Quick Announcement

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Okay as some of you all know, Season 1 is over, me and my friends are currently working on Season 2 in which a lot of bull crap is gonna be happening at that time with our female lead, each of Livia's male leads will have their own chance to shine, but since Sebek is the main male lead there will be more scenes with him and her, like special moments and them working together.

Me and the Gang wanna have Season 2 out by the middle of next month ish or maybe the month after, during my break from Wattpad we already have five to six chapters for Season 2 prepared, but me and my friends currently live far from each other so sometimes there won't be any chapters for at least two to three days when the new season arrives.

The one thing I do know is that the second season will be out very soon, and I wanna thank you guys for sticking with me and my friends.

We thank and cherish you readers, greatly.

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