Chapter 6

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Livia kicked her feet, drawing on the ground in the garden, Galli and Vespin guarding her. "Livia." She looked up, spotting silver hair coming close. "Stay where you are!"Galli commands scowling at the human boy. "He's my big brother.."Livia says grabbing Galli's cloak, looking up at him, her ears flattened back. "Ah..sorry My Lady.."Galli apologizes rubbing the back of his head. She got up, beaming as she ran over to Silver. "Big brother!"Livia smiled. She hugged him, Silver resting his head on top of hers, a small smile on his face. "Hey sis.."Silver greets. She held his hand, pulling her elder brother after her. Galli and Vespin followed them, Daniel and Kit trailing behind them. Silver smiled, walking beside her, his wooden sword strapped to his side. "Have you been feeling lonely, I can come visit more often?"Silver asks. "No, it's okay! I haven't been lonely, but I want you to visit more though!"Livia responds. He patted her head, smiling down at her. "I'll visit more often then"Silver promised.

Several servants walked past and shivered, their eyes widening in fear. "Something is off with that child." "It feels like I walked past a fierce tiger!" "Lets hurry and go!" Galli glared at the servants, silencing them instantly, Vespin checking to see if Livia heard only to find her picking thornless roses. "Here, Lady Livia"Daniel smiled his blue eyes glowing, the roses turning into a flower crown. "There you go!"Daniel grinned the crown landing on Livias head. Livia took it off, handing it to Silver beaming, Daniel frowning. Silver smiled and patted her head, his eyes then darting up, looking at the sun. "Gotta go, my break is over"Silver sighed standing up. "I don't want you to go.."Livia mutters. "I'll come back tomorrow, we can spend time together then, Liv"Silver promised. "Okay.."Livia mutters looking down, fiddling with her fingers. Silver waved, walking away, the girl pouting as he left. "I'll play with you"Daniel offers. "...Okay..."Livia mutters flicking her tail.

A white haired boy laid in bed, the blanket hanging over the side. Something poked his nose, waking him. His eyes open finding a paper origami dove fluttering around his head, coming down again to poke at his nose with its paper beak. "Woah!" He beamed, sitting up, his eyes sparkling in amazement at the sight of it. He reached up to catch it, but the dove dodged his hands, playing a game of chase for a moment. He snagged it, yelping as he fell off the bed, just as a boy his age came in. "Got it though!" The white haired boy popped into view, and beamed. "Jamil!"The boy smiled. "Kalim..what"Jamil stared. Kalim unfolded the dove, looking at the writing. "I can have a pen pal!"Kalim smiled waving the paper, Jamil walking over, eyeing the piece of paper curiously. "Let's write back!"Kalim insists Jamil sighing. "I'll go get a pen and paper..."Jamil sighed walking away, Kalim flopping down on the bed, kicking his legs looking excited.

Tentacles appeared at the entrance of a pot, a octopus merman popping out of the little space, looking around before swimming out, trying to avoid any merpeople that would come by. He flinched, a little origami dove fluttering into view, poking his nose, startling the child. He stared, the dove fluttering around him, until it came back and poked his nose again, making him nearly jump out of his skin at the strange feeling. He blinked and reached to grab the dove, only for it to dart away, leading him in a game of chase. "Wait! Come back!" He grabbed it, tumbling in place for a moment, a storm of bubbles surrounding him. He blinked, and unfolded the piece of paper, looking curious. "Pen pals...people who won't know what I look like..."The boy mutters his eyes widening. He glanced away, then turned and swam home, a smile appearing on his face at the thought of having two new friends.

Livia rolled around in the grass, laughing as some of it got in her hair. "In the dirt right where you belong, dirt blood." She sat up, looking at the sandy brown haired male curiously. "Henry, maybe we shouldn't, she's being protected by Malleus!"A red haired boy protests. "Shut up, Billy, for Talon's little brother you're a coward!"Henry snapped. Billy flinched, his eyes widening in surprise, falling silent. "You're not supposed to be mean to your friends.."Livia scolds poking the boys cheek. "YOU FILTHY FORBIDDEN BRAT!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!!" Livia screamed in alarm, hitting the ground, her eyes wide as Henry snatched her hair, forcing her to her knees. "LET GO!!" "LADY LIVIA!!"Vespin cried rushing towards her. "Drop her." Sebek stood behind Henry, holding a broken wooden sword at the males back, pressing the sharp ends into the males back. Henry dropped Livia, a bit of blood coming from the top of her head as Daniel and Kit reached her. "Lady Livia"Kit says worriedly.

Livia wailed, tears falling down her cheeks as she cried. The ground shook around them, Malleus appearing a livid look on his face. "WHAT. HAPPENED??!" Henry shook, looking terrified at the sight of the angry prince. Malleus kneeled down, looking at Livia's head as Daniel healed her. He looked sharply at Henry, his eyes narrowing. "You're Owen's son..."Malleus says coldly. Sebek reached for Livia, looking concerned. Livia leaped into his arms, hiding her face from the others. "Livia.."Sebek says placing his hands on her back concerned. Henry trembled as Malleus took a step closer to him. "Leave.."Malleus orders. Henry bolted away, Billy flinching when Malleus glared down at him before running after the other male. "Come here, Livia.."Malleus orders gently. Livia held her hands out to him, letting him pick her up. "You boys can go for today, I'll take care of her..."Malleus says. "I want Sebek to come!"Livia insists. "Zigvolt, follow"Malleus beckons. Sebek hurried after him, Malleus walking away.

Lilian worriedly tended to Livia's head, finishing what Daniel had started, her glowing hand hovering over Livia's head. Sebek sat beside the silent girl, eyeing her blank expression. "Thank you for earlier, Sebek"Livia mutters. "No problem...."Sebek mumbles. "Are all people mean like him...?"Livia asks. She hadn't met many kids around her age, because her father was finicky when it came to others being around her, at times scaring others away with spells he placed on regular items. "No, not all are mean." She looked at Sebek, finding him smiling at her. "I'm not mean right?"Sebek asks. "No?"Livia blinked. He held his pinkie out to her, her eyes widening slightly. "I promise to always be your friend and protect you"Sebek smiled. She wrapped her pinkie around his, looking curious. "I promise to be your friend and to never break your heart.."Livia says. He smiled at her, a smile appearing on Livias face. "Your eyes shine brighter than stars"Sebek comments. "Thanks, yours remind me of emeralds"Livia says. Lilian giggled, looking amused.

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