Chapter 8

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"Malleus!" Livia ran into a room, wearing a yellow dress that had blue birds on it, a blue bird hair clip in her bun. "Livia"Malleus greets getting to his feet. She curtsey's him, Talon's eyes widening in surprise. "Did I do good!"Livia beamed looking up at him. She blinked, finding Talon crouched down behind Malleus, gripping his chest. Malleus covered his face, hiding the smile that appeared. "Lady Livia, you are the most adorable child on the face of this earth! I've never felt more blessed to see your first courtesy! This will be a story passed down my family for generations to come!!"Talon says tears of joy falling down his cheeks. "Gran Gran Malefecia taught me!"Livia smiled Malleus perking up at what she said. "Gran Gran...Malefecia?"Talon blinked. "She said I could call her that!"Livia beamed. "Even the queen loves the little lady!"Talon smiled tears threatening to fall again. "Get a grip"Malleus orders amused.

Running feet filled the garden, Livia running through her rose garden with Spotty, Malleus watching from the tea table behind her. Spotty yipped, trying to take her lollipop. "No, doggies can't have sweets!"Livia scolds holding her sweet treat away from the dog. "Come Spotty, I'll take you on a walk, her ladyship has a playdate with Lady Florina"Talon smiled picking the puppy up. Malleus got to his feet, waving his hand, a pink blanket appearing on the grass, a tea pot with tea cups and lemon tarts appearing next. Livia walked out of view, looking curious at the rustling bushes. "Hello?"Livia calls out curiously. She flinched, a black haired man peeking out from behind the bushes, dragon like purple eyes looking down at her. "Yes?" She trembled, tears threatening to fall at the aura waving off him. Her shoulders stiffened up, the man grinning down at her amused. "You interest me, so I'll give you a gift"The man beamed clasping his hands together. His eyes glowed, Livia stepping back startled. "Enjoy it little Spirit Saintess.."

She blinked, a black cougar cub staring up at her, its tail wagging. " left your pet.."Livia says looking around. She crouched down and picked the cub up, carrying it in her arms as she walked back to Malleus. "Livia!"Florina waved beaming. "OH MY GOODNESS!"Duke Bronze yelled looking startled at the sight of her holding the cub. Maleficia stared in shock, watching as Malleus snatched the cub from her, holding it by the scruff, three pairs of glowing eyes glaring at it. "I'll get rid of it"Malleus insists. "NO!! I WANT HIM!!"Livia cried. "Livia, you don't want this thing near you"Queen Maleficia says. "What is it?"Livia asks curiously. "A dark fairy took the shape of this cub.."Malleus responds. "Don't hurt it!"Livia cried when green flames surrounded Malleus' hand. "I-IF YOU HURT IT!! I'LL HATE YOU!!"Livia yells. Silence followed, Livia perking up when Malleus held the cub out to her. " careful with it"Malleus sighed.

Livia held the cub in her arms, smiling up at him. She jumped in surprise, Malleus poking her forehead. "I mean it"Malleus says. Florina gently patted the cubs head, smiling down at it. "It's so cute.."Florina beamed. "Should we start Livia's education soon?"Maleficia asks. Malleus nodded, deciding to have Livia be taught about the different elemental spirits. Livia smiled, the cub curled up in her lap as Florina poured cooled down tea into their tea cups. "Sorry we're late!"Galli calls hurrying over with Vespin behind him, Daniel and Kit walking after the two. "Let me pour this"Kit insists taking the tea pot from Florina. Livia took a bite out of her lemon tart, smiling at the taste. "These are delicious!"Florina compliments her eyes sparkling. "My mom makes the best tarts"Livia giggled. The two girls laughed, wide smiles on their faces. "Prince Malleus, we got replies to the pen pal letters!"Talon beamed hurrying over. "That's a relief, I didn't think there would be anyone compatible with Livia"Malleus sighed.

