chapter 9

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Hello everyone! I am back with new update hope you all will like it. 

Next morning,

Today Arora's and Rajput's were going to meet again to find the auspicious dates for marriage functions and finalize the dates. Priyanshi and Reyansh were getting ready and after last night conversation they both were feeling a little shy and little excited to meet each other because they have also confessed about their attraction towards each other. As they both know that the other one likes them then they wanted to get ready in best way possible resulting in the delay of meet of both the families. 

After few hours finally Arora's reached Rajput mansion and were welcomed warmly whereas when Reyansh and Priyanshi's eyes met each other they both got lost into them and their eye contact was broken by some throat clearing sounds which were created by non-other than the younger clan. 

"Yeah, jo aap log itna match kar rahe ho yeah coincidence hain ya phir ..." spoke Ragini with a mischievous smile playing on her face while Priyanshi and Reyansh blushed at the statement but soon Reyansh covered it with his all-time poker face and passed a glare to Ragini which was royally ignored by her.

(Priyanshi's look)

(Reyansh's look)

Everyone settled themselves in living room and were soon joined by a priest called by Rajput family. The priest soon started studying horoscopes and everyone were gazing at him as if he is going to give them the most precious thing of world. 

Soon the priest completed his readings and then looked at them and said "Mr. Rajput, Mr. Arora there are two auspicious dates for marriage one is after 5 days and other one is after 5 weeks. Now you all can decide which date is more suitable to you and accordingly inform me so that I can get necessary materials required for the wedding." and Priest left the mansion with it.

Now only Arora's and Rajput's were settled in living room when Reyansh thought to break the silence "I guess the date after 5 days would be best as currently, I don't have any important meetings lined up, but I am not sure about the date after 5 weeks, so in my opinion we should finalize the date after 5 days, but the last decision is in hands of Priyanshi." 

Everyone now turned their attention towards Priyanshi and seeing so many gazes at her all at once she got nervous but then she took a deep breath and decided to speak "I also agree with Reyansh because for next one week there is no surgery lined up for me so there won't be any problem for me in applying for leaves."

So, it's decided then that wedding will take place after 5 days and since there are only 5 days the weeding functions will start from day after tomorrow with Reyansh's and Priyanshi's engagement ceremony" spoke Prithvi in his authoritative tone and everyone agreed to it. 

Now it was decided that that the entire Rajput family excluding Kanak and Kunal as Kanak was still weak due to her delivery and Kunal can't leave her alone so they both decided to stay back, and the entire Arora family decided to go for shopping as there was only one day, and many things were required to be done.

Soon everyone reached VR mall and as these two families were most powerful families of the state the entire mall was booked under their name only and for the entire day except the staff of the mall no one was allowed to enter even around/near the 10km radius of the mall. They all entered the mall and as it was lunch time, they all first went to food court to have lunch and later on they moved to the KS bridal showroom for seeing the dresses of Priyanshi. 

After around two hours finally all the dresses for Priyanshi were finalized and now it was time for Reyansh's shopping and Reyansh decided that he will match the color of all his outfits with that of Priyanshi's. 

As soon as the outfits were finalized, they gave all the outfits for fitting, Elders then moved forward with their shopping whereas Reyansh and Priyanshi decided to decide their engagement rings as well as Reyansh wanted to purchase Priyanshi's other wedding jewelries with her only so they both decided to go alone for their jewelries shopping. 

They went to jeweler's shop to decide for wedding ring and were welcomed by the owner of the shop. "I want the best rings for my wife and after putting up the rings for choice I want complete privacy with my wife. Except the one who is going to make the final ring I want everyone out of the shop." spoke Reyansh with a poker face and hard tone which made everyone shiver, for a second even Priyanshi felt chills running down her spine.

soon all the best rings of the shop were presented Infront of Reyansh and Priyanshi, the entire staff of the shop left except the owner as he was going to personally handle their bills. After juggling a lot between their thoughts finally they decided upon two rings which screamed elegance and richness. 

(Ring decided for Priyanshi)

(Ring decided for Reyansh)

After completing the bills, they move further to bangle shops to get matching bangles for Priyanshi for her all-functions outfit. Then they purchased everything for her jewelries starting from bangles, necklace to her anklets. 

The entire day was over, and they were able to mange to complete through all the shopping as they successfully divided the work among groups. Now it was night-time, and everyone decided to retire quickly to their beds as tomorrow's day was the only day left for completing all the remaining preparation as well as the distribution of cards was also going to be done tomorrow itself. Although as they are royals the entire city was invited for the marriage still it was their duty to personally give cards to some of their family members as well as business associates. 

Priyanshi and Reyansh were excited yet nervous as after one day they will get linked to each other for their entire lifetime. Their lives were now going to take a new turn and their lives were going to get connected together, these thoughts itself were giving them butterflies in their stomach and they both slept thinking about each other. 

That's it for today's update I hope you all like it. 

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will meet you all soon with new update. Till then keep voting and commenting.

Word count: 1300 words

update published: 16 May 2024

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