Chapter 39

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Arielle and Pia beamed at the gifts Livia brought to them, looking amazed. "Thank you!"Pia beamed holding the fantasy book in hand. "I love this!"Arielle smiled holding a snowglobe. "So glad you girls enjoy them!"Livia giggled patting their heads. "How have they been while I was away, Isabella?"Livia asks. "They were little angels, listened well to everything I said"Isabella smiled. Livia nodded, and patted the two girls heads again. "I have some business to take care of, I'll be right back, we can all sleep together in my room!"Livia chuckles. "Okay!"Pia nods. Livia stood up, waved to them and walked out of the room. Philly walked after her, the two heading down the hall. She hummed, brushing some hair over her shoulder. "Oh did you send a messenger crow to Sebek to meet me tomorrow?"Livia asks. "Yes.."Philly mutters. She smiled at him, glad to have someone like Philly who genuinely follows her and never questions her actions, even though some were questionable.

"Thanks"Livia says entering her private room where she goes to relax. She grabbed a book on Elemental Spirit's, flipping to the high ranked page. "Can you tell the kitchen to send up some peach tea and lemon tarts, please"Livia asks. "Oh! And please bring me that book I left in Aural's room!" Philly bowed his head and walked away, Livia flipping through the book. It was strange, the person she saw in the mirror and the dream that man gave her, they seemed to live a more comfortable life than she was living as if they didn't have to grow up surrounded by fear and hatred of other people and instead were accepted. "I'm overthinking this!"Livia sighed. "Overthinking what Lady Darkness?" Livia looked up, finding a smirking maid standing there with the peach tea and tarts. Livia stared her down, watching as she set down the trey. "It's a shame the queen and prince can't see that you are very much so the evil that'll kill us." Livia looked back down at her book, deciding to allow the maid to ramble before she replied back.

"Had I been your parent you'd have been thrown head first off the tallest tower I could find." Livia hummed in response, turning to the next page. "You don't belong here, you disgusting filthy little monster, not here or anywhere in twisted wonderland"The maid went on looking down at her. Livia closed her book and set it aside. "I've heard this before from other maids who got punished not too long after that"Livia comments getting to her feet. She grabbed her tea cup and took a sip of the peach tea. She set the now empty cup down and looked at the maid. "You know my father told me tho never get down on my knees and cry but to get revenge on those who wronged or insult me and my existence"Livia went on. She removed the top from the tea pot, the maid staring at her. "Wh-what are you doing?!" A splash filled the air, Livia smiling as peach tea soaked her hair and dress. "Being a disgusting filthy little monster"Livia smiled. She knocked the tea cups off the table and dropped the tea pot.

"Malleus, her ladyship is-"Talon starts. A shriek pierced the halls, the two freezing before rushing down the hallway alarmed. Malleus threw the door to Livia's private room open, Livia sitting on her knees looking disbelieving. "I-I only offered you some of my tea!"Livia cried rubbing her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks. "There was no need for you to get angry with me!" Livia sobbed, covering her face, her ears flattened back. Maids muttered outside the room, a few guards narrowing their eyes at the shocked maid. "Talon"Malleus mutters narrowing his eyes. Talon grabbed the maid, dragging the protesting woman away. "All of you leave"Malleus commands causing the castle workers to continue on their way. Malleus walked over to Livia and dropped down to one knee. His hand patted her head, giving her a small smile. "Good acting, Beastie, I'm impressed"Malleus smiled. Livia giggled and beamed up at him, moving some of her wet hair from over her eyes. "I learned from the best, Mal Mal!!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling. 

Duke laid asleep, trying to take up as little space as possible, since the walls were poking his backside. "Duke." He opened his eyes, Bronze landing on his leg. "Forgive me, I couldn't find a cure for your curse"Duke Bronze sighed. "Pfft! Don't worry, I don't really fear dying anymore, I mean I got to know about my niece and her accomplishments, I'm pleased with just that even though I still know so little about her"Duke chuckled. "Well, there's been talks in the town about a possible arranged marriage between Livia and Sebek"Duke Bronze informs sitting down. "Oh, I know about that but those two won't end up together until they're both reborn a few times, almost at the same time"Duke says. "What?"Duke Bronze stared. "Let me put it this way, Livia is on her third life, Sebek is on his second"Duke grinned. Bronze stayed silent, looking alarmed. "How.."Duke Bronze stared. "They're Star-Crossed lovers, they're not meant to be together, Livia is gonna end up marrying some guy named Jack Howl and have kids"Duke explains.

"Then after she dies and gets reborn in her fourth life, she finds Jack again and for the next six rebirths those two always find each other and Sebek gets heart broken in each lifetime"Duke explains. "Only in the seventh or eighth life does he finally get to love her"Duke finishes. "How do you know all this, not even Aural or the previous prophets know this.."Duke Bronze demands alarmed. "Bronze, I have the strongest and most powerful prophet gift that hasn't been seen even when Twisted Wonderland came to be, don't doubt me"Duke huffed. "I'm not, I just feel bad for Sebek, I can tell how deep in love that boy is with Lady Livia, rumor has it he shouted at Lord Spencer and his son about something that Livia needed"Duke Bronze says. Duke nodded, also feeling bad for the kid. All the paths he checked that had Sebek in them, the boy had been doing his best to help Livia and protect her from harm that came her way. Sebek was loyal to Malleus but his heart belonged to Livia.

"Anyway! What do I owe the pleasure of your visit"Duke says deciding not to dwell on it for too long or else he'd do something he would come to regret. "Livia has been quite busy lately, she's barely come down to the town, people are worried about her..."Duke Bronze explains looking quite worried himself. Duke snorted out a small plume of fire, looking thoughtful. He had heard her stressful thoughts but he was still so far away and his magic was weak because of these shackles, so he couldn't rummage around in his niece's head. Not that he wanted to! It just worried him because he wanted to make sure there wasn't anything terrible going on. "Not to mention rumors from the castle reached the town, she's gonna have dinner with Duke Cole for some reason...."Duke Bronze went on. Duke looked sharply at Bronze, his eyes wide in alarm. "SHE'S WHAT!!!!" Bronze shielded his head, fire bursting from Duke's mouth, scorching the moss along the wall, shocked to see him so furious.

Seon walked through the woods, and sighed relaxing his body. "Poison Spirits! I need to speak with you!"Seon yells. Something splattered against his cheek, a searing pain jolting through his body. "You Snake Faes are not welcomed!" He quickly rubbed the acid poison off, relieved it didn't eat his skin which meant he was facing low grade spirits. "I need help!"Seon yells. He dodged more acid to the face, but it landed on his clothes, eating away at the fabric. "My friend-" He dodged more acid, his eyes wide as the acid ate away at his sleeve. "-she needs help!" He stepped back as the acid stopped coming, lavender blue fairies appearing, glaring at him. "We can sense the aura around you! You know where our Saintess is!" "SPEAK! OUTSIDER!" Seon covered his ears, shouting filling the air around him. "Enough." He looked up, a man with long lavender blue hair reaching down to his waist came forward, looking down at Seon. "Speak or leave"The Poison Lord commanded.

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