Chapter 5

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Lilia narrowed his eyes at Owen, getting a smile of amusement from the male. "Duke Owen, we do not provoke"Nilo reminds looking sharply at the male. "You guys don't but I do! I wonder what little Livia will think when she finds out her dear daddy is a murderer"Owen grinned. "I didn't kill anyone...."Lilia retorts quietly. "Oh-"Owen starts. "I cursed that traitor"Lilia confesses his eyes glowing dangerously. He stepped closer, Owen freezing in place a feeling of terror filling him as the former general got closer. "He snuck in the night Livia was born and tried to take her over a prophecy he made up, so I cursed him and sent him away to a far far away place"Lilia explains standing in front of Owen, staring him down. "I can make you disappear too, Owen, don't come near me or my family or else.."Lilia threatens. He turned and walked away. "My daughter isn't evil, now goodbye"Lilia says coldly.

Livia kicked her feet, taking a sip of the peach tea Queen Maleficia had made. "Yummy!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling. "She's so cute"Queen Maleficia gushed Malleus glancing away finding this a strange predicament he found himself in. "Can I have more your majesty, please?"Livia asks holding her cup out. "How polite! Of course you can"Queen Maleficia chuckled the tea pot floating up, pouring more peach tea into the girls cup. Livia smiled, taking a sip, sighing happily. "It's so good"Livia smiled. Malleus huffed, drinking his mint tea. "Malleus, can we take a small walk?"Livia asks Malleus perking up. "Yes"Malleus nodded getting up. He helped her out of her chair and set her down, smiling when she grabbed his hand. Maleficia stared, then smiled, watching the two. Malleus walked with Livia, gently gripping her hand as she followed behind him. "Look!"Livia smiled pointing to a pair of rabbits. "Cute"Malleus comments looking over at them.

He stopped, Livia looking up at him. He kneeled down, removing the bow in her hair. He replaced the bow, carefully clipping it back in. "It was misplaced"Malleus clarifies as he picked her up. She blinked, then smiled at the warm feeling inside her. Her arms wrapped around his neck, the girl giggling as she kicked her feet, Malleus carrying her around the garden. He rested a hand on her back, his smile growing at the feeling of her head resting on his shoulder. Livia fell asleep, her ears drooping, Malleus snapping his fingers together, her bangs being brushed to the side so they didn't tickle her eyelids. "Your majesty, the gift is being prepared!"Talon informs. He stopped, his eyes sparkling at the sight before him. "It's like she's meant to be your daughter rather than Lilia's, Prince Malleus"Talon comments his expression softening. "She's still Lilia's baby, no matter what.."Malleus retorts. He gently passed the girl to Talon, smiling at her. "Return her to Lilian"Malleus orders walking away. "I will!"Talon promised.

Malleus walked through the garden, snapping his fingers together, purple and yellow roses growing. He turned, white hair whisking away out of view. "Come out"Malleus commands turning fully to where the figure vanished to. A white haired child Livia's age stepped out, yellow eyes landing on him. "Why are you here"Malleus demands narrowing his eyes. "I-I'm Cynthia, I wanted to see the pretty flowers!"The child says. A hooded figure watched from afar, a grin on their face. Malleus picked Cynthia up, staring her down. "Malleus?" Talon walked over, Cynthia getting tossed right to him. "Take this child home, I do not wish for another child to linger in Livia's garden without her permission"Malleus orders. "Yes!"Talon nodded. He carried Cynthia away, Malleus going back to growing different color roses. The figure huffed and turned away, walking from the garden looking annoyed. "I thought Malleus would take her in and spoil her, but another brat seems to have reached him..damn it!"

Livia laid in bed, her chest rising and falling, Whisper curled up in the crook of her neck, his back rising and falling as he slept beside her. "She's still sleeping, Prince Malleus"Lilian informs as Malleus walked in. "I know"Malleus responds. He walked over to Livia, looking down at her with a fond smile. He placed a hand on her head, Livia's hand reaching up and grasping his finger. "Oh!"Lilian mutters surprised. She smiled, a hand resting on her chest as she watched them. Even though she's only ever seen the prince from afar, he seemed like someone who didn't wanna be approached by people, which is one reason why she decided to avoid him in the halls of the castle. Yet, whenever she saw him with the half fae half jaguar child, she felt happy for the girl since Malleus seemed attentive towards her. Malleus leaned back in his chair, his eyes closing, falling asleep by the bed. She draped a blanket over him, smiling at the sleeping dark prince.

Owen sat across from a white haired girl with green eyes, taking a sip of his tea. "Layla, you know what your first priority is?"Owen asks. "Make Livia's life a nightmare, sine I am light and she is darkness, the same darkness that shall destroy the valley!"Layla responds proudly. "My niece, you'll bring prosperity to this valley and will lead us towards the light"Owen chuckled. "While Livia is the darkness that threatens to swallow us whole, I pray for the safety of Prince Malleus and the queen"Layla says. Layla grinned, her eyes flickering red for a moment. "It's a shame the Queen and her grandson decided to associate themselves with that evil child, she's a forbidden child that wouldn't be alive were it not for Lilia's reputation"Owen growled. "Fae Jaguar children are forbidden"Layla breathed stunned. "Yes, since the Jaguar Mutiny War, a law was passed that children between fae and jaguar be killed at birth, it's been years since the war, Lilia's little monster is no doubt the only hybrid of her species"Owen snorts.

Talon walked through the halls of the palace, two eight year boys following behind him. "Remember you two"Talon reminds. "We know Uncle Talon, protect Lady Livia no matter what!"The orange eyed boy smiled. "Galli, Vespin, I'm counting on you two"Talon nodded. "Now, where are those two?"Talon frowned. "Sir!" A seven year old white haired boy with blue eyes walked over, a fox beastman behind him. "Daniel, Kit Toddson, there you two are, and I see Daniel is in his disguise"Talon greets. Daniel nodded, his disguise fading, his pale skin turning a light brown as his eyes switched to a golden brown. "Maybe don't drop your disguise, we don't wanna startle Livia, she hasn't see much magic"Talon suggests. Daniel nodded, his skin turning pale as his eyes changed back to blue. "Daniel, you are to be Livia magician, you help her since she can't use her magic and Kit you're to be her personal servant"Talon informs. "Yes sir!" Talon smiled and turned away, leading the boys to Livia's room, feeling pleased with himself.

A shiver of fear went down Talons spine, a nervous smile on his face wondering what he did since Malleus was scowling angrily at him. "You have her surrounded by boys"Malleus glared. "Well Livia will get a boyfriend one day and she'll marry the man she loves! After all her species only mate once that's why some are so picky or oblivious to ones romantic affections for them!"Talon grinned. Malleus narrowed his eyes, Talon hoping he wasn't about to be hung upside down like the last time he made Malleus upset. "Malleus!" Livia hugged his leg, beaming up at him. "I love my new friends!"Livia beamed. Malleus picked her up, smiling slightly. "Then I will allow them to be your personal people"Malleus smiled. "Yay! And shouldn't Talon be rewarded"Livia beamed. "Talon, you have the day off tomorrow"Malleus informs. Livia waved to Talon, smiling at him. Talon stared, his eyes wide then smiled wide, silently praising Livia for saving him from the prince's wrath. "She's a little saintess"Talon praised.

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