Livia coughed, her hands flying up to her mouth. She lowered her hands. staring at the glowing liquid on her hands. "What's this?"Livia stared looking confused since the last time the liquid was red. She looked up, staring at the shocked expressions of everyone around her. "Livia...I can't believe it's her, instead of lady Layla..."Talon mutters. "Livia is the Spirit Saintess"Queen Maleficia mutters. Livia fell over, Malleus reaching her first, catching the childs head before it hit the ground. "LIVIA!!"Malleus yelled holding her close. The cougar cub licked Livia's finger tips its eyes flickering from purple to yellow for a moment, Livia coughing as she opened her eyes. "Are you alright"Florina asks worriedly. "Yes.."Livia blinked looking confused. "D-Did it eat the aura that was inside her"Talon asks. The cub licked its lips, and laid down, falling asleep. "Can I be put down?"Livia asks. He gently sat her down, Maleficia touching her temples. "It did, the cub ate the out of control aura"Queen Maleficia says. "Out of control..?"Livia blinked. "You'll find out when you're a bit older!"Talon promised. "Wanna write to your pen pals?" "Yes!!"

Livia smiled, Kit pouring tea for her as the tea party continued, Malleus keeping an eye on her. "May I help you?"Daniel asks kneeling down beside her. Chills rattled down his back, his eyes darting up. Malleus stared him down, his eyes glowing protectively. "Y-Your majesty, Lady Livia is gonna fall in love one day, it mind as well be someone she grows up with"Talon says nervously, Malleus staring Daniel down. "Malleus"Queen Maleficia scolds. Malleus huffed, averting his eyes, Daniel relaxing relief showing on his face. "What will you name the cub?"Vespin asks sticking close to Livia. "I'm gonna name him Creeper!"Livia beamed. Galli laughed, covering his mouth. "That's a silly name"Galli grinned. "I find it adorable"Talon smiled. "You find anything she does adorable, Mister Talon"Vespin retorts. "I do not"Talon retorts. Talon smiled wide, gushing as Livia poured the tea into her tea cup herself. "So cute"Talon mutters.

Duke Bronze held Florina's hand, waving to them as they left when the tea party came to an end. Talon blew on the origami doves, watching them flutter away. Malleus held a sleeping Livia in his arms, his hand resting on her back. Talon held creeper in his arms, feeling nervous around the little critter. "I'll take her back"Malleus insists. "Very well"Queen Maleficia says using a bit of magic to clean up the blanket and dishes. "Bring the creature, Talon"Malleus orders walking away. Talon walked over him, flinching when Creeper yawned, keeping his guard up around the spirit creature. "Oh my what happened?" Maleficia turned, finding Layla walking over. "I sensed a dark disturbance, did Lilia's Monster cause trouble"Layla blinked. "Go home." Layla perked up, looking startled. "There was no dark disturbance, a small accident happen, and I do not wish to hear that nickname you have for her, the childs name is Livia"Queen Maleficia says walking away. Layla scowled, her eyes glowing a dark red.

Livia laid asleep in bed, Creeper sleeping curled up beside Spotty. Spotty raised his head, the doors to the balcony slowly opening. A man with dark yellow hair landed on the balcony, stalking into the room. "Cub.." Livia stirred and slowly opened her eyes, letting out a yawn. "Malleus?"Livia blinked. "No." She shot up, her eyes wide at the sight of a jaguar beastman standing there. "How did you get in?"Livia demands Spotty growling. "I mean you no harm, my name is Ambert, I'm a very old friend of your fathers, we were soldiers together until he betrayed and attacked me"The beastman smiled. "Papa doesn't attack without reason!"Livia retorts. "he attacked a defenseless child didn't he?"Ambert blinked. Livia's ears flattened back, her eyes darting away. "Keep this secret, I wish to surprise your father"Ambert smiled holding his pinkie out. "Okay..."Livia says wrapping her pinkie around his. Ambert smiled and turned away, his eyes glowing as he silently chuckled. Livia stared, watching him leave. "He's strange.."

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