Asleep Jack and Just Me and Mark part 2

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Author Note: Hello guys, If you have not been on my profile I have been sick for about two days now and I have been sleeping a lot but by the time I publish it I will be back to my honkie dori self again. *me giving a thumbs up* And I will continue writing so I hope you guys like this chapter. I JUST COUGHED ALL OVER MY PHONE GOOD GOD!
Buh by Maddie.

I had no idea what he meant so I asked. He told me we needed to make a video because his fan base would go bonkers if he did not tell them. Now on the outside I was acting cool but on the inside I had butterflies and I was going crazy. I smiled at him.

"Sure, lets do it", I replied.

"Great", Mark said. He lead me back in to his recording room and got everything ready than he looked at me.

"Are you ready?", Mark asked.

"yep", I replied.

Mark turned on his camera than said "Hello everybody I have something big to tell you that involves this girl right here, say hi Maddie",. I waved at the camera and said hello.

"This is going to surprise all of you but about two days ago I made the life changing decision to adopt so I found some people who were so kind enough to help me find Maddie who I am so glad to call my daughter, Me and her will be also going to comic con so I hope to see a lot of you guys there, and as always I will see you in the next video, buh bye", Mark said switching the recording off. "Now that that is done what should we do?",.

"I don't know what do you want to do", I said back.

"How about you ask me a question about me and I answer and vise versa", Mark said.

"Okay, what is your favorite color?", I asked.

"Green, what is your favorite animal?", Mark asked.

"Lion, favorite game?",.

"Earth Bound, favorite season?",.

"Summer, what is your favorite Mac and cheese", I ask.
"Kraft mac and cheese, and now I don't know what to ask you", Mark said flooding his hair. "Oh, I got a idea you want to go to the beach?",.
"You have a beach around here?", I asked in awe.
"Heck yea, were in California", Mark said.
"Okay, sure when do you want to do?", I asked with a smile.
"Right now ya goof", Mark said.
"Okay let me go get ready be right back", I said jumping up from the chair and running up to my room opening my dresser and getting out my bathing suit. It was green and blue and was pretty cute if you asked me. After I got my bathing suit on I ahi stead my glasses and went down stairs to ask Mark if I could borrow a beach towel. Mark was standing in the middle of the living room wearing his Warfstach truck shorts and was on his phone. He looked up for his phone and smiled.
"You ready yet, Maddie?", He asked.
"Yea, but I just needed to ask if I could borrow a towel", I asked.
"Yea sure catch", Mark said walking over to the dining room table and grabbing a towel and tossing me a blue towel. "If you don't mind would you like me to ask Cinnamon Toast Ken come with us and I could maybe ask Toby Turner to come as well?",.

This past 3 or two day has been the best days of my life now this.
"Sure, I mean anytime any of your friends come over I am up for it", I said giggling.
"Great, now that you say that because we are meeting at Toby's house and going in his Jeep", Mark said putting his phone in his truck pocket. He walked over and grabbed a beach bag and pulled out some sun glasses and handed me a pair of blue pair of sunglasses.
"Thanks...Dad", I said blushing.
"Your welcome... Daughter", Mark said giggling. 
We walked out of his apartment then out in to the parking lot and in to his car. Mark putdown the windows and I took off my glasses and put on my sun glasses. This was awesome Mark put on the radio and  cranked it up. We were driving in style!
Me and Mark started lip sinking to the songs. Some of the songs were Dark Horse by Katty Perry, Shut up and Dance with Me by Walk the Moon, and Bad Blood by Taylor Swift. Mark made a sharp right turn causing me to hit my head on the car door pulling in to the drive way. Mark turned down the music and asked "You okay?",.
"Yea, I'm fine at least for now", I said. We started to laugh.
"Come on, Toby will love to meet you", Mark said. We claimed out of Marks car and we walked up to apparently Toby Turners front door. Mark pointed at the door bell "Will you please do the honors?",.
"I sure will my kind sir", I replied. I pressed the door bell and immediately heard a dog barking. Then I heard a voice who I beloved to be Toby yelling at the door. The door opened to reveal Toby wearing green trunks and green sunglasses.
"Hello Mark, come on in we are waiting for Ken, you must be Maddie, Marks daughter, my name is Toby but you probably already know that", Toby said opening the door wide and guiding us in.
"Hi Toby, yes I know a lot about you I am a big fan", I replied.
"Great, than you must know Gryphon", Toby said. "Gryphon, come here",. A little dog came running out and directly to me.
"Hi Gryphon, how are you boy?", I cooed. Then the door bell rang.
"That must be Ken I got it", Mark said running to the door. I looked at Toby who was smiling.
"So how has your day been, Maddie?", Toby asked when Mark went to get the door.
"Great, but Marks friends left this morning but now that we are going to the beach it is going to get pretty good", I said.
Mark came parading in with Ken. He was wearing black glasses and trucks that read"Stay Toasty My Friends"
I got up and stopped petting Gryphon and introduced myself to Ken "Hi I am Madison but you can call me Maddie",.
I stuck my hand out but instead Ken grabbed me in to a hug.
"Sorry, Maddie I am more of a hugger not hand shaker and I am Ken", Ken said.
"I know..can't breath",I said gasping for air.
"Oops, sorry", Ken said letting go. The guys started laughing.
"Now guys now that we are all here let's get to that beach", Toby said.
"Yea!", We all shouted.

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