Chapter 7

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Livia watched Malleus and Cynthia, her ears drooping, wondering why he disliked her so much. She had first met Malleus when she was twelve, the day she begged her father to let her out of the cottage. He was the first person she ran into and he glared at her with a look with a blaze of hatred in them. She tried almost everything to get his attention for the next three years, but his gaze was always on Cynthia, softening whenever he looked at her. "Why does he hate me.."Livia mutters. Footsteps came from behind her, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Sebek. "Livia, I'm not mad at you for declining my proposal.."Sebek says standing in front of her. He placed a hand on her cheek, bringing her closer. "No matter what, I'll still love you"Sebek mutters. He held her tight, his lips meeting hers as his grips wrapped around her waist, keeping her close.

Livia opened her eyes and yawned, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, finding that dream awkward and strange for her, since she was only four years old. "You're awake." Silver smiled at her, the two sitting in a boat with Malleus. She had fallen asleep from the quiet scene around her, which resulted in that strange dream. Something green made her perk up, turning her head to see a grasshopper there. A scream erupted from her as she leaped into a startled Malleus' arms, tears falling down her cheeks. "I DON'T LIKE THINGS THAT JUMP!!!!"Livia shrieked. The boat tipped, Malleus snatching Silver over to him as they vanished under the surface. He floated out of the water, landing on his feet sighing. "Sorry..."Livia mutters Silver chuckling. "It's okay.."Silver smiled as Malleus set them down. Warmth washed over them as the prince used a heating spell to dry their clothes. "Either of you hurt?"Malleus asks. "No"Livia answers as Silver shook his head.

Livia flopped over, Silver flopping down beside her, the two staring at the sky. "How's Mama and Papa?"Livia asks. "Father seems more stressed, he zones out during training and mother is worrying about him"Silver responds looking concerned. Livia frowned, looking worried now. "Malleus, I wanna see Mama and Papa!"Livia insists. "I can take her"Silver offers. Malleus frowned, looking hesitant but nodded. "You two be careful"Malleus orders. "We will!"Livia promised getting up. She held Silver's hand, walking after her brother, Silver gripping her hand. She looked back, finding Malleus watching them go. "Everyone will be happy to see you"Silver comments getting her attention again. "Really?"Livia blinked. "Of course, we all missed you, why would we not"Silver responds looking down at her. A scream of pain echoed from the woods, the two hurrying towards the sound startled.

Lilia stared down at a trembling child, gripping the weapon he uses to cut wood for the fireplace. "Who sent you, was it Owen.."Lilia demands. Livia ran over, holding her arms out in front of the platinum blond haired boy. "PAPA STOP IT!!"Livia cried. "Move, Livia..."Lilia orders lowly, keeping his eyes on the trembling boy. "Brother!" A black haired boy with a cobalt blue streak in his hair ran over to the trembling child, his eyes wide as he looked at Lilia. "WHAT DID THEY DO WRONG?!"Livia yells Lilia's eyes widening. He stared down at her, a trembling fifteen year old Livia appearing for a split second. "What did I do wrong?" He lowered the weapon, staring down at her. "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling too good right now"Lilia sighed touching his head. She reached up towards him, a look of concern on her face. He smiled and lowered his head, letting her touch his face. "Papa will get better right?"Livia asks. "Yeah, I'll get better"Lilia chuckled touching her hands.

Lilia looked at the two kids, noticing their ragged clothes. "Are you both hungry"Lilia asks realizing they were orphans. Silver walked over, Livia approaching the two kids. "I'm Livia, we have extra food if you guys wanna share"Livia smiled. "What's your names?" The two boys glared at her, looking nervous. "Elikai and Barin." She smiled at them, holding her hands out. "My mom makes the best food"Livia says. She grabbed their hands, smiling as she pulled them after her. Elikai stared, wondering if this girl was the same darkness everyone said would destroy their homeland. "Mama, look!"Golden calls spotting them approaching. Thea came outside, Cobra coming out behind her. "Uncle!"Livia beamed running over to him. She leaped up into his arms, Cobra smiling as he held her. "How are you?"Cobra asks. "I'm great, even though I fell into a lake"Livia responds. "LIVIA!!" She yelped, black hair filling her vision as he twin tackled her down. "Kuro!"Livia laughed hugging him.

