer says. Lilia stared, his eyes on Benjamin. "Thea...has..feint mind reading..."Lilia mutters looking as if somebody dropped the body of a person he knew in front of him. "Ye-s.."Benjamin answers carefully, looking at him curiously. Lilia looked down, Livia feeling waves of shock, disbelief and fear coming from him. Baul suddenly set her down, Lucien and Arzen approaching her. "Is this it for the three of us?"Arzen asks quietly. She didn't know. She didn't want to leave the two because they helped her escape and even took care of her even though she'd be like dead weight to them both. They never left her behind. "You three could come with us"Lilia suggests placing a hand on the girls head. She smiled up at him, Ogre looking unsure. "The queen will no doubt reward you for helping Livia"Lilia comments. Ogre placed his hands on Lucien and Arzen's head, looking down at them. "Alright, let's go.."Ogre nodded.

Malleus sat on Livia's bed, staring at the space where she'd usually sleep, her red panda doll laying there propped against the pillow. He got to his feet and walked out of the room, noticing how the servants seemed secretly relieved that Livia was gone but didn't let him see whenever they passed by. Seon and Billy had came more than once to see if the girl had been found, both were disappointed when no new reports came up. He perked up, noticing Nilo standing outside the door of Livia's old classroom. Nilo stared silently at the doorknob, then reached up, rubbing his eyes no doubt getting rid of any incoming tears. "Council Head..."Malleus greets walking over. "Prince.."Nilo greets surprised. He opened his mouth, but heard the feint yell of a small female voice. Running feet made him turn, his eyes widening in alarm. "MALLEUS!!"Livia beamed reaching for him. "Livia..."Malleus stared. She leaped into his arms, his eyes staring at her in disbelief.

"You're here.."Malleus mutters. Livia beamed at him, hugging him tight. "Nilo!"Livia greets. She stared, tears falling down Nilo's cheeks joy coming from him. "I'm glad you're safe"Nilo smiled his expression softening. "LIVIA!" She turned, Maleficia grabbing her looking relieved. "Gran Gran!"Livia giggled hugging the queen tight, Lilian rushing over with Talon. "My lady! You've returned!"Talon cried. He flinched, Malleus glaring at him. "I have some business to take care of thanks to a certain someone, we found where the auction house is"Queen Maleficia comments passing Livia to Nilo. Livia perked up, feeling a wave of scary pleasure come from the queen, now wondering what she was so excited about. "Livia, you go get some rest okay"Queen Maleficia says. "Mal, you scare me sometimes"Nilo sighed passing Livia to Lilian. "Malleus, Talon, Nilo let's go"Queen Maleficia beckons. Livia waved, watching them leave.

Lilian took Livia out to the garden where Seon and Billy were, the two boys having a stare down with Lucien and Arzen. "Guys!"Livia beamed. "LIVIA!" The four boys looked at each other, then hurried over to her. "Liv, we're so glad you're back!"Billy smiled. "We were worried about you..."Seon says. "We offered to help but the adults said to leave it to them"Billy went on. "Well, we helped her escape from that prison and got her back home, so you're welcome"Arzen interrupts looking proud of himself. Lucien slapped him outside the back of his head, footsteps coming close to the kids. She perked up, green hair filling her vision, Sebek hugging her tight. "Alright Young Zigvolt, you'll hurt her"Aural smiled walking over. Sebek moved back, his hand on the girls shoulder. "Hey Sebek.."Livia greets patting his head. "May I see your hand, Livia?"Aural asks. She blinked put placed her hand in the palm of his, Aural closing his hand around hers his eyes glowing.

Maleficia glared at the Blackmarket owners, at least fifty-seven people sitting on their knees in front of her. "Who tipped you off about that child?"Queen Maleficia demanded. "We don't know, we swear a letter appeared out of nowhere being carried by a gray raven!" Maleficia inhaled sharply, smoke coming from the corners of her mouth. "Malleus, Talon, Nilo." Malleus perked up, Maleficia's eyes glowing dangerously, making Talon sweat nervously. "Arrest Duke Owen and drag him by his hair to me"Queen Maleficia commands looking far past livid. Malleus perked up, surprised to see his grandmother like this. "I'll do it, I've been wanting to do so..."Nilo insists. He marched away Talon following to assist him, leaving Malleus with his silent grandmother. "THAT FROG BLOB PIECE OF ROTTING WOLF MEAT, RATFACED LION TURD!"Queen Maleficia snapped scaring the arrested men in front of her. "Language grandmother"Malleus says surprised that she cursed yet at the same time very unsurprised.

Lilia carried Livia, his arm wrapped around her abdomen, leaving her feet dangling. "Uhm father, shouldn't she be carried differently?"Maria asks. "Livia is half jaguar kids, it'll feel strange for her to not have her legs dangling, she'll grow out of it when she turns eight"Thea explains smiling down at them. Thea carefully tucked her tail in, Lilia looking at her. "Don't hide your tail and ears, if they wanna glare and whisper, they'll have to deal with me"Lilia frowned narrowing his eyes. "The kids are here, I-I don't want them to become the main source of gossip"Thea mutters feeling nervous. "They won't be and neither will you, so don't hide, remember that Queen Maleficia pardoned you since you weren't part of the war, you and Livia have every right to show your features"Lilia retorts gently, reaching over and taking her hand. Thea sighed, flicking her tail out of hiding and taking her hat off, twitching her ears. Livia looked at the castle, blinking twice curiously, realizing how silent everything was.

Lilia walked into the throne room, Queen Maleficia staring down at Owen with narrowed eyes. He glanced to his right and perked up, finding child drawings attached to the wall no doubt drawings that Livia had made for the queen. "I'm innocent, you all know that!"Duke Owen yells two guards keeping him down on his knees. "Livia"Queen Maleficia greets. "It'll be alright.."Lilia says setting her down. She walked towards the queen, a yell coming from the guards. Owen lunged at her, but a figure rammed into his side. Nilo scowled, Livia gripping his robes with wide eyes. "Owen, all the evidence we gathered thanks to Duke Bronze is here, so it's either accept your punishment or face me and die..."Nilo scowled. "NO, DON'T!"Queen Maleficia gasped standing up. She stopped, covering her mouth as a few eyes turned to her. "Fine, I choose the Death Battle with you Council Head.."Duke Owen grinned. "Just warning you, these hands have killed many who threatened this family..."Nilo comments. "To the Astronomy Tower!"Nilo yells.

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