Chapter 38

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Livia smiled eating breakfast with Malleus, the prince looking curious. "What's got you in a good mood?"Malleus asks worry waving off of him, remembering last nights events. "Nothing, I'm just gonna be busy for the next few days!"Livia smiled. The next few days will be filled of arrests and the children being rescued. The letter she sent to Duke Cole was a business suggestion with her and the other nobles that were taking care of the kids. Of course she did research on the names of the guardians, why wouldn't she, she wasn't that stupid so with the help of the letter sent to her along with the files Lacey brought her, she managed to pinpoint all houses, the guardians and more. "I'm going to Duke Cole's home for dinner tomorrow!"Livia beamed her eyes sparking. Malleus spit out his tea mid sip, Talon jolting in surprise his jaw dropping. "D-Dinner, outside the palace.."Talon stared looking stunned. The doors flew open, Nilo and Maleficia practically flying into the room.

"L-LIVIA TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!"Queen Maleficia says alarmed. "DINNER WITH A DUKE?!"Nilo yells fixing his appearance having rushed to throw his clothes on and come see her. "Yep, it's true!"Livia giggled Philly looking alarmed. "I-Is your guard at least coming with you!"Nilo demands worriedly. "Nope! Sebek is~"Livia beamed. "But..Livia..."Queen Maleficia stared stunned. "I trust Sebek, he'd never let anything happen to me..and...Philly needs a break, I know his pregnant wife misses him greatly"Livia says. That was partly the reason she wanted Philly to not come with her. When she found out about his wife she felt bad, since he was spending most of his time guarding her. The other half was because she didn't want him to go overboard if Duke Cole tried anything. "Besides, Galli and Vespin return today"Livia smiled. She finished her pancakes and sausages, and gently wiped her mouth with a napkin. "I shall go first!"Livia giggled.

She skipped away, Philly hurrying after her. He grabbed her arm when the doors shut behind them, looking worriedly down at her. "I..I don-"Philly starts. "You do." She smiled up at him, her expression softening. "She's close to giving birth right, the due date is tomorrow or the day after"Livia smiled. "Galli and Vespin will become my guards again, and you'll be able to live happily with your wife and child"Livia says. He stared down at her then hugged her tight, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "T-Thank you.."Philly mumbles. She patted his back, a small smile on her face as he tried to keep himself from crying. "LADY LIVIA!!" She perked up, Philly raising his head. Galli and Vespin beamed, waving to her as they rushed over. "Hey boys!"Livia laughed as they hugged her. "We're gonna be better bodyguards now! We won't fail you!"Vespin smiled. "You guys were already great bodyguards"Livia chuckled patting their heads. She narrowed her eyes at them, the two boys perking up.

"But how dare you...."Livia says. Both boys stepped back in surprise, looking curious. "HOW DARE YOU LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW HURT AND SAD I WAS!! YOU JERKFACE BRATS!!"Livia yells slapping their shoulders, chests and backs as hard as she could. "We're sorry!"Galli laughed Vespin smiling in amusement at her scolding. She glared at them both but smiled again, giggling happily. She was just glad they were back even though they left her without a single farewell. Both boys looked stronger as well, so it was no doubt they'd be the best guards ever. "Lady Livia!" Arielle waved to her, holding Pia's hand as the two walked over with Isabella following. "Hey you two!"Livia beamed hurrying over to them. She placed her hands on their cheeks, smiling down at them. "Did you two eat well? You enjoy your room?"Livia asks. "Yes, thank you!"Pia beamed. "You both are welcomed in my library as well!"Livia beamed. "Thank you!"Arielle beamed her eyes sparkling.

"Isabella, take care of them until I get back"Livia says. Isabella bowed her head in response, Livia patting Arielle's and Pia's heads before walking away, Philly following her. She waved to Galli and Vespin, the two boys beaming as they waved back to her. She had to prepare for tomorrow, get in and out with Theo and in the process make sure Cole pays for what he's done. "Philly, I wanna get a gift for those girls, wanna head to the village with me!"Livia beamed. She perked up, and beamed, hurrying down the hallway. "CHRISSY!"Livia beamed hugging her tight. "Livia! Hey!"Chrissy beamed. The two girls hugged, giggling happily. "Wanna join me! I'm going down to the village to get a gift!"Livia beamed. "Yes, I'd love to!"Chrissy nodded. The two girls grinned cheekily at Philly, startling the man. "Philly you might have a daughter, and she'd wanna play make over!"Livia beamed. "Yeah, let's help you practice~~"Chrissy says looking cheekily at the frightened man.

Nilo stood with Seon, mixing poisons together. "Let's try this.."Seon suggests. He poured it on the summoning circle that Nilo drew on the desk, flinching when smoke filled the room. Nilo waved his hand, water cooling the ground. "Not it.."Seon sighed shaking his head. Edric looked at the poisons, then waved his hand over one of the vials, causing it to turn hot pink. "Try this one"Edric says pointing to the vial. Nilo glared at him, not liking the male still but he grabbed the vial. He poured it into the summoning circle, a glow coming from it as the poison removed it from the ground. "W-we did it!"Seon smiled. "She doesn't have to marry Basen!" Nilo started to shake his head, the boy looking at him in confusion mixed with alarm. "He can place it back on her, we need more than this to free her from his grasp..."Nilo comments looking regretful. Seon bit his lip, looking worried. He suddenly perked up, and looked at the man. "Let me speak to the Poison Spirit Fairies..."Seon insists shocking Edric and Nilo

Philly stood in the waiting room, bows and necklaces decorating him. Livia and Chrissy laughed pounding their fists on the floor at the sight of his expression, wide smiles on their faces. "YOU LOOK GREAT! LADY PHILLY!!"Chrissy cried laughing as she hugged her stomach. "Very great! Pretty necklace!!"Livia laughed. Philly stared at Livia and smiled slightly, watching her laugh freely without stressing about the queens necklace and whatever else had been worrying her. "You three look like you're having fun." Livia looked as Ambert walked over, then looked at Chrissy and Philly noticing they were both looking at Ambert who must be disguised as Sammy to wander around freely. "Mister S-Sammy!"Livia greets beaming at him. Ambert chuckled, looking amused. "I got you a gift yesterday, seeing you guy gifts for others touched my heart little lady"Ambert says. He held out a glass bat that was midflight, her eyes widening at the item in amazement. "I've never seen a glass statue before!"Chrissy mutters astounded.

Livia reached to take the glass bat statue but Ambert suddenly moved his hand to the left, the fear and worry that waved off of him making her perk up. She reached for the statue again but he moved his hand below hers, dodging her hands again. "Sammy?"Chrissy blinked. Livia stared finding this VERY strange since everyone usually handed her things without dodging her hand like this. She reached for it again but Ambert's eyes widened in horror. "YOU DIDN'T!"Ambert yells his arm shooting up into the air. "Uhh..."Livia stared startled. Ambert perked up, staring down at her remembering she was here. He glanced up, noticing the killing curse on the statue and quickly removed it, pursing his lips together. ""Ambert sighed hope waving off him as he handed her the item. "It's so pretty, thank you!"Livia beamed. Philly nodded thanks to the man, Chrissy helping him remove the jewelry and bows. "Let's finish our shopping spree okay"Livia suggests. Philly and Chrissy nodded, Ambert smiling slightly.

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