"I missed you!"Kuro beamed. "Likewise"Livia grinned holding her twins hands. Thea approached the two orphans, smiling down at them. "You both hungry?"Thea asks. "Yes ma'am..."Elikai answers quietly. "Come with me"Cobra says startling the two boys with his appearance. He took them inside, Livia smiling as she watched her brothers spar with each other. Shadow dodged Silver's sword and leaped at him, ducking underneath his attacks and running around him, confusing his brother before pouncing on him, pinning him down. "You really are such a runt, Silver"Golden mocked. "I'm not a runt!"Silver retorts hopping to his feet, knocking Shadow off him. Livia laughed, smiling at them. "Am I late?" Malleus appeared, smiling at them. "Malleus!"Livia yells running to him, reaching up towards him. He caught her when she leaped into his arms, smiling down at her. "Having fun?"Malleus asks. "Yes I am, but is it time to go!"Livia responds.

"Night will be upon us soon, and there's somewhere I wanna take you"Malleus responds. "Here, you two have a safe trip"Thea smiled handing them a bag of tarts. "Thanks Mama!"Livia beamed hugging the bag. Malleus floated up into the air, a breeze blowing through their hair as he floated away. Livia stared, her eyes wide in amazement. She reached up, touching a cloud, Malleus smiling at her. "You have a full view up here.."Malleus comments fondly. "It's all so pretty"Livia beamed. He started floating down, landing in the town, setting her down. "Why are we here?"Livia asks faes looking at her, a few looking alarmed. "Puppies..."Malleus responds. He knocked on the door, a brown haired man appearing. "Duke Bronze"Malleus greets. Livia perked up, noticing a girl looking at her. "Malleus, and this must be Livia"Duke Bronze greets excitedly. "Florina say hello, Livia is your age!"Duke Bronze smiled. "H-Hello"Florina greets. "Hi"Livia waved.

"We're here for the last puppy"Malleus informs. "I'm so glad someone is adopting him, he was the runt of the litter but he's a good friend! Come, come inside!"Duke Bronze chuckled. Livia walked after him, Florina stepping back looking at her curiously. Bronze walked away, Malleus walking after him. "Do you like dolls?"Florina asks. "Yes!"Livia nodded. The two headed to the playroom, Florina smiling as she showed her each of the dolls. "She's pretty!"Livia gasped when Florina introduced her to one of the ginger haired dolls. Laughter came from the girls, smiling as they played with the dolls. "Would you like tea, Madam Poppy?"Florina asks. "I think she'd love some!"Livia smiled. Florina pretended to pour tea into the tea cup, Malleus peeking in, Bronze chuckling at the sight. "We should start arranging play dates for them"Duke Bronze suggests. "Ah, that would be a good idea..."Malleus mutters perking up.

"Livia." She turned, Malleus holding an English setter puppy out to her. "Here"Malleus smiled. He carefully passed the puppy to her, his expression softening when the child beamed. "I'm gonna call him Spotty!"Livia laughed the puppy licking her face. "Will you come back tomorrow?"Florina asks hopefully. "I will"Livia promised. She carried Spotty, Malleus walking after her, smiling at her happy expression. "Bye Mister Bronze, thank you for the puppy!"Livia beamed. "Of course, come back anytime! You're welcomed here whenever"Duke Bronze smiled. He waved, watching them go, his expression softening. He had heard the rumors that Lilia's biological daughter was part of the prophecy Duke received before he disappeared, but now that he has met the child up close he didn't believe that the prophecy was real. "How could such a sweet and excitable child turn evil.."Duke Bronze mutters.

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