BEACH! And Tears!

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We all ran out in to the drive was and scrabbled in to Toby's jeep. This car was so awesome!
It was the color green and had in big letters "TOBUSCUS".
"Wow, this is cool Toby", I said.
"Yes it is little kiddy, yes it is", Toby said smiling. I was in the back sitting with Mark and Toby was driving with Ken next to him.
"Mark do you mind if we go pick up Steven my associate", Toby asked. "He lives about 2 blocks from the beach",.
"Sure take your time", Mark replied. "Stupid", Mark mumbled underneath a sigh.
"I heard that, Mark", Toby said. "But I forgive you",.

Mark crossed his arms and made a fake angry look on his face.

"Lets get going", Toby said slamming his foot on to the gas pedal. I grabbed on to the car door handle.

"Holy Heck, Toby this is not a video game", Ken said.

"Yes, it is my life is like a video game", Toby said.

"Come Toby just chill out on the speed and don't die today", Mark said brushing the sweat of surprise from his brow.

"Okay fine but no promises, Markimoo", Toby said. Then he started to drive down the road normally. Like Mark, Toby put the windows down and I stuck my head out of the window and saw people on the side walk wave at us and I waved back and I still had my sunglasses on. On Marks side of the car or over on the side walk I saw Mark waving to people with a smile. Toby cranked up the radio and it turned in to a complete dance party. The wind blew through my hair and I was smiling big. Toby made a turn and turned down the radio as he pulled up to a nice house. A guy also with glasses ran out and jumped in to the back with me and Mark.
"Hello Steven, you should know Mark and Ken and that little lady is Maddie Marks daughter", Toby said pointing to each of us.
"Hi, nice to meet you again Ken and Mark and hello Maddie", Steven said shaking my hand.
"You too", I said.
"Now let's get our beach on", Toby said.
"Yay", we all cheered. Wow Stevan's house was actually 2 blocks from the beach, Toby just took two turns and then a salty smell shot me in the face. Toby pulled up on the side of the carb.
There was a stone path along side some sand. We all jumped out of the car with our towels and   
bags ready to hit the water. I was the first on the path.
"Come on last one there is a beached whale", I said.
"Right behind ya", Mark said.
Every one ran behind me as I followed the path then I came to a clearing.
"Oh my god..", I said with my mouth wide open. The beach was empty and it looked like a tropical get away. Mark ran in front of me.
"Come on, beached whale", Mark said. I giggled then followed him to a nice stop to set up and close to the water.
Mark dropped the beach bag and layed out his towel I did the same. I took off my glasses then jumped in to the water. It felt so nice. Mark jumped in and Toby, Ken, and Steven did the same.
I started splashing Mark and he splashed back. Toby started a war with me by splashing me in the back of the head. I splashed back then we swam around. Mark had brought some goggles but they were to small for him so he gave them to me.
I put then on and went underneath the water and found so cool sea shells. One was a blueish color with a silver streak on the side I also found a pink one but I gave that to Mark. I found lots of other shells as well. I carried my shells up to where we had our towels. I sat down on my towel and played with the shells wishing that my parents could see this. I know my mom would go nuts over the ocean view and would have her camera out probably taking lots of photos.
Mark came out of the water with a weird look on his face.
"What is wrong, Dad?", I asked with a smile.
"The ocean is what's wrong, I hate it", Mark said sitting on his blanket next to me.
"Then why did we even come", I asked.
"Because I did not want to let you down", Mark said.
"Thanks ", I said.
"No problem", Mark said.
I put my glasses back on because I could bearly see anything. I sat with Mark and we began to build a sand castle. Ken and Toby began to help with Steven towing behind. We built a pretty cool castle.
"Hey are any of you guys hungry?", Ken asked.
"I could eat how about you guys", I asked.
"Yea", everyone replied.
"Me, and Steven and if Ken wants to come we can go get lunch and bring it back here", Toby's said.
"Sounds good", Mark said.
"K we will be back Mark can you text me what you and Maddie want", Toby asks.
"Okay", Mark said. The three of them left leaving me and Mark. Mark pulled out his phone to text Toby.
"I would like a steak and cheese", I said.
"Sure thing", Mark said.
"Mark?", I asked.
"Yea", Mark said looking up from his phone.
"Um.. Ever since I watched your videos I have noticed that I constantly run my hand through my hair", I said.
"I have noticed you doing that", Mark said smiling.
His phone then started to ring.
"Hello?", Mark said in to the phone. "Yes this is him. Oh.....oh my God....holy crap... Is he okay?....oh my god... I will try to get up there, okay thank you",.
Mark hung up the phone and he starred at his phone in his hands I  saw a drip hit the phone.
"Mark?", I asked getting worried. Mark looked up his face red and tears rolling down his face.
"Oh my god, Mark what happened", I asked.
"Ja....Jack..... Got in to a ..... Car wreck... And is severely hurt", Mark stuttered.
"Oh god Mark.. No.. Jack can't..", I said in shock. I began to cry. Flashes of Jacks face ran through my mind. I jumped on to Mark in a bear hug.
I felt his tears hit my shoulder. Holy Crap Jack is hurt!
"Maddie, he has no one in Ireland for him except a few friends and his parents and I think we need to be there", Mark said with tears coming out of his eyes.
"I agree", I replied. This deem now turned in to a nightmare fast!

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