Chapter 26

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Livia stared, watching Nilo walk out of the throne room, looking worried. "You kids stay here with Mayhem and Talon..."Baul orders. "Why?"Silver asks. "A Death Battle between Nilo and the opponent who challenged him is not something you kids should see...Nilo..he can be quite brutal during these fights.."Lilia responds having seen firsthand how brutal and merciless the Council Head was. "We'll be back"Thea promised. The three hurried away, following the other room residents that left to watch the fight. "Nilo will be okay, right? Why did Gran Gran seem so scared?"Livia asks grabbing Talons cloak. "Ah....Council Head Nilo's eyesight has been worsening a fight to the death might be the last thing he ever does..."Talon answers. "But-"Livia starts. "Livia...Nilo has been there for her highness since they were children, you can see he's willing to lay down his life for her, he'll be fine..."Talon smiled Livia perking up.

Nilo slipped his robes off, passing them to Silvia a scowl on his face, rain soaking his clothes. "Remember last time you did one of these, Nilo?"Owen grinned flexing his hands. Nilo stayed silent, Maleficia coming up beside him. "Don't fight, we have enough evidence to throw him into the darkest prison we have.."Queen Maleficia says. "I'm ordering you not to!" Nilo looked down at her, a small smile on his face. "You know I always followed your orders because I loved you...and I still do, but this is an order I cannot follow.."Nilo says. He walked away, Owen grinning at him. He stayed silent, his nails sharpening as he stared the grinning man down. "Wanna use a weapon, or should we fight like animals?"Nilo asks. "It'd be rude of me to have the sudden advantage with any kind of weapon"Owen chuckled. "So it's an animal fight, bring it Council Head"Owen says. Nilo nodded and lunged at Owen with frightening speed, slashing the man across his cheek, shocking Owen.

Thea stared at the fight worriedly, perched on one of the tower spires, Lilia floating just below her. "Will he win?"Baul asks. "Yes...he will"Lilia says knowing how resilient Nilo could be. "Nilo is a Rat Fae after all, and they always find a way to get on their feet and fight back"Lilia adds. A shriek of fury came from Owen, trying to claw at Nilo's eyes but Nilo kept the mans hands away from his face, nails slashing rapidly at the furious mans chest. Owen slipped on the wet stones, falling flat onto his back and rolled out of the way of Nilo's attack. "Wait!" Nilo snarled at him, his claw raised. "What?!"Nilo demands. Lilia perked up, noticing that Owen managed to get a hit in. A scar on Nilo's shoulder was bleeding heavily, staining the mans clothes. "I yield...."Owen mutters. Nilo glared at him but lowered his hand, his eyes narrowed. "Leave...and never come back..."Nilo commands. He turned away, Owen getting up. "NILO!!"Queen Maleficia gasped.

Nilo turned sharply, red rocks filling his vision. He yelled in alarm, covering his eyes with his hand. Thea gasped, her eyes wide. "CHEATER!!"Baul yells. "'s a battle to the death, one where Owen is fighting of course he'd cheat.."Lilia mutters. Owen tackled Nilo down, keeping the man down as he got up, slashes appearing across the struggling mans body. "COME ON, NILO!! GET HIM!!"Silcon yells the other council members joining in, cheering their head on. Nilo snarled, forcing himself to his feet. He slammed Owen into the ground, putting all his weight on the male, forcing him to let go. Owen leaped to his feet, Nilo dodging his incoming attacks with ease. "Did you think blinding me would work?!"Nilo demands slapping Owen's hand away. "I knew I'd loose my sight one day so I trained to fight without it"Nilo says ducking underneath Owen's elbow. "Lilia!"Baul gasped.

Lilia turned his head, his eyes widening in alarm at the sight of Livia and Sebek peeking out of the rooftop doorway. Nilo ducked down and slammed Owen down, before releasing him, stepping away. He paced around, silently mocking Owen before lunging at him with his claw raised. The two hit the ground, Owen kicking Nilo right in the stomach, throwing him off. Both got to their feet, Nilo's claw slashing Owen's forehead, blood pooling at their feet. Nilo's hands flew up, grabbing Owen's wrists, the two tumbling backwards causing the crowd to part making way for them. Nilo's feet kicked Owen off, sending the man neck fist into the stone ground. "Yield..."Nilo commands coldly. "Nilo, call a timeout, you're bleeding!"Queen Maleficia orders. Nilo shook some of the blood off, and turned away. Owen got to his feet, lunging at the man, Nilo glancing back having already anticipated this.

He whipped around, his teeth sharpening and sunk them into the mans throat, his claws swiping at his sides. Owen screamed in pain, Nilo clawing at his face, blinding the mans left eye. He slipped and fell over to his side, hands grabbing his hair. "Should've taken the easy way out you idiot"Nilo scolds. Lilia landed behind Livia and Sebek, shielding their eyes as Nilo snapped Owen's neck, twisting it to an uneasy angle. He stumbled, Silvia and Bronze keeping him standing. Thea hurried over, carrying herbal plants, pressing some moist moss against his wounds, tying willow vines to keep the moss there. "Thanks.."Nilo sighed. "You're an idiot!"Queen Maleficia scolds. "Only your idiot.."Nilo snorts smiling. "But, we have something else to take care of..."Nilo says. He yelled in pain, Thea smoothing goldenrod pollen over his burned eyes. "You rest, I'll take care of it, Aural returned earlier today..."Queen Maleficia insists. "Very well"Nilo chuckled wincing a little.

