Chapter 4

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Livia rubbed her eyes, finding Malleus awake and getting scolded by her parents. "Malleus, you know better, not all children can harness their magic with ease when it appears!"Thea scolds Malleus looking apologetic. "Mama, Papa"Livia blinked. "SIS!" She flinched at Shadows yell, her eyes widening as she fell backwards out of the bed. Hands caught her,  Malleus looking alert. "Are you alright?"Malleus asks standing up straight, holding her gently in his arms. "Yes.."Livia nodded surprised he caught her. He smiled, placing a hand on her back, steadying the child. "Livia, we heard about what happened.."Thea says Livia looking at her mother. "You weren't supposed to have your magic until you were twelve"Lilia frowned Malleus looking away when the fae gave him a look. "But I'm fine now"Livia blinked. "Because your magic is in that...all of your magic"Malleus clarifies pointing to the baby phoenix.

Livia felt a chill going down her spine, realizing she could feel the creatures emotions. She looked up wondering why the baby felt frightened and flinched in surprise. Malleus glared at the baby phoenix, smoke rising up from the corners of his mouth, his eyes glowing warningly. "I WANNA GO O-OUTSIDE!!"Livia cried hoping she could save the creature before the prince did something to frighten it to death. "We can go outside"Malleus says his expression changing instantly when he looked down at her. Lilia stared, then smiled slightly in relief. "Is there anything else you want? Jewelery, Pets, Books, you can ask for it all if you want..."Malleus asks suddenly. Silence followed, Livia staring at the fae holding her shocked. "Y-Your majesty"Thea says stunned. Malleus looked Livia up and down, Livia blinking twice. "Dresses will do for now"Malleus comments. He passed her to Lilian, surprising the nanny. "Get her dressed for our walk"Malleus orders walking away, Lilia walking after him.

"Malleus." Malleus stopped and turned, looking at him curiously. "I had the sense snapped into me"Malleus says looking down. "I still planned on being distant with her, because she reminded me all too much of someone who's been gone for four years now...."Malleus went on. "Seeing her collapse in front of me, I felt everything I had plan on doing vanish in an instant.."Malleus adds. "I'll take care of her, you won't have to worry about your child, she'll be safe with me"Malleus promised turning away. He walked down the hall, Lilia watching him go. It was true, seeing the child throw blood up scared him. He wanted to save her, he didn't want to feel the guilt of being the cause of another persons death. Livia was Alya's reborn self. She was like their child. Their own little baby. The baby he and his love talked about having one day. Even though he was gonna have her with him for only seven years, he was gonna keep her safe and make sure she smiled brightly, and got whatever she wanted no matter what.

Livia held Talon's hand, walking beside the guard to the garden. She perked up, finding roses around most of the garden. "Livia"Malleus greets walking over. He placed his hands underneath her pits and picked her up, carrying her through the rose garden. "Pretty.."Livia stared looking at the different color roses. He smiled, Livia beaming as a rose floated towards her. "Malleus, I gave the baby phoenix a name!"Livia beamed looking up at him. "You named the beast?"Malleus asks sending a shiver down her spine. "Nevermind, lets continue our walk"Livia giggled nervous. "What's its name?"Malleus asks. "Whisper!"Livia smiled her eyes sparkling. "Whisper.."Malleus repeats surprised. He chuckled, Livia smiling up at him. "Cute"Malleus grinned. He flinched, Livia suddenly slapping his chest. "Did I say something wrong?"Malleus asks. "Bee..."Livia responds showing him her hand. His eyes glowed, the bee vanishing from the childs palm. "Were you stung?"Malleus asks. "No"Livia answers surprised.

Livia wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling at Talon who trailed behind them. Talon chuckled quietly, smiling at her. "Here." Malleus set her down in a chair and sat cross from her, crossing his legs. "Lemon tarts!"Livia gasped. She grabbed a lemon tart, taking a bite out of it, giggling at how delicious it tasted. "Talon suggested we get you friends your age"Malleus suggests Talon looking proud of himself. "I had him write two letters..what were they called again"Malleus went on. "Pen Pals!"Talon beamed. "Yes, pen pals"Malleus nodded. "Wanna send them, little lady?"Talon asks. "Yes!"Livia beamed Malleus using a bit of magic to pour her some tea. Talon pointed to the letters, turning them into origami doves. He blew on the doves, watching them flutter away. "Wow..."Livia stared amazed. "I'll teach you when you're older, Lady Livia"Talon promises. Malleus took a sip of his tea, Livia glancing at him before eyeing her tea cup with curiosity.

She picked the cup up, taking a sip. "It feels like I'm an angel arriving in heaven!"Livia beamed looking at Malleus. He stared at her, looking startled for a quick moment, until his expression changed to one of amusement. "Just like her..."Malleus sighed Talon grinning at him. "Who?"Livia asks eagerly. "Lady Alya! She was his majesties lover, Prince Malleus loved her more than anything! She said exactly what you said when she was alive"Talon explains. "Alya?"Livia blinked. "Alya was a beautiful half human with silky black hair and sparkly leafy green eyes, she was kind to everyone who approached her, always giving second chances and helping people change their ways...she would've loved to meet you, Lady Livia"Talon smiled his expression softening. "Sixty steps back." Talon laughed nervously, Malleus giving him a look as the bodyguard stepped sixty steps away from them. "Do you like books?"Malleus asks getting her attention again.

"Yes!!"Livia gasped her eyes sparkling. "I like fantasy, historical, adventure and action books!"Livia went on. Malleus nodded, beckoning Talon to come closer. "Prince?"Talon blinked looking curious. "Library"Malleus says simply. Talon beamed and hurried away, his cloak flying behind him. "Where is he going?"Livia asks watching Talon go. "To take care of some stuff"Malleus responds. Silence washed over them, Livia smiling as she sipped her tea, eating lemon tarts. A few servants looked at them both in surprise when they passed by, a few giggling over the scene before them. Malleus looked up, his eyes widening slightly. "Mind if I join you both?"Queen Maleficia asks pulling up a chair and sitting down. Livia stared at the queen, her eyes wide in alarm, dropping her tea cup. "Livia"Malleus gasped getting to his feet. "I'm fine, it's okay"Livia says grabbing napkins. She perked up, a gentle breeze drying her dress off, Queen Maleficia smiling down at her. "Glad you weren't burned"Queen Maleficia comments.

Lilia laid beside Thea, curled up asleep with his wife, their backs rising and falling. "Lilia!" Lilia yawned and raised his head at the sound of Cobra's voice calling him. Cobra's face came into view, flicking his ears. "What is it?"Lilia asks. "Owen and Nilo from the council faes are here, they wanna talk with you.."Cobra responds. Thea's head shot up, all source of sleepiness gone, Lilia glancing at her. Lilia got to his feet, hurrying to the kitchen. "Lilia..."Owen greets coldly. "Owen"Lilia greets. "You let your daughter near the prince, despite us warning you that she's the darkness to Lady Layla's light"Nilo sighed shaking his head. "My child isn't evil." Lilia glared at them, his fingers curling into a fist. "Don't call my baby evil, now get out of my house"Lilia scowled. "Watch your tone, cause I'll snap the brats neck without care!!"Owen snapped. Owen grinned, Lilia trembling. "What? Gonna make me disappear like you did with Duke"Owen asks Lilia's eyes widening in shock. "Yeah, we all know you killed him back when Livia was a newborn"Owen smirked.

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