Chapter 27

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Livia laughed, chasing after Golden and Silver, a wide smile on her face. "Here, Lady Livia, something to eat"Galli says handing her a sandwich. "You must keep full to be able to play all night"Vespin smiled. Spotty barked as he bounded over, tackling the girl down and stealing her sandwich. "Ah! HEY!"Galli gasped Kit chuckling in amusement. Daniel laughed, shaking his head. "Spotty!"Livia laughed running after the dog. Thea chuckled, watching the girl run past. Florina giggled, Spotty trying to steal her sandwich next. "Spotty no!"Livia laughed trying to stop the dog. Thea smiled, resting her head against Lilia's. "I feel like we can be at peace now..."Thea smiled her tail curling around a sleeping Lavender. "Yeah"Lilia smiled. Maria, Shadow, Barin and Elikai ran past waving their sparklers, laughter coming from the four kids. "I'm glad.."Thea smiled. "Same.."Lilia nodded wrapping an arm around a sleepy Silver. "PAPA! MAMA!" Livia ran over to them, her hands outstretched. She leaped into their arms, smiling as her parents hugged her.

"Having fun?"Lilia asks. "Yes!"Livia beamed nodding. Lilia smiled, patting her head. "Beastie." Malleus beckoned to her, Lilia setting the girl down. She ran over to Malleus, the prince picking her up and floating up onto the balcony. Green flames bursted into the air, all eyes going to the queen and prince. "Tonight we're celebrating the return of the child in our prophecy, the true light of our hime"Queen Maleficia smiled. "Lady Livia Garcia Vanrouge." Livia stared, her eyes widening at the cheers that erupted from below. She stumbled back feeling dizzy, but a hand grabbed hers. Maleficia smiled down at her, gently holding the childs hand steadying her. Livia gasped, floating up and laughed, Malleus catching her. "Where did you come from?"Malleus asks amused. "The sky!"Livia giggled. "Oh, an angel has fell to earth"Malleys says feigning surprise. "A very beloved and protected angel"Queen Maleficia chuckled. Livia looked up, her eyes widening as fireworks filled the air, a smile appearing on her face.

Lilian smiled, getting Livia dressed for bed. Livia yawned, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She climbed into bed, her nanny tucking her in. "Night night"Livia yawned. "Good night, little one"Lilian smiled. The woman quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her. Livia turned over, then heard the thump of feet on the balcony. She sat up, her eyes wide at the sight of a greyish blue haired man standing there, staring at her. "Here's my surprise for you child"The man smiled. He held his hand up, a mirror hovering. "Show this child her future." Livia blinked and climbed out of bed, walking over to the floating mirror. The mirror shimmered, before revealing a wolf boy her age wearing his pajamas. "Who.."Livia stared curiously. The boy turned, his eyes widening, staring at her surprised. "Hello"Livia greets raising her hand. She placed her hand on the mirror, watching as he placed his hand where hers was, a red string appearing between them, the ends tied around their pinkies. The man on the balcony smiled, fading away into mist. "Cya kid." 

Livia ran through the halls of the castle in the morning, servants smiling as they greeted her warmly, a wide smile on her face as she greeted them back. Nero bounded after her, letting out little squawks as he flapped his wings. "Lady Livia." Ogre walked over and smiled down at her, wearing a castle soldier uniform. "Hi Mister Ogre!"Livia greets. "Where's Galli and Vespin?"Livia asks concerned since she hadn't seen them since last night. "They gave up their titles as your personal guards, they said they have more training to do, so they left to the Afterglow Savanna about half an hour ago"Ogre answers. She looked down, her ears drooping wishing they'd have at least said goodbye. "But..this will be your new bodyguard for now.."Ogre adds. She looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. An expressionless man stared down at her, a scar over his left eye, his brown hair in a small ponytail. "H-Hello"Livia greets surprised. He stared down at her, worry waving off of him.

"Mister?"Livia blinked more worry waving from the man as he scanned her from head to toe. The man leaned close to Ogre, whispering to him, Livia twitching her ears trying to hear what he was saying. "Of course she's always been that small..I was surprised too at first, kid..."Ogre mutters surprised. "Fae jaguar cubs are born at the size of a newborn kitten and they're the same size until they're a month old, their growth is slow if they're fruit eaters which this girl is"Ogre explains. The man whispered something else, looking a little agitated. "Don't worry, Philly, you won't crush her.."Ogre chuckled patting the males shoulder. Philly looked down at her, and placed his hands under her pits, lifting her up and settling her down onto his shoulders. "Where to...."Philly mutters. "Garden please!"Livia beamed. Philly picked up Nero, handing the griffin to her and walked down the hall, Ogre chuckling in amusement as he waved to the departing duo. "Bye bye Ogre!"Livia beamed.

Aural stood in his office, and turned only for someone to punch him down. He hit the ground, and looked up, Lilia standing there with Baul. "You made a Forever Pact with my daughter?!"Lilia demands. "Lilia-"Aural starts touching his bruising cheek. "SHE'S FIVE!!"Baul snapped. "It's not like that, she'll still be able to love who she wants, it's just my way of being able to keep her safe and locate her, she had a cloaking spell on her body that was removed when I made the pact with her!"Aural explains quickly. "You've barely even seen her Aural, now that you've met her you think you have the right to do this?!"Lilia demands. Baul held Lilia back, his eyes narrowed. "Lilia, I know about the past!"Aural yells Lilia freezing looking alarmed. "Baul...leave us.."Lilia orders Baul looking reluctant. He released Lilia, and left the room, shutting the door. "You remember what?"Lilia demands.

"I know about Livia's second life, I had the same timer reverser bracelet you found, I used mines at the same time as yours, why do you think we went back to when she was a baby, each bracelet only has ten years on them, so Livia would have been five years old and still destined to die had I not helped..."Aural says quietly. Lilia narrowed his eyes and sighed. "I can tell you've been going through it because you don't wish for the past to repeat itself, my crow has been watching you and your family..."Aural informs. He flinched as Lilia glared at him and quickly waved his hands as he shook his head, letting him know it was harmless watching not wanting to be beaten again like Lilia did him at Thea's debutante. "I just wanna help...I harm will come to Livia"Aural says. "Fine....can you do me a favor though"Lilia sighed. "Yes?"Aural says. "This morning the kids were fishing, a boy bursted out of the water he had golden blond hair and golden yellow eyes..."Lilia informs.

"He said his name was Ralph and it seems like he went through something"Lilia says rubbing the back of his neck. "And..there's a girl back home we named her Lavender, I found her at the auction house and we took her in..she's nervous and jumpy but she's a ball of newfound sunshine..."Lilia adds. Aural nodded, getting to his feet, rubbing his cheek. "I'll see what I can find on them.."Aural promised bowing his head. He stared down at the silent fae, noticing how Lilia still seemed uncomfortable with him knowing everything about the last life. "My mouth is shut and I'm here whenever you want my help"Aural reassures. "Thank you"Lilia sighed looking up at him. Aural chuckled and nodded. "Don't worry, Livia won't die by Prince Malleus' hands again, he cherishes the young girl, besides Edric hasn't met Livia yet so the valley is safe from his destruction.."Aural reassures. Malleus stood outside the room door, his eyes wide in disbelief, his hands trembling.

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