Lilia brought Sebek and Livia back to the throne room, Baul scowling down at them both. "You kids we're supposed to stay here"Baul scolds. "D-Don't blame them! Livia was very worried for Nilo, so I helped them escape, they were supposed to come right back"Talon says quickly. Lilia sighed, then turned as the queen came in, Malleus following behind her. Florina gripped Livia's hands, looking nervous. "Tonight is the night we celebrate! Owen's reign of terror is over!"Queen Maleficia announces. ""But first, we have to take care of the Valley's darkness"Malleus adds. Layla smiled, then perked up when everyone's eyes landed on her ranging from curious to down right disgusted. "Layla, I'm forever banishing you from the valley"Queen Maleficia says. "WHAT?!"Layla gasped her eyes widening. She looked around, people stepping away from her looking suspicious and hostile. "But-"Layla starts. "I was in my secret tower checking the sky, there was no stars in the sky."

Aural walked in, carrying scrolls in his arms. "A meteor shower arrived not too long after every single star vanished"Aural goes on. "The night sky was crying"Aural explains all eyes focused on him. "Because this lands light had been taken, but when Livia returned, the stars came back and they were shining brighter than ever, brighter than any star I've ever seen"Aural smiled. He turned to her, smiling slightly, Lilia perking up noticing a star on the back of Livias hand a similar one on Aural's. "Lady Livia, the sky cried for you and only you, The Valley of Thorns Light"Aural smiled. He kneeled down, his head bowed, a small glow coming from his hand. "Mister.."Livia stared surprised. She perked up, people starting to kneel around her, their heads bowed glowing coming from their hands. Layla looked around, gripping her hair looking fearful. Lilia kneeled down, smiling as he bowed his head, a feint glow coming from his hand, Thea kneeling beside him a hand on her chest, a bright glow appearing.

Balls of light filled the throne room, Livia perking up when they formed into a golden butterfly clip with a star shaped diamond in the middle. She blinked, the clip placing itself in her hair. "P-Please stand up"Livia says feeling awkward. Aural chuckled, getting to his feet, the rest of the rooms occupants doing the same. Malleus patted Livia's head, Florina hugging the girl tight. "I'm so glad you're okay!"Florina smiled. "THAT'S MINE!" Layla lunged at Livia, reaching for the hair clip only for Aural to grab her wrist. She shrieked in pain when a cut appeared across her skin, purple and gray blood spilling. "She's not human...she's a dark spirit Owen brought here"Aural says. Layla trembled, her eyes wide. "IT'S ME!! I AM THE VALLEY'S LIGHT! NOT HER! THE PROPHECY DOESN'T BEGIN UNTIL SHE'S TEN!!"Layla cried snatching her hand away. "The sky cried for Livia, that's a big enough sign that she's the light"Aural retorts.

Layla looked at Livia, trembling in fury. "Why her...why did the stars have choose her to be the light of this land!! LOOK AT HER HAIR, IT'S BLACK! SHE SHOULD BE THE EVIL ONE, NOT ME, I DESERVE IT!!"Layla scowled. "Sometimes the stars do unexpected things"Lilia says. "Livia's hair may be back and she may look like the darkness but that's why the stars chose her to be the light"Aural explains murmurs of agreement coming from the crowd. "You on the other hand are selfish, smug, spoiled and willing to do anything to hurt people...yet you have white hair and you're the darkness that will destroy us all"Aural adds. Malleus stepped forward, his eyes glowing, Livia gripping his cloak looking worried. "Leave, don't come back unless you wish for trouble"Malleus says staring the nine year old down. Layla trembled and scowled. "Fine, why do I care about this god forsaken prophecy anyway, it's a real waste of my precious time"Layla huffed.

Livia stared, watching Layla and the man who took care of the girl walk out. She looked up, feeling hands on her shoulder, her parents smiling down at her. She smiled up at them, the underside of her hair turning yellow. "Let's begin the celebration"Queen Maleficia smiled. "Lady Livia, do not be afraid to come see me for anything"Aural smiled as cheers erupted around them. "Okay"Livia nodded, beaming up at him. She laughed, Golden ruffling her hair. "Livia." She perked up and smiled, finding Kit walking over with the castle butler. "Kit!"Livia greets. "I was relieved when I heard from a guard that you had been found, are you alright?"Kit greets. "Yes"Livia smiled nodding. "I always knew there was something off with that kid, referring to my goddaughter as darkness! Bah! Didn't believe it for one second!"Baul comments Lilia grinning at him. "Let's go join everyone!"Livia beamed holding her mothers hand. "Yes, let's"Thea smiled. Livia grabbed Silvers hand, pulling him after her. "She's gonna be around for a seriously long time huh?"Baul grinned. "Yeah"Lilia nodded.

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