Chapter 3

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The sound of running feet echoed, a smiling blond haired male stopping as he spotted a sunset. "Arian, be careful!" Arian turned and smiled, golden eyes staring at the figure addressing him. "Come on, Night General, you can't keep up with a mere human?"Arian teased. "HUMAN!! WATCH IT!"Baul scolds. Arian laughed, flustering Baul. "Don't shout at my apprentice." Thea came into view, three other jaguar beastmen following her. "Lilia!" Lilia took his mask off, and smiled slightly. "Duke, Cobra, Ambert"Lilia greets a fond expression on his face. Ambert hugged Lilia, laughing at the expression his friend made. Lilia smiled, until pain suddenly struck his face. Jaguars and faes fought around him, his eyes wide, a bloodied Arian in his arms, gripping the yellow rose he had given the human male. Lilia looked up, finding Ambert glaring at him looking disgusted. "Weren't we best friends?!"Lilia demands Duke and Cobra looking neutral. "Friends, with you...HAH you wish, idiot!"Ambert spat.

Lilia gasped, shooting up out of his sleep, looking down only to find Thea gone. "THEA!!"Lilia yells throwing the blanket off. "Lilia?"Thea blinked peeking in. He looked at her in relief, then covered his face feeling stupid for getting so worried. "...Did you have that nightmare again, about the war that happened five years after Meleanor died?"Thea asks. Cobra peeked in, looking alert. "The war nightmare again?"Cobra repeats alarmed. "I'm fine, don't worry"Lilia chuckled waving his hand. Thea walked over, curling his tail around her husband. "Livia won't end up like you Lilia nor will she ever betray the people here in the valley, she's a sweet young girl who loves and cherishes her home, there's no reason for her to betray it"Thea reassures. Lilia nodded, touching his temples. "I know"Lilia smiled feeling guilty. "I made breakfast, come eat!"Thea grinned walking away. "Without me?"Lilia asks offended. "Yes!" He laughed and walked out after her. "I'm not that bad!" "Honey, you're worst!" "Rude! I'm hurt."

Livia ran through the garden, Malleus trailing behind her. "You like roses?"Malleus asks watching as she gazed at the red plants. "Yes, roses are my favorite!"Livia beamed a ghost with blond hair and golden eyes appearing behind her, their hands resting on her shoulders. The figure faded, Malleus using a bit of magic to grow more roses, Livia beaming at the sight. "Teach me! I wanna grow flowers!"Livia beamed. He smiled, kneeling down beside her. "Point at the flower and focus"Malleus grinned. Livia pointed her finger at the rose, practically holding her breath. Another rose grew beside it, her eyes widening in amazement. "Hey, your magic appeared! Good job, little lady!"Talon beamed looking impressed. Her chest tightened, invisible chains practically wrapping around her heart and lungs squeezing it tight. She threw up something red, a puddle of the liquid pooling at her hands, Malleus and Talon's shocked eyes on her. "What"Livia stared.

She fell onto her side, the ends of her hair soaked in the pool of blood. "LIVIA!!" Malleus gathered her up in his arms as Talon rushed away to find a healer. "OPEN YOUR EYES!"Malleus orders his glowing hand resting on her chest, trying to loosen the squeeze around her lungs and heart. He stood up, rushing into the castle, Livia laying motionless in his arms. "Malleus." Queen Maleficia walked over, looking down at Livia, Talon following fearfully behind her. "The girls magic wasn't supposed to arrive yet..her body can't handle it right now"Queen Maleficia scolds. She pointed to Livia's chest, a purple glow coming from it. A baby purple phoenix with magenta, blue, and black tail feathers appeared, landing on Livia's chest. "That should hold her haywire magic until she's ready"Queen Maleficia informs placing a hand on Livia's head. She turned and walked away, Malleus looking down at the unconscious girl. He sighed in relief, carrying her to her new room.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?!" Livia's new nanny, Lilian, quickly rushed over, reaching to take Livia from the silent prince. "Don't touch her"Malleus commands coldly. He walked past the startled woman, gently laying Livia down in bed, tucking her in. His hand rested on her head, a golden glow coming from his finger tips, his body relaxing the moment a smile appeared on the hybrid girls face. Livia raised her tiny hand, grasping his. "Malleus.."Livia smiled the baby phoenix resting by her head. Malleus stared down at her, feeling his heart flutter as Livia held his hand. His heart hadn't fluttered since the day he met Alya, and she showed absolutely no fear of him or any fae she met, being kind to him even when there were times he questioned her actions towards the people around her. "Livia..."Malleus stared gently gripping her hand. Talon smiled, closing the door to the room. "His highness hasn't looked like that since Lady Alya!"Talon beamed relieved Malleus was truly coming around.

Lilia watched Silver spar with Golden, his arms crossed over his chest. "Golden, be quicker on your feet!"Lilia calls to the six year old boy. Golden blocked Silvers jab, grinning at his younger brother amused. "Ha! Look at you runt!"Golden teased. "I'm not a runt!"Silver protests. Shadow came in like a whirlwind, pinning the two boys down, looking amused. "Don't squabble, idiots, that's why I won"Shadow grinned. "Good job, brother!"Maria calls Thea carrying herbal plants. The two worked on the plants, Maria smiling as Thea taught her each plant and their uses for them. A crow flew down, Lilia perking up at the sight of a message attached to its leg. The crow landed on a rock beside him, and cawed at the surprised fae. He reached over, taking the message off, allowing the bird to take off heading in the direction of the castle. He unfolded the letter, his eyes widening. "Dad?"Golden says looking over at him curiously. "We're going to see Livia, right now!"Lilia says.

Livia opened her eyes, slowly sitting up, looking confused. She touched her chest surprised to find the sudden pain was gone. A silent scream came from her at the sight of Malleus asleep with his head resting on the bed. She reached over and tugged on his hair to make sure he was asleep, looking curious. He looked peaceful asleep like this, not at all like the scary prince she's been around before this. "Little one, you're awake, Malleus fell asleep watching over you!"Talon greets smiling. She looked down at Malleus stunned, wondering how long he had been sitting beside her bed for. "He'll be awake soon, don't worry"Talon smiled Lilian coming in behind him. Livia stared at the sleeping prince, gently touching his hair, deciding to give him a chance to get close to her, despite him being so scary and supposedly a bit rude towards her. She yawned, falling asleep curled up beside him, her side gently rising and falling as Lilian placed a blanket over her looking amused. "Cute"Lilian smiled. "Adorable"Talon corrects looking fondly at the sight before him.

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