Season 2 chapter spoilers(Last one before the season returns)

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Livia laid in bed wearing her nightgown and sighed, looking worried, feeling as if something was wrong with how quiet things were tonight. She got out of bed and walked to her mirror but froze, looking shocked at the sight in front of her. A girl with long white hair reaching just past her waist stood there with an equally shocked expression, magenta eyes staring back into her blue eyes. A scream erupted from Livia, the girl tripping over herself and falling over. "LIVIA!" Malleus bursted in, his eyes wide. "Livia what's the matter"Nilo demands hurrying in, holding a vial of something. Maleficia came in behind him, looking alarmed. "THE MIRROR! THERE'S SOMEONE IN MY MIRROR!"Livia yells pointing at the mirror. Malleus looked at the mirror, looking confused. "Liv, there's nobody..."Nilo says eyeing the glass. "I-I swear there was someone there! She had white hair and magenta eyes!"Livia says gripping Malleus' sleeve's. "White hair and magenta eyes..."Queen Maleficia stared stunned. "I'll take this mirror and see what Aural can find within it..."Nilo says pocketing the vial.

"Sh-she looked like a human ghost.."Livia mutters her body trembling. "It's alright...we'll find out what's with the mirror...we'll get you a new one for right now"Queen Maleficia says. "Okay"Livia mutters looking nervous. Nilo carried the mirror out, floating the item after him. Malleus picked her up, laying her back down into her bed. "I'll be right across from you.."Malleus reminds tucking her in. She nodded, gripping her blanket. Maleficia pressed a kiss to her forehead, and walked out after Malleus. Livia pulled the blanket up more as the door closed, wondering who that was in her mirror. A similar thing happened when she was younger, she had saw a strange wolf beastman boy in her mirror not too long after she had been brought home. Yet, he hadn't looked similar to her like the one in the mirror had been. "Sleep." She turned over, her eyes wide finding a hooded figure there, her eyes widening. He reached out, placing a hand over her eyes, causing her to fall asleep before she could yell for help.

The sound of wailing filled the air, Lilia smiling down at a newborn baby with magenta eyes and short white hair. "Hello Livia..aren't you a strange child"Lilia chuckled Thea smiling at her husband in amusement. "You look nothing like me and your mother, but you're still our baby, no matter how you look"Lilia grinned. "She's been blessed Lilia"Thea giggled. Lilia looked at her curiously, Thea chuckling. "Babies born with white hair in my family have been blessed by my ancestor, I never found out her name but you'll know your baby has been blessed with a guardian angel if they're born with white hair"Thea explains. "My mother was blessed and she let me meet her guardian angel, their name was Kelsia"Thea smiled. Lilia smiled wide and looked down at the sniffling baby. "You've been blessed, little have your very own guardian angel.."Lilia smiled. Livia yawned, falling asleep, Kuro curled up beside her, his tiny wings spread out. "A blessed daughter.."Lilia smiled his expression softening.

Livia gasped and shot up, almost tossing the blanket off herself. She stared, noticing the sun was up, and that there were files on her desk where she'd work on her homework and study. She stepped out of bed, walking over. She opened the first file, looking surprised and smiled. "Lacey, I don't know how you did this!"Livia beamed. Her smile faded, recalling the dream she had. It was strange. That man must've made that dream up right? Why would she want to have white hair and magenta eyes..she likes her appearance. Long black hair, sparkling blue eyes and a cute face that everyone loves to squish between their hands, why would she want to look like someone else. A completely different person than what she was now. "Lady Livia, this letter came for you!" Lilian walked in and perked up surprised to see her awake. "What's the letter?"Livia asks hoping it was what she thought it was. "A letter from Duke Cole"Lilian responds still surprised to see her awake.

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