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I let go of Mark and look out in to the ocean my face still red and wet I cried harder.
"No..He can't be hurt..", I sobbed.
I put my head in to my hands. This was the worst!
"I know", Mark said. "I won't let him go",. I looked at him and he too was staining off in to the ocean the sun hit his face to cause him to become super red. Mark sobbed to him self.
"Mark can I call Toby?", I asked.
"Yea, just stay calm and don't tell him just ask if you can talk Ken he knows Jack more than Toby", Mark instructed under tears.
I went through Marks phone and called Toby. I put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?", Toby's voice said.
"Hey, Toby can I talk to Ken", I asked.
"Yea here he is", Toby's voice said.
"Hello?", Kens voice said.
"Ken...I got some bad news", I said my voice began to tremble.
"What is it?", Kens voice ask.
"Jack got in to a car wreck and is seriously hurt", I said blurting out in hot tears.
"Maddie.. If your pulling a prank it's not funny!", Kens voice said getting serious.
"Do I sound like I am joking? GOD Ken come on, fine don't take it seriously",I yelled in to the phone.
I handed it to Mark then I ran. Yes, I just got up and dashed away. I can't handle people not thinking that I am serious with serious topics. I heard Mark call my name but I did not turn back. I kept running I ran back to the stone pack that lead to Toby's car. I did not walk the full path because I just wanted to climb a tree. I had done it before at my last foster home when I had a nightmare. I felt better when I climbed things. I found this tree that looked sturdy and good for climbing. I climbed up and I sat on a branch and started bawling. I had to let it out. If I lost Jack I don't know what I'd do. Jack was not only my fake uncle but he was my friend. Jack, Bob, and Wade, and Mark were family and losing Jack could be like losing family.
I heard movement underneath the tree I wiped away some tears and looked down. I saw Toby, Steven, and Ken looking up the tree.
"Maddie..I am sorry I did not take you seriously but Mark told me and I am about as worried as you are", Ken called up the tree. "Now come down here Mark is trying to find you",.
I started to climb down taking deep breaths.
I got to the bottom and Ken grabbed my in to a hug. I squeezed back crying. He picked me up and carried me back out to the beach where Mark was. Mark grabbed me out of Kens hands and held me.
"Hey guys I know this is a bad time but I brought lunch", Toby said shaking a Subway bag.
The three of us turned to him. Mark looked like he was about to kill Toby , I could not blame him but I still liked Toby.
We all sat down on the beach towels and I began to eat my steak and cheese sub. STRESS EATING!
Authors Note: hello guys, I am better and not sick anymore!
Yay! And I think I almost started crying my self writing this. Have a great night of the feels!:(
Maddie *sniffle